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rom Moder

Moder nmedi cinei swhat ,inI ndi a,i scal l

edEngl ishmedi cineor
Allopat hy .Thoughcal ledmoder n,itisdef init
el ynott hemostmoder n.I t
goti ts name,Al lopat hy ,f rom t he f ounder ,SamuelHahnemann of
Homoeopat hy,whi chi shi storicallymuchmor emoder n.St i
ll,itdeser v es
tobecal l
edmoder nasi tcamet oourcount ryaccompany i
ngWest ern
moder nity.
Todaywear eawar eoft hef actt hatmoder nmet hodsoff ar mi ng
dest roy ed oursoi lwi th chemi cal s,i nt he f orm off er ti
lizers and
pest icides.Butwear ey ett of ul
lyr eal izet heext entt owhi chmoder n
medi cinehasbeendest r oyingour heal t
h,wi t
hi tschemi caldr ugs.I t
becamet hemostdomi nantmedi cal sy stem i nourcount ry
, ofcour se, by
attacki ngandsubdui ngmanyofourown sy stemsofmedi cine.I nt hi s
paper ,Iexpl ai
nhow,af teral ongper i
odoft hirtyy ears,Ihav eescaped
om moder nmedi cine,andam r egai ningheal th,wi tht hehel poft wo
alternat ivemedi cal sy stems.
In1985adoct orofmoder nmedi cine,her eaf terr efer redt oas
moder ndoct or,decr eedt hatIwasdi abet ic.Thusst artedmyl ongper iod
ofmoder n medi cat i
on,undert hegui danceofmanyaqual ifi
edmoder n
doct or .Thei rt abletsandi nsulindosescoul dcont rolthesugarl eveli n
mybl ood.Butgr adual lyt hecont i
nuousi ntrusi onoft heirchemi calsint o
mybody ,endowedmewi t
ht hreeaddi ti
onalai l
ment s,hy pert ensi on,
chol est erol,andhy po-t hy roidism.Toexor ciset hesenewev i
lspi ri
doct or spr escr i
bedaf ewmor enewt abl etsf oreachoft hem.I nt he30t h
yearoft hismedi -chemi calat tackonmybody ,Il ostabsol utelymyf aith
nmoder nmedi cine.OnApr il25,2014,Ist oppedt akinganyoft he13
typesoft abl etsand60uni t
sofi nsul int hatIwast akingi nt hoseday s.
Thi si showIescapedf rom moder nmedi cine.NowIam get ti
ngr eliev ed
ofDi abet esand i t saccompl ices.Thi spaperi son t he meansand
consequencesoft hisdoubl eescape.
Thel astphaseofmoder nmedi cation
Thesev enmont hs,r angi ngf rom Sept ember2013t oApr i
wast heper iodofmyl osi ngf ai thi nmoder nmedi cine.I nt hebegi nni ng
oft hisper iod,Iwasadmi tted,wi thf everand chesti nf ection,t oa
hospi talatKot t
ay am.Af terf iveday soft reatment ,Iwasdi schar ged.But ,
afteraf ewday s, somenewsy mpt omsst artedpr oppi ngup.Mymemor y
becameweakandIwasconf usedaboutev eryl i
ttlet hi
ng.Oneday ,
int he
bank, Icoul dnotr ecollectev enmyownsi gnat ure.
Nextday ,Iwentt ot hehospi tal.Thedoct orgotmybl oodexami ned
and det ected hy pot hyroidism,a new accompl ice ofDi abet es.He
prescr ibedanew t ablet,Thy ronor m,whi chIwasaskedt otaket illmy
astbr eat h.I ncludi ngt his,dur i
ngt hesev enmont hs,Ihadt oswal low19
typesoft ablets,anddai l
ygoti nject edi ntomybl ood45t o64uni tsof
nsul in.
Int hoseday s,occasi onal l
yIwokeupi nt heni ght ,sweat ingand
shiver i
ng,duet ol ow l evelofbl oodsugar .Ihadt or usht ogetsome
sweet st oeati nor dert obr ingt hesugarl ev elupt ot henor mal .But ,in
theday time, Ihadt oabst ainf r
om eat ingsweett hi ngst okeepi tdown.I f
twasabov eorbel owt henor mal ,deat hwassur et o‘ attack’me,Iwas
told.Thusmyl i
fewasl iterallyal ife-and- deat hgame!
