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Ms. Nicoll History 2017 
Name: Gabriel Berger Date: 10/23/17

Essay Prep Work for ​7th Grade 

Part 4: First Body Paragraph 
Directions: Write a near "perfect" paragraph 1. Use sources. Include one quote. 
Confucianism changed throughout the Sung and Mongol dynasties. 
Make sure to  According to Columbia University, “Confucianism had naturally
  changed over the centuries since the time of Confucius (ca. 500 BCE).”
● One Quote  To compete with Buddhism, the leaders of Confucianism incorporated
● Point 1: 
● Point 2:  Buddhist principles into their own religion. Along with this,
● Point 3:  Confucianism blended with Taoism/Daoism and it was also called
● Transition 
  Neo-Confucianism. These changes impacted the Sung dynasty.
Source Link​-Columbia U
Links: Link​-Study
Please write a ​full​ paragraph in the pink space (do NOT write individual statements).  
Put the statements together and make it flow as one paragraph. 

P. 1 

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