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Matthews not believing Castro's confession of Marxist faith in the New York Herald
Tribune, December 7, 1961.

CIA officer visiting Castro At Sierra Maestra in Mario Lazo, Dagger in the Heart.
New York:Twin Circle, 248.

Gen. Cabell's testifying before Senate Sub-Committee in Earl E. T. Smith, The

Fourth Floor. New York: Random House, 1962, 34-35.

Castro not interested in girls in Ray Brennan, Castro, Cuba and Justice . New York:
Doubleday, 1959, 43.

Raúl's China roja nickname in Los amos de Cuba . Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1982, 40.

Bethel on men attracted by Castro's virile image in The Losers , New Rochelle, New
York: Arlington House, 1969, 31.

Arenas on machos-machos and machos-hembras in Necesidad de Libertad, Mexico,

D.F.: Kosmos, 1986, 218.

Castro conquering Ché Guevara in Carlos Alberto Montaner, Fidel Castro y la

revolución cubana , Madrid: Playor, 1983, 26.

Debray falling under Fidel's virile seduction in Carlos Alberto Montaner, op. cit., 26.

References to Fidel's nickname in Mario Lazo, Dagger in the Heart . New York:
Twin Circle, 1968, 115.

Also in Franco, The Morning After. 80, and elsewhere.

Nickname "crazy Fidel" in Carlos Franqui, ida, aventuras y desastres de un hombre

llamado Castro . Barcelona: Planeta, 1988, 35.

References to logorrhea syndrome, reaction to hearing the word "bastard," and

bicycle crash in Victor Franco, The Morning After . New York: Praeger, 1963, 78-

Raúl's anecdote of Fidel at Isle of Pines prison in Tad Szulc, Fidel, a Critical
Portrait . New York, William Morrow, 1986, 35.

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