Ther ewasachangei nt hegame,ast hel ower i
ngofbl oodsugar
startedoccur ri
ngev endur ingday ti
me.Oneday( December1,2013)at
11.30am,Ist ar tedsweat i
ngpr of usel y.Onexami ni
ngt hebl ood,t he
sugarl ev elwasf oundt obe52mg/ dl ,muchbel owt henor mal .Imett he
doct orandhepr escr ibedar educeddoseofi nsul in.Butaf tert woweeks,
onedayat7pm, ther ewasar ecur renceoft hesamephenomenon.Af ter
onemor eweek, onceat11. 30am t hesugarl ev elwentdownt o62uni ts.
Itrecur redt hr eemont hsl ater ,withi nt ensef eel i
ngofsuf focat i
Unt ilthen,Ihadt hebel ief t hatt hesugarl ev eli nmybl oodwas
directlypr opor tionalt ot hedoct or -prescr i
bedi nsul i
ndose.Theabov e
sequenceofexper ienceswasenought oshat termyf ai t
h.ThoughIt ol d
thedoct oraboutt his,hehadnoexpl anat i
ont ogi v e.Hecoul dsayonl y
thatmysuf focat i
onmi ghtbeduet osomesi de- ef fectofThy ronor m.I n
thatcase,Iwasdoomedt obearwi t
hi tunt odeat h,It houghtf ear f
ul l
Eachr oundofsuf focationr emi ndedmeofmyi mpendi ngdeat h.
Itwasi nsuchadesper atesi tuat i
on,t hatIr eceiv edacal lf rom a
closef riend ofmi ne.Het old meaboutaphy sician,who pr actices
Acupunct ure.He was al readyunderhert reat mentwi thr emar kabl e
mpr ov ement .
Ont henextday( Apr
il25,2014)Imett hatphy sician,Dr
.Sar i
SathisanBSMS, DASc.Shegr aduat edinSiddhaMedi cinefrom Sant higir
Siddha Medi calCol lege and t ook diploma i n Acupunct ur ef r
Coimbat ore.Ibriefedheronmyheal thproblems.Shehel dmyr i
ghtpal m
foraf ew secondst ouchingatcer tai
npoi nts,andconf i
lydecl ar ed
thatshecoul dcur eme.Iheav edasi ghofr eli
condition:Ishoul dst opcompl etelyallthemoder nmedi cati
nsulin.St oppinginsul i
nwasl i
keopt i
ngt odi e,fory earsIwasmadet o
ev e.Butcont inuing wi thinsulin was no bet ter,mysuf focat i
remindedme.So,f i
nallyItookt hatcr uci
aldeci sion,nott oswal l
mor et abl
etsandnott oinjectanymor einsul i
ni ntomybl ood.Tillt his
momentIhav ebeenst icki
ngt othat .

Threey earsofAcupunct uret reat ment

Fort hreey ears,from 25Apr il2014t o24Apr i
Acupunct uret reatment .ImetDr .Sar it
haonceaweek, f
oraf ewmont hs
nt hebegi nning,andt henonwar dsonceamont h.Eacht i
meshewoul d
askaboutmygener alcondi tionsl ikesl eepandappet i
t e,andabout
particularsy mpt oms, i
fany .Thenshewoul dl ocateoneort wopoi ntson
mypal msorf eetandgent lypr esst heref oraf ewseconds.Thatwast he
onlyt reatment .Nomedi ci
ne,noranyi nj
ect i
on.Nochemi calwarofany
sortonmybody .
Thedoct orusedt oexpl ai nt hatt hemet hodwasj ustt ost i
mul ate
certainpoi nts,whi char ei nternal l
yl inkedt ot hev italpar t
soft hebody .I
managedt ogetacopyoft hef amousbook,TheWebThathasNo
Weav er:Under standingChi neseMedi cine1whi cht hrew mor el ighton
sf ant asti
cheal i
ngpr ocess.
Onmyf i
rstv i
sit,whent heheal i
ngt ouch wasal mostov er,Itold
thedoct orthatIhadapr oblem ofnotbei ngabl etost rai
ght env oluntaril
myr ightbi gt oe.Thenshet ouchedatapoi ntonmyr ightf ootal so.
