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Wu Xing:

The Land of Seed

and Blossom
Regional Sourcebook for Wu Xing: The Ninja Crusade

Dynamic Gaming System
A Secret Meeting

Even as the sun was moving towards the had been speaking with various members of
western horizon and the day was winding the Izou clans through mutual contacts and
down, the humidity was punishing. Even brief notes scrawled and encoded on scraps of
those in the group native to the Land of Seed washi paper in an effort to garner support for
and Blossom found the climate to be espe- his fellow ninja in the south to fight against
cially uncomfortable for late summer. To- their occupation.
murai Norio of the Phantom Voices clan had After much coaxing, even more than his
been traveling for three days with a band usual patience could bear, Norio had heard
of hired muscle disguised as peasant farm- from a man by the name of Kunio of the
ers and merchants on their way to the Land Kumori clan who would take him up on his
of the Five Blades. For eight months now he offer to meet face to face. Norio had some

knowledge about the Kumori ninja and their by bandits, but the disguised thugs had come
reputation as assassins. They were rumored to arms so quickly that the bandits fled be-
to keep to themselves which made Kunio’s fore a fight even ensued.
acceptance all the more strange, but intrigu- Norio was also not to be taken for granted.
ing as well. Only a few of his contacts in the Even though his frame was slender and he
other Izou clans ever replied beyond cordial was only about five feet tall, the young man
salutations and formalities, but Kunio kept was still a trained ninja and a fierce combat-
an open dialogue which lead to this eventual ant. As far as any of the men he hired knew,
meeting. Norio was simply traveling to meet an old
Norio had considered asking a couple of friend and wanted to ensure his safety as he
his Blossom ninja brethren to come with him made his way. The extra money he paid them
since he was uncertain what might occur was to ensure their discretion with this mat-
along the way, but ultimately decided that ter. He had worked with this group before so
traveling incognito was probably the best he knew them to be capable enough.
course of action. The less attention he drew For three days, the group had been travel-
to himself, the better. The Blossom ninja had ing on main roads and in plain sight. Their
their own problems to deal with, after all. disguises had so far worked perfectly, and
While not nearly as divided as the Izou clans, they were only hassled a few times by Izou
they were living under Izou occupation, soldiers extorting money from random wan-
generally in hiding and were still debating derers. Norio had paid the soldiers in both
the merits of a full Uprising against the Izou cases. He had the money and there was no
forces. need to risk the lives of these men for a few
*** One of the men, Mamoru, an older man
with a shaggy salt and pepper beard and a
The men he traveled with had all seen jagged scar on the left side of his face that
their share of combat before, with some even left a dead white eye, had been keeping Norio
bearing the marks of their experience as entertained with tales of his glorious actions
rough scars or noticeable limps. Of course, in past battles - so far-fetched that even the
with even the peasants in the occupied Land ninja and his ability to use wushu would
of Seed and Blossom being subject to regular have been laughed at as a street magician. He
harassment by Izou soldiers, scars and limps constantly poked fun at Norio, a notoriously
were frequent to not seem too uncommon. quiet and mild-mannered individual, to get
Norio knew that even though his men were him to burst out in traveling songs with him
rough around the edges, they would all be and to share in his rice wine that he claimed
ready at the first sign of danger. At the end of to make himself. Despite all the pesky annoy-
their first day, the group had been attacked ances, Norio genuinely liked Mamoru and tol-

erated his stories enough to satisfy what the the stone was crumbling or overgrown with
ninja could only guess was the man’s almost kudzu, making it difficult to make out what
innate need to flood the air with his boister- was a natural formation and what had been
ous songs. carved by the original occupants of the vil-
lage generations ago.
*** “Some place to meet a friend,” Mamoru
chuckled a little bit as the words came out,
It was getting close to the end of their third “Couldn’t you have just found a quiet table
day of travel and Norio knew that they were and a bottle of wine?”
closing on the meeting point. He had given Norio dismissed the comment with a smirk
Kunio a number of options and let him decide and continued to look for Kunio. The area
where they would meet. Dakugeto was cho- wasn’t very large, and he knew the Kumori
sen, the remains of an old burned out town in clan reputation well enough to suspect they
the northwest border of the Land of Seed and aren’t fans of being out in the open. It was
Blossom. Built into the rocky sides of a small then that Norio noticed a few things out of
canyon carved out by a small rivulet tribu- the ordinary. Windows on the southern bank
tary of the Ouka River, the town was aban- appeared to have the kudzu cut away and
doned shortly after the Izou invasion. While some of the crumbling steps had a few of the
many had tried to reclaim and populate the stones disturbed. In another area, some of the
little village, it had been plagued for decades charred stone seemed to have been chipped
with rumors claiming that it was inhabited away as though hit or scraped by a hard
by the angry spirits of the dead. Norio, able to object.
commune with the spirits of the dead, knew The Phantom slowly turned towards Ma-
this to definitely not be the case and consid- moru who had just come to the same realiza-
ered it hidden well enough. tion. The other men in the party were sitting
As they entered Dakugeto from the south- at the base of one of the stairways resting
east, following a small path along the bab- their feet or filling up some skins of water in
bling water, Norio could hear Mamoru ahead the stream, and the rest were standing about
of him humming a drinking song that always the pile of their remaining supplies surveying
gave away that he had been sipping mid-day. the area.
The other men, who were scattered around Mamoru’s humming continued even as he
the path, both ahead and behind, had stopped motioned to the five men close by the pile of
at the front. Dakugeto was really just a few gear. They immediately drew weapons and
carved out caves in the soft limestone on struck poses of those expecting an attack at
either side of the stream, no more than thirty any moment as they advanced to the left side
feet high on either side with small, worn of the cliff. The two men by the stream had
stone steps weaving between them. Much of dropped their water skins on the gravelly

bank and were flanking the right, weapons down the central stairway where Norio’s men
drawn and at the ready. were previously standing. On either side he
Suddenly, a small clanking was heard was flanked by four soldiers. Two more with
coming from the central stairwell as a black firearms could be seen with their weapons
sphere bounced twice and landed in the loose leveled at the windows which had previously
gravel at the feet of the men. By the time the been cleared of vegetation. “You are clearly
smoldering wick revealed what it was, the outnumbered and outmatched, so I strongly
bomb exploded with a thundering echo re- recommend that you heed my order. If you
sounding through the small canyon. Even as don’t, I’ll be forced to kill you and your men
Norio shielded his eyes from the flying debris where you stand.” Masanori pulled another
he knew it was too late for three of his men. bomb off of his belt and began rolling its wick
He hoped that the others would fare better, between his fingers.
but immediately, they were none of his con- Norio nodded to his men and glanced at
cern. Mamoru and nodded again. Reluctantly, the
When the smoke cleared, Norio saw that he men began to drop their weapons and Masa-
and Mamoru were still standing, while their nori’s soldiers approached with rope to bind
other men were scrambling to their feet and them. The Engineer motioned for the soldiers
searching for dropped weapons. Mamoru’s in the windows to come down to cover the
face was already bloodied, his beard stained men.
crimson with blood coming from a fresh gash “This is becoming a trend for your people,
on his forehead. isn’t it?” Masanori said, “You are hunted
“Tomurai Norio!” a booming voice called down like the filthy dogs you are, and killed
out the name. “Tell your men to lay down like you deserve. I only regret that there
their weapons if you value their lives.” aren’t any people in this burned out hovel so
Norio could feel the heat in his face as the I can make an example out of you.” He moved
thought that he may have been betrayed closer to Norio as his gunmen exited the
after all his hard work crossed his mind. Let- stairs. “I heard rumors of your little Uprising.
ters going to multiple clans for months, even Believe me when I say you will lose.”
if they were encoded, were always a liability, “How did you know I would be here?”
but just thinking that one would betray him Norio asked.
made his blood boil. Was there no honor be- “The Izou have knowledge far beyond your
tween thieves. savage ability to comprehend. Our intelli-
“Kunio?” Norio’s normal whisper had been gence network spreads through every inch
slightly raised, but also naturally amplified of the Empire, so not even a bird chirps that
by the canyon walls. “Is that you?” the Emperor doesn’t know about.” Masanori
“Ha! No. I am Yamada Masanori, Engineer motioned for one of the gunmen to give him
of the Izou Empire.” The man was walking his firearm. He hefted the weapon and leveled

it at Mamoru, “At least he can rest knowing ered their weapons. A cough behind them
that one more ninja and his allies were killed caused Norio to turn back to see a black clad
this day.” figure standing over the body of Masanori
Norio dropped a weighted chain from his pulling a kunai out of the Engineer’s throat.
left sleeve and a tessen from his right. With “Sloppy.” said the ninja.
catlike grace, he whipped the chain under “Kunio?” Norio whispered, “You have a lot
the hand and forearm of Masanori wrapping to answer for. Your betrayal cost three of my
his hand tight with the firearm. He quickly men their lives.”
jerked the chain causing the firearm to dis- “Betrayal?” Kunio said gruffly, “I didn’t
charge harmlessly into the nearby stream. betray you. I just made sure Yamada Masa-
The bladed fan sliced across the engineer’s nori knew where you would be. The differ-
midsection and shock crossed his face. At ences are subtle, but evident, nonetheless.
this, Mamoru picked up his staff and pressed Masanori needed to die, and I needed to test
a concealed switch causing a blade to spring the skill you offer as an ally. It could have
from one end. In one fluid motion, he threw been me walking into this trap.”
the staff into the chest of another soldier, Norio relaxed his pose and put his weapons
knocking him to the ground with a thud. away, motioning for the other men to do the
Two soldiers from each group split off and same. “Fair enough,” Norio stated, “I believe
charged the ninja. The manrikigusari caught we have some business to discuss, and then I
the first in the temple, collapsing part of his have some prayers to say.”
skull. As the second soldier tripped over his “You say your prayers for now. Our busi-
fallen comrade, Norio swung the weighted ness is concluded. You, Norio, did not pass
chain around his neck, stepped on his back, my test.” And with that Kumori Kunio disap-
pulled sharply to the sound of a dull cracking. peared into the shadows that surrounded.
Mamoru had disarmed the third soldier and He had been warned of the Izou’s treach-
kept both him and the fourth at bay by the ery, but Norio held to his optimistic nature
time Norio caught them both across the neck above all other things. It appeared now,
with his long, bladed fan, dropping them to however, that the Land of Seed and Blossom
their knees. would be left on its own, as always. His hope
The other men had overpowered the Izou was lost that day.
soldiers trying to restrain them and recov-

Wu Xing: The LandIs of Seed and Blossom
published by
Third Eye Games, Tampa, FL

ISBN: 978-1-937013-15-8

Written by: Eloy Lasanta, Brandon K. Aten and Shammara Blanchard

Editing by: Lyndsey Holder, Jay Peters and Eloy Lasanta

Art Direction, Layout, Typesetting and Cover Design: Eloy Lasanta

Cover Art: Mike Mumah
Interior Art: Tazio Bettin (Page 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, and 44),
Mike Mumah (Page 13, 48, 54, 60, and 83), Daniel Oshouki (Page 19, 67, 80 and 91),
Kori Thompson (Page 23, 51, 64 and 95), Mark Hyzer (Page 16, 57, 74 and 86)
Clan Logo Designs: Kat Burress (Page 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40 and 43)
Map Design: Eloy Lasanta

Special Thanks:
Eloy: Releasing a third book in the Wu Xing line is a dream come true. Thank you to all the long-
time fans and Kickstarter backers for making this happen. As always, I’d like to thank my wonderful
children for keeping me dreaming as well.
Brandon: To Sarah... Thank you for suffering through life as a gamer/writer widow. To Eloy for giv-
ing me a chance to fall in love with a whole new world of adventure. To Mumah. I wish I could quit
you. To Kevin for all the support and guidance along the way to making me a better writer.
Shammara: Thanks to my great friends, my parents Michelle and Rocky, nephew Livi and sister
Jamila. Also, thanks to all of my English teachers who told me I should write. I am finally taking
your advice… Last but not least, a shout out to the Big Man Upstairs. Keep them straight up there.

Disclaimer: This book contains supernatural and magical themes, characters and places. This is
purely a fictional work and is for entertainment purposes only. Not recommended for those with
closed minds or poor critical thinking skills.

Copyright © 2011 Third Eye Games

All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be re-
produced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher,
except for brief quotes for use in reviews or copies of the character sheet.

Wu Xing:
The Land of Seed
and Blossom

Prologue: A Secret Meeting 3

Chapter One: The uprising 10

Chapter Two: Blossom Clans 24

Chapter Three: Roots of the people 46

Chapter Four: Seeds to be planted 72

Adventure: Another Way 97

Chapter one:
the uprising

Exotic and dangerous, the Land of Seed and the streets without cover or need for disguise in
Blossom is very different from what any Izou ninja parts of the land not ruled by occupying forces from
can claim to truly know. The Land fell to the Izou the Izou. In recent years, however, the stranglehold
Empire four centuries ago, its government mocked on the Land of Seed and Blossom has tightened
and viewed as weak and cowardly, but its ninja are more and more, placing Izou soldiers in almost
still feared for their mastery of nature and other every major village and making it hard for the ninja
paths of unusual and reviled magic. Blossom ninja to operate as openly as they’d please. This has lead
are known to wield the power of life and death to the idea of an Uprising and general feelings of
with their wushu, able to destroy even the healthi- dissent from the Blossom people.
est warrior with a single touch of the hand. These The Blossom clans are also not constantly at
claims are far from exaggerated, but the Land of each other’s throats in an eternal quest for more
Seed and Blossom – more than anything – is a na- power, as is standard for the Izou. Instead, most
tion of peace. That is, until recently. work together with a sense of harmony, getting
Stepping into this strange nation, one can see along as a family would – with all the implied
that Blossom ninja are not regarded in the revolting dysfunction. The reason behind this is clear when
fashion Izou ninja have come to expect. They are one compares the roots of the two nations. The
instead embraced as part of the Land’s culture and Izou Empire was carved on the flesh of politicians
looked to for expertise and leadership. Some walk and clans that fought for centuries to attain influ-

ence and crush their enemies. Their ninja followed prey relationship of power against fear. In its infan-

Chapter One: The Uprising

suit, each greedier than the next and ready to slice cy, before it ever had a chance to flourish, humanity
their brothers’ throats if the opportunity presented was in danger of destroying itself.
itself. They existed in a land where one Emperor That is, until Lu Dongbin arrived in the Land,
reigned supreme, making arbitrary decisions about the first Immortal. Legends state that his skin was
the future of their nation with no explanation given a deep crimson, and he had several arms wielding
to the people. They were ruled under an iron fist of various weapons and diamond eyes that dazzled. He
fear and death belonging to a child king. displayed power over the fire of life, easily mesmer-
The Blossom clans, on the other hand, were each izing the simple humans before him, and turned
born out of the necessity of its people, tipping the mountains to pure crystals with a touch. Quickly
scale of life and death in their favor. The ninja have regarded as a god, Lu Dongbin showed his worship-
a direct hand in the government, and the course of pers a glimpse of the new world he hoped to build.
the nation as a whole, and an important part of the The Immortal’s first act was to place a mystical
culture. Blossom ninja are teachers and shaman, jewel into each human’s forehead, thus opening
each revered for their ability to keep the nation their third eye to the lifeforce of chi that sur-
spiritually balanced. To know the real story behind rounded them. It granted the gift of language and
the nation, one must learn of the Seven Catastro- emotional stability, filling them with ideas of tradi-
phes that have shaped the clans and their people. tion and culture. Under the tutelage of the first
Immortal, the Blossom people established territory,
education and etiquette, taking their first steps to
Seven Catastrophes being truly civilized. Of course, there were those
that refused to kneel to the foot of the Immortal,
The seven clans of the Land of Seed and Blos- those that rejected the idea of civilization and
som have risen organically from the cries of the peace. These barbarians ran to the west to become
people over time, each crafted to suit a certain the founders of the Izou and Land of Five Blades and
horrible event that struck like lightning. These create a world of violence and conflict.
events are known as the Seven Catastrophes, when Lu Dongbin, once certain he taught the people of
the Immortals came from heaven to grant power the Land of Seed and Blossom all the vital lessons
to the nation’s protectors, the ninja. Legends of the he had to impart, left in search of other adventure.
Catastrophes are passed down through the tradi- The Immortal did not leave his followers without
tion of storytelling and have become a basis of the a structure to fall back on, however. He imbued
Land’s central religion, Immortalism. This belief in certain special worshippers with a small taste of his
greater beings is the cornerstone for life in the Land divine power, creating the first ninja to walk the
of Seed and Blossom. As is with most stories, exact Earth, the Shouka Clan. The tradition of embedding
dates are left open to interpretation of the listener a Birthstone into each newborn’s forehead was born
or removed entirely. They always occur in the same from this legend, a cultural mark that has survived
order, however. to the current day. The ninja became known as
the Crystal Bearers (pg. 28), bringing Lu Dongbin’s
blessings to everyone in the Land.
Invention of Man
First Catastrophe
At the dawn of time, when humans crept from Plague of Trees
the sea on two legs, they lived as animals in the Second Catastrophe
worst sense. They ripped each other apart, using As the people approached their lives with new-
the bones from their kills to murder another. No found confidence and decorum imparted to them
love, no remorse and no thought existed other than by the first Immortal, new obstacles soon presented
survival. Of course, some killed for fun and did so themselves. The land to the east called the Un-
with great frequency, creating a perilous predator/

tamed Wilds, a nation of overgrown trees and wild Culling of the lambs
Chapter One: The Uprising

animals, was fine when human beings were mere Third Catastrophe
animals, but its reborn people needed food, shelter Along with a feeling of peace and happiness over
and protection from the deadly animals that stalked the Land of Seed and Blossom, came the cultural
the jungles. Every day saw another child lost to the institutions of Caste and a boom for childbirth.
jaws of a jungle cat, a father dying of starvation Having a large family became the sign of wealth and
or a mother felled to the claw of a hungry bear. social status, some having as many as twenty chil-
The physical danger was enough to drive human- dren. With the medical advances bestowed upon the
ity from the land entirely, but many of them were Blossom people by the second Immortal, they began
too sick for long travel. The Untamed Wilds also living longer and had little to no fear of external
released air-born toxins into the air and produced forces to bring them down. A real danger of over-
food full of poisons that killed slowly over a matter population and an imbalance with the earth had
of months. fallen upon them. That is when the third Immortal
It was then that the second Immortal arrived, appeared in order to change the course of history.
Iron Crutch Li. He first looked very similar to a Zhongli Quan, a man with skin of black oil and a
regular human with darkened skin and walked with skull painted upon his face appeared in the center
the help of an iron crutch, his obvious namesake. of the Land with an explosion that shook the earth.
The Immortal hid among the people, pretending to His voice was deep and imposing as he delivered his
be scared of the wild, as was the norm, and helping message. Quan told the foolhardy people that they
to care for the sick and wounded when he could. had wasted the bounty the Immortals gifted them.
He was touched by the togetherness such horrible With that, he raised his fan made of fire and with
condition created for the Blossom people. When one waved created a whirlwind that destroyed an
he finally revealed himself, however, Li had skin entire city and killed everyone within.
of bright green, a beard of long vines and hair of The dreadful immortal wandered the land, strik-
autumn leaves. ing down those that would take from his broth-
Iron Crutch Li went on to teach the people how ers and sisters in order to appear stronger. Honor
to live as one with the earth, how to cultivate what couldn’t be accomplished by draining the land of its
was necessary from the jungle and carve away the resources with too many mouths to feed. Instead,
rest. The people developed an understanding of the third Immortal called upon the institution of
nature and learned how to utilize agriculture in filial piety. The older a person, and thus the more
various ways. In essence, the second Immortal led family that could propagate below them on the
to the creation of villages and cities, founding the family tree, would earn them the respect of the
Land of Seed and Blossom as a sovereign nation and people. Though each set of parents was restricted
not just a collection of random tribes. to two children at any given time, only able to birth
The Immortal took on apprentices to his arts, more as their offspring became Family Bearers
teaching these new ninja the ways of potion cre- themselves. The oldest man and oldest woman were
ation and the pursuit of immortality itself. This placed at the top of this hierarchy and expected to
new clan, called the Bamboo Alchemists (pg. 25), carry out the spiritual and governmental duties of
went on to cure the diseases of the Land of Seed leading the country. And with that, he was gone.
and Blossom and begin a golden age of prosperity. Zhongli Quan killed many people in the Land of
Iron Crutch Li made sure to instruct the ninja that, Seed and Blossom, young and old alike, but he did
of course, more immortals would eventually arrive not do it alone. The Immortal found a single man
whenever the people needed to be set upon the named Yakubyo that he trusted with the responsi-
right course. bility of carrying out this duty for him. The Kouhei
clan was imparted the powers of disease in case an-
other purge should ever be needed. Yakubyo’s Pox
(pg. 43) was founded from a gathering of the best

Chapter One: The Uprising
warriors in the Land. The fear of their reprisal was Soon did Zhang Guo ride into town backwards
enough to teach temperance with reproduction. on his white mule, playing a lute with his magical
fingers and a toothless grin. His physical appear-
ance was just like any other, but he lacked pupils
Calming of the Dead and spoke only in whispers. Legends say that he
Fourth Catastrophe rode his mule through a field of the walking dead
Life returned to normal, but with a feeling of and was left unharmed and untouched by their cold
fear and regret that loomed in the air. The Blossom hands. So it was that the fourth Immortal arrived
people buried many of their family members after to put into order what was broken with his song to
the destruction brought by the third Immortal and calm the dead. He taught the Blossom people proper
the years after by the relentless aggression from funeral rites beyond simply leaving the dead in the
Yakubyo’s Pox. The ground began to overflow with ground or having wild animals devour them.
the dead, leaving the land with a smell of rot and With his mastery of necromancy, Zhang Guo
pestilence. Perhaps draining life from the earth or played a wondrous song that placed the dead into
from the jungle expanses around them, certain bod- an eternal sleep once more. He called for men and
ies began to walk the night, causing horror and hys- women willing to keep watch over the restless dead,
teria in many parts of the land. The ninja went on a thus creating the order of the Phantom Voices (pg.
rampage to destroy the zombies, only to find their 34). These ninja learned the death rites put into
blades were only temporary solutions to a larger place by the fourth Immortal and spread through-
problem. This was not an enemy that the Crystal out the Land to perform proper funerals and dis-
Bearers could negotiate with, that the Bamboo pose of the dead. This cleansed the death from the
Alchemists could cure or that Yakubyo’s Pox could Land of Seed and Blossom and made the future look
outright destroy. brighter for the people.

