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Portfolio Instructions, WRTC 103

Value of assignment = 50 points/major grade

Deadline for submission: due on Canvas according to the exam schedule for your
• Section 32: Portfolio due on Canvas on Wed., May 2, by 10:00 AM
• Section 33: Portfolio due on Canvas on Mon., April 30, by 10:00 AM
• Section 7: Portfolio due on Canvas on Mon., April 30, by 3:00 PM
What to include in your final WRTC 103 portfolio—in this order:
1. Autoethnography final essay + “Selfie”
2. Rhetorical analysis final essay + PSA + Visual Reflection
3. “Line of Inquiry” final essay
4. Position paper web page URL for Weebly site
5. Self-Reflection—Write a first-person point-of-view, informal piece of 200-300-
word reflection answering all of these questions:
a. How have you developed as a writer this semester? (What have you
learned or what skills have you gained?
b. What lessons about writing can you apply to your other classes?
c. What strategies have you used to overcome some of the challenges of
writing this semester?
d. What are your strengths in writing?
e. In what areas do you need to continue to develop as a writer?

What each assignment must contain: For each item you place in your portfolio, you
must include the title/type of assignment (autoethnography, selfie, rhetorical analysis,
PSA, visual reflection, line of inquiry, position paper/webpage), and self-reflection.

How your portfolio will be graded:

A+/50 pts.: correct organization, neat and readable content, complete data/the “5”
required assignments included
B-/40 pts.: somewhat disorganized and has incomplete data—only contains 4 complete
assignments and/or partial contents of the other assignment OR contains most of the
“5” assignments but omits the self-reflection piece
D-/30 pts.: clearly disorganized, unfinished portfolio with only 3 complete assignments
and/or partial contents of the other assignments
F/20 pts.: fragmented portfolio with no more than 2 complete assignments
F/10 pts.: approaching non-credit—portfolio has no more than 1 complete assignment
0: non-credit—portfolio lacks even 1 complete assignment

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