Withinadayort wo,If oundt hatpr oblem sol ved.Thi swast hef i
exper iencethati nstill
edi nmef aithinAcupunct ure.
Af t
eraf ewday s,Iexami nedmybl oodandf oundt hatmyFast ing
BloodSugar (FBS)hadr isent o435mg/ dl.Fri
ght enedbyt hi
sal armi ng
ncreasei nmybl oodsugar ,Ir angupmynewdoct or.Sheaskedmei fI
was f eeling any of t he usualt orturous exper iences l i
ke spasm,
numbness,andi tching.No,Iwasnotf eel i
nganysucht hingt hatusual l
accompani ed anyabnor malhi kei nbl ood sugar ,dur ing theday sof
moder nmedi cine.Hear i
ngt his,mydoct ort oldmenott obot herabout
thehi ke.
Int hel astphaseofmoder nmedi cation,Ihadacqui redanew
probl em.Whi lehol dingsomet hingl ikeapen,myhandshi v
er ed al ittle.
Duet othi s,oneofmyt oeswaswounded,whi l
ecut tingt henai l
s.Bl ood
start edoozi ngout .Thiswasi nt hesecondweekoft henewt r eat ment .I
cont act edmydoct or.Shet oldmet or inset hei nj uredt oewi t
hpur e
wat er ,andsi mpl yl i
edownal lowi ngt hebl oodt ocl otbyi tsel f.Af tera
ittlewhi l
e,t hebl oodceasedt o comeoutandcl ot ted.Wi thoutany
bandageorant i
-clottingt abletst oar restt hebl oodf low,wi thoutany
ant i
bi oti
cv i
olence, t
het oewasf ul
lyheal edwi t
hi nacoupl eofday s.
Thoughmyhy per tensionandchol est erolsoonbecamenor mal , the
blood sugarl ev elwas comi ng down v erysl owl y.Butcer t ain ot her
posi tivechangesencour agedmet ocont inueAcupunct ur et reat ment .In
the day s ofmoder n medi cation,my st omach was nev eri n good
condi ti
on-ei therdi arrheaorconst ipationandal way saci dic.Tor emedy
this, thedoct or sgav emet woort hreet y pesofant i-aci dict abl et s,whi ch
gav emeonl yt empor ar yr el
Acupunct ure t r
eat ment has br ought out f ast and st eady
amel iorationofmyst omachpr oblems.Fort hi sIwasaskedt of ollow
onl yt hreet hings:1.Eatonl ywhenIam hungr yandst opon f eel ingno
hunger .I nthewor dsofmydoct or,‘ l
ent omyst omach,r athert hant o
thecl ock. ’Simi larr ulei nt hecaseofdr inkingal so.2.Av oidt heuseof
cof fee,t ea,al cohol ,mi lkandmi l
kpr oduct s.3.Av oidov erexer tionand
ov erwor k.Taker estonf eeli
ngt ired.
Theset hreest i
pul at i
onsIf ollow t il
ltoday ,andmyst omachgi v es
menot roubl e.Iam get tingusedt ot hepr acticeofl isteni ngt ot hev oice,
ikehunger ,thirst ,tir
edness,andsl eepiness,ofmybody ,andf ollowi ng
thei nst ructionsconv ey edt hrought hem, i
nsteadoff ol lowi ngthecl ock.
Rememberhow Mi chelFoucaul tdescr ibest hewayi nwhi cht he
clock,andt hemechani calsenseoft ime,encr oachedt hel ifeoft he
west ernwor ld,t hrought hepr ison,t hechur chandt heschool( Di sci pline
andPuni sh).Thi sal teredsenseoft imer adi callyupr oot edt hem f rom
theirownbodi es,andexi l
edt hem i nt ot her eal m ofsoul s.Nomor ewas
theirsel f-awar enessbody -
cent ered.TheChr i
st i
anpr iest st ookcar eof
thesoulandt hepr i
est sofmoder nmedi cinet ookov ert hebody ,dev oid
oft hesoul .