Poisoned Bodies women in the land to hone their purity, body and
Chapter One: The Uprising

Fifth Catastrophe spirit to create a cure for the Fa Disease from their
Several decades went by and the Land was peace- chi. Mastery of blood was her blessing, thus creat-
ful and serene, but it was also quite insular. The ing the Sisterhood of Blood (pg. 37). She walked into
Blossom people began looking to the outside world, the Ouka River and simply disappeared.
imagining the wonders that life in other nations It was during this time that the Bamboo Herb-
had to offer. To ensure their people’s safety, the alists split from the Bamboo Alchemists, leaving
Elders sent emissaries to learn from other cultures. the Land of Seed and Blossom for what they saw
At the same time, the Land of Seed and Blossom saw as greener pastures. This occurrence would have
more outsiders crossing their borders to experience severely weakened any other clan, but the exact
their pleasures as well. number of Alchemists was always in question. None
Somewhere in all of the travel came Fa, a young of their apparent power was truly lost.
boy that had contracted a strange wasting disease,
presumably from interaction with a foreigner. The Loss of Joy
Bamboo Alchemists were unable to heal this truly Sixth Catastrophe
scary sickness, as it was too strong for their known Then came the day when the Izou Empire was no
magic or potions. The disease began spreading longer content to stay on their side of the border.
throughout the Land of Seed and Blossom, taking Its power grew to such a level that it overflowed
dozens, hundreds and then thousands to the after- into any neighboring nation that couldn’t put up a
life. Without help, their people would have been fight. War spread throughout the world, as the Em-
doomed to suffer at the hand of this horrible plague pire attacked every nation almost simultaneously.
to which they had no natural resistance. The Blossom ninja stood strong against the oncom-
When most believed a cure to be a lost cause, ing threat and were able to push the invading forces
a woman descended from the heavens. The fifth back more than once. The border was held by walls
Immortal, Lady He Xiangu, was beautiful and fair- made of entwined wood and crystal that towered
skinned, wearing flowing red phoenix robes and over the enemy, with warriors of plague, blood and
carrying a long lotus flower between her fingers. death awaiting those that attempted to approach.
She demanded to be brought to the first carrier The people rejoiced, confident that their ninja
of what came to be known as the Fa Disease. She would be able to protect them no matter what.
kissed the boy’s Birthstone and infused his jewel For years, there was no sign of aggression and the
with her magic, filling him with health and beaming Elders hoped that no further violence would be
energy. It was clear that her newfound magic was necessary. No one saw the joint attack of the Izou
the key to breaking this sickness. Army and battalions from the Land of Five Blades
It was too big of a job for just one person, even coming. The Blossom ninja’s power was cut in half
a great Immortal, so Lady He Xiangu chose certain almost instantly and many of their important cities
and monuments were reduced to ruin during the
ensuing battles. The biggest loss to the people was
the Seiseki Temples (pg. 48) where the Birthstone
It is believed by many that the Slithering Gods,
Imbuing ceremonies were once held en mass.
who then became the Recoiling Serpents, created
It wasn’t long before the Elders of the Land of
the Fa Disease. There is little proof to back up
Seed and Blossom were forced to surrender for fear
these claims, but the close proximity of territory
of losing their nation entirely. The Izou and Five
and the clan’s unstopping quest for escalating
Blades soldiers waltzed in, occupying several cities
power both point to these ninja as the culprits.
and sectioning off much of the land as their new
To think that one clan at its peak almost de-
settlements. With diminished power, the Blossom
stroyed a second nation after nearly conquering
ninja could do nothing while their nation was stolen
the first. Truly a horrifying thought.

from them.

Chapter One: The Uprising

Enemy of My Enemy
Lan Caihe, the sixth immortal, arrived in secret
One would think that the Izou and Blossom
soon after, but not with the mission of calling the
ninja would easily become bedfellows in their
attention of their enemies. Helping the Blossom
assault on the Emperor’s army. However, the
people was the first priority. Caihe was human
Blossom people are just as proud as they are
in appearance, but asexual in nature, having no
xenophobic. An Izou ninja is no different from an
features what would mark the Immortal as male or
Izou soldier in the eyes of the Blossom ninja. The
female. The spirits of the people were down and it
Uprising means cleansing the land of ANY outsid-
was the sixth Immortal who taught the most impor-
ers that could corrupt them again.
tant lesson of celebration of culture, despite one’s
Not only this, but the Lotus Coalition has taken
failures or any amount of sadness they may feel.
note of the goings-on in the Land of Seed and
The Splendid Chameleons (pg. 40) were born
Blossom and has been using it as a decoy to plot
from Lan Caihe’s teachings, these ninja learning
their own rebellion against the Ninja Crusade.
how to manipulate their bodies in a similar fash-
The coalition has planted evidence of exaggerat-
ion… to the ultimate amusement of the Blossom
ed Blossom numbers and assassinations, forcing
people. The ninja began traveling the land, bringing
the Emperor to send more troops into the Land of
happiness to those with no real reason to smile. The
Seed and Blossom or risk losing it. In turn, many
Izou Empire assumed they had broken the Blossom
targets are then left open to suprise attack for
spirit, but they could not have been more wrong.
the Lotus Coalition to take advantage.
This isn’t to say that the Izou and Blossom
Wild Infestation ninja could never work together for a common
Seventh Catastrophe goal, but it would take much patience to reach
Only 200 years ago, while the Blossom ninja such terms on a nationwide scale. Otherwise, it
continued to be held under the heel of two collec- is up to the individual’s views on the world and
tive armies, the Seventh Catastrophe came from their perspective of Izou ninja in general. Even
the smallest of enemies. A single species of bug, the most peaceful of Blossom clans, the Sister-
called the suu, encroached upon the Land from the hood of Blood, has had to share a bloody border
Untamed Wilds. Several search parties were sent with the Izou for centuries. That kind of exposure
into the wilderness in search of potential nests to can warp any ninja’s worldview.
destroy, but none were ever found. The suu began
eating away all of the vegetation and even crept den appearance was not to teach a lesson, however.
into the storehouses of food stockpiles to devour Han Xiang’s goal was to incite unrest in the Land of
those as well. Seed of Blossom. The death, hunger and oppression
The nation was stricken with a terrible blight, needed to be driven out of the nation, but its people
where many died from hunger and others turned were too beaten to do it alone. This new weapon,
to horrible acts for just a taste of real food (usually control of the suu, would be the final gift bestowed
kept locked away for Izou generals). The Emperor upon the Blossom ninja. It is said that the seventh
called back much of his army due to the lack of Immortal spread himself as suu amongst the mem-
food, supplementing it instead with Five Blades bers of the ninja in order to form what became the
warriors. Grim Creepers (pg. 31). They were able to now begin
Han Xiang, the seventh Immortal, walked out of the planning stages to a new world.
the Untamed Wilds, composed entirely of the vile
insects that were the cause of the nation’s state.
He entrusted power over the suu to one particular
The Uprising
family, being the first Immortal to choose a single Eighth Catastrophe?
bloodline to impart their gifts. The Immortal’s sud- Change was slow, even with the newest clan
added to the Land. The Izou Empire was still strong

in their occupation and the Blossom people were the Uprising as the right decision. Only the blessing
Chapter One: The Uprising

forced to take it, as commanded by their esteemed of a divine being will be enough to cleanse the Land
Elders who wanted only peace. Both the male and of Seed and Blossom of those that would harm or
female Elder had descended from the Crystals Bear- poison it. The ninja continue to look to the heavens
ers since the Izou’s attacks and a constant stance for a sign.
of non-violent resistance was struck. That is, until
the fateful day when the eldest male, Ge Hong, died
peacefully in his sleep. Blossom Clans
A new male Elder needed to be selected. The
search was exhaustive, but a chief of Yakubyo’s Pox The ninja of the Land of Seed and Blossom are as-
finally stepped forward to claim his place. Called sembled into collections of like-minded chi manipu-
only Sunzi, he went on to make proud speeches of lators of common origin. According to legend, each
an imminent uprising by the Blossom People. In his of the most powerful Blossom clans first originated
mind, this was a necessary step for their nation to from contact with one of the Immortals. Though
continue any kind of sovereignty. The other Elder, a few smaller clans have cropped up throughout
Mei Chin, who preached only peace, constantly the land, these ninja are often assimilated into the
softened Sunzi’s words and left him powerless to seven existing powers. Each of the clans has dras-
implement effective change. Within the next few tically different ideas of how the current state of
years, however, Sunzi had poisoned many against affairs should be handled, but it is the final deci-
this peace that had brought nothing but
ruin, which led to Mei Chin’s eventual as-
A new female Elder, Wang Anyi of the
Splendid Chameleons, took her place as
Sunzi’s cohort. She was in complete
agreement with the need to rebel
against Izou tyranny imposed on their
people. Together, they gave the word
to the ninja to begin preparations to
evict the Izou army from their Land of
Seed and Blossom.
Coming to be known as the Blos-
som Uprising, the land is very much
in a state of change. Much differ-
ent from the Izou ninja who hide
from an army that wants to
destroy them, the Blossom
ninja are waging a guerilla
war against an occupy-
ing force. Surprise attacks,
bombings and other tactics have
been used thus far, but even the
Izou army’s scattered numbers
have proven too difficult to defeat
The Blossom people await the
next Immortal’s arrival to cement

sion of the Elders that holds the clans together as a are invited across the land to perform funeral rites

Chapter One: The Uprising

cohesive force. for grieving families.

Bamboo Alchemists Sisterhood of Blood

The root clan from which the Bamboo Herbalists The Sisterhood of Blood is a clan of peace and
split, the Bamboo Alchemists are masters of potions purity, born during a time of the land’s greatest
and healing. Their ninja can cure almost any disease blood disease. It is only with their love for the Blos-
known to the land and are always concocting dif- som people and wushu that manipulates blood that
ferent recipes to cure various new sicknesses that the Fa Disease is held at bay today. The Sisterhood
strike from the Untamed Wilds. They are the most is the most open of the clans, making themselves
secluded of all the clans, forcing those in need of accessible to bless births and give valuable advice to
cure to venture on quests to find one. Fortunately, the citizens of their villages.
their clan is long-lived.
Splendid Chameleons
Crystal Bearers The artists of the Land of Seed and Blossom, the
Arguably the first ninja clan ever, the Crystal Splendid Chameleon strive to bring only happi-
Bearers are masters of jewels and were the ones to ness. The ninja of this clan succeeded in a small war
institute the tradition of the Birthstone. They are against the Izou Empire with every smile they put
wise advisors and are keen on negotiating to solve on a citizen’s face. They specialize in body shaping
issues before ever lifting a blade. If necessary, how- and modification to their form, which makes them
ever, they will fight to the death with their Blossom perfect warriors and spies during the Uprising.
brothers and sisters. The number of Crystal Bearers
has fallen, leaving their wisdom to slowly fade, but Yakubyo’s Pox
the Uprising has spurred new recruitment.
This clan is made up of the premiere warriors of
the Land of Seed and Blossom. Ninja of Yakubyo’s
Grim Creepers Pox train constantly and prepare themselves for
The Grim Creepers are the newest of the Blos- taking on even the worst of enemies. Their clan was
som clans. They breed, watch over and otherwise formed during a bout of overpopulation where the
control the suu, a species of fly that once ravaged Pox was sent to decimate their very own people.
the Land of the Seed and Blossom. These ninja made Now they stand as a warning of what will happen
homes for these creatures within their own bodies, again if the people’s hubris grows too strong once
becoming one with their colony of insects, which si- more.
multaneously saved the Land and made them truly
grotesque beings to deal with. Their versatile wushu
are deadly when wielded correctly. The Chosen
Phantom Voices In many ways, Blossom ninja are born, not made.
During the Birthstone Imbuing ceremony, per-
Assembled during a time when the dead walked formed by the Crystal Bearers, a faint shimmer can
the earth, the Phantom Voices were integral to be seen within the jewel if the child is destined to
creating important burial rites that spread through- be a ninja. The brighter the shimmer of one’s Birth-
out the Land of Seed and Blossom. They have power stone, the more powerful a ninja they are destined
over the dead and can hear the whispers of the to become in their lifetime. The child is generally
recently deceased if they listen hard enough. They left to their parents, but is watched over as they
are known for seldom speaking over a whisper, but make their way through life, usually by the Crystal

Bearer that gave them their Birthstone. When they Empire. A small number of students are often all
Chapter One: The Uprising

are of age, the now young adult is given an oppor- that is available today, as some Blossom citizens
tunity to join one of the seven clans of the Land of are either killed or they buy into the mindset of the
Seed and Blossom. Izou Empire and start believing that their own cul-
The Blossom people know that if a ninja comes ture is primitive. This creates a competitive nature
to offer power, taking it is often the only option. between the clans to indoctrinate as many ninja in
If a ninja offers power to a husband, child or other to their clans as possible.
loved one, letting them take it is an understood
rule. Gifts imparted by the great Immortals are
rare and should never be ignored. To refuse such a Family
request is to gain the ire of that clan and be cursed.
A Crystal Bearer may remove the shimmer itself, As a people, citizens of the Land of Seed and Blos-
while a ninja from Yakubyo’s Pox may slice the som are very much part of a community. Before a
child in two without a second thought. child is taught their own name, they already under-
If the child’s Birthstone shines with enough pow- stand their place within the fragile ecosystem that
er and promise, the ninja can ask to hold the child is Blossom society. This leads to most seeing them-
for training. Parents, again, are strongly encour- selves as part of a larger organism. Travelers from
aged by tradition to resign to the ninja’s request. the Izou Empire often scoff at the Blossom peoples’
The child is never lied to, always taught that they lack of individuality, but this societal difference is
have been chosen by the Immortals and plucked important for making the two nations quite dis-
from a normal life. When they reach maturity, they tinct. One nation was built on the backs of those it
may seek out their birth parents and reconnect, oppressed and killed, its citizens flourishing and
secure in the knowledge that they received the very tasting the eloquence that only a conqueror could
best preparation for the upcoming wars. enjoy. The other nation was built upon the bones of
From the moment that a ninja joins the clan, they its own people, each generation suffering horrible
are joining a powerful and expanding family. They catastrophes and surviving them together.
leave their past behind, usually abandoning their Their fierce respect for their elders is spurred by
birth surname for that of their new clan. Some take their belief that family is the most important thing.
on new names entirely, fully engrossing themselves Family, however, is more than just one’s immedi-
in their newfound lives. Of course, the further along ate blood relations. One’s friends are an extended
a ninja goes in their studies, the more their lives family, followed by their teachers, shop owners
will focus on the goings-on of their clan. and everyone else that lives within their village.
Like the Izou ninja, clans of the Land of Seed and Beyond one’s village is the province and then na-
Blossom follow a master/student type of relation- tion as a whole. Citizens believe themselves to be a
ship. A single teacher, however, is rarely known to vital piece in the puzzle that is the Land of Seed and
take on more than three students at any one time, Blossom.
unlike Izou ninja with one sensei sometimes teach- This intense loyalty to family reflects itself as
ing entire villages. The reason for this is two-fold. much stronger relations between even their most
First, students are treated as family first and ninja antagonistic clans. Despite their warring nature,
initiates second. They are given an equal amount of Blossom ninja know that the clans exist to balance
love, devotion and attention that the teacher would each other. Blood is still spilled, but seldom on a
give their own child. Students are often housed in whim. Instead, the ninja consider themselves broth-
the teacher’s home, performing tasks (i.e. cleaning, ers and sisters in a larger family and are happy to
errands, village work) in exchange for their meals, squabble first and kill second.
shelter and training.
The second reason is that the number of ninja
has declined overall since the arrival of the Izou

The Longest Lived mixes the spirit of the Immortals with the person’s

Chapter One: The Uprising

soul, thus extending their life span. Even the lowli-
As a society that attempts to emulate the spiri- est Blossom citizen lives well into thirteen decades
tuality and wisdom of the great Immortals, the Blos- before they die, about 30% longer than people from
som people have developed their own religion. This other lands. Again, this gift from the Immortals
Immortalism encompasses the hearts and minds reaffirms the strength of their conviction.
of almost every citizen, bringing them to shrines With age comes knowledge and wisdom, which
to pray to the seven Immortals whose names they has led to a culture that revolves around respect for
know and for the arrival of the 8th (and some say age. The idea of disrespecting an elder – someone
final) Immortal to the Land of Seed and Blossom. who has lived a long and interesting life - rarely en-
These shrines are kept as sacred places within ters one’s mind. Those that commit crimes against
even the smallest village and stories have spread of the elderly find their sentences much more severe,
wayward travelers that are slain for resting on the especially if their victim has pull within that par-
building for too long. It is a place of worship, not a ticular village or settlement. Immortalism is what
post to be leaned upon, after all. eventually led to the tradition of the oldest man
Belief in the Immortals is not just a matter of and woman ruling the Land of Seed and Blossom
faith. The tradition of imbuing one’s Birthstone with their wisdom.

