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Polish leaders

White Party

White - liberal political camp landowners, the bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia in the Polish
Kingdom . It was created in 1858 when the Russian Emperor Alexander II approved the creation of the
Agricultural Society in Warsaw , which under the leadership of Andrzej Zamoyski aspired to universal
abolition of serfdom , convert it to rent or enfranchisement of peasants . Around the company focused
landowners and industrialists, who demanded the return of Tsar Kingdom of Poland political
autonomy , self-government and the Polish army and join the lands taken away to the Kingdom -
wanted to get without taking in the near future armed insurrection. Whites did not want to fight because
of the expected repression of the Polish people. The fight for independence were tied demarche
European powers.
Their political views were contradictory aspirations insurgent Red , but also conciliatory policy
Aleksander Wielkopolski .

Constantine Karol Majewski (born 17 March 1833 year - d. September 28 1897 year) - Polish
politician, independence activist, chairman of the National Government in the uprising .
As a student of the Academy of Medicine and Surgery in Warsaw was in 1860 , the organizer of the
Academic Committee . In 1862 he became a member of the Directorate of Rural White party . From
June to September, he chaired the National Government. He was arrested, made a generous testified
against their colleagues. In 1866 was exiled to Siberia , from where he returned in 1880 year.

Stanislaus Leopold Kronenberg [ edit ]

Portrait of Leopold Kronenberg L.Horowitza brush.

Stanislaus Leopold Kronenberg Coat of Arms Planes (born 24 March 1812 [1] in Warsaw , died. 5
April 1878 in Nice ) - Polish banker , investor and financier of Jewish origin, one of the leaders of the
"white" before the January Uprising .
Table of Contents [ hide ]
1 Biography
2 Businesses
3 Political Activities
4 Footnotes
5 Bibliography
Biography [ edit ]

He came from a wealthy family of rabbis, Jewish. His father, a native of Wyszogród , Samuel Eleazar
Kronenberg (1773-1826) led the banking business in Warsaw. Mother Tekla house was Levi (1775-
1848) [2] . Stanislaus Leopold Kronenberg had seven siblings, Louis , Rosalie, Stanislaus Solomon ,
Dorothy (mother Seweryn Loewenstein ), Mary, Henry Andrew and Wladyslaw Alfonso .
After graduating from high school Piarist on Żoliborz and high school in Warsaw Lyceum Leopold
Kronenberg studied at the Academy of Practicality and Technology in Hamburg and the University of
Berlin . Having finished his studies in 1832 , he returned home and took care of doing business. In
1846 adopted Protestantism religion Reformed [3] .
He was married to Rozalia Ernestyna Leo (1827-1893), with whom he had six children: Stanislaus
Leopold (1846-1894, entrepreneur), Władysław Edward (1848-1892, music and philanthropist), Julian
Leopold (1849-1937), Tekla Julia (1851-1852) Mary Rose (1854-1944), wife of Charles Zamoyski , the
wife of Gustav Taube , leading the Warsaw-known literary salon and Rosalie (b. 1857, wife of
Alexander Orsetti ).
Economic activity [ Edit ]

Photo Kronenberg made by Charles Beyer

In 1833 Kronenberg was inscribed on the list of buyers of Warsaw. The scope of its business activities
cover many areas. The most important without a doubt proved to banking . The firm support of the
administration of the Tsar has made a fortune on rent monopoly tobacco [4] . Introduced to the Polish
capital of the French Crédit Lyonnais and Crédit Mobilier . In 1851 he founded his own banking house
under the name of Leopold Kronenberg , mainly lending industry and agriculture. In 1860 founded the
Warsaw large tobacco factory, which employs 700 workers. The apogee of its activities in the banking
sector peaked in 1870 , when he founded the Warsaw Commercial Bank . In addition to banking
Kronenberg very interested in agriculture. He maintained relationships with landowners, he participated
in various initiatives to promote the modernization of agriculture. He called for a oczynszowaniem
peasants . It is from this space activities associated Kronenberg his later political activity.
Kronenberg invest in rail transport. Financed the construction of the so-called Vistula Railway .
Also invested in the industry. In addition to the aforementioned tobacco, the sugar and mining and
metallurgy. He was a shareholder of the mining companies, steel and sugar. He built a lot of sugar, and
in 1870 he initiated the creation of the Warsaw Society of Sugar .
He was a member of the National Debt Redemption, the Council of Industry of the Government
Commission of the Interior and Kingdom of Polish clergy. He was a member of the Management Board
of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the Merchants Elder, President of the Governing Board of the Warsaw-
Terespolska . He founded the Bank Handlowy in Warsaw, Credit Society of Warsaw, Cashier
Industrialists, Warsaw Fire Insurance Association, Association of Coal Mines and Metallurgy. Held the
position of President of the Faculty of Warsaw Charitable Society. He was the owner of the estate
Wreath and Struga .
Leopold Kronenberg ran a publishing activities. From 1859 seemed " daily newspaper ", renamed in
1861 to "Polish Gazeta". It was a letter-colored liberal-democratic, whose editor was Jozef Ignacy
Kraszewski .
Leopold Kronenberg built in the years 1868-1871 in Warsaw, pl. Evangelical (now en.
Małachowskiego) monumental palace , which burned down in 1939 and was demolished in the sixties
of the twentieth century.
Political activity [ Edit ]

Kronenberg family chapel in the cemetery Reform Street. Rye in Warsaw, burial place, inter alia,
Stanislaus Leopold Kronenberg and Stanisław Kronenberg

Kronenberg family
Kronenberg political activity based on loyalty to the imperial administration. He was one of the few
supporters hated by the society of the time of Alexander Wielopolski . "White banker" , as they called
Kroneneberga, moved smoothly on the environment wealthy landowners and the Warsaw elite and
intellectuals, so-called. millenerów . It is in these circles began to form political thought "white" ,
advocating for a reasonable organic work and only later to independence. February 27 1861 was one of
the founders of the Delegation of the City , set up to allay the revolutionary mood after the bloody
suppression of demonstrations by the military patriotic Russian [5] . These activities led to the
establishment in 1861 of the Delegation City - the party leadership "white", which was composed of,
among others, Kronenberg. After the outbreak of the January Uprising and the seizure of power by the
"red" , "white banker" constantly strive to maintain superiority of "white" ruling the country in the
National Government . After the January abandoned the more active forms of political activity. Boasted
friendship Kraszewski . Decorated by Tsar Order of St.. Vladimir and hereditary knighthood awarded
to him in 1868 [6] .
The achievement of life Kronenberg believes that you create in 1875 the School of Economics in
He died three years later in Nice . He was buried in the family chapel Kronenberg Lutheran Cemetery -
Reformed in Warsaw .

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