Anot herr adicalchangewasi nt hedef ensesy stem ofmybody
cal l
edi mmuni ty.Int heday sofmoder nmedi cine, ifIswi tchedont hef an
orsl eptwi t
ht hewi ndowsopen,Iwassur et ocat chcol dandchest
nf ect i
on. But ,onmyf i
rstv i
si t,DrSar ithat oldmet osl eepwi tht he
wi ndowsopen.Idi dsoandt omysur prise,not hinghappened,nocol d,
noi nf ection.Ev enasl ightexposur et or ai nusedt omakemef ev erish.
Butnowr ainsar ev er yf riendl yt ome.Thus,i tiscl eart hatAcupunct ur e
treatmentenhancesouri mmuni t y,andr ei nforcest heheal ingpowerof
ourbody .
Intheday sofmoder nmedi cine,myhandsandl egsusedt oget
sev erepai n.Oncewhent het abl etsf ailedt ogi v eanyr elief ,Iwentt oa
massagecent eroft headi vasi s( tribals).Mywhol ebodywassmear ed
wi tht heirmedi cinaloi landgotmassaged,f orsev enday s,wi t
ht hef eet
ofamanhol di ngar opet iedt ot her oof .Thepai nsdi sappear edand
didn’ tr eappearf oral ong t i
me.Thi sshowst hat ,ev enouri lli
ter ate
adi vasishadv er yef fect ivesy stemsofmedi ci ne,bef oret hei nv asi onby
moder nmedi cine.Thought hepai nst artedagai n,af tert hebegi nni ngof
Acupunct ure,onl yv er yrar el ydoesi thappen.
Int hef if
t h mont h ofAcupunct uret reat ment ,Imeta moder n
doct orand t old hi m aboutt hat .Though unconv i
nced,heagr eed t o
moni tort hechangesi nmyheal th.Al lthecl inicalt est s,hesuggest ed
wer edone.Ther ewasnosi gni ficanti mpr ov ementi nbl oodsugarand
TSH ( Thy roidSt imul at i
ngHor mone) . Al lt heot herpar amet er swer e
foundnor mal .
Atleasti nt hecaseofdi abet es,Ishoul dr esor tt oi nsul i
ni nject ion,
themoder ndoct orasser ted.ButIdi dn’tobl ige.Fory ear s,mybl ood
sugarwasf orceddownt ot henor malbyi nsul in.Butt hen, Inev erf eltas
heal thyandener geticast oday .Ibecomeawar eoft hehi ghl ev elof
bloodsugar ,onl ywhenmybl oodi sexami ned.Al lt heaccompany ing
sy mpt oms, Ihadi nt hepast ,aregone.
Fev erandcough, ver ycommoni nt hepast ,visit
edmeagai nonl yi n
thesev ent hmont hoft henewt r
eat ment .Bot hwer ev erymi l
dt hist i
mustbe because oft he new env i
ronmentt hey encount ered.As
suggest edbyt hedoct or ,Ir emai ned,wel lhuddl ed i nbed,t akingonl ya
ittlelightf ood.Iwaspr et tywel l ont henextday .
erthreemor emont hs,al lthecl i
nicalt est
swer edoneagai n.
Therewassubst antialimprov ement,excepti nt helevelofbloodsugar.
ThenIconsul t
edanot herAcupunct ur ephysi cian,Dr.Mer cyMur i
She told me thatt he heal i
ng pr ocess coul d be made f asterby
ngtreatmentf or10consecut i
v edays.
edt ohercl i
nicatVagamonf ort endays.Hermethodof
erent.Forstimul at
ingt hepoint s,sheusessmal lneedl
nsteadofherf ingers.Af t
ert het en-dayt reat ment,therewasmuch
mpr ovementinthelev elofbloodsugaral so.

Tur ningt oNat uropat hy

Thet hirdanni v er saryofmyescapef rom moder nmedi ci
near ing.Duet oov erconf i
dence, If orgotonedi ctum ofmydoct ornott o
ov erexer t
.Ipl ayedwi thmypetdog,Puppus,r unni ngar oundmyhouse.
Nextday ,myl eftlegst artedpai ni ng.Thi st i
me,t her eliefIgotf rom Dr .
Sar it
ha’ st oucht r
eat mentdi dn’ tlastl ong.SoIr angupmyf ri
end,Dr .
JacobVadakkancher y,awel lknownNat ur opathicphy si cian.Hei nv i
met ohi scl i
nic,Nat ur eLi feI nter nationalatChampakkar a,Er nakul am.
