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46 5. One Hundred Easy Ways to Lose a Man Rath Cue: RUTH: Get Ruth Sherwood's nev best-seller, ‘One Hundred Easy Ways to Lose a Man. Moderate swing Piano Roh You've met a charm-ing fel- low and you're WW, Pro, Se. ia Sy ca a be. oubles ice Ruth == a Spoken flatly) ust leap out, crawl under the car, say i’ the gasket, and fix it in two seconds Hat A rall. with a bobby pin uth and sey, “What a 1 wo SS= SS ? Sa Thats a gol way to Tem man. He taken you toa hae tall gue, you SS Ses t 4 | $5 P | 77 al IE a = = meg — nm? eg “ Ruth = sit knee to knee, He says, “Thenext man up at bat will bunt, youl Just say, "Bunt? Are you nuts?! ‘With no outa, two men on base, and alefthanded batter coming up, hel Yea rght into a triple play, jost ‘nu Tike it happened in the. a rall. of the World Series in 1923, SS Pat say, “Oooh, what's a bunt? This game's too hard for lit. tle me” Ruch Roth Ruth atempo Faster (but light) 19 ‘That's asure way to lose_ a man sure, sure, sure, stp tte A O,Pre (ts. ui, Tos Ss. pa way to lose a man, A splen-did way to lose a man._ Just throw your kmow-ledge in his face, Hell nev-er try for sec-ond base. of 28 (spoken) (sung) Nine-ty-cight ways to go. ‘The third way to lose a man;__ en ae ae ey P 2 NS F Pe 0 oth life - guard at sus pan rall. Rath to save you through the o-cean's roar, Don't say, “Oh, thanks, I would have drowned in Just push his head under water and yell, “Last one Ins a rotten egg” and race 36 3 him back shore. “a tempo Ruth just one second more.” ‘That's aswell way to Wwe Run found your per - fect mate , and its 480s pee so 4a my dear, let's Don't say, “T 1 give my heart”. ‘whis pers, You're the one to who Just say, “Tim afraid you've made a grammatical fervor It’s not“To who I give my heart, it’s “To whom Tgive my heart.” ~ You see, with the use ofthe preposition "to," “who” becomes the indirect object, making the use of whom” imperative; which { ean easily show you by drawing a simple chart.” i ‘@ tempo ~ Ruth ‘Thats afine way to lose @ man... Ww Pe E z ‘Tempo II (Faster) a Ruth fine, fine, fine, way to lose a man, A. dan-dy way ts sei, Thor Sae, Susp iG) y Slow and free Ruth == well in-formed than he, You'll nev - er Su. a0 aL sh = = hear "Oh prom ie me” dust showhim where his gram-mar errs, Then mask your - 1p heomre sm i e = —— = == with beat sa at HI] tempo t Ruth = = C—O rUrUrrr—“C—i—‘—_i—sSs=sSsSES— cut Ruth uuse Ruth Sher-wood!'s plan: Ruth “One Hun dred Eas - y Ways To_ ~ Applause Segue

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