The Blossom ninja, because of the additional chi but ninja must still strive to better themselves or
Chapter One: The Uprising

held within their Birthstones, can live to be about be seen as weak in the eyes of their clan. There are
160 years old before succumbing to death - the six Castes that the Land of Seed and Blossom recog-
Bamboo Alchemists, of course, able to live twice nizes.
that amount of time due to their amazing clan
gifts. This idea of Immortalism works to the ninja’s Gatherers
advantage, as they are viewed as agents of the seven
Immortals and revered as such. If a ninja needs a Every Blossom citizen starts out as a Gatherer
place to sleep, someone has a bed for them to rest and is usually a distinction held for children or
their head. If a ninja needs a meal, there is usu- those without any lofty goals. The role of a Gath-
ally a citizen glad to offer food. Of course, Blossom erer is one of basic necessity, performing many of
ninja must be careful not to take their citizenry for the common duties of farming, commerce and (as
granted or else they risk turning people from the the name describes) gathering resources from the
path of Immortalism and into the arms of the Izou forests. One at this Caste level, however, is rarely
Empire’s false traditions. left to their own devices. At the bottom of the totem
pole, Gatherers haven’t yet achieved the status of
true adulthood. There are stories of adults that have
Blossom Castes never ascended past the Gatherer Caste, either do
to being ill-motivated, crippled or possibly mentally
While the idea behind Class as a system of hierar- deficient. There should be a strong reason why an
chy exists in the Izou Empire, the Land of Seed and adult, especially with such a long life to accomplish
Blossom follows a much different social construct. this smallest of feats, would remain a simple Gath-
Everyone is born equal in the eyes of the Immortals, erer.
with ninja only slightly ahead due to their natural Ninja of the Gatherer Caste are often simply
gifts toward chi manipulation. It is up to the moti- children. Blossom clans are known for pushing their
vation of the individual citizen to determine where students to physical and mental excellence early
they fall in terms of their Caste, allowing them to on to avoid any of their ninja falling behind. If one
rise or fall during the course of their life (instead of cannot even reach beyond mediocrity, they will not
sticking to one Caste based on the circumstances of make for a very good ninja. Yakubyo’s Pox has been
their birth). known to simply eliminate initiates that cannot
If one’s father was a famous Hunter, for instance, complete these basic principles.
they are expected to rise to that level at some point
in their lives and even surpass it if at all possible. Family Bearers
If one’s mother was a village Chief, they often have
As a Family Bearer, the citizen lifts the stigma of
pressure to follow in large footsteps. Falling short
being a child and achieves the title of true adult-
of the capabilities of one’s predecessors can cer-
hood. Following Blossom tradition, the Gatherer is
tainly bring shame onto family, friends and one’s
set on a series of trials to prove one’s responsibility,
clan. This alone is enough to drive most to at least
integrity, strength and ingenuity. The child pre-
attempt achievement. It also prompts others born
pares for their adulthood trials roughly at the age
to families of lower caste to remain at that level, as
of 13. These tests can vary based on one’s region,
not to place undo burdens of achievement on their
as Immortal legends find their way to influence
the trials, but few villages deviate from the ma-
Even though they are graced with the blessing
jor points. For instance, trials in the territory of
of the Immortals, Blossom ninja are still subject to
the Grim Creepers may require putting on a glove
the rules of Caste and tradition. They are slightly
filled with deadly fire ants to see if their body can
removed from society, which eliminates any dis-
resist the poison, while a child in the territory of
honor to their birth families based on their actions,
the Phantom Voices may be left to a spirit quest in

the middle of the forest with only the dead to bring Adventurers

Chapter One: The Uprising

them home. If the child already belongs to a clan,
Before a Blossom citizen is given approval to
these trials can be expected to be heightened to
leave the land, they must be of the Adventurer
much higher levels of complexity.
Caste. At this level of achievement, they have sur-
When their trials are completed, they are no lon-
passed general gathering skills and have already
ger children and can officially claim to be a Family
brought back several hunts worth of meat from the
Bearer. The new adult can now own property and
wild to their village. Having proven themselves,
operate without constant supervision. Only when
they can now go on a walkabout to see the Land of
one has reached this Caste are they permitted to
Seed and Blossom and beyond. Their Birthstone
choose a wife or husband and give birth to future
sparkles with a certain glint that tells others that
generations. Once joined in ceremony, they are also
their journey has no particular direction and the
given a small bit of land and some cattle with which
now Adventurer can simply wander the world.
to create their own home. While not mandatory,
Leaving the Land is a big deal for these entirely
all citizens of family bearing age are encouraged to
close-knit people. Stepping even one foot outside of
perform their duties accordingly.
the nation can be extremely exhilarating for some
It is important for the continuation of the clans
and downright dreadful for others. Not only are
that a ninja at least reach the Family Bearer Caste.
they alone in another land without their family and
Each holds within them a small piece of the Im-
friends to rely on (unless they decided to travel to-
mortals and to not pass on their gifts is to curse the
gether), but they now act as representatives of their
world to darkness.
homeland wherever they go.
While some choose to leave, there are an equal
Hunters number of citizens that stay within the confines of
Some citizens of the Land of Seed and Blossom their homeland. They travel to different provinces
remain at the Family Bearer Caste, serving very they may not have visited before and are given
much as a parallel to the Izou Commoner. However, mostly uninhibited access to the Untamed Wilds
some do not strive for complacency. The next level (though sacrifices must be made to the Blossom
to aspire to is that of a Hunter, citizens entrusted ninja to hopefully acquire a guide through such
with seeking more dangerous sources of meals for dangerous terrain).
their villages. Picking up a spear and heading into Ninja of this Caste are worldlier and harder to
the forest isn’t enough to become a Hunter. War- trick, as they’ve seen a lot more of the world than
riors train for years in order to get a shot to join a others. They often have much more tolerance for
Hunter’s league and venture out to try their hand at Izou ninja, as well, and are not as quick to spill
taking the life of other, highly threatening crea- blood over petty disagreements. Understanding
tures. In many cases, one must prove triumphant the cultures of other people is an important skill
over much larger prey than themselves and share learned by an Adventurer, after all.
it with the rest of their village in a huge celebration
to attain this title. Hunters can be spotted by the Advisors
trophy they keep from their very first kill, such as a
Once a Blossom citizen has gained enough life
horn carved from a boar tusk or a cougar’s pelt.
experience and gathered a wealth of wisdom, they
Many believe that one is not a true warrior until
can begin their rise to the Advisor Caste. This Caste
they reach the Hunter Caste. The skills taught as
has the reputation of being the resting place of Ad-
a hunter can heighten a ninja’s already existing
venturers after they have finished their walkabouts.
power, making them an even greater contributor to
Plenty of citizens, however, skip directly to the
their clan. Ninja from Yakubyo’s Pox are known for
Advisor Caste – easy to do if one has lived a rich and
having large numbers of Hunters, being the land’s
eventful life already.
best warriors.
Advisors perform the crucial duty of offering

counsel to the young. Some become generals that folly of trusting the young with such power. As they
Chapter One: The Uprising

go on to lead wars or plan grand battle strategies to expanded their domain, all of the surrounding na-
produce fewer casualties, while others become com- tions were targets for the Izou, some fighting back
munity leaders. It is their responsibility to ensure and winning as the Land of Five Blades did and oth-
all the proper rituals and celebrations are observed, ers walling themselves away as the Land of Exalted
including the Birthstone tradition and the rites of Flame chose.
passage that come with rising or falling in Caste. In 326 IE, the Land of Seed and Blossom peace-
This Caste is the highest achievable without be- fully conceded to Izou occupation after a decade of
ing the oldest member of their community, but they all out war at their border. Other nations often re-
are respected as much as Chiefs at times. With age gard the Blossom people as cowards, but the mostly
comes wisdom and with wisdom comes authority in peaceful people of this kind nation have still yet to
the Land of Seed and Blossom. Many ninja strive to ever incite a war with other nations. They are the
achieve this level within their clans. Being an Advi- only nation in the world that can make this claim.
sor puts them in a position of power among their The Blossom and Izou ninja were completely
clanmates, but also allows them to support and at odds, causing many battles that eventually led
protect their individual villages more securely. to outright incarceration by the Izou armies. It is
important to remember that there was a time when
Chiefs the ninja were an integral part of how the Izou
Empire operated. This is yet another reason why
Those that climb to the Chief Caste have lived the Blossom ninja are quick to turn a blind eye to
a long time and have amassed a lot of power and the atrocities occurring daily at the hands of their
control. The Chief of a village, town or city is the neighboring nation. It is because of the Izou ninja
leaders and ruling class, answering only to the that the Blossom culture has been turned on its
Blossom Elders. This power does not come with- ear. Ever since the day that the Izou set foot in the
out a price, as they can seldom live normal lives. Land of Seed and Blossom, their way of life has been
Their people are constantly adoring and serving the skewed.
Chiefs’ family, creating a legacy that is passed down The people have held strong to their beliefs and
through the generations. This, again, puts pressure culture, despite an occupying force that wants to
on the future generations to strive to the chief level beat it out of them. Over the years, however, many
as well. of the Blossom people have become indoctrinated
Chiefs often create loose alliances with their into the Izou belief system. More and more chil-
neighboring towns, but are not without their rival- dren are growing up with little to no respect for
ries. As leaders, they must look to their Advisors their elders and no faith in the Immortals to show
to find the best course of action or ultimately lose the people the way. Likewise, some families have
their territory completely. They carry the world on chosen not to have their children receive their
their shoulders and have left their life of adventure Birthstone, their birthright to power, in hopes that
and travel behind, trading it for a leadership role in the child will be better received by the often brutal
the best nation in the world. Izou soldiers.
Even the leadership of the Elders has been more
of a figurehead rulership, as the Emperor is as-
Izou Influences sumed by many to be in control of the Land of Seed
and Blossom for all “important” decisions. The Blos-
The Izou Empire has stood for over 750 years, som people continue to look to their Elders, how-
each generation passing control of its armies and ever, when their people need help the most. The
faculties to the next. The current Emperor himself Emperor apparently cares little about the general
began as a child ruler and the Ninja Crusade that goings-on of the populace as long as it is kept in
has taken over their land is a clear indication of the order by his armies and as long as the Izou Empire

can still say that they have control over the Land of

Chapter One: The Uprising

Seed and Blossom.
Most importantly, the recent sentiments of
hostility toward ninja have begun bleeding through
from the Izou Empire into the Land of Seed and
Blossom. This is one among many reasons for the
Uprising and the creation of an alliance between
the Blossom clans. The goal is to take their nation
back, using the Ninja Crusade as a distraction.
How it will all unfold is unknown and the Immor-
tals have not shown their faces to guide the ninja to
the correct choice. Each clan has their own agenda
with the Uprising, but all are committed to ousting
the Izou once and for all, even if that means turning
from their peaceful ways.

Chapter Two:
Blossom Clans

Unlike the Izou ninja that are organized into There are very few clans besides the seven that
awkward families, the Blossom ninja are regarded dominate the Land of Seed and Blossom. Lesser clans
more as forces of nature. They represent the ideas that have sprouted up in the land are often disre-
of death, fertility and pestilence, taking on the role garded as a power not sanctioned by the Immortals.
of demigods in some instances. To become a ninja Without heavenly approval, a ninja is just a ninja
is not simply to become part of a family, but to take and not deserving of the Blossom peoples’ rever-
a sacred oath to defend and look after the Land of ence. Some move on to other lands to seek power
Seed and Blossom. They believe themselves to be elsewhere, while others are simply absorbed into
agents of Heaven, in spirit and act, and are revered the existing clans as tradition dictates.
by the Blossom people, no matter how despicable or
disturbing their purpose or appearance. The Immor- The seven Blossom clans are:
tals have gifted them with power, after all. Bamboo Alchemists (pg. 25)
In almost any town and city, the people can visit Crystal Bearers (pg. 28)
their special temples to send prayers to the clan Grim Creepers (pg. 31)
they seek aid from, which are heard and responded Phantom Voices (pg. 34)
to as quickly as possible. Someone in fear of their Sisterhood of Blood (pg. 37)
child dying would call upon the Sisterhood of Blood Splendid Chameleons (pg. 40)
to aid them, while a recent death in the family Yakubyo’s Pox (pg. 43)
would beckon the Phantom Voices to assist.

Bamboo Alchemists

Chapter two: blossom clans

Other Names: Ika Clan, Alchemists, Shaman
Stereotypes: Healers, Prejudiced, Isolationist

Ayaka and Naoki wandered the forest to find herbs, her still position, as she was held unmoving from fear. She
but didn’t stray too far from the village. There were turned and saw a tall man with a wide hat standing above
strict rules about gathering berries in areas that the them.
kids weren’t familiar with. Of course, like children, they “It’s a ninja, Ayaka,” the boy said, immediately bowing
listened only partially to their parental figures. This par- and kissing the man’s feet. Ayaka bowed as well, though
ticular day, the two strayed off of their intended course, slightly less humbly.
leaving them lost in the woods. They huddled together, “What is that you have there, child,” the man said,
scared for their lives against the terrible beasts they knew motioning to the basket of medicinal herbs that took them
to live in the forests and even more scared of hours to collect, the herbs for their father.
what their father might say if they actu- She became defensive, but her brother’s
ally lived to make it home – if he ever innocence took over. “Sora root for our
woke up from his coma. dad, sir.”
They ran through the woods, The ninja quickly snatched the
clutching each other as they basket from the girl before she
moved through the bushes and even noticed it was gone and
made their way. Ayaka, the began shuffling through. “Yes.
older sibling, had a machete This will do quite well for my
to cut the bramble and pro- current potion.” With that, he
tect her little brother, Naoki, began walking away.
if necessary. That theory “Hey, wait! Those are for
was eventually put to the our father! What about our
test when the children found father!” Ayaka yelled after the
themselves in a clearing where ninja, seemingly with no fear of
a very large, very ferocious jungle retribution.
cat was huddled over a dead body. “My name is Ika Yuuta, girl,” he
As it turned from the dead soldier to the called back to her. “Send your father to
children, Ayaka immediately noticed that me and he may still be cured if I deem him
blood covered its mouth and teeth, which were showing worthy.”
quite prominently. She grimaced at the response and was startled when
“Get behind me, Naoki!” the girl yelled, her hand shak- the ninja appeared right in front of her face, again quite
ing so much it barely held on to the blade. instantly.
The jungle cat was unaffected by the show of bravery. “Take that path east and you will meet home in no
If anything, brandishing a blade only made the children time,” Yuuta grinned. “You come with your father, as
a bigger target. It crept closer and closer, licking its chops well. You’ll make a fine ninja one day.”
and eyeing the smaller of the two to kill first. Just as it
reached the Ayaka and raised its paw to strike her down,
however, it suddenly cowered and ran away. Before it left
the clearing, it was captured by a wooden cage that rose The Ika Clan was the second in the Land of Seed
from the ground in an instant. and Blossom, created not long after the Crystal
Naoki tapped Ayaka on the shoulder to snap her from Bearers. They sprang from a time when the tribes

were at war and untold sickness invaded from the Lifestyle
Chapter two: blossom clans

Untamed Wilds; healers were needed on a daily ba-

sis. Even with their people at each other throats, the The Bamboo Alchemists hold their primary ter-
Ika Clan became shaman to all and took no sides in ritory in southeast Hougo Range, but keep small
the wars. They perfected their healing wushu, their numbers spread throughout the land as well. They
potion making and their empathy toward others. employ any wushu they have in their possession,
Then came an event that no one saw coming – the as well as a few stolen from other clans, to protect
clan split in two. their territories. A trespasser may have to avoid
As the Izou Empire came to conquer and occupy, quicksand pits, explosive traps, illusionary pathways
rival camps within the Ika Clan took different out- and magnetic shifts all at once. Citizens in their ter-
looks on how to handle the situation. Some among ritories are often healthier than other areas, healed
the clan looked to the Izou Army, seeing a chance to in the night by guardian angels that wish not to be
expand their expertise and find brand new ingredi- seen by their charges. They are still the shaman of
ents for their potions and healing magic. The other the land, after all. In times of extreme (or unique)
half of the Ika saw the Untamed Wilds as their birth- sicknesses, citizens can summon the Bamboo Alche-
right to explore, having no interest in seeking new mists by burying a mixture of the afflicted’s bodily
treasures in the stolen lands of the Izou fluids in the ground.
Empire. A rift was created between Their days and nights are spent in hiding
the two groups, leading half of the primarily, existing as hermits in order
clan to leave in order to join to become one with the Immortals.
the Izou Empire. They became Days of meditation and ingestion
known as the Bamboo Herbal- of mystical potions make them
ists. stronger and more resilient,
Those Ika that stayed be- their body becoming lighter and
hind held strong to Blossom more flexible. Battle skills are also
tradition, but also became heightened, but they learn to use
increasingly hostile and dis- combat mostly in self-defense. Young
trusting of anything or anyone alchemists begin by ingesting a mix-
that did not hail from the Land ture of rare metals to prepare their
of Seed and Blossom. Instead of bodies for the poisonous herbs that
developing a penchant for thrill will increase their lifespan. When they
seeking, they took the name Bamboo can stay in meditation for one
Alchemists and grew to be reclusive. full week through the pain of
The Uprising now calls them from starvation, thirst and poi-
hiding to aid their fellow ninja in son coursing through their
taking back their nation. Like the veins, the ninja is ready to
Bamboo Herbalists, they too be a full member.
have honed their bodies in an Alchemists have an in-
attempt to prolong life… but teresting relationship with
their recipe is quite differ- the Herbalists of Izou. They
ent. Utilizing the power share common roots, but their
of their Birthstones, their trees have grown in completely
unique magic gives them different directions. While the Herbal-
greater insight by following ists look kindly on their cousins, the
the ways of Immortalism. Alchemists believe that the Herbalists
Their healing expertise is are deserters and traitors to the Land
the key to winning this war and of Seed in Blossom. In the times of the
pushing the Izou back. Uprising, this has instigated a few shadow

wars between the two clans with the Alchemists kill-

Chapter two: blossom clans

ing on sight. Clan Impressions
In the words of Ika Yuuta
Agendas Crystal Bearers: The largest mistakes of our
The Ika Clan is in a mixed position with their de- past have been at the hand of the Shouka. Occa-
cision to help with the Uprising. They are motivated sionally they will speak words worth listening to,
to shove the Izou Occupation out of their country, but the Izou color their every decision, so be care-
as they believe that the soldiers taint the very land. ful which words you heed.
However, they have been at odds with several of the
other clans, most commonly Yakubyo’s Pox… their Grim Creepers: We battle with the Warawara
diametrically opposed clan. The clans of disease over borders and ownership of herbs that should
and health have been at each others’ throats for be willingly shared with our masters of medicine.
Theirs is not the station of great thinkers, how-
centuries, so it is not in their nature to willingly
ever. Use big words and keep them guessing.
follow the Pox into battle and work with them. The
Alchemists await the arrival of the next Immortal as Phantom Voices: Our clans have a tentative
a sign that they are making the right decision. Until peace, crossing into each other’s territory as nec-
then, they reluctantly abide by the Elders’ com- essary. Phantoms have no personality and cannot
mands. compete with our intellect. Their spirituality is a
boon for any journey, however.
Character Creation
Sisterhood of Blood: The only clan to best us
Free Specialty: Holistics at our own game, but they are a one-trick pony at
Fighting Styles: Wildcat Style, Frog Style best. Our potions are still superior and they would
Favored Wushu: Way of Caring Hands, Way of be prudent not to forget that.
Wood, Way of the Unseen
Clan Gift – Bending Reeds: Ika from the Bam- Splendid Chameleons: They are entertainers of
boo Alchemists have infused their body with Yin to the highest accord, but nothing will be gained by
increase their lifespan and make them much more smiling at the enemy.
flexible. Their initiates are given this gift from birth,
as there are few who can survive the rituals later on Yakubyo’s Pox: No matter what sickness their
in life. The ninja ages one year from every two that puny minds can create, we can counter it. This is
true of any battle between our two clans, as well.
pass after puberty (or graduation) due to a constant
While we are older and wiser, it would be foolish to
ingestion of special potions. This also provides the
underestimate the Pox’s strength.
following bonuses: +5 vs. Balance and Poison, a +4
bonus to Initiative and they lose the necessity of Izou Ninja: A Recoiling Serpent’s blood sprayed
breathing. as I stabbed him, getting on my kimono. Washing
Clan Drawback - Xenophobia: Once they could it did not help; the kimono and my blade had to be
be found in every village of every province, but buried as not to taint my home.
now the Alchemists have become isolated. They are
fearful of foreign people, unusual objects or ideas The Uprising: No Immortal has given their
that differ from their own, often turning violent in blessing, so this plan is ultimately doomed to fail.
response. Things outside of the Land of Seed and We’ll be here to heal those Blossom ninja silly
Blossom are considered… contaminated. enough to pursue the Elder’s plan.

The Ninja Crusade: The army will hopefully

take out the other half of our fractured clan next.

