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Journal Reflection #7 for 1/10/18

Unfortunately, over my winter break, a family member had been admitted to the ICU. In

addition, after two weeks, they became neutropenia. During my time visiting the hospital I was

able to see the skills I learned applied to real patients, and implement some of my knowledge in

the situation. In order to see the patient, who became neutropenic, I had to start wearing PPE

(Personal Protective equipment); however, it wasn’t for my safety but for the safety of the

patient. If I wanted to see the patient I must put on a mask, before going in, and discard it before

leaving the room. In addition, I had to gel in/gel out: I had to put on hand sanitizer, before

entering and exiting the room. All for the safety of others, ourselves, and the patient.

The patient gradually becoming weaker, more assistance was needed for the patient.

Fortunately, there were many visitors, with close relations with the patient, that they were able to

assist that patient, with her needs. The patient is female she feels more comfortable with an

another female helping her with elimination needs, bathing needs, and nutrition needs. Having a

close relationship with the patient, I was happy to assist. When coming so close to the patient I

made sure that my mask was on properly and that I was wearing gloves. I try to encourage their

independence first and privacy, as well as personal choice. After meeting needs, and getting the

patient back to bed, I took off my gloves, not touching the outside of the gloves, and washed my

hands for more than 20 seconds. Within helping the patient I see there improvement I become

excited. Every day I try to congratulate on the patient's improvement, such as brushing there

teething, on their own, standing.

I am happy to see that the skills I have learned are helping an individual. In addition,

seeing the many CNAs and RN’s take the time for their patients. It is good to know that the one

you love is in good hands.

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