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Benjamin Gallimore

March 19, 2018

SPA 202

Reflection 4

This reflection is of the previous chapter the class went over which was chapter four. This

chapter was fairly simple I thought. The vocabulary was not too difficult compared to the

previous chapters. The vocabulary is what I usually struggle with the most but I think I was

stronger this chapter compared to the last. We also went over the subjunctive tense. I have had

precious experience with this tense so it was nothing new to me. The short stories were

interesting and weren’t too hard to understand.

This chapter I studied the vocabulary more and it really paid off for me. The past chapters

the vocabulary was what gave me the most trouble but this chapter was the opposite. I practiced

it more often and studied it before the classes so it was fresh on my brain. Putting more time in

for the vocabulary really helps me. The next thing was the subjunctive tense and when to use it

and when to not. Putting the verbs in to the subjunctive text is not very hard at all; the hard part

is to know when the verb needs to be in subjunctive. What also helped me this chapter was the

activities we did in class. They help more than just the individual work.

For the next chapter I will study the vocab more like I did for this chapter. Also will need

to go over the tenses for the chapter and the other various topics. I finally will hopefully work I

groups more and do more class activities because they help me understand everything better.

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