Crystal Bearers
Chapter two: blossom clans

Other Names: Shouka Clan, Keepers, Jewelers

Stereotypes: Traditional, Wise, Stuck Up

The Izou captain had his soldiers stroll into the When I’m through with this town and I’ve made you
village and take over every corner before he set foot watch all of these people die, I’ll end my day with your
within the gate. There was no place he could go where hanging, NINJA!” He made sure to carefully time the
he wouldn’t have a set of eyes on him – very important emphasis on the last word so it held the most power.
when dealing with this dastardly ninja from the Land Shouka Kazumi’s face held an expression of feigned
of Seed and Blossom. He entered the home of the town surprise, as she held her hand over her mouth in
leadership and was faced with a beautifully tall woman mocked horror. “Oh no, captain. You certainly got me
of bronze skin and ornately arranged hair, there. I guess there’s nothing I can do.”
her Birthstone shining brightly. The captain smirked, “And you
“Hello, captain. I have been would be right. Guards, burn this
expecting you,” she said upon his place to the ground!” After a
entrance. moment of no response, the
“Shouka Kazumi, I pre- captain called again, “Guard!
sume?” he said, careful to Guard?” He stood up quickly
keep his hand on his hilt at and rushed to the door,
all times. looking outside to see a town
“Oh yes, you have not completely bare of Izou
wandered into the wrong presence with true shock. All
home. Please sit and ex- that remained were slowly
plain to me why you have shrinking spikes made of
beset upon my town,” she said, crystal.
motioning to a pillow to his side. “You thought you had already
Kazumi quickly poured the good won, captain. That was your first
captain a cup of tea from a crystal pot, mistake,” she said as she sliced his
created to keep it extra hot. throat with a crystal dagger that vanished
“Quite frankly, we have heard rumors of an Uprising just as quickly as it appeared. “The Uprising is com-
from the Blossom people and your name has come up ing… but no amount of carefulness will save you.”
more than once. Do you have anything to confess?” He
said, careful to give the illusion of drinking the possibly History
poisoned tea that he had no intention of actually swal-
lowing. If one clan embodies what it means to be a citizen
“Why, captain, you’ve shown your hand much too of the Land of Seed and Blossom, it is the Crystal
quickly. This won’t be fun at all,” Kazumi said with an Bearers. They were the first clan born to the nation,
off-putting smile. Her Birthstone noticeably dimmed acting as priests of the now-ruined Seiseki Temples
(pg. 48). There was a time when they were sought
ever so slightly at that moment.
out by every parent of the land for their child to
“This is no game. I know you have been doing more
undergo the Birthstone Imbuing ceremony. This
in this town than just putting those damn, barbaric
blessed ritual taught to them by the first Immortal
crystals into your poor, defenseless children’s heads. not only creates a connection between the child and

the Land of Seed of Blossom, but with every other ally, collecting in diminutive hidden villages. Their

Chapter two: blossom clans

citizen as well. The Crystal Bearers were protectors isolated domains are known for sprouting crystal
of the nation and of its children, making them the trees or fruits, letting a trespasser know they may
most trusted and beloved of any ninja clan. need to turn back. Most of these areas can be found
When the Izou Army set their sights on their around the Ruins of Seiseki, but the Izou Army has
nation, the Crystal Bearers were the first line of been instructed to kill any Jeweler on sight since the
defense. They used their mastery of Crystal and the Ninja Crusade began.
elements to fight back the Izou forces, but were ulti- Tradition states that ninja from the Crystal Bear-
mately unsuccessful in their strategies. Village after ers clan can be called from their hiding by a citizen
village fell to the invaders, who discovered that that hangs a doll made of crystal entwined with
the Jewelers were fortified within the their child’s hair on their door. The
Seiseki Temples. After their founda- Birthstone Imbuing ceremony is their
tion had been destroyed, the Crystal most common service, but they are
Bearer numbers were spread also known for providing counsel
thin. Though they con- or performing marriages.
tinue to perform Birth- Crystal Bearers practice secret
stone Imbuing ceremo- and deadly arts of
nies, they are the most bending crystals to
hunted of the ninja in the their will – yet another
Land of Seed and Blossom. reason why they are
The Izou know that if they hunted. This requires
were to reassemble in long hours of attuning
large numbers, the to the world around
Blossom people may them in order to mas-
rise up. Little do they ter chi. Initiates must
know. have a Birthstone and a
Many of the citizens believe strong sense of tradition.
that the Crystal Bearers are the The size of the Shouka clan is
leaders of the Uprising, but it growing once again, each small group
couldn’t be farther from the truth. gaining new members as true patriots
Unlike other clans, the Shouka are are called to the banner of the most
scattered into smaller collectives and beloved clan.
were unable to gather the others under
their banner without support from the
Elders. The Seiseki Ruin are their only
refuge, but is under the watchful gaze The Uprising has
of the Izou army at almost all times. The given the Crystal Bear-
Crystal Bearers now serve as advisors to ers a second chance.
Yakubyo’s Pox and hope their assistance They serve as advisors
will produce a prosperous outcome. currently, but they
hope to once again be
at the forefront of Blossom
Lifestyle society when all is said and done. To
The existence of a Crystal Bearer is do that, the Shouka not only need to
wrought with perpetual hiding and running regain their former power, but they’ll
for one’s life. Even though they call one need to knock the Pox from their
of the largest provinces their home, the pedestal. When the Uprising is over, hopefully due
Shouka travel in small groups gener- to some momentous blow to the Izou by the Crystal

Bearers, there will likely be another Catastrophe
Chapter two: blossom clans

in the form of an all-out ninja war and even more Clan Impressions
bloodshed, since the Pox are not ones to back down In the words of Shouka Kazumi
without a fight. There is no other choice.
Bamboo Alchemists: The Ika are the most
important piece to our ninja alliance. Their heal-
Character Creation ing abilities are necessary to our success, so try to
Free Specialty: Crafts overlook their sour attitudes.
Fighting Styles: Rhino Style, Snake Style
Favored Wushu: Way of Shards, Way of Earth, Grim Creepers: They may have an unusual
Way of the Warrior appearance, but they are as much Blossom ninja
Clan Gift – Elemental Muse: The Shouka clan as we are. Their passion for defeating the Izou is
has a stronger connection to the universal elements outmatched only by our own.
due to their bond to the Immortals and the power
of their Birthstone (Diamond for Earth, Onyx for Phantom Voices: To speak with the dead,
Metal, Emerald for Wood, Opal for Water and Ruby learning from those that have made so many
for Fire). To reflect this connection, the ninja picks mistakes, is such a blessing. Hopefully, we can
one Level 1 wushu (of the appropriate elemental convince them to follow out lead, despite our past
Way) that they can naturally perform without Chi mistakes as well.
cost. In addition, the Jeweler can spend 2 Temporary
Chi points in place of sacrificing a Permanent Chi Sisterhood of Blood: Our peaceful allies to
point to activate additional Sacrifice effects for this the south, so full of good intentions - too bad that
wushu. They also receive a +2 bonus vs. Insanity and these intentions often pave the way to destruc-
+2 Stamina points. tion. Keep an eye on their movements, as which
Clan Drawback - Scattered: Crystal Bearers used side they’re on seems undetermined.
to be at the center of Blossom society, but are now
fragmented. Even though they are revered, many Splendid Chameleons: The Immortals were
believe they are doomed to split into a dozen lesser wise to trust our joy to this clan. They are truly
clans or be reduced to Ronin. A clan viewed in this good at what they do and are useful for keeping
way has a lot to prove and is often mistrusted, but spirits up. Do not cross them, however, as they
they are attempting to rebuild their numbers. are just as vicious as they are entertaining.

Yakubyo’s Pox: Our clans have never worked

toward a single goal before, usually working on
opposing sides of the battle in question. You can
never be sure they won’t get up to their old ways.

Izou Ninja: Once the enemy turns upon it self,

the Blossom ninja must choose a side to take. It
won’t be the Emperor’s side.

The Uprising: This is our chance to take back

our nation and oust the Izou oppressors. What-
ever it takes is what we are willing to do.

The Ninja Crusade: A war on two fronts is not

a wise tactic, but we’ll take any advantage we can

Grim Creepers

Chapter two: blossom clans

Other Names: Warawara Clan, Creepers, Bugs
Stereotypes: Obsessive, Wild, Frightening

Nobu walked into the tavern and flipped the wait- a laugh so hard that her head swung back and her eye
ress a few jade to keep the drinks coming. It was a very closed.
important meeting tonight, so everything had to be just When they opened again, she looked upon a ceiling
right. It appeared that Umeko was already awaiting completely covered by the same flies in an arrange-
his arrival, her intense femininity showing through the ment that created a scary face formed in the swarm.
heavy Izou armor she wore. He put on his widest smile “Sooner than you might think,” a voice that sounded
and approached. like the flapping of a thousand insects
“Hello there, Lieutenant Etsuko,” he erupted through the tavern. And
said with a slight bow, just enough with that, the swarm launched
that he could keep eye contact itself at the treacherous couple.
with her. No matter how much Nobu
“Must you be so formal? covered his mouth and other
We are trying to be secre- openings or how protective
tive and your displays do Umeko’s armor would have
not help that cause,” Umeko been against a traditional
responded sternly, but with attack, the bugs could not
a smile. “Have you learned of be stopped. They burrowed
anything new?” into their skin, entered their
Nobu sat down, noticing an mouths and ears and began
audible crunch under his shoe eating them from the inside
as he took his seat. “Only mur- out.
murs of ninja forces that are moving As the couple saw death coming
from the south. Will you be able to hold for them, they held on to each other’s
back ninja that consort with the dead?” hands. Unfortunately for them, Warwara
Umeko smiled again, “Is that worry I hear in your Takuya was unphased by shows of emotion. If only his
voice, Nobu?” She reached out to grab his hand, taking colony had not already replaced his heart.
it in hers as he answered. When all was said and done, the swarm left through
“Of course… for you and for your armies,” he smiled random cracks in the tavern and left the room empty,
back, strange for a Blossom citizen to be smiling so carrying the bones out pieces by piece.
much in the face of an Izou lieutenant. He was, howev-
er, a defector, one of the “good ones” by Izou standards History
and a betrayer by Blossom ethics.
Then a few strange looking flies began buzzing The past of the youngest clan of the Land of Seed
around them, getting into the ears and nostrils like the and Blossom began with a plague of insects that
annoying pests they were. Nobu swatted them away, invaded from the Untamed Wilds 200 years ago. It
but Umeko actually squished a few in her heavy iron started with a few small bugs that entered by bur-
rowing into animal stomachs and eating them out
glove. “That will be the ninja very soon!” she said with
from the inside. Then, in larger numbers, the insects

devoured miles of crops that left the people starved detected usually by the distinct lack of other insect
Chapter two: blossom clans

and emaciated. life in the area. The suu are entirely territorial, as
It was the Warawara Clan that rose to the occa- are the Warawara, and instantly devour other in-
sion to stop it, chosen by the seventh Immortal, Han sects that come within range. The Grim Creepers are
Xiang. They used unique wushu they were taught a clan that has no previous worship from its people,
to lure and capture the insects. Already under as they were created by the seventh Immortal sim-
Izou rule, they were forced to destroy most of the ply to free the Land of Seed and Blossom from the
insects, but the clan kept a small number of them clutches of the Izou Empire. However, people are
alive for their own purposes. Clan leaders spent known to leave any bug they see alone in Creeper
years cultivating and breeding the bugs, called suu, territory. One never knows if it is random or part of
into creatures that could be useful. The insects a ninja’s colony.
were filled with chi and then allowed to enter and They are the newest clan to the nation, born from
live within the ninja’s bodies, living primarily off of an obsession with insects and a hatred of the Izou
their blood but without devouring their internal or- occupation. As such, their initiates are brought up
gans or causing ill effects. This deformed the ninjas’ in a culture of rebellion and implanted with a queen
bodies, infesting their demeanor, speech and every suu upon birth (roughly every third child dies in the
movement with disgusting insect-like creepiness. process). Young ninja of this clan begin by learn-
Their appearance easily gave them away to the Izou ing in-depth information about the suu and other
soldiers, who continued to turn the Blossom people insects, assisting with their breeding, feeding and
against their ninja, leading to the expulsion of many ensuring their continuation. When their martial art
from their own villages. skill and hatred for the Izou is honed, the Creeper is
Some ask why any clan takes this route to power. gifted with their own colony of suu that is implant-
The answer is clear: the Warawara ed into their prepared bodies.
Clan was full of rebels and insur-
gents to the Izou Empire, and
the suu were being bred
as a new weapon. Their The Warawara have spent the last two
role within the Upris- centuries developing their combat
ing is usually as spies skills and specialized wushu, just
and assassins, as they waiting for the day when they can
have proven that their reap vengeance on the Izou for
small friends can kill their unjust occupation. How-
and detect at long ever, the clan was not able
distances. to secure backing from the
other clans (mostly due to
how new their clan is) until
Lifestyle the Elders called for the
Today, the Creep- Uprising. They serve the
ers lurk in the forests alliance of ninja willing-
that surround places ly, but certainly have
with large popula- their eye toward ex-
tion, but are known pansion after the Up-
for keeping their rising is complete.
hidden villages They wish to one
in underground day to be beloved
tunnels. Their by the people
domain can be like other clans

and see this recent conflict as a way to prove them-

Chapter two: blossom clans

selves. Clan Impressions
In the words of Warawara Takuya
Character Creation Bamboo Alchemists: If they weren’t nec-
Free Specialty: Beast Handling essary to the balance of the Blossom clans, I
Fighting Styles: Spider Style, Monkey Style believe they’d never leave their precious moun-
Favored Wushu: Way of the Hive-Body, Way of tain. With the Uprising happening, maybe they
Beasts, Way of Movement can put themselves to better use for the land.
Clan Gift – Personal Infestation: Creepers store
thousands of small insects called suu inside them- Crystal Bearers: We are young and they
selves, flowing through their body like blood. The
are old. We should hate each other, but have a
bugs thus protect them from certain outside influ-
strange admiration instead. Together, we will
ences: +2 vs. Disease, Poison and Death. Their bodies
build a new future.
are also lighter as well, giving them a +2 bonus to
Dodge and +4 bonus to Movement. They can release
bugs from any orifice (or create instant openings Phantom Voices: Stop looking to the dead
anywhere else on their body) in order to enact their for answers when you have a fully living army
wushu. occupying your doorstep. Let them hear your
Clan Drawback - Eerie: Their presence instantly screams!
gives off a creepy vibe that can put off the average
person. Accurately named Creepers, the ninja often Sisterhood of Blood: I am tired of their talk
speak with raspy voices (from having bugs in their of peace. Now is the time for action, not words.
throats) and have insects visibly crawling over their
bodies at all times. Even other ninja can be caught Splendid Chameleons: Our fellow defenders
off guard by the larger eyes and sharpened teeth of of the Untamed Wilds, even though they take
their eerie appearance. it a little too seriously. We are in a constant
rivalry, but we are not enemies. Stand together
or not at all.

Yakubyo’s Pox: Their power is evident, but

they aren’t the true leaders of this revolution.
We’ll let them think they are for now though.

Izou Ninja: I’ll take down any Izou I see…

soldier or ninja.

The Uprising: This is what we were created

for. Bring the Izou to us and we will strike them

The Ninja Crusade: A valid distraction

makes it easier to take out the soldiers they
have here.

Chapter two: blossom clans

Phantom Voices Other Names: Tomurai Clan, Guides, Phantoms

Stereotypes: Guarded, Wallflowers, Spooky

“You know why I’m here.” Norio whispered into the intimidated your other servants to give false testimony
ear of the sleeping merchant. against him.” The man tried to shake his head, either
The older man was startled awake and started to to refute the accusation or in disbelief, but Norio held
scramble off of his bedroll into the corner. The panic in his chin firmly. “You can lie to your family, the authori-
his eyes only increased when he realized his shouts for ties and even yourself, but the dead do not share your
help were nothing but a raspy exhale. The poison he had penchant for lying. Your wife died in this room by your
ingested while he slept obviously had some kind of muting drunken hand.” The ninja released the man’s face and
properties. Blinking to allow his still drowsy inhaled deeply as though taking in fragrant
eyes to adjust to the moonlit room, the incense. “She told me so.”
man finally caught a glimpse of the The man coughed deeply using
other figure in the room. “Ye… what little air remained in his
Yes,” the man forced out pain- lungs and seemingly cleared an
fully. “My wife...” obstruction. His relief was short
Norio slowly stood up, his lived as the telltale metallic
black robes making it seem taste of blood filled his mouth.
as is he drifted in and out of He looked pleadingly at Norio,
reality as he moved through blood dripping from the cor-
shadows. “She really was ners of his mouth. “Please…
an amazing woman. It is don’t let me die.”
a shame to hear of her un- “You are already dead,”
timely passing.” Norio said, matter-of-factly,
The man nodded, his throat “That decision has been made.
felt as though all the muscles Your only choice now is how you
in his neck were fighting every spend your last precious moments
breath and the tightness was slowly of life. I have the power to purge your
spreading to his chest. “Fumiko was corruption. I can ensure your spirit is puri-
everything to me.” fied of all wrongdoing and indignity.”
“Understandably so,” Norio said, “stories of her kind- The man coughed again, blood spilling from his lips,
ness have reached every corner of the land.” The robed slumped against the wall and whispered, “I…I am sorry.”
figure drifted closer to the huddled, gasping man. “I have Those were his last words before the poison took its full
the necessary prayers ready and you can rest assured effect.
that she will receive a burial worthy of her station.” Norio closed the man’s lifeless eyes and started praying
The man clenched his chest as his burning lungs for the souls… of his mother and father.
continued to constrict his airways. The moonlight at the
edge of his eyesight sparkled as his consciousness started
to slip away.
Norio knelt in front of the man and lifted his chin so Life and death are two sides of the same coin, just
his panicked gaze met the ninja’s. “But you and I both like yin and yang. Other clans appropriately handle
know that the man you accused of beating your wife to aspects of life, but the Phantom Voices are primarily
death, one of your own servants, is innocent. You even drawn to death. Tribes of the southern lands were

the first to subscribe to the idea of an afterlife and being so easily discarded in the wake of the Izou ar-

Chapter two: blossom clans

the creation of specific customs followed the ar- rival. Visitors to Phantom domain may find secluded
rival of the fourth Immortal, Zhang Guo. The fear of graveyards, used as illusionary camouflage.
ending up in a hell dimension or as a member of the Their training style is quite different from other
walking dead instead of heaven became the norm, clans, consisting of weeks of meditation at a time
the people looking for someone to lead them to a and ingestion of dead flesh to solidify their link
better spiritual existence. with those that have passed. The rituals involved
The Tomurai clan was formed to fill this role. further mix their mind with that of spirits until
They became keepers of Blossom tradition sur- they are able to hear dead whispers on the wind.
rounding the handling of corpses and funeral After becoming full members, the Guides maintain
proceedings to ensure a safe trip to heaven. Their large libraries of Blossom history, laws and maps of
clan developed the ability to communicate with charted areas within the Untamed Wilds.
the dead to a limited degree, further adding Phantoms can be called upon when
credence to their position and giving them the someone dies by leaving a decorative bowl
moniker of Phantom Voices. Their numbers with the deceased’s name on one’s door-
grew to the point that one or two Phantoms step. Saving the soul of a sinner often
could be found in every village throughout means stripping them to the bone, grind-
the Land of Seed and Blossom. ing them to dust and spreading them
Then the Izou Empire attacked and over consecrated land. Those of purer
occupied their nation. They brought not spirit can be simply buried with the
only their mighty soldiers, but also their correct feng shui and prayer to allow
ideas of the Untouchables and corpse- them safe passage to heaven.
handlers. Phantoms from all around Frequent rivalries have sprung
were either completely ignored or up between the residing Phan-
driven away at gunpoint, leaving tom Voices and the Izou Living
them to be called on only by the still Chronicle. Their imperialistic
faithful. mindset makes the Chroni-
During the Uprising, they have cles believe they are entitled
returned to their old communities, to the ancient scriptures, an
helping to rid the land of the Izou idea that the two groups have
occupation. Turning their wushu of spilled blood over.
death into tools of destruction has
given their ninja the upper hand.
With the other clans up in
Lifestyle arms over the Uprising, the
The Phantom Voices, in Phantom Voices have attempt-
many cases, exist outside the ed to be the voice of reason…
idea of actual territory. They without much of a result. They
live in their own hidden vil- preach that the Izou Ninja are
lages where they take care not the enemy and hope that
of their own, but have little a truce can one day be made
need to lord over others. between the two country’s
Some feel that it is still their ninja. In the meantime, the
place to interact with the Guides keep track of the
Blossom people during times events that occur and keep
of mourning, while others are themselves ready to help their
still angered about their traditions fellow ninja into heaven.

