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There are a lof of forms to take this energy, in this case will be discussed about the
main form to do it.

Evaporation plants sudden: This plant is the most used in the market . This used a
fluid geothermal whit high temperaturas, these temperatures can be aroud 180°c
and has high pressures. When the fluid decrese on temperature and pression this
create the sudden evaporation and the water is returned to deposit to use it again
and the steam pass trough of the turbine.

The steam move the turbine, this need a lot of steam to do it and generate mecanical

The turbine is connected with a generator, this transform the termical energy in
electricity and this send by cables the electricy to transformers in the plant, this
because is necessary increase the voltage to achieved send energy of a form
efficient to the houses.

Usually to suplier electricity to cities or states the energy is not stored, this only is
transport by cables because the plants can suplier energy, usually, in an
uninterrupted way achieving supply correct of energy.

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