Ont het hirdanni ver sar yday( Apr il25,2017)Iwasadmi ttedt heref or21
day s.
Twodoct orswer eondut yt her e:Dr .Sanj uM BabuBNYSandDr .
Sar any aMay adeviBNYS.Di etcont rol wast hemosti mpor tantpar toft he
treatment .Eachday , ear l
yi nthemor ning, eachpat ientwasexami nedt o
det ermi neher /hi
sbl oodsugarandpr essur e.Basedont hat,thedi etfor
thedaywaspr escribed.Legpai nandt hel ongj our neyhadpushedupmy
FBSt o345mg/ dlont hef ir
stday .Ev ent hen,whatIwasgi v enf or
breakf astwasapl atef ulofsl icesoff r
ui tofdi ff
er entki nds.Fr uitisnot
goodf ordi abet i
cpat ients;theAl lopat hicmant racamet omymi nd.I
rushedt ot hedut ydoct orandshar edmyf earwi thher .Shechangedmy
breakf astt ochappat hyandcur ry,justf ort heday .
Later, Imetmanypat ients,mor edi abet icthanme, whower et aking
thesameamountoff ruitforbr eakf ast.Fr om t heseconddayonwar ds,I
toof el linlinewi tht hem.So,f ruitint hemor ningandv eget ables,r awor
cooked, atnoonandi nt heev ening-t hiswasourdai lybr ead.Thebl ood
sugarst eadi lycamedownev er yday .Itwasonl y171mg/ dl(FBS)ont he
astdayofmydi schar ge.
erreachinghome,aspr escr
ibedbyt hedoct or,Ist
cooked ri
ce orwheatdi shes forbreakfast,frui
tf orlunch and raw
esfordinner.Anysl i
onf r
om thismenudoesn’ tcause
anybi ghi
keinbl oodsugar .ThusIam escapi ngnotonl yfrom modern
medicinebutalsof r
om diabetesandi t
saccompani ment s.Iconti
approachamoder ndoct or,onceinthreemont hs,andgett heclini
sdone,assuggest edbyhi m.Inthelastthreey ears,12timesIdid
,andthispaperiswr i
ttenonthebasisofther esult

ArtofLi v
ingandVi pasanaMedi tation
Ther ear et womor ef act orst hathel pedmeescapef rom moder n
medi cine:Ar tofLi v i
ngandVi pasanaMedi tation.Si nce2003, Ihav ebeen
pract icingy ogaandmedi t
at ionofAr tofLi ving.Thought hiswasnotv ery
effect ivei nimpr ovingthebl oodsugarl ev el,ther ewasmuchr el i
eff rom
the accompany i
ng sy mpt oms l ike numbness, cr amps, and
sleepl essness.
Her e,t herei sonet hingIwoul dl iket or ecol l
ect.Twot r
av elst o
foreigncount r
iesdi sruptedmydai l
ypr act i
ceofy ogaandmedi tation.I t
saf tert hist hatmyphy sicalcondi tionst artedwor sening.Oneev ening,
whi lesuf fer i
ngf rom sev eresuf focat ion, Iwentt oattendaSat sangofAr t
ofLi v i
ng.WhenIr eachedt hehal l,theywer echant ingt hepanchakshar i
mant ra( Ohm, namashi vaay a) .It ooj oinedwi ththem.Onr epeat i
ngi tten
orf ifteent imes,Igotcompl eter eli
ef .Inf act ,suchmant rasar enot hing
butbr eathingexer cises,desi gnedbyouranci entmast ers.
Vipasanai sasor tofBuddhi stmedi tation.I nKer alaatChengannur ,
ther ei sacent er,calledDammaKet ana,gi v i
ngt raini
ngi nVi pasana.
Ther eIdi dt het en-daycour sei nJanuar y2017.Thr oughoutt het enday s,
wewer enotal l
owedt ohav eanycont actwi tht heout sidewor l
evenwi tht heot heri nmat es.Thewhol eday time,exceptataf ewbr eaks
forf ood,wehadt obei nmedi tat i
on,aspert heinst ructionsr eceiv edi n
thepr ev i
ousev ening.Vi pasanamedi tat i
onmaybeputi nmyownwor ds
as‘ bei ngf ullyinone’ sownbody ’.Oncewer eachsamadhi ,ourmi ndwi ll
ber unni ng f rom t op tot oeand back,i nr esonancewi t
ht hebodi l
sensat ions.Thebody -
mi nddi chot omyv anishesandwegetl osti na
blissfulexper i
ence.Ipr act icet hisdai l
yf oraboutanhour .This, Ibel i
ev e,
sur elycont ri
but etomyov er allwel lbei ng.
