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Journal Reflection #6 for 12/11/17

With the end of the semester nearing, I am starting to reflect the skills that I have learned,

as well as what I want to improve on next semester. I realized, when practicing ROM, that I need

to focus on communication, and explain procedures to patients: considering that it is almost time

for clinicals. I got the skills down, as well as communication with my fellow peers; however, I

hesitate when practicing communicating with the person in the bed. When in the lab we focus

more on getting the skills right: to be safe, and not focus on the words we feel comfortable using,

when explaining. It is very important to practice what we say, as Mrs. Strader said, “we want to

show respect and help with self-esteem.” The weeks before clinical I will focus a bit more on

communication, as well as practice hand hygiene and brakes, on every device.

As for the capstone the interview and tour are all done, and ready to submit.

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