Chapter two: blossom clans

Character Creation Clan Impressions

In the whispered words of Tomurai Norio
Free Specialty: Discipline
Fighting Styles: Dragon Style, Crane Style Bamboo Alchemists: When we cross paths with
Favored Wushu: Way of Denied Repose, Way of the Ika, which is a rare occurrence, they are always
Survival, Way of Metal cordial. This civility vanishes the moment there is
Clan Gift – Voices on the Wind: Phantoms have need for negotiation, however. They are not thieves,
limited communication with the dead. They can- but seldom do they ask first for the things they want.
not speak directly to spirits, since they exist on
Crystal Bearers: Our esteemed forbearers are
another plane entirely, but can hear whispers and
often too proud to listen to our soft words. We must
get impressions from those that have previously
help them become stronger by leading by example.
died. If near a location where a person or animal has We cannot allow the gifts they impart to our people
died within the last day, the Phantom can instantly to fade with them.
sense where it happened and the general reason (i.e.
murder, natural causes, etc.). By spending 1 Yin chi, Grim Creepers: Their coming changes the rules
they can further hear voices of the dead (usually the the first six Immortals set forth, putting the power in
last thing they said or thought before they died). our hands and leaving us to make our own choices.
With 1 Yang chi, they can extend their effective time Are they the wave of the future?
to three days.
Clan Drawback - Silence: The Tomurai are Sisterhood of Blood: Similarly of a peaceful
taught from a young age that to speak too loud is to nature, our two clans are often regarded as watch-
talk over and ignore the voices of the dead. Be- ers. Though the Sisters have plenty of power if they
cause of this, they rarely talk and are barely above a choose to wield it against an enemy, getting them to
act on it is another issue all together.
whisper when they do. Some ninja see their silence
as overly contemplative or judgmental, making Splendid Chameleons: Our people don’t mind
their presence uneasy. Others actually subscribe to summoning the Chameleons, because they bring good
the idea of Untouchables, coloring their view of the tidings. Dance for a time, but understand that your
entire clan. presence usually brings only mourning.

Yakubyo’s Pox: They are the reason we exist,

having sent so many souls to their final resting place.
I often wonder if the Immortals made a mistake with
their mission of killing so many.

Izou Ninja: These devilish invaders are often

worse than the Emperor’s army, many ninja simply
want to take what is not theirs. But there are two
sides to every story.

The Uprising: Standing up for our people is im-

portant, but we are not all warriors. We will, how-
ever, be there to send our brothers and sisters on the
front line to Heaven.

The Ninja Crusade: With the horrendous level of

death and murder that haunts the Izou Empire, their
dead will walk the earth soon enough.

Sisterhood of Blood

Chapter two: blossom clans

Other Names: Ketsueki Clan, Sisters, Bleeders
Stereotypes: Protectors, Understanding, Judgmental

Frantically and without a real thought, Masahura ran Yui turned to Masahura with a heavy heart. “I can help,
to the door holding the bowl, being just careful enough but it is not without a price. You said that she is all you
not to spill it as he reached the porch. Inside the blue live for? Would you also die for her?”
decorative bowl was a mixture of blood expelled from his The thought had never crossed Masahura’s mind be-
wife’s most recent painful contraction and the freshest fore that day, but he quickly responded with a repeated
milk they had at their disposal. He placed the bowl down nod for the sake of his child. “Yes, yes, I would give any-
at his feet and stood on the porch, feeling scared and thing!” His wife yelled out in protest to what he planned
alone. If the Sister didn’t show up and grant her to do, but the choice was already made.
blessing, their child would not make it. “She has lost a lot of blood, and she and
Within minutes, a hooded woman the child are sure to die without your
carrying a lantern approached the sacrifice. Your child will thank
small shack Masahura’s fam- you,” Yui said as she placed her
ily called home. He greeted hand on Masahura’s forehead
the woman with a humble and his blood drained from
bow. “Are you a Sister?” he his body in an instant, leav-
asked? ing a pale corpse behind.
Removing her hood, All of the blood in the
she revealed her dazzling room floated and swirled
Birthstone of opal that around the room, comin-
sparkled with a shine that gling and splashing as it
only a great ninja could pos- entered the woman’s body in
sess. Her features were fine an almost artistic display. Af-
and her expression simple. She ter almost an hour of poisoned,
responded with a simple nod and diseased blood out and clean,
a light smile, “Ketsueki Yui at your purified blood in, the child was born
service. Why have you summoned me?” without a hint of sickness.
A wave of relief fell over the man as she Yui was both elated and saddened by her
spoke – it was the answer to his prayers. “My w-wife is acts that day, but such is the burden of her duty. Upon
in labor and will die without your help!” he explained leaving, she made sure to hang a crystal doll on the door
quickly. “Please come inside and I’ll show you.” and inscribe “Masahura” on the now empty bowl for the
Yui followed Masahura as he showed her to the bed- other clans to now perform their duties as well.
room, though the cries of pain would have been easy to
trace without his assistance. Even Yui was surprised by History
how much blood there was on the floor, much more than
she had ever seen from a mere childbirth. It was obvious The Blossom people have always been stricken
that this woman was a Fa carrier. with strange sicknesses, birth defects and deforma-
“Please, you must help them. They are all I have tions. There was one particular affliction centuries
to live for,” Masahura begged the Sister. “Can you do ago, however, that was much worse than anything
anything?” before, resulting in thousands of stillbirths through
After a few minutes of calm and quiet contemplation, the nation. Children that were born developed se-

vere mental disorders and some even without limbs. Lifestyle
Chapter two: blossom clans

That is when the fifth Immortal arrived in the Land

of Seed and Blossom. The Ketsueki clan was assem- Members of the Sisterhood blend into their vil-
bled from all the women with the purest of hearts in lages almost seamlessly. Being close to the people
an attempt to cure the disease and calm the people. is the best way for them to aid their land. In addi-
Through the use of special alchemy and chi tion to working with new mothers to cleanse their
manipulation, the clan learned the fundamental children of any blood diseases, Sisters also provide
lessons of controlling their own blood… including counsel for ways to live a more prosperous life.
the flushing out of any impurities that could affect They speak with young lovers to ensure they have a
childbirth. They discovered the Blossom people, strong relationship and advise families on ways to
either from prolonged exposure stay coherent, even in these times of Izou oppres-
to the Untamed Wilds sion.
or some strange attack Sisterhood domain is
from Yakubyo’s Pox, dangerous territory. Mystic
had acquired a blood traps can found all over that
sickness (most preva- instantly drain the blood
lent in people that from any intruders. Tres-
lived to the east). They passers should turn back
traveled the land as the moment they notice too
kind medicine women, many dead, bloodless animals.
bringing the next gen- They can be summoned to aid
eration back to their full any Blossom citizen by splash-
potential. The Ketsueki clan ing a mixture of blood and milk
assembled into the Sister- on one’s door.
hood of Blood, accepting Their training includes plenty of
other women into train- research into control of their own
ing in order to keep streams of power. After attuning to
their land clear from their own blood flow, Sisters turn to
anything that might af- understanding the blood around
fect its fertility further. them, including thinned blood of
Some people still animals, sap that courses through
carry this most danger- trees and rivers that
ous of blood sickness, enrich the land. The
called the Fa Disease, which Sisters consider
keeps their clan around. This was themselves guardians
discovered as the years passed under of all these things and
Izou Occupation. With the Sisters pushed strive toward a peace-
out of some villages, more and more ful existence, despite
issues with fertility have begun popping the devastating power
up. The Uprising isn’t just a freedom for behind their wushu.
themselves and the people they care for, but
for the unborn to be brought healthily into a Agendas
land without corruption. The Sisterhood has
The Sisterhood of Blood keeps to
the most altruistic view on the coming war of
the back of the Uprising forces. Not only
any of the clans.
because they are experts on archery and
ranged combat, but also because they are
not completely behind the brutality against the

occupying Izou forces. They have stressed these

Chapter two: blossom clans

opinions to the Elders themselves, but their words Clan Impressions
have fallen on deaf ears, as the Elders are uninter- In the words of Ketsueki Yui
ested in talks of further peaceful resistance. The
Sisters are fully on the side of the Land of Seed and Bamboo Alchemists: Fellow healers, but they are
Blossom and back the Elders’ decision, but they have removed from the world by their own choice. They are
also instituted border-crossing expeditions in search lost and we should help them find their way back to
the people.
of Izou Ninja that can help end this conflict peace-
fully. Crystal Bearers: So much anger, so much regret, so
much pride. The Shouka act on these frailties and call
Character Creation themselves leaders. If we can help them forget, they
can truly assume that title.
Free Specialty: Empathy
Fighting Styles: Horse Style, Eagle Style Grim Creepers: The Warawara ways are… unique,
Favored Wushu: Way of Vital Currents, Way of but their sole purpose is for killing. The clans are look-
the Unseen, Way of Water ing to them as a light in a dark tunnel, but their fire
Clan Gift – Blood Mastery: The Sisterhood of may only be to destroy.
Blood has complete control over the flow of their
Phantom Voices: They speak for the ones we
own blood. This provides a +4 bonus vs. Poison and
couldn’t save. The Tomurai humbly carry the weight of
Disease as they can stop its flow through their veins, the spirit world on their shoulders, ready to serve the
immunity to Bleeding (no matter how much Lethal people at a moment’s notice. This is why their clan is
damage they take) and blood charged with chi, giv- great.
ing them a +2 bonus to their Wushu activation check
per point of Health when Sacrificing Blood (instead Splendid Chameleons: I consider the Chameleons
of +1). friends, but know they have strict rules that they
Clan Drawback – Peaceful Instinct: The Sister- expect to be followed. Play along peacefully if the re-
hood, despite their powerful wushu, lean heavily ward is their protection and love. Befriend one and be
toward peaceful solutions to any and every prob- justifiably happy.
lem. Other clans regard them as “all talk” with their
Yakubyo’s Pox: We birth children in hopes that
belief that even the Izou Occupation could be solved they will grow to be great contributors to our world.
through diplomacy. Ninja of this clan are reluctant They murder children if their fate was to be born to
to aggressive action, which makes others question a big family. Their values are those of the Immortals,
their commitment in these trying times. however, and it is not our place to judge. The Uprising
will hopefully possess more foresight.

Izou Ninja: There are many ways in which our two

lands are similar, no matter how much others focus
on the differences. Reach out to the Izou and you may
find a comrade you never would have thought could

The Uprising: The outcome will be written in the

blood of the Blossom people, whether we win or lose,
but our attempts at putting peace on the table have
failed. The Uprising continues.

The Ninja Crusade: No human being deserves to be

hunted like dogs. There has got to be another way.

Chapter two: blossom clans

Splendid Chameleons Other Names: Idou Clan, Chameleons, Shifters

Stereotypes: Boisterous, Artistic, Deformed

The group of men, five in all, had ventured to the Un- his axe, hoping to bury it deep. Takumi quickly turned,
tamed Wilds seeking fortune, and had encountered Takumi flinging his cloak around the axe head pulling the big man
as they traveled through Nejireta Tsuri province. The off balance. His right arm, previously hidden by the cloak,
young ninja was extremely friendly and entertained them was twice as long as normal and ended in five-foot long ra-
around the campfires with tall tales and bored them with zor sharp blades. As the man fell forward, Takumi plunged
long diatribes about protecting the beauty of nature. Before his hand into his soft belly and out the side as he collapsed
the group entered the Untamed Wilds, Takumi asked them with a gurgle.
to promise to protect it, which they hastily agreed The other men jumped to action, tools and
to, eager begin the real task. weapons raised. Takumi gracefully par-
Takumi strode out of the woods. He ried the other axe causing the awkward
had left the adventurers three days swing to connect with the head of one
prior, so his presence had been all of the men with a knife. The axe
but forgotten. “Did you miss me?” wielder only had a moment to
He asked the travelers noncha- be shocked as the ninja thrust
lantly. his bladed hand into the man’s
The men were shocked chin, hefted his weight and
by his presence and stopped threw him at the man strad-
what they were doing to look dling the log, who was trying to
at the beautiful, long-haired get to his feet. The remaining
man striding towards them. man threw his blade attempt-
His face wore a smirk while his ing to catch Takumi off guard.
eyes relayed a fury unlike any The ninja deftly grabbed the
they had ever seen. The men were blade out of the air, spun and flung
standing over a dozen fallen trees, the blade back at the man’s throat.
which Takumi recognized as one whose Takumi walked over to the man
heartwood was known to have medicinal pinned under the body of his comrade. He
properties and be extremely valuable. The trees reached down and picked up the adze that had
were split and the heartwood was being shaved out with been flung to the ground and examined the tool. “This
a number of crude hand tools. will do. At least one of you will keep your promise to me.”
“I’m so glad that you stumbled across this operation,” With his long arm he grabbed the pinned man, easily pull-
Takumi said as he adjusted his cloak of his right shoulder. ing him out from under the larger man’s body and tossing
“Where did you chase the misfits who blatantly killed these him like a ragdoll onto one of the tree trunks. He brought
marvelous trees?” The question was obviously sarcastic, the head of the adze down onto the man’s kneecap in one
since each of the men was still holding their woodworking fluid motion. “You will serve as a example to others, and
tools. “You fellows are honorable men and would never we surely can’t let this beautiful wood go to waste.”
break an oath, so this couldn’t be your doing.”
As he continued to speak and walk between the men,
observing the damage around him, the men exchanged
glances loaded with fear and confusion. They were the The Blossom people have always been filled with
culprits here and his sarcasm was thinly veiled. The largest a love of vibrant artistic expression. In the early
man waited until Takumi had his back to him and swung days, the Idou were the best sculptors of their time,

bending metal, wood or earth to their whim without in their lives that they may never recover from.

Chapter two: blossom clans

effort. They were heralded as the finest artists of With the Uprising in full swing, the Chameleons
every medium known to the Land of Seed and Blos- have returned to their old tricks. Their approach
som. That is, until they created a new focus. is much less aggressive than other clans, usually
Their wisest alchemists took the lessons of the involving pulling pranks and participating in sur-
sixth Immortal and began experimenting on their prise attacks. The Idou Clan considers itself more a
own bodies, testing the ef- gathering of artists than warriors, but they’ve been
fects of chi on their skin. pulled into the battle despite any protests.
These ninja ingested
the earth’s minerals,
the soil rich in spirit,
and spread mixtures of To enter a hidden vil-
moss and sap on their lage of the Splendid Cha-
skin to cure their pores meleons is to step into a
and make them flexible mysterious wonderland.
and inhaled smoke from They cultivate the most
burned wood of sacred beautiful animals,
trees from the Untamed shape their forests
Wilds. It was the final swal- into strange configu-
lowing of an alchemical rations and mold their
concoction of gold and jade metal structures into
that sealed their mystical efforts, giv- iron masterpieces.
ing them complete control over every facet The Chameleons
of their bodies. themselves wear
Chameleons popped up all over the nation their hairdos in a
as performers and artists, made most famous hundred different
by their twisted and shaped bodies. This styles on heads that are
became the image other nations had of the often purposefully misshapen and
Blossom people, which led to stories of a strange. Their facial features are
land filled with freaks and body-defilers. pierced and limbs are often longer
To the contrary, though, the changing than normal. Chameleons are
of one’s body was regarded as art in also known for their celebratory
the Land of Seed and Blossom, not an orgies where the ninja switch
abomination. genders constantly throughout.
As the Izou Army occupied, symbols These ninja, summoned by hang-
popped up all over the place, statues ing bushel of red berries over
the Chameleons created in defiance one’s door, are called upon during
of their oppressor. The soldiers’ times of celebration, as they are
first order of business was to oust known for making a party even
the Chameleons, the symbols of so better.
much unease for the Izou. Many of Initiates to the Idou Clan
their beautiful works were torn spend years learning an
down and they were branded as appreciation for art first,
eyesores on the land. The Blos- with body and environ-
som villages were stripped of mental manipulation com-
the vibrant colors and differing ing second. An initiate is usually born into the clan,
body types they became accus- having their body prepared and altered after three
tomed to, creating a dark hole years of age. Receiving the ritual later on in life

incurs a week long, excruciatingly painful process
Chapter two: blossom clans

involving the ingestion of potentially lethal potions Clan Impressions

(that most die from). In the words of Idou Takumi

Bamboo Alchemists: The Ika care only for

Agendas themselves. I often suspect horrible things will
The Uprising has swept over the Land of Seed one day come from the mountains.
and Blossom, and that includes the Splendid Cha-
meleons. They have begun using their abilities to Crystal Bearers: Pay homage to the Shouka
infiltrate Izou forces, taking the guise of soldiers or whenever you can. They are the reason you are
government officials to further the cause. They have a ninja and are the key to continuing our tradi-
come into contact with both the Virtuous Body Gar- tions.
deners and Blazing Dancers, both of which proclaim
their artistry to be superior. While their run-ins Grim Creepers: Gross and a bit loose with the
have produced a few grand parties, the Chameleons law of the land, but I generally have no issue with
take a special pride in knocking the Izou artists the Creepers. Treat them like the little brother
down a peg when they see what real art is. you never wanted.

Character Creation Phantom Voices: Where we are loud and

boisterous, they are quiet and introspective. Just
Free Specialty: Fortitude be sure to shut up every so often, so you can hear
Fighting Styles: Sloth Style, Bear Style the wisdom they spout.
Favored Wushu: Way of Molded Bodies, Way of
Wood, Way of Survival Sisterhood of Blood: Their position on the
Clan Gift – Shifting Flesh: The Idou have com- Izou border has brought them more hardship
pletely malleable skin that allows them to change than any other clan. Make one smile if you can.
their facial features or create artful displays on their It’ll pay off in the end.
body. Using this ability takes time to mold their skin
and requires a Moderate (20) or Tough (30) Forti- Yakubyo’s Pox: The other clans may inadver-
tude check for the changes to set. Obviously, most tently spread pain through their actions, but the
also require a mirror or an assistant to get their Pox are quite open and happy about the destruc-
shapes just right. These changes stay in place for up tion they rain upon the very people they claim to
about half a day, but use of wushu can allow them to be saving. Steer clear of their wrath; they don’t
change instantly and for longer periods of time. care where they swing.
Clan Drawback - Overzealous: Even though they
are ninja, secretive and hidden as such a lifestyle is, Izou Ninja: Follow the rules and we have no
they are often boisterous and loud in comparison problem. Don’t, and you’ll be in the next kessaku.
to other clans. They do not attempt to hide their
talent, making other ninja disbelieve their loyalty to The Uprising: Our role is to defend the Blos-
the Uprising. Such is just their nature though. som people from physical or emotional harm. We
take our duty seriously.

The Ninja Crusade: More senseless killing

helps no one, whether here or there.