Whatexact lydidmoder nmedi cinedot ome?
Af t
erIgott hispaperpubl ishedi nMal ay alam, 2myson,Dr .Abu
Sebast ian,asci ent ist,br oughtt omyat tentionav eryr elev antpaperi n
Scient ificAmer i
can. 3I tr ev ealsr ecentr esear chf indingson‘ bi
lionsofgutmi crobes’ , i
nt estinal bact eriainourst omach.Ourst omach
saneco- sy stem,i nhabi tedandgov ernedbyt hesemi cro- organismsof
differentspeci es.I ft her ei sani mbal ancei nt henumberofdi f
typesofmi crobest hatwi llbadl yaf fectt hef unct i
oni ngofourdi gest i
syst em.
Thepaperasser ts,‘ Keepi ngourgutmi cr obeshappycoul dbet he
elusiv esecr ett owei ghtcont r
ol .
’But ,whyonl ywei ghtcont rol?Ongoi ng
throught hewhol epaper ,wewi llbeconv incedt hatf orust ol ivea
heal thyl ife,i ti sessent ialt ol ett hegutbact eri
al i
ve.For ,they‘ help
det ermi newhet herwear el eanorobese’ ,‘hel pusbr eakdownt ough
plantf iber s’,‘altert hewaywest oref at,how webal ancel evelsof
glucosei nt hebl ood,andhow wer espondt ohor monest hatmakeus
feel hungr yorf ull.

Ifmydi gest i
v esy st em i saneco- system i nhabi t
mi crobes,somustbet heot hersy stemsl iket her espi ratory,andt he
circulat ory.Now,wecanguesswhathappenedt oeachoft heseeco-
syst ems, duet omoder nmedi cat ion.
First,amoder ndoct ordet ect edsugarhi ghert hant henor mali n
mybl ood.Tobr i
ngi tdown, heputsomechemi caldr ugst omyst omach.
The chemi cals di srupt ed t he l ife and act iviti
es of t he mi crobes,
responsi blef orthepr operf unct i
oni ngofmydi gest i
v esy st em.
ThusIbecamea st omach pat i
entt oo and wasr eferred t oa
speci al i
st,whodr oppedmor emedi -chemi cals,l i
keant i-acidicdr ugsi nto
myst omach.Nat ur allyt hisi nt ensi fi
edt hedamagedonet omyst omach
eco- sy stem.
Thedr ugsIt ookf ordi abet esandst omachpr oblemsdi dn’tremai n
nmyst omachonl y.Mybl oodt ookt hem t oal l
ov ermybody ,bombar ding
otheri nnereco- sy stemsal so.Di sr uptionofmycar dio-v ascul arsy stem,
mustbebehi ndmyhy per tensi on.
Now,i twast het ur nofaBPspeci ali
st .Heassur edmet hatt he
newdi seasewasi ncur abl eandpr escr ibednewdr ugst ocont r
thenumberofdr ugsIhadt oswal low i ncreased,andt hei rcumul ati
effectonmybodymademeachol est erol patient .
Chemi calwar fareagai nstt hesedi seasesdest roy edt hemi crobes
responsi bl ef ort hepr operf unct ioni ng ofmyt hy roid gl and,causi ng
hy pot hy r
oi dism.Bef oref urtheri ntensi fi
cat i
onoft hisdeadl ywaronmy
vital innerecosy st ems, Igotr i
doft hiski ndofmedi cat ion.
Myquest ionst ot hedoct orsofmoder nmedi cine
Oncewhen Iwentt o mydoct ordur i
ng t heper iod ofmoder n
medi cat i
on,henot icedasmal lscr at chonmyf ingerandsentmet oan
or thopedi cdoct or .Si mpl yhav i
ngal ookatt hescr atch,hescr i
some r emedy .Ienqui red whet heri twas any ant ibiotic.Obv i
ousl y
annoy ed,heasked,‘ Whati fi tis? ’‘Isi tamust ?’
