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a. A naysayer is someone that is against your point of view or has a different

perspective that goes against yours.

b. A concession is when you acknowledge the other perspective that counter your

own and build your point or claim upon that.

2. 4 - I feel confident in planting a naysayer in my essay but still need to figure where i'm

going to include the naysayers argument. Also I feel a bit confused on how to implement

the naysayer in the paragraph. I need to see an example in order to fully understand

how to implement a naysayer in my essay.

3. The US shares responsibility for the gang wars in the nations of Central Americas,

making justified to offer the nation habitants asylum. Unfortunately US politicians would

argue that the US were not directly involved in the gang wars by stating that there are no

connection towards these gangs and the US. Although they may be correct in their

statement that they are not directly at fault but they ignore the fact that these gangs

originated in LA in the 1980’s and were deported and spread across the Central

Americas by the US. The US are ignoring their contribution to the cause, making it

harder to come to a solution. These gang wars will continue until the US step forward

assam partial responsibility which will only cause a chain reaction between other

countries to come to a solution to minors migrating to the US.

4. No because my naysayer goes perfectly into my claim about gang violence. I can use

this paragraph after presenting my claim and analysis of gang violence I can then

introduce this in order for my argument to be more emphasize.

5. After my paragraph of gang violence I can present my concession.

6. My plan is to go over my outline again and improve my claims and organize them in a

specific order. After I figure out the structure for the essay the I will start drafting my

paragraphs for the essay.

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