Yakubyo's Pox

Chapter two: blossom clans

Other Names: Kouhei Clan, Pox, Sick Men
Stereotypes: Experimental, Reckless, Bloodthirsty

Kikuko ran through the forest, clutching her fragile stant. He saw the spears approaching his bowing wife and
newborn to her chest. Behind followed her exhausted and reached out in desperation. There was no way he could
sickened husband, Endo, with her other two children in reach her in time to save her life.
tow. The family was on the run from dangerous Izou sol- The soldiers’ attack was halted with a burst of smoke,
diers that ransacked their village, narrowly escaping with however, revealing a tall ninja with a skull painted upon
their lives as the fire turned all their memories to ash. his face. “I am Kouhei Rokudenashi and I will be your ex-
She dared not look back, as it was all too painful. ecutioner,” the man said as he twirled his own spear
Her family had lived off of the sparse ber- above his head. One soldier after another fell
ries and edible plants they could find, as he rushed forward, some to the ninja’s
but it was evident that even if they superior skill with his weapon and
escaped the soldiers chasing after others to unexpected rushes of blood
them, they were sure to soon die bursting from their eye sockets…
of starvation out in the unmer- a vicious side-effect of the kotani
ciful wilderness. wasting disease.
For a short time, Kikuko as- As the screams subsided
sumed that they were safe and and the last soldier’s body fell
then suddenly, she heard foot- with a thud, Rokudenashi stood
steps fast approaching. Endo’s above Kikoku and her family.
violent coughing couldn’t have “You may stand now. They will
helped their attempts at secrecy not harm you,” he said. Then the
and certainly didn’t make him ninja’s eyes widened as she rose
the quickest moving of the group. from the ground, uncovering her new-
Their two older children tried their born in her arms.
best to help their father with speed, but Kikoku and Endo’s faces went stark
coordination is not a virtue of childhood. white with the realization of who had saved them.
It was no use. They reached the main road and found “Please, no. Don’t, please,” she cried as she held her child
themselves stopped by a dozen Izou soldiers. She knew tight.
what would happen to her family if they resisted, so There was nothing she could do, however. Rokudenashi
Kikuko fell to her knees and pleaded for the soldiers’ pity. held out his hand and took the baby. “Be happy that your
Endo and the children followed suit. husband is cured and fear not for your child. Dying by
“Were these the ones that got away?” one soldier asked my hand will be swift and guarantee his way to Heaven
the others. to be with the Immortals,” he said and then vanished as
They all just laughed. The answer to the question quickly as he appeared.
didn’t really matter. The soldiers readied their spears and It was a day of great relief and even greater loss.
were all but too happy to kill another Blossom family that
would dare consort with the resistance.
All of a sudden, Endo felt his body struck with boost of
health, as if his sickness was drained from him in an in- Yakubyo’s Pox comes from a time when the Land
of Seed and Blossom was all too plentiful. There was

a surplus of food and drink, and the people were fer- Lifestyle
Chapter two: blossom clans

tile to the point of having six to seven children per

family. As time passed, the people became too fat to Like other clans, Yakubyo’s Pox has receded from
move, too lazy to till the land and too engrossed in regular life. They live in hidden villages in the icki-
themselves to care for others in their communities. est regions of the nation, filled with bogs of stench
The generation that followed was overpopulated and every kind of illness that one could think of. A
and lacked the food to sustain their numbers. traveler in their land must consider their every step
It was the male Elder at the time, Yakubyo, was to watch for scrapes from poisonous plants or bites
called by the third Immortal to gather a powerful from disease-carrying bugs. Citizens to their land
group of warrior together. He was an older man, just usually develop immunities from birth to the deadly
one year shy of being Elder himself, and was sick sicknesses, or they would surely have no people.
with cancerous growths on his neck. However, he Ninja of the Pox can be called by a Blossom citizen
learned to use these to his advantage, crafting spe- that ingests rat’s blood and speaking their prayers
cial wushu that gave him power over sicknesses. into a campfire to be carried to the clan by the pes-
The clan was made up of men who hadn’t given tilence wind.
into the excesses of life, and they trained for de- The Kouhei clan trains all day, every
cades to one day make the people realize their day. They count on tribute from their
decline. They unlocked their chi, mixed with their wards to supply food, so they need little
intense love of battle, and rained death and disease in the way of agricultural skills. They are
onto the people. Swarms of locusts were brought true warriors, fighting with their brothers in
in to eat the crops, victims were infected with a constant effort to better hone their talent
unique and excruciating diseases and cursed and let off steam. When not testing blade to
rain burned any who still lived. flesh, Sick Men are developing
They became Yakubyo’s Pox, new and interesting illnesses.
forever known as the ninja Prisoners of war are their
that called the people back first choice for test subjects, but
from becoming what the they are not above kidnapping to
Izou Empire is today. fill the quota, accepting certain
Centuries after Yakubyo’s casualties during times of war.
death, the Sick Men Some ninja even self-experi-
continue to lurk in the ment, becoming walking cess-
darkness, ready to cull pools of disease with peeling
the herd and help shape skin, weathered features and
the future of the Land of corpse-like appearances.
Seed and Blossom. In the Tradition mandates that
current climate of tame- no woman is to learn the
ness and complacency, ways of Yakubyo. It was
Yakubyo’s Pox is the first taught to his son’s
driving force behind and has passed down
the Uprising. They through the male line
are fully backing of succession ever since.
the Elders’ plans Women who have at-
to rid the land tempted became diseased
of the Izou and died a slow death, no
Empire’s in- matter how prepared they
fluence once believe themselves to be.
and for all.

Chapter two: blossom clans
Agendas Clan Impressions
In the words of Kouhei Rokudenashi
Yakubyo’s Pox is a clan that is straightforward in
its goals. Kill Izou soldiers, kill any Izou ninja and Bamboo Alchemists: Do not indulge the med-
kill anyone else that gets in their way. The Ninja dling of the scurge to our arts. If they speak up,
Crusade is nothing to them but an excuse for refu- send them back to the mountains for more quiet
gees to flee to the Land of Seed and Blossom only to contemplation, while we handle the important
meet a ready blade. The Uprising is their main focus, business of saving our land.
as their leaders take cues directly from the Elders.
They fight on the front line. Crystal Bearers: The Shouka once led our
people, but look where that has gotten us. No,
Character Creation no, no, you cannot trick me into thinking this is
a great place to be with your tainted words. Step
Free Specialty: Athletics aside and allow a true chief to take over.
Fighting Styles: Spider Style, Tiger Style
Favored Wushu: Way of Unending Blight, Way of Grim Creepers: A new weapon is only needed
Fire, Way of the Warrior if the old one doesn’t work. Use them as tools,
Clan Gift – Fevered Body: Their numbers are but if they get in your way, make them wish they
strong and they attack on a whim. Due to their never became ninja.
intense training and natural resistance due to the
rotted food they eat and stale water they drink, a Phantom Voices: They are keepers of the dead
Pox becomes completely immune to all checks vs. we are usually responsible for creating. Be kind to
Disease, get +5 Health and receive a +3 bonus against our silent cousins, as they have a heavy burden if
Poison and Death. They can also choose +1 Weapon we are performing our duties diligently.
type to be trained in.
Clan Drawback - Restless: The Sick Men haven’t Sisterhood of Blood: The Sisters balance us.
seen war in so long that they often become restless They keep our people from dying completely and
during their downtime. They relish any battle they we keep them from living too plentiful. Respect
fight, but can be seen pacing or even sweating when them and what they represent.
there is nothing to do. They are quick to rile because
of this, making other ninja walk on eggshells around Splendid Chameleons: Happy people make
them, as not to incur their overflowing wrath. more happy people. We need the numbers now,
but they should realize what the Pox has to do
when the Uprising is done.

Izou Ninja: Overzealous ninja cross our bor-

ders every day seeking amnesty. I instead show
them the point of my spear. They bleed so well.

The Uprising: The Blossom people will be

saved and the Immortals will shine their smiles
upon our clan as the ones that led the charge.
You’ll see.

The Ninja Crusade: The Izou aren’t moving

fast enough. Don’t worry, we’ll help it along.

Chapter Three:
Roots of the

The Land of Seed and Blossom is quite different selves out to cover strategic points in an attempt
from the Izou Empire, both in the culture that runs to take back their country, using their knowledge
through the life force of the Blossom people and in of their land as their greatest weapon against their
its landscape. While citizens today have never lived enemies. Below are the descriptions of these prov-
a day without the Izou Empire’s influence, they inces.
hold strong to their roots. This reflects in how they
live and how the ninja run their territories. Each
of Blossom clan rules one of the seven provinces, Horoki Province
but there is quite a bit of cross-pollination between
them. Formally the wellspring of health and prosperity
The seven provinces are a revolving door to the the Blossom people, Hokori Province (or Dust Prov-
Izou rulers who lay claim to them, however. As ince) was unfortunate to be the first struck by the
frequently as monthly, there are new generals and Izou army. Well before that, however, the Horoki
garrison settling in order to watch over Blossom Province was where the first Immortal arrived in
towns and cities. The seven clans have spread them- the Land of Seed and Blossom, where the Blossom

people were chosen. This was the main reason why clan. This is primarily due to an intense cultural

Chapter three: roots of the people

it is not only the largest province, but also the one need to fulfill the duties given to them by the Im-
ruled over by the Shouka Clan, the first ninja. Their mortals, which the citizens follow in kind.
position within Blossom society and their command Trespassers into the Shouka clan’s hidden terri-
of culture made the Crystal Bearers the mouth- tory will find a number of other unnatural occur-
pieces for an entire nation in many cases, so it was rences. Foliage and unfortunate travelers or en-
destined to be that their territory would face the emies frozen within cocoons of crystal are there to
brunt of their enemies attacks. warn anyone approaching that they play a danger-
Entering the province, one immediately feels ous game with their lives. While the Crystal Bearers
a certain warmth on the air, unlike a summer’s are not as quick to reach for their blade as the Pox,
breeze or a sunrise first glimpsing the earth. No, their small numbers must remain extra vigilant,
this warmth causes sweat to bead upon one’s brow lest their territory be taken from them by more ag-
in an almost unnatural way. This is but the first gressive clans. Most find it much easier and safer to
echo of a territory that is utterly broken and with- summon the Crystal Bearers to them for aid, rather
out hope. Despite the Shouka clan’s negotiation than to seek the ninja out personally.
skills, the peace accomplished for the land was not The Splendid Chameleons to the east cause little
without its losses. disturbance to the Horoki Province. They are pri-
Many of the natural resources have been stripped marily concerned with their own matters, unlike
of the land, several of the native species have the Sisterhood of Blood to the south. The Shouka
been wiped out or migrated to other regions and clan is unhappy with the Sisterhood’s insistence
the people of the Horoki Province are some of the on shoving their ideals down the people’s throats.
poorest in the Land of Seed and Blossom. Constant Of course, both clans are trained in expert negotia-
war has left the land mostly barren, but still livable tion tactics, making their meetings a lot less violent
for those willing to put in the work. The journey than one might imagine between ninja.
between villages is often difficult for those less
The other side of the coin reveals that, under this
cover of depression and sadness, these same people Lu Dongbin’s Path
are the most loyal to the Blossom ninja and to the The belief that the first Immortal set foot in
Uprising’s ultimate goal. Within even the smallest the Horoki Province isn’t a simple matter of
villages still stands shrines to the Immortals, usual- faith. The metaphorical footprints of the being
ly hidden from the Izou armies that frequently pass known as Lu Dongbin are reflected in the culture
through on their way to more hostile terrain. The seen everyday in the Land of Seed and Blossom.
villagers smile to their oppressors, as the Crystal However, the quite literal footprints can also be
Bearers advise, waiting for the moment when they clearly seen near the Seiseki Ruins. Once a Blos-
can aid their ninja in reclaiming the Land. som citizen - one that possesses a Birthstone -
The Crystal Bearers show themselves when nec- has been proven worthy by the Shouka, they can
essary, but prefer to stay hidden from the invaders’ be led to the place where the first Immortal stood
gaze for fear of their true purpose being found out before the first humans. It is an honor bestowed
and halted by soldiers. The people, however, know to very few, especially today.
just how to call upon one of the Shouka clan if they Once both feet are firmly in place, the citizen’s
need to, not only by using the old rites of hanging Birthstone flashes as if it were Dazzling (pg. 72)
dolls made of crystal, but also with a simple request and they can see a very clear path before them,
to the Shouka representative that lives secretly in the first path that Lu Dongbin ever walked. It
almost every village and town. Though subdued, stretches for three miles before fading away and
the Shouka’s connection to their people, whom they is said to be a soul-enriching experience – as
protect from any atrocities, is the strongest of any walking in the footstep of one’s god should be.

Chapter three: roots of the people

Seiseki Ruins to defend as the Izou Empire attempted to expand

Known once as the Temples of Seiseki (Birth- its nation, as well as an obvious target to subjugate
stones), this cultural landmark supported a cities the Blossom people. While the Blossom ninja put
worth of shrines to the Immortals. The city stood as up quite the fight, it wasn’t long until the Temples
a place of worship that the Blossom people could be of Seiseki fell to weeks of bombardment from the
proud of, a beacon of light that the Immortals were Izou’s iron cannons and ninja that murdered Blos-
sure to see from Heaven. It expanded hundreds of som citizens in the dead of night. What was once a
miles and housed thousands of people who lived mighty town of holy relics and beauty was reduced
harmoniously under the gaze of the Shouka. Ev- to a small town of saddened Shouka surrounded by
ery Family Bearer who was blessed with offspring miles and miles of the Izou’s cruelty composed of
would make their venerated pilgrimage to the rubble and crushed dreams.
Temples of Seiseki for their children to take part in Traveling to the Seiseki Ruins is still a large part
the Birthstone Imbuing ceremonies. Some had the of the Blossom culture, but doing so is not met with
rite performed by their local Crystal Bearer, but it the same purity and happiness as it once did. Now,
was always said that Seiseki intensified the energies it has become more of an obligation on the part of
and further filled the children to the Immortal’s the “responsible” Blossom parent, some of which
love and light. have decided to skip the ceremony at the sugges-
Learning how important the site was to the Land tion of their Izou governors. Every year, the Crystal
of Seed and Blossom made it an important place Bearers have seen fewer and fewer people willing to
make the trek for the appropriate blessings, which

has led to less that want to join their clan as a re- they wander the country. A single sip is said to

Chapter three: roots of the people

sult. Instead of waiting, however, the Crystal Bear- seemingly reverse the aging process by several
ers have begun reaching out to their people once years, reducing the signs of wrinkles and scars. In a
more, attempting to make themselves a presence of society where age is respected more than youth, not
forward mobility, instead of archaic reminders of every Blossom citizen is keen on partaking in such a
times of loss. potion for anything other than curiosity. However,
those from other lands eventually find their way to
Shojo No Me to see if the rumors are true.
Shojo No Me
One of the few still prosperous towns within
the Horoki Province, despite the general state of Jishin Fort
the area, is none other than Shojo No Me (Virgin’s It is true that the Izou Empire has several gar-
Eye), which rests within the cradle of the beauti- risons throughout the Land of Seed and Blossom,
ful Shitashii Lake (Intimate) and Shin’yuu River but none is so large as the Jishin Fort. The destruc-
(Closeness). These two bodies of water spell out the tion brought to the nation created by the quake
magnificence of the town before one even enters its beneath the invading army’s boot gave the fort its
borders. Local history says that it was once a town name. Jishin Fort stands as a tower of iron and steel
full of rejected citizens from other areas, home to in the middle of barren deserts from which it steals
numerous criminals and family betrayers. That is, its power. From a distance, the spiraling towers are
until a beautiful virgin entered the town whose a symbol of oppression to the Blossom people and
gaze would set a man’s heart ablaze. Some suspect triumph for the Izou. The Emperor has poured vast
that she was an avatar of the fifth Immortal due to resources into the fort, using it as an embassy for
the power she held over any man she encountered. nobles who travel to the Land of Seed and Blossom
Every man attempted to court her, bringing and as a training center for soldiers to become ac-
tribute to her in whatever way they could, but she customed to life in a new land. Though their cul-
would not take anything stolen or soiled as gifts. tural education facilities are only partially accurate,
This turned the town around, pushing the un- it is enough to provide a general impression of the
healthy element out and bringing in more money Blossom people and their customs. In some ways, it
and tourism than ever before. Her eye was such that is where the Izou soldiers learn their first lessons in
it could instantly tell the man’s intent for her hand obstructing these customs and spreading their own
with a look. The power within her eyes became too ideals in a way that is most understandable to the
much for some of the women that resided within savages that reside in the land.
the town, however, leading to several attacks on Around the Jishin Fort are several oil refiner-
her life that were, of course, thwarted by her many ies, weapon manufacturing plants and factories.
handsome beaus. The fort’s ecosystem is completely self-sustaining,
One evening, after rejecting yet another chief, producing its own food and weapons. The worse
king from the Land of Exalted Flame or whoever offense against the Blossom people is the fort’s
else did not meet her standards, the young girl, now Birthstone removal service. This process is obvious-
nameless to history, was murdered by her hand- ly detested by the Shouka clan, which works hard to
maiden. Worse yet, her revered eyes were plucked stay true to the Land of Seed and Blossom’s cultural
from her head and thrown into the well in the roots. Removal isn’t given lightly, but is an unfor-
center of town. While a sad ending for the girl, her tunate consequence for any criminals or enemies
death proved fortuitous for the town as a whole. to the occupying Izou forces. Its fortifications have
Today, Shojo No Me is still bustling with excite- held back several attacks and infiltration attempts
ment. It is believed that the town’s water supply from the Crystal Bearers who want to tear this fort
was enchanted with the virgin’s energy and hun- down. Their small numbers and the overriding
dreds of Adventurers make this their first stop as focus on the Uprising has put their assaults on the

Pox territory. They live to bring life into the world
Chapter three: roots of the people

The Lost Island and cleanse the blood of disease, serving the ex-
Since the beginning of recorded history, the act opposite purpose in the Land as the Pox. The
Land of Five Blades and Land of Seed and Blos- Sisterhood respects their place in the balance of all
som have been at war. Their battle was never things and gives the Pox due respect, but they avoid
over resources, glory or any treasure known the Pox whenever they can. The Sisterhood often
to mankind. The two countries have continued acts as a mediary between the Crystal Bearers and
their constant conflict for access to the Lost Yakubyo’s Pox when tensions flare between the two
Island. What lies on the island itself is a mys- clans. Their constant meddling has led to a lot of
tery, however. Despite its close proximity to the quiet resentment, but the Sisterhood of Blood has a
Blossom coast, neither nation has yet to land on lot to lose if war breaks out between the clans. They
its beaches. Magical barriers protect the shore realize the danger of the Izou Empire, but want to
and random rocks form to destroy the bottoms take a more subtle path, one of calculated non-vio-
of any ships sent to investigate. No one knows lence. The Sisterhood believes the Pox are too rash
what truly what lies on Lost Island, however, but and not thinking of the damage a full scale Uprising
neither nation wants the other to find out before could cause.
they do. A well-respected clan, the Blossom people always
The Blossom people believe that the Lost regard the Sisterhood of Blood as an omen of good
Island is the home of the Immortals themselves. tidings. The discovery that the Fa Disease has not
Today, more than ever, when the people need been permanently destroyed was further proof to
guidance, contacting the Immortals is of the ut- the people that the Sisterhood is necessary in the
most importance. If the ninja can somehow speak Land of Seed and Blossom. They help guide the lives
with their creators, the fate of the Uprising could of the citizens and give good advice to capture the
be divined and the people could be saved. love of the people. Women are a dominant influence
in the Sisterhood territory. Not that men are looked
Jishin Fort far down on their list of objectives, but down upon, but female independence is fostered as
is becoming more of a possibility with each passing an important aspect of existence.
Kokuso Chitai Province This grand city is believed to be built on the site
where the fifth Immortal, Lady He Xiangu, first
The territory of the Sisterhood of Blood is known arrived. It is situated along the Ja fork of the Ouka
as the Kokuso Chitai Province (Breadbasket Prov- River and houses about 20,000 people. It’s a large
ince). Many rivers flow through their domain and outdoor market, a central point where the farmers
the Sisterhood believes they help keep their land and fishermen in the territory can come to peddle
fertile and free of infection and corruption. The their wares. Xiangqui is a place where one can get
province has sparse jungles and rainforests with just about anything they want, either from the
large swaths of grassland, and almost every citizen farmer’s market or the city’s busy red light district,
is a farmer, fisherman or hunter. Most trade is done which sports men and women equally. The city
by barter, though some sell for Izou coin as well. also touts its own Adventurers Guild where those
Kokuso Chitai villages tend to stick around the riv- of the Adventurer Caste can congregate to trade
ers, but some make their lives a very vibrant col- information or rumors. The locals call this sector
lection of settlements on the coastline behind the Discovery Road, where the most inns and taverns
trees. can be found. Rites of passage necessary to reach
The Sisterhood tries to encourage the people in the Adventurer Caste can be undertaken here and
its care not to settle along the border of Yakubyo’s hundreds travel to Xiangqui to put their skills to

the test. Mori Hogosha

Chapter three: roots of the people

Outside of the market district is the residence Mori Hogosha, or Forest Guardian, is situated
of the Council of Three, the heads of the Ketsueki in the west region of the Kokuso Chitai Province,
clan. While small in number, they have great power far away from the life giving rivers and built on
within the Kokuso Chitai Province. Every decision the boundary of the grand rain forest surrounding
made is for the prosperous future of every Blossom the grasslands. Life is difficult yet sufficient in this
citizen, from what imports to offer in the market to village of a thousand people. By far the largest vil-
who will become the next chief of any village. They lage situated where the locals call Treeside, where
pull all the strings. The Council of Three also works the Blossom border meets the Oak Leaf Province
hard to keep Xianguqui as beautiful as the Immortal of the Izou. This settlement is still lightly traveled
it is named after. Due to their efforts, most fami- since the more direct route to it becomes a flooded
lies are self-sufficient and there are very few poor swamp during the rainy season, making the vil-
within the city. lage only easily accessible for half of the year. The
Within Xiangqui is also the Neutral Crossing
refuge, where the Crystal Bearers and Sisterhood
regularly meet. Good relations between these clans
is important, since their duties often correlate with
each other concerning the birth of children.
Some believe that a child’s first sight should be
a ninja from the Shouka or Ketsueki clan
– even before their own mother or
father. Neutral Crossing also
acts as a trading post where
the two clans can trade
medicine and information.
It is rumored that they
are making plans
to advance their
own version of the
Uprising, though
these are only un-
founded rumors
murmured on
the streets.