,Ihumbl yasked.‘ Ifyou
candeci det hat,whyshoul dIcar e’,sosay inghecl osedmyf i
e.Thi s
showshowmuchourdoct or sf earquest i
onsf rom t hepat ient s,af ear,I
think,nur tur edbyt hei rsecr etawar enessoft hedr awbacksoft heirown
medi cal pr act i
Inourcount ry,moder nmedi cinehasbecomeal mostl ikeapr i
religi on.Thear roganceoft hedoct orpr i
est smaynotal lowt hem t otake
myquest ionsser i
ousl y.St ill
,letmepent hem down,basedonmyown
exper i
1.Recentr esear cheshav epr ov edt hatourbodyconsi stsofi nnereco-
sy st emsl iket hedi gest ive,t her espi ratory,and t heci rcul atory,each
nhabi ted and gov er ned bymi l
onsofmi crobes.I fso,do y ou,t he
doct or sofmoder nmedi cine, hav eanycl earideaaboutt hei mpactoft he
numer ousdr ugs,y ou pr escribe,on each oft heseeco- sy stems?My
quest i
oni sdef initelynotaboutt hei rsi deef f
ect s,whi char ewel lknown.
Itisaboutt hedi rectef f
ect sofy ourdr ugs.
2.I naddi tiont ot hemi crobes,t her ear emanymi ner alsl ikeSodi um,
Pot assi um,and Magnesi um t hatkeep ourbodi es heal thy .Can y ou
assur ey ourpat ient st haty ourdr ugswi llnotdest royt hesemi nerals,
righti nt hei rownbodi es?Forexampl e, t
akeMagnesi um, whi chisknown
tobeneededt ol etourmuscl esr el ax.Dur i
ngmyt reat mentwi thy our
dr ugs,t her ewashar dlyanyt imewhen Idi dn’tsuf ferf rom muscl e
cont ract ions.I si tnotr easonabl et oat tr
ibutet hatt oy ourdr ugs, Itook?
3.Asdescr ibedabov e,myst omachwascont i
nuousl ybombar dedwi th
19t ypesoft abl ets,eachcont ainingsev eralchemi calcombi nations,in
thel astsev enmont hsofmymoder nmedi cation.I fnott hesechemi cals,
whatel seser iousl ydamagedmydi gest iveand r espi rat orysy stemsand
myi mmuni ty?
4.May bet opr eventbl ocksi nmycar di o-v
ascul arsy stem,Iwasmanya
timegi v enant i-cl
ottingdr ugs.Thi s,Ibel i
eve,dest roy edt heabi l
bloodt ocl ot,anat uralheal i
ngt echni que.I twasbecauseoft his,t hat
eacht imeIgotasmal linjur y,Ihadt or usht oadoct or.Yourant ibiot i
drugsdest roy edt hemi crobest hatpr otectme,andmademeasl av e,
per manent l
ydependentony ou.Whatdoy ouhav et osayaboutt hi s?
5.Mymoder ndoct or susedt opr ev entmef rom eat i
ngf r
uit,ont he
groundt hatmybl oodsugarwoul dr ise.But , nowev erydayatonet ime, I
eataf r
ui t,asmuchasIwant .St illmybl oodsugardoesn’ tshootup
abov et henor mal .Why ?
Fort hisquest ion,Idohav eananswer .Dur ingy ourt reatment ,on
eatingf rui t,mybl oodsugarshotupsi ncet hemedi -
chemi calat tackhad
debi l
itat edmydi gest i
vesy stem.Butnow t hehol isticmedi calsy stems
hav er ect ifiedt hedamagesandhencenof ruitisf orbiddent ome.
6.Yousayt hat ,foreachi ndiv i
dual ,t hef astingbl oodsugarmustbe
somewher ebet ween80and120orso.I fnot ,y ouwar n,theey es,hear t
orki dney swi llbedamaged.Butaf t
ermyescapef rom moder nmedi cine,
fort hr eey ear s,myFBShasnev erbeenbel ow 250mg/ dl,andnot hi ng
serioushashappenedt omyv i
tal or gans.Why ?
