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• Introduction

– Provide Background
• Hook the reader: Interesting quote or something
that would surprise the reader.
• Establish context/introduce the treaty
• Why was it created? What problems does it
• What were the circumstances of its creation?
• What is its relationship to the United States?
– Thesis Statement: What is the argument you are trying
to make?
– 5-6 sentence summary of case study on treaty
– Provide Roadmap at end of introductory section
• Body of paper: The Argument
– State argument clearly but in more expansive way.
– Provide evidence of thesis
• Use the primary documents in Research Guide
– Cooperation problems and design provisions
– Historical narrative of what happened
– **Tie into themes of course: Did US take leadership?
Why or why not? Did US push for certain design
provisions? Why or why not?
– Either in text or footnotes, draw comparisons or
contrasts to treaties we studied in class.
– Cite the relevant readings and describe how they apply.
• Conclusion
– Not just summary.
– Future predictions if treaty not ratified or treaty needs
– Effectiveness of US leadership or consequences of lack
of US leadership.
• References (any style you want but be consistent)
• Miscellaneous
– Use Visuals (don’t count against pages) like timelines
– Use Section Headers
– Use footnotes

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