Sisterhood’s mastery of water keeps the damage Some of her most known pieces use blood in their
Chapter three: roots of the people

minimal and ensures the floods have their maxi- creation - not human blood, of course, but blends
mum benefit as well. The Two Dragons Bridge was of animal blood with other dyes to create exciting
built as a combination bridge/dam to create a route paintings. These two important elements of beauty
to Forest Guardian while also balancing the natural has created a community that regards itself as a
weather cycles. tourist town. It also lends itself to a laid back at-
When the rainy season subsides, the time for titude among the residents, definitely not what you
hunting and gathering begins. The jungle has many would call a town that is quick to anger. The Upris-
treasures wrapped in unique dangers. All sorts ing is an afterthought, even as the Pox assembles
of animals make their home in the jungles and restlessly to the South to constantly remind them.
the jungle itself has many ways to harm you. Not A collection of artists, Adventurers and Advisors
surprisingly, the village contains a large number of decided that it would give them more inspiration if
people of the Hunter and Adventurer class. For half they lived closer to Koukon. Soon small shops cater-
the year the town gets very few visitors at all, so it’s ing to these people cropped up around the area,
pretty quiet. The first week after the Two Drag- followed by culinary artists experimenting with the
ons Bridge opens is marked by a celebration and palate. What has grown is a sort of creative com-
fair. The week of the harvest’s blessing is held in a mune worthy of the Splendid Chameleons’ respect.
clearing outside of the town and is a quaint affair If you can stand the air of pretentiousness in the
for those looking to buy decorative items or trade district, you can find some unique items for sale and
for food. More martial items can be found if you gaze upon beautiful works of art.
know the right names to drop. Weapons, armor and There is also the queen herself, Koukon. In real-
equipment are needed items out in the jungle, even ity, she has become a prisoner to her artistic urges.
more so with the close proximity to Izou. When she isn’t spending weeks at a time slaving
The loss of the land to the Izou Empire for peace over her own pieces, Koukon keeps an eye out for
is something deeply felt by the Land of Seed and interesting works of art and gives advice to other
Blossom, but even moreso by the people of Mori artists she sees talent in. As a member of the Sister-
Hogosha. In the end, it was a necessary sacrifice to hood of Blood, she still attends births and admin-
end the war and strife. The Blossom people refer to isters the ritual to clean the blood of the newborn.
the Oak Leaf Province as Treeside. Originally, this Koukon made her name doing paintings about life
once differentiated where the jungle gave way to and especially the female form, always depicting
the forest. Now it refers to the literal border be- women as strong and sexual beings.
tween the Izou Empire and the Land of Seed and Iriai survives off of the bounty of the Hantai sea
Blossom. always busy with fishermen plying their trade.
In addition to the loss associated with the re- A few docks are privately owned by families and
gion, the Blossom ninja have the wayward Bamboo certain Adventurers, but most are designated public
Herbalists – rejects from the more proper Bamboo docks and kept in decent condition by all involved.
Alchemists – pushing back any efforts to reclaim There are also boats that connect to Pox territory if
the province. The Sisterhood hopes that Uprising one is so inclined, but none ever travel to the Lost
will change this soon. Island – that is not the Sisters’ fight.

Iriai Hanei Province

The Kokuso Chitai Province’s coastline also has
its fair share of population. The settlement of Iriai The Pox came to power and have moved to
(Sunset) is mostly a fishing town, but it is known for advance two goals: control the Blossom peoples’
the sunsets of its namesake and the art collection population and find a way to explore the Lost Island
of Koukon, a Sister who has gained a reputation as which stares across from them. Yakubyo’s Pox have
a greatest artist in the Land of Seed and Blossom.

recently added a third goal to this list, destroy the

Chapter three: roots of the people

Izou Empire. Ever since their creation and being The Capital Watchmen
tasked with the mandate to bring down death and When Zhongli Quan instituted the Elder sys-
disease to the land if needed, Yakubyo’s Pox has tem in the Land, he left no direction on how to
eaten and breathed violence. Their clan brought or- go about doing it. One of the issues was the safety
der to the Blossom people and now they would save of the Elders. The Pox wanted total control of
the Land with the same lust for destruction. protecting the Elders in their territory, but even-
Yakubyo’s Pox is the spear tip of the Blossom tually compromised and the Capital Watchmen
people, ready to do the vile things that must be were born. Starting out as seven ninja, one from
done to keep the balance. Their territory mirrors each clan, the Capital Watchmen have expanded
their hard line philosophy towards life and duty, to a force of 105 Ninja tasked with assisting with
with their citizens likened to hard steel and are the defense of the Capital Tower and ensuring
the best warriors of the land. Even before the Izou the Elders’ hidden location is never discovered by
and the Uprising, the Pox were honing their skills hostile forces.
against the Land of Five Blades. The fight for con- They are broken up into 15 cells of seven Ninja
trol over the mysterious Lost Island and the many each. Named after a river or color, and most have
border wars with their natural enemy have made specific tasks they are in charge of. They used
sure that the Pox are battle tested and formidable to be under the direct control of the Elders and
enemies. answered only to them. Now only one cell, Cell
Unlike the grasslands and jungles to the north, Black, is by the Elders side. Cell Xuè serves as
the Hanei Province (Prosperity Province) is cov- troubleshooters and are tasked with handling the
ered with lush rainforests that are especially hot dirty work that is sometimes necessary to protect
and dangerous. The Yuuki River flows through the the Elders and their location. Including assas-
middle of the territory and is also the location of sination and/or spying. Cell Red is tasked with
the capital of the Land of Seed and Blossom, named maintaining good health in Yuuki and is made up
after its the mighty river. It is fitting that Yuuki mostly of Bamboo Alchemist, Sisterhood of Blood
means “Courage”, as it takes a tremendous amount and Crystal Bearers.
of it to live near this powerful river.
In fact, it seems that most of the natural environ- were to refuse or if they cannot pass through physi-
ment of the Pox territory is built to foster the clan’s cal training, there is a good chance that they will be
survival of the fittest philosophy - further illustrat- killed. Militia members are released from service at
ing that Yakubyo’s Pox and the Sisterhood of Blood specific intervals thus making sure the training ses-
are complete opposites. The Pox are all men, and sions are on a consistent schedule. The Izou thought
the Sisterhood are all women. The Pox are warriors it best to leave the Pox in charge of the Militia with
and police the Blossom people, while the Sisterhood not much Izou interference but this will eventu-
is filled diplomats and councilors. They stand on ally serve as a mistake. Distinguished members of
opposite sides of the spectrum in philosophy and the Citizen Militia are given land and a gracious
deed, yet the two clans respect each other’s place separation pay by the Izou to gain the people’s
openly, no matter how much they revile one an- loyalty. Yakubyo’s Pox operates in a state of con-
other in secret. This mutual respect is part of what stant military alertness, always ready for the next
separates the Izou Ninja from the Blossom Ninja. attack. In reality, many believe the Uprising and the
The Izou instituted a mandate that requires men subverting of the Citizen Militia is an excuse to kill
living in Pox territory to serve in the Citizens Mili- and practice their special type of biological warfare
tia for five years after their 18th birthday. The Izou on the Izou Empire. They don’t just want to run
Empire believes that the Blossom “savages” should the Empire out of the Land of Seed and Blossom;
police themselves and founded the militia shortly they want to commit genocide upon all of the Izou
after the peace treaty centuries ago. If someone people.

Women of the Hanei Province are taught
Chapter three: roots of the people

first to maintain the home and provide

for their families, they are also taught the
power needed to defend their homes, most
becoming proficient in several styles of
martial arts. Women are not looked down
upon in Pox lands, but they may never
serve as ninja. That honor is only given to
exceptionally ruthless men. Not surpris-
ingly though, some women from the Pox
territory eventually leave to live under
Sisterhood rule.
The population of Yakubyo’s Pox territo-
ry is mostly rural, made up of small villages
that serve in the Citizen’s Militia. The Pox
have very few cities in their territory, with
the exception of Yuuki. This makes civi-
lized areas far and few between and plenty
of hostile jungle to make up for the lack of
people. All roads eventually lead to Yuuki
even though the most well traveled roads
are still dangerous journeys. Hungry preda-
tors stalk the edges of the trails, waiting
for someone to let their guard down or to
take a horse that is not being watched. The
Pox are rumored to run many experiments
involving diseases and the human reaction
and resistance to them.
The number of children a couple can
have is also restricted and violation of the
rule results in the death or removal of the
child f. Couples should never go over the
maximum of two children, unless they are
willing to pay the consequences.

The city of Yuuki is very unique. It is the
capital of the Land of Seed and Blossom, as
well as the Elders’ former residence. Today,
it is where a slew of Advisors make up the
population of the walled compound on
the hill. The main focus of the Pox and the
Capital Watchmen is to protect the Capital
Tower and make sure that the Inner Ring
stays ordered and clear of undesirables.

The Capital Tower nightmare that extends for miles on both sides of

Chapter three: roots of the people

the river. The citizens of the Outer Ring serve as
The dark and foreboding towers of the large
a defensive buffer that bogs down enemies with
complex called the Capital Tower cast a menacing
urban warfare, yet another line of protection for
shadow over Yuuki. The Capital Building was the
the Capitol Tower. It is the closest thing to a sprawl
first building constructed and everything flows
that can be found in the Land of Seed and Blossom,
from it. Its angular architecture with hard lines and
stretching in a haphazard fashion in all directions.
sharp corners is surrounded by a 15 ft iron fence,
Roads are rarely straight, residences are built with
connected by a large gate. Those who can see the
no order and it is not unusual to find a business in
flow of chi in the tower say that it seems twisted
the middle of a group of huts or houses. There is no
and sickly. The Elders lived here along with the
planning, no thoughts of zoning.
Capital Watchmen and a large gathering of servants
The Outer Ring is as dangerous as it is chaotic.
and some Pox Ninja before they were moved for
Anything can be found for barter or the new fad of
their safety. Most of the administrative staff lives
Izou money, and people often disappear without
in the Inner Ring and travel daily to the Capital for
a trace, only to be bought and sold in secret slave
their duties.
markets. The Citizens Militia patrols the streets and
provides law enforcement, but there are simply not
The Inner Ring enough of them. Many neighborhoods have their
The Inner Ring is the area immediately outside own police force in response, making justice in one
the Capital Tower. It was once made up of workers area of the Outer Ring completely different than in
mostly, but has turned into a middle class area full another.
of all sorts of affluent Blossom citizens. Many ad- East of the Capital Tower in the Outer Ring is des-
ministrators from the Capital Tower live here, so it ignated as a military training ground for the Pox.
has a large share of the Advisor class. The Pox make Here the Pox and members of the Citizens Militia
sure to keep order in the Inner Ring as derelicts practice military maneuvers, especially amphibious
and troublemakers cannot be allowed to surround assault training. It is not unusual to see bodies be-
the Capital. It is a very quiet district and is the most ing taken from the training field, as the experience
organized and protected area. is truly intense. This area is off-limits to non-mili-
One of the more famous landmarks in the Inner tary personnel.
Ring, a larger building that hovers over the build-
ings around, is the Kai Shik Theater and Tavern. It
is owned by Kai Shik, a well-known Splendid Cha-
Western and Southern Coast
The Pox keeps a strong presence near the coast
meleon who uses his wushu, along with his troupe
with heavily populated hidden villages. Their col-
of actors, artist and singers, to bring joy to the
lective is rumored to be a secret prison where unde-
masses of the Inner Ring. It is a very popular place
sirables are taken to be part of weird and merciless
and most nights are a full house. There is always
experiments. The rest of the southern coast is small
some sort of performance or concert going on and
homesteads and villages of Militia trained citizens.
the smart ninja knows that the Kai Shik is a great
The Pox territory has the greatest concentration of
place to gain intel or spy on an enemy - especially
Citizens Militia members, though the force is spread
the several Izou platoons that frequent the theater.
all through the Blossom territories.
Kai Shik himself regularly relays information to
The Western coast is made up almost the same.
various parties for a price, but is keen on steering
The peninsula is called Zhongli Quan’s Reach and
clear of any direct involvement.
is the home to a small village and a lighthouse. The
lighthouse functions as an outpost for the Citizens
The Outer Ring Militia to watch for ships from the Izou Empire or
Surrounding the Inner Ring is a patchwork urban Land of Five Blades. The location of the village on
a high cliff gives the outpost an excellent view of

Shinde Shizukana Province
Chapter three: roots of the people

Funeral and Burial Rites

The Phantom Voices are frequently summoned
by ninja of other clans and townsfolk throughout Generations ago the Tomurai clan claimed the
the Land of Seed and Blossom to purify the dead southern-most tip of the Land of Seed and Blossom
for preparation for the afterlife. Depending on for their own. Whereas once they were found in
the burdens carried by the dead person, the ritu- almost every village and town across the country
als can take various forms. When a person dies in leading days of mourning, they have gone into se-
Tomurai territory and the family or loved ones clusion since the Izou occupation and can primarily
want to enlist the aid of a Phantom, a decorative be found in their claimed territory or a few hid-
bowl with the name of the deceased is placed on den villages in throughout the Land. The territory
the doorstep of the house. In the night, the ninja and its villages are filled with small cemeteries and
will come to the house to perform initial rites ritual graveyards where the Phantom Voices carry
which usually involve listening for the whispers out funeral rites and assist the dead in passing into
of the recently deceased to ensure no foul play the afterlife, free of the pain or guilt that ties them
was involved, and then the body is transported to to this plane.
the nearest graveyard for preparation. The Shinde Shizukana (or Quiet Dead) Province is
Ritually purifying the dead can be a long and primarily rich, arable farmland and coastal low-
difficult process, and it is a task not undertaken lands, making the territory of the Phantom Voices
lightly. The ninja are constantly haunted by the one of the most favorable for farming and agricul-
whispers of the dead, and all too often carry their ture. Small farms are spread throughout the region
pain as their own until the spirit is sent on. Gen- and raided by the occasional Izou patrol, but actual
erally, the more sinful the person, the more labor villages of the Tomurai are few and far between and
intensive their purification is. Murderers, thieves extremely well hidden. For the most part, the only
and those who willingly caused pain and suffer- symbol of Guide activity is found in the occasional
ing or disregarded the teachings of the Immor- cemetery where the astute eye can see signs of
tals are usually skinned to the bone with their recent activity.
flesh fed to wild wolves, while their bones are Tomurai communities throughout the Shinde
ground to dust and spread over consecrated land. Shizukana Province are an odd combination of
Those who are less corrupted, but still carry a graveyard and village. Intricate headstones and
burden at the time of their death can be purified statuary are interspersed between houses, shops,
with poured water and peach tree oil and then storehouses and stables which often makes for an
cremated. The purest of the dead are usually bur- odd scene to those not familiar with the territory.
ied with proper feng shui in the Phantom Voices Those scholars, historians and common folk famil-
hidden villages throughout the country, but oc- iar with the 4th Catastrophe are initially wary of
casionally they are preserved and transported to this set up for fear of the walking dead, yet those
the cities in the south or Tengoko No Jundo itself who know of Tomurai rituals and practices are
for use in special shrines. wholly at ease. Each of these headstones is a burial
site of one of the “Pure Ones” who needn’t be fully
the sea. One can even see the Lost Island without a purified by the rituals taught by the fourth Immor-
spy glass. The Western coast is speckled with many tal.
settlements made up of reserve Citizens Militia The bodies of these pure souls are seen as good
families that provide a coastal defense line for the luck charms and can be used by those with a dis-
Pox territory, which they defend proudly. cerning eye to find places of importance in Phan-
tom Voices villages, since those places will general-
ly have more of these headstones or shrines nearby.
Conversely, those who were seen as exceedingly
pure are sometimes seen as having more luck, so

only a few bodies are needed to impart the benefits, Tengoku No Jundo

Chapter three: roots of the people

a strategy often used by the leaders of the Tomurai The main city of the Shinde Shizukana Province
Clan when organizing the placement of headstones is Tengoko no Jundo (Heavenly Purity). It is located
to confuse would-be attackers. Any benefit im- in the center of the region and in close proximity
parted is merely psychological even though many to Suikokyu Lake, one of the holiest sites for the
believe a supernatural element is involved. Tomurai Tomurai. The city is on the shore of the lake and
ninja are intimately familiar with the practice and is most easily accessible by boat. These natural
find it much easier to relax and meditate in areas barriers have left the city fairly well secluded and
with these plots. Some even believe that the calm of defended for generations even during the Izou inva-
the nearby dead can be called upon during heated sion, a fact that the Tomurai superstitiously attri-
debates and discussions, such as when discussing bute to the countless pure souls vigilantly keeping
clan rivalries, the occupation or business dealings. watch over their city.
Tengoku no Jundo takes the appearance of other
villages to the extreme and appears to be a sprawl-
ing graveyard spreading through the valleys, over
any hills and down to the bank of the lake. It still
has the appearance of a city with buildings, roads,
temples and homes throughout, but each structure
is surrounded by numerous headstones represent-
ing buried Pure Ones. Some are built into or
carved out of cliff faces around the city and
overlooking the lakeside. Even rocky outcrop-
pings out on the lake are covered in head-
stones, alerting travelers on the still waters
to their proximity to the city. Most of the
time, the city is covered in a thin veil of
mist given off from the lake even during
the heat of the day, but it gets significantly
thicker during dawn and dusk and carries
on through most nights.
The city offers many amenities to
those weary travelers, merchants
and ninja allied with the clan, but
access is restricted to those who
are not. The narrow roads to the
city are secretly observed and
the lake, which is usually a fairly
active fishing location, is also
patrolled by a few disguised ninja
in fishing boats. Most unwanted
visitors are diverted through
careful manipulation of conver-
sations or wushu, and are only
attacked if they seem to pose a
valid threat to the city or the
safety of its occupants.
Among the most active lo-

Chapter three: roots of the people

Audience with the Elders

The Land of Seed and Blossom is led by the old- oldest living citizen is… for they are the ones who
est of their ilk, following the teachings of Immor- are next to lead the nation.
talism that puts the wisest Blossom citizen above
all others. Few have ever gone to the Elder Caves Current Elders
that lie at the heart, the very center, of the land.
Its entrances are heavily concealed in a location  Sunzi: This hardened man of 152 years is a
given only to Chiefs who have earned the right long-time retired ninja of Yakubyo’s Pox. Sunzi
to that knowledge. In modern times, when the has participated in every aspect of war, learning
people have begun looking to the Izou to answers all the intricacies of combat strategies. His skin
instead of the leaders that have earned their place tells the story of a harrowing with tattoos and
through experience and birthright, few disturb scars that words could never do justice. Sunzi’s
the Elders unless it is a changing of the guard or a love for his country is outmatched only by his ha-
matter of national importance. tred of the Izou. Destruction of the oppressors that
The doors to the entrance have many rituals the Land of Seed and Blossom has tolerated for
to keep out intruders, backed up by the Capital too long is soon coming and it will be at his hand.
Watchmen at the guard. However, if one has been Over the span of his long life, Sunzi has become a
invited or has an approved audience, they can master of the Way of Unending Blight and many
simply walk through the doors at the Elders’ will. Earth wushu.
Entering their home, one sees a vast open cavern  Wang Anyi: At 154 years old, Anyi’s ascent to
with very little decoration. The sound of their an Elder was long coming. She served as a Chief of
footsteps as they approach echo off the walls, her village since she was 25 and has never fault-
making it impossible to sneak. ered in her love for her nation. Often representing
In the center of the Elder cavern is the Pool of the softer side of the Elders, Anyi is a woman wise
Seeing. The Elders can see any activity occurring far beyond her years. However, unlike her less-ag-
in the Land of Seed and Blossom from here and gressive predecessor, she comes from a clan born
are privy to the birth of every new birth and how from the suffering caused by the hand of the Izou
many of them undergo the Birthstone Imbuing – the Splendid Chameleon. She is a master of the
ceremony. The pool also allows them to keep tabs Way of Molded Bodies, knowing many techniques
on each death, making it easy to know who the long forgotten to younger ninja.

cations within the city is the Temple of Passage treaties are negotiated in neutral territory or one
where almost every Phantom Voice ninja trains. of the smaller villages scattered throughout the
Each ninja is expected to spend at least two seasons province or in another region entirely, if at all pos-
at the temple learning the sacred Rites of Burial. sible. Once an agreement has been reached and it
The master usually accompanies their pupil to the is evident that the all parties involved are pleased
temple and will stay during this time to oversee the with the outcome, an invitation may be extended
student’s progression on this path, directing them to Tengoku No Jundo for the official signing of the
in additional courses of study over and above their agreement and additional festivities.
daily duties. This is one of the most pivotal times in
the life of a Tomurai ninja.
Tengoku No Jundo is viewed as the seat of all Suikokyu Lake
purity in the south, a fact that remains important to The largest lake in the Land of Seed and Blossom
the leaders of the Tomurai Clan. Rarely are out- comprises the heart of the Phantom Voices terri-
siders let into the city to tarnish it with whatever tory. The element of water, full of yin, is a purify-
negative emotions they might be carrying. Most ing essence, and the people view Suikokyu Lake in

that same light. The lake, whose name translates to capturing the image through his brushstrokes.