Fort hist ooIhav eanexpl anat i
on.TheAcupunct uret reatmentof3
year s,r ejuv enat edmyi mmuni t y,whi chwasi nt ot aldi sarrayduet ot he
moder nmedi cat i
on.I tist hisr e-for ti
fieddef ensesy stem t hatpr ot ect ed
mef rom anydamaget hatmi ghthav ehappenedduet othe‘ abnor mal ’
ev elofFBS.So,whati snor malf ory ourpat ient sneednotbesof or
other swi t habet t
erst ateofi mmuni ty.
7.Incour seofy ourt reatingadi abet i
cpat i
ent ,youof tenr eachast ageat
whi chy oupr escr ibe amput ationoft hel egsoft hepat ient.Onr eachi ng
thatst age, doy ouev ert hinkofanyal ternativesol ut i
ont othepr obl em, i
anyot hersy stem?I si tnotamor al imper ati
veony ourpar ttodoso?
Behi nd t his quest i
on i s an exper i
ence Ihad atNat ur e Li fe
Internat ional ,wher e Iwas t reat ed.On t he f irstday i tself,Iwas
acquai nt edwi t hami ddl eagedpat i
ent , withhi srightf ootbandaged.Hi s
formermoder n doct orhad asked hi m t o getr eadyf oramput ation.
Lucki lyhehear daboutt hiscl i
nicandgotadmi tted.Ont he51stday ,he
gothi sf ootcompl etelycur ed,andbi dgoodby et ouswi t
hhi sl egf ree
from bandage.
8.Ihopey ouagr eet hatpeaceofmi ndi sessent ialf orheal i
yourpat ientshowssomesy mpt omsofment aldi sor der .Whatmet hod
do y ou hav et o al leviat e hi s/herment alt r
anqui li
ty,ot hert han t he
psychi atricdr ugs, whi char egener all
yv eryhar mf ul ?
Thi s quest ion t oo i s based on myexper i
ence atNLI .Al lt he
patient st her ewhoar eheal thyenough,ar egi vent rainingi nYogaand
medi tation.I nt heev eningal lthepat i
ent s,andt hedoct orswhoar efree,
spend90mi nut esf orcul turalact iv
es.Meanwhi le,f r
om t hedoct or s,
thepat i
ent scl eart hei rdoubt saboutt het reatment .Asar esultoft his,
thepat i
ent sar eal way spl easantandpeacef ul.
You,t hedoct or sofmoder nmedi cine,oughtt oopeny ourey est o
thesef act sandt ryt oi mpl ementsomeoft heset echni quesi ny our
hospi talsandcl inics.Butt omaket hispossi ble,y oumustgi veupy our
ndf aithi nt hesuper ior i
tyanduni quenessofy oursy stem,andt he
author it
ar ianat titude.
Thei nev itabi l
ityofmoder nmedi cine
Iam def i
ni telynotf ort het otalabandoni ngofmoder nmedi cine.I t
has an i rrepl aceabl er ol et o play i n di agnosi s,and i n emer gency
uat ionsl ikear oadacci dent .Inot hersi tuations,mypoi nti st hatwe
shoul df irstr esor tt ot hel esshar mfulmedi calsy stemsl ikeAy urveda,
Homoeopat hy ,Si ddha,Unani ,and Acupunct ure,appr ov ed by t he
gover nment .Tur nt o moder n medi cine,onl y when t he al ternative
systemsf ai l
.Ther oleofmoder nmedi cinemustbel iket hatoft hef i
service.Thoughweacceptf ir
eser vi
ceasi nev i
t able,wedon’ tseeki ts
helpi nput ti
ngoutasmal lbushf ire.
Letmeconcl udet hispaperbyquot i
ngt hef amousCar di
ologi stDr .
AlanGr eenber g:
“Asar etiredphy sici an,Icanhonest lysayt hatunl essy ouar eina
ousacci dent ,y ourbestchanceofl ivingt oar i
peol dagei stoav oid
doct orsandhospi talsandl earnnut ri
t i
on,her balmedi cineandot her
formsofnat ur almedi ci neunl essy ouar ef ortunat eenought ohav ea
natur opat hicphy sicianav ai
lable.Al mostal ldr ugsar et oxicand ar e
designedonl yt ot reatsy mpt omsandnott ocur eany one. ”
aSabdam, Weekl
aWal l
How GutBacter

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