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My machine Learning Series: The Intro

Machine learning is one of the exciting field of computer science that I have grown an interest lately. As a
Computer Engineering student I have accustomed to be introduce to different cool technologies of yesterdays and
the future (such as self-driving cars).

Online site such as coursera and Udacity provides reliable and abundant source of basic and fundamentals on
machine learning and so I have enrolled on this site (coursera has a specialization course and Udacity has a
Nanodegree courses, this is somewhat same with university degree).

The Intro:

Based on what I’ve learn, Machine learning is a subject in computer science, aimed at studying theories,
algorithms, and applications of systems that learn like humans. Machine learning plays a central role in analyzing
and benefting from such big data.

Depending on the type of available data, machine learning can be categorized into supervised learning,
unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Supervised learning can be analyze into this idea: a student corresponds to a computer and a supervisor
corresponds to a user of the computer, and the computer learns a mapping from a question to its answer from
paired samples of questions and answers.

Unsupervised learning considers the situation where no supervisor exists and a student learns by himself/herself.
In the context of machine learning, the computer autonomously collects data through the Internet and tries to
extract useful knowledge without any guidance from the user.

Reinforcement learning is aimed at acquiring the generalization ability in the same way as supervised learning, but
the supervisor does not directly give answers to the student’s questions.

The Project:

My first machine learning project is a home value estimator. In this project my aim is to predict the price of a
house on a given area based on the given feature such as the size of house, number of bedrooms, and price. I build
a linear regression model using the python language, data science libraries such as numpy, scikit learn, matplotlib
on a jupyter notebook.
Indeed, the outside appearance leads to one’s inner inclination. In my tired and lonely eyes I hope you see my
strain and bleed. In my skin I hope you see the weight I have loosen due to burning neurons shuffling. And in this
smile I hope you see the fake I have to

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