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In this part of this research paper we would like to give some insight regarding to the stressors,
employee morale and job satisfaction of the employee. We can see here the different opinions from the
other Author to provide a better understanding regarding to the relationship of the three.
The Effect of Stressors to Job Satisfaction of Employees
According to Breznitz and Goldberger (1982), Stressor are often defined as a stimulus that elicits
a response. It means that stressors is a factor that causes stress to an individual. One of the research
conducted by Kamalakumati Karunanithy and Ambika Ponnampalam (2013) entitled “A study on the
effect of Stress on performance of employees in Commercial Bank of Ceylon in the Eastern Province”
found that there is a negative relationship between stress and performance. It is concluded that stress is
having an impact on the performance of the employees, and at the same time the influence of
organizational related stress is higher that the job related and individual related stress. The study also of
M. Kotteeswari and Dr. S. Tameem Sharief (2014) found that job stress is negatively related to
performance it means that higher the stress lower the performance.,%20No%2027%20(2013).pdf

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