Chapter three: roots of the people

Bated Breath, is renowned for its fishing and there There is a Phantom Voice temple at each of the
are a number of small fishing villages on the west- three largest falls, each one constructed on an
ern and northern shores. There are always boats on island in the middle of the river. These temples are
the lake casting nets, hauling in catches or trans- places of extreme isolation and meditation, and
porting various goods to other shoreline villages. It serve as places of prayer for the souls traveling to
is almost always covered in a natural fog which is heaven from the sacred headwaters of the river.
ordinarily impassibly thick at night, leaving naviga- None of the islands have a dock, so approaching
tion of the treacherous waters to seasoned fisher- from the north by way of the river is already a dan-
men and sailors. gerous endeavor. A rope bridge is only extended to
Suikokyu Lake has had its name as long as any- those who need assistance and are in the company
one can remember, but tales tell that the lake is the of a Tomurai Ninja or trusted allies. The temples are
start of the “Breathing of the Soul,” a practice that usually occupied by no more than a dozen people,
is said to purify even the most vile of people. The usually there only to meditate and pray, but can
Phantom Voices do not see this as a time of mourn- house about a dozen more for short periods of time.
ing, but rather the beginning of a wonderful and Kokina Koki flows into the southern part of the
exciting process. When the Phantom Voices spread Hantai Sea through the Ascension Delta. The fertile
ashes in the lake, the souls are considered to remain area contains some of the more productive farms in
there until they are pure enough to continue on the region, but the food produced there rarely feeds
their way. This is likened to someone holding their anyone outside a few days journey from the delta,
breath in anticipation. due to the secluded location and difficulty trans-
The waters of Suikokyu Lake are unusually calm porting the food great distances.
for a lake of its size, a fact that many of the resident
fishermen credit for their bounteous catches. That’s
not to say that there aren’t storms or strong winds Midori Province
that occasionally stir the waters, but the water itself
always seems to flow smoothly and calmly, even The Midori Province (or Green Province) is home
when buffeting against rocky shores. The Phantom to the Bamboo Alchemists, but defies its name for
Voices view Suikokyu Lake as the holiest natural the majority of the region. Much of the south is
site in their territory, and the second holiest site covered by the Hougo Range, but reaches up into
overall, second only to Tengoku No Jundo itself. the surrounding forests at its base. It wasn’t long
Usually at night and under the thickness of the after the Izou Empire took hold of the Land of Seed
ever-present mist, the Tomurai ninja can be found, and Blossom that the Ika Clan was split into two
under lantern light spreading the ground remains factions. One half deserted their homeland and ran
of the most violent and sinful dead delivered by to what they thought was an Empire that would
other ninja throughout the country. The waters of embrace the ninja with open arms. The Bamboo
Suikokyu Lake are naturally consecrated and can Herbalists were then used as weapons to take over
carry even the most corrupt souls to heaven. the very land they once called home.
The other half of the Ika Clan, the Bamboo Alche-
mists retreated from the spotlight. Their healing
Kokina Koki River abilities were to be hidden away in the mountains,
The waters of Suikokyu Lake feed the Kokina which meant the ninja climbed the dangerous cliffs
Koki River which runs south through to the Hantai and became hermits. In times of stress, they are
Sea. The river, whose name means “Exalted Exha- known to leave their enclaves to heal the sick or
lation”, winds through the foothills of the Hougo respond to those that still believe in the old ways.
mountain range and contains dozens of picturesque The Alchemists can sense the sickness in the land
waterfalls where occasionally a master and his pupil with every breath they take or touch of the earth at
may be caught training, or an artist might be found

their feet. No matter how high they reach toward tives on safe areas, given fruitful bounties of crops
Chapter three: roots of the people

heaven, they cannot escape the death and diseases by the Ika that lord over them. The loyal people
of the world. never fall ill and only ever die of natural causes,
They took over the Hougo Range, so named for thanks to their silent benefactors. Some believe that
the defenses that it created to shield the Ika from their water supply is pumped with herbs from the
anything outside of themselves. Approaching the Ika. Who knows the consequences that would erupt
mountains, travelers can instantly see the jagged if they mountain people ever rejected their protec-
and deadly peaks. The climb is steep, its ridges are tors? The Hougo residents are the only ones that
fragile and it requires an expertise in mountain know the safe paths to travel between the small
climbing or the powers of a ninja to reach the top number of villages, but they rarely ever leave the
safely. Deep caves can be found in random spots mountain – the people having taken the lead of the
as one ascends, which are just as dangerous as the xenophobic Ika.
mountainside itself. These are often the hiding plac- The Midori border has expanded in recent years,
es for the Ika Clan, where every step is met with the as the Ika have begun positioning themselves to
possibility of contracting some mysterious disease finally leave their nests at the mountaintops. This
or becoming lost in the deep series of tunnels filled strategy appeared out of character to the other
with stalactites and stalagmites. clans, but the Bamboo Alchemists’ affinity for
Few people of the Midori Province live in the potions often lends itself to divination through
Hougo Range. Those that do reside in small collec- reading tealeaves or epiphanies from their special

meditation locations. While the Phantom Voices to

Chapter three: roots of the people

their west gave up domain after amicable negotia- Rare Herbs
tions, the Grim Creepers were much more resistant. Solitude was far from the only reason that the
However, the younger clan was unable to deal with Bamboo Alchemists fought so hard for control of
even the diminished strength of the veteran Bam- the Hougo Range. Yes, the sharpened peaks in-
boo Alchemists. timidate all but the most determined aggressors,
but they also keep herb poachers from stealing
the clan’s most secret potion ingredients. The Ika
Chinmoku No Dangai have cultivated hundred of new species of flow-
Within the Hougo Range is a place of pure mys- ers, herbs and fruits, all kept within their hid-
tery, called Chinmoku No Dangai (or the Cliffs of den villages – far removed from the eyes of any
Silence). It was here that a rouge Oni was killed by outsider. In addition to their own special plants,
the fourth Immortal, Zhang Guo, after a battle that they have learned much about the plant-life from
raged on for days. As the monster’s blood finally the Untamed Wilds from a healthy store of buds
spilled, it is believed to have drained the cliff of gathered over a century ago.
everything. The very edge of the cliff has a 100 ft.
area where no plant can grow and the air is mo-
tionless, regardless of the mountain breezes every-
where else. Small wilderness animals die an hour Jujihoka
after touching the soiled ground and even the dead Otherwise known as Crossfire Point, Jujihoka is
that once walked the Earth avoided the area. No chi a town that represents how even the peaceful clans
flows through the cliff, making it a dead zone. of the Land of Seed and Blossom are just like any
Despite the stigma attached to such a site, the other ninja – at war with each other. It is not a large
Ika Clan has found an important use for it. In times town, but stands at the epicenter of a bitter rivalry
when they feared attackers, Chinmoku No Dangai between four of the seven major clans. Jujihoka sits
was where they gathered to avoid being detected, as atop a vital source of a single kind of flower, the
the dead zone rendered sensory wushu useless. As Akasuta or Red Star. This flower’s medicinal prop-
fewer and fewer visitors climbed the Hougo Range erties have been known to cure any illness, poison
to meet with the Ika, the ninja have taken to us- or other life threatening element, but only grows
ing the secluded spot for intense meditation ritu- within this single town.
als. Some clans use meditation to build a greater The existence of the Akasuta creates a tension
connection to the universe and the chi and flows between the clans that are so close to such a great
around them. The Bamboo Herbalists, however, power. The Bamboo Alchemists’ interest in such a
have found mediation within a state of nothingness flower is obvious to any ninja, and they quickly took
to allow for more soul searching. control over this town once the flower’s abilities
Under normal cirsumstances, clan members were revealed. However, Jujihoka was stolen from
can simply request access to the spot up to three Grim Creeper territory, making the two clans quite
at a time. Some students, however, are sent to opposed. The Ika have taken great strides in repair-
Chinmoku No Dangai as a punishment, usually if ing relations with the Warawara clan, but blades
they are showing too much of a reliance on their are continually unsheathed on a regular basis over
wushu for everyday tasks. The Phantom Voices, possession of the town.
through many talks between the clan Chiefs, may The Splendid Chameleons contend that the town
also request permission to visit the Cliffs of Silence. should be theirs, due to the beauty that the flower
It was decided long ago that the fourth Immortal brings to the world. They care more about the
was more than capable of cleaning up this stain on townspeople than the flower itself, seeing how they
the universe. Leaving it untouched after his demon constantly fear for their lives with each new ninja
battle may mean that there are still secrets for his battle that takes place all around them. The resi-
protégés, the Phantom Voices, to unlock.

dents have a strong moral fiber, keeping them from
Chapter three: roots of the people

using the Akasuta for just anyone who asks, but Dakupasu
they will be forced to submit if they do not have a Between many of the closest villages in War-
defender. There is a reason why it is called Crossfire awara clan territory are the Dakupasu, or Dark
Point. The Idou clan wants ownership of Jujihoka Paths. The Dakupasu are underground roadways
for little more than to keep it from other clans that made of the interconnected remnants of old lava
care a lot less. tubes, caves and subterranean rivers. The Grim
The Akasuta’s properties have not gone unno- Creepers have molded and modified these paths
ticed by Yakubyo’s Pox either. Control of a plant to be legitimate roads wide enough for a small
that can cure any disease could be a great boon or a cart or three people side by side. They use the
horrible blight on the Kouhei clan. In the hands of Dakupasu to move their ninja and goods quickly
another clan, it could render uselss many of their from place to place while protecting them from
specialized wushu, which depend on their enemies hazards, delays due to weather and the watchful
being sickened. However, if they possessed the eye of the Izou. This is not to say that the Dark
Akasuta, the Pox could possibly find a way to cure Paths do not have dangers of their own. Dakupa-
the only disease they have been unable to affect, the su often run nearby a few sheer, seemingly bot-
Fa Disease. This, of course, would render the Sister- tomless chasms, or underground rivers and lakes
hood of Blood useless in their eyes. so a Warawara guide is almost always necessary
The Sisterhood of Blood and Crystal Bearers have for the safety of the travelers.
too much to deal with, being on the border with
the Izou, to worry about a single town. If the battle secret kept from the Izou. The Jikuyuu Monks are
continues for too much longer, however, they may the most devout followers of Immortalism in the
not have a choice but to intervene. The Phantom entirety of the Land of Seed and Blossom. To lose
Voices, though they are so close to this confronta- them would be to akin to losing the nation’s arm
tion, have avoided becoming entangled thus far. or leg. The Ika Clan, whose territory the monastery
resides within, have cloaked them with several
illusory wushu to keep anyone from finding them
Jikuyuu Monastery unless they know exactly where to look. This in-
The Midori Province is not only home to the cludes other clans, just in case any of them are ever
Bamboo Alchemists, but also another powerful defected to the Izou as the Herbalists did long ago.
group of warriors – the Jikuyuu Monks. These usual-
ly peaceful Immortalists have removed themselves
from the outside world of social pressure to con-
tinually rise in Caste and live a much simpler exis-
Toguchi Province
tence. Jikuyuu Monks take several oaths, including The Warawara clan being the youngest clan in
abstaining from sex, drinking and outright violence. the Land has only had a limited amount of time to
Martial training for self-defense is the corner stone carve out their territorial niche. Located north of
of their lives, however, making them forever ready the territory of the Bamboo Alchemists and south
in case of attacks against the compound. of the territory of the Splendid Chameleons, the
These spiritual actions are rumored to bring Warawara have laid claim to an area consisting of
them to a more spiritual place, both physically and rocky plains, grassland and densely packed tangles
mentally, gaining them access to visions of the of forests, called the Toguchi Province (or Door-
Immortals. The monastery has existed since the way Province). Most of the Warawara territory was
second Immortal set the Blossom people on their unclaimed by the other clans primarily because of
correct path and has predicted each new Immortal’s the inhospitable and dreary terrain that didn’t lend
arrival since. itself to conventional farming.
Even the ninja do not know how to read por- After they had a defined territory, the Warawara
tents like the monks of the Hougo Range, a national

the Untamed Wilds. While pathways are constantly

Chapter three: roots of the people

Creeper Traps
patrolled by the Izou, they are regularly in use by
The Warawara clan frequently use a variety
everyday folk, monitored by the Creepers to make
of traps against the Izou or for entry points into
sure their hospitality are not taken advantage of.
the Untamed Wilds to prevent trespassers. All
While still fertile in principle, the biggest prob-
types of traps are used, but some of the most
lem in regards to the vegetation is the extreme
frequently used traps are pit traps, animal traps
territorial nature of the suu insects that attack and
and punji sticks. Pit traps are a simple concealed
devour any other insects in their areas. This dan-
pit that is approximately ten to fifteen feet deep
gerously limits the amount of pollination that can
with extremely smooth sides to prevent escape.
take place between flowering plants and crops in
An animal trap is a pit trap with a large beast at
the area. Crops planted in the ground should thrive
the bottom, usually a bear, large cat, crocodile or
in theory, but only a few reach maturity, except for
pack of wolves. Punji sticks are sharpened spears
certain areas along the Ouka river where cherry
of bamboo usually located at the bottom of a pit
trees, the rivers namesake, always thrived. Large
trap to impale unsuspecting victims.
groves of these trees line the river for much of its
length providing a food source and provide one of
slowly expanded south towards the Ouka River to
the most visually stunning sights when the cherry
take advantage of the water source for irrigation.
blossoms are in full bloom. Forested areas are less
For years, this was a sore spot when discussing
affected since many trees pollinate without insects,
diplomatic relations with the Bamboo Alchemists,
and they tend to grow unfettered in large copses
which often led to heated arguments and occasional
where the clan hides or builds entrances to their
fighting when cooler heads could not prevail.
sprawling underground city networks.
Their borders are mostly stable and established,
and the Warawara have no interest in expand-
ing beyond them, with the exception of regaining City Networks
Jujihoka (pg. 61) from the Bamboo Alchemists. The Once a fairly populous farming region, the War-
Creepers see the village as rightfully theirs, and awara’s region is one of the most sparsely populat-
their ultimate goal is to bring the village back under ed country in the Land of Seed and Blossom, second
their control. The Izou occupation and the threat it only to that of the Pox. There are a few traditional
represents currently make inter-clan conflicts and towns and villages, but not nearly as many as one
disputes a minor priority. Whether or not those might suspect, primarily because the land simply
tensions are renewed sometime in the future is up cannot support a large population. These towns do
in the air, but one can be certain that the topic has not have a large agricultural base for exports, rely-
been discussed among the clan’s elders. ing instead on manufactured goods, cherry wine
Forests around Toguchi villages are dense and (highly regarded by connoisseurs) and precious
unkempt. The territory of the Creepers appears to metals and stones from Warawara excavations as
have been left to grow completely wild. Wooded the foundation for their economy. This has allowed
areas seem to encroach on areas that at one time the region to prosper financially even without tra-
could have supported large farming communi- ditional food-based communities.
ties, and there are massive sprawls of rocky land About 200 years ago, after the suu started ma-
and grasses that appear to be simply waiting for nipulating their bodies, the Warwara were hunted
a farmer to plant seed. The territory has a large down and either killed or banished from towns and
number of roads that merge and flow eastward, a villages because their odd appearance betrayed
constant reminder of the flow of travelers to the them as potentially dangerous combatants. In these
Untamed Wilds. In fact, roads from every territory areas, the Warawara established a number of small,
in the Land of Seed and Blossom point toward Togu- concealed outposts to keep an eye on the Izou in-
chi Province, seen as the doorway to the secrets of vaders.

Their hidden villages are constructed as small east.
Chapter three: roots of the people

burrows in which they hide away from the prying Yokoso Kagushi is located centrally in the Grim
eyes of those Izou still trying to hunt them. The Creepers territory and is connected to four other
entrances are always concealed, either under rocks, towns by Dakupasu, making it the largest and most
vines, brambles or another terrain feature, and are active city network in the region. Because the city
generally off the beaten path. A person must be is organized in a very similar fashion to the smaller
particularly unlucky to accidentally stumble upon a towns, with many branches breaking off of hubs
Warawara outpost, and even more so if it happens that are connected to other branches, it can be con-
to be occupied at the time. Each of their outposts fusing to those not used to the cave network. Many
has a large central cavern with three to four sepa- of the entrances and pathways into the city itself
rate rooms or areas connected by narrow passages are concealed and most foot traffic actually enters
approximately five to ten feet long used for stor- the Dakupasu many miles away from the city itself
age, sleeping areas, holding prisoners or occasion- if one doesn’t know where they are going.
ally personal quarters for a visiting Chief. While The clan leadership, merchant quarter and a
their hidden villages are kept underground, normal large amount of civilian housing is located in a
building practices are used throughout the rest of massive cavern 400 yards
the Toguchi Province. long. Structures are built
(rather than simple
Yokoso Kagushi domiciles
The largest city to which found in
the Warawara clan lays most
claim is Yokoso Kagushi,
the Hidden Welcome. It is
by far the most audacious
building project under-
taken in the Land of Seed
and Blossom and could
never have been complet-
ed if the leaders of the
Warawara clan did not
coordinate efforts with
the Splendid Chameleons.
The Idou families that assisted
in the construction did so in
exchange for strengthened clan
relations and safe passage
in Warawara territo-
ry. This agreement
was instrumental
in bringing the
Grim Creepers
onboard with
to protect
the Untamed
Wilds to the

Warawara towns) throughout the cavern and up ences. This urges Creepers to travel to the Untamed

Chapter three: roots of the people

onto the walls with a number of ramps leading to Wilds often, so adventuring as a guide gives them a
those higher up. Half of the cavern has a freshwa- perfect excuse. When a group of travelers is en-
ter underground lake which acts as the main water countered and tribute is paid, a single Warawara
source for the city and has dormitory style housing will insist that they act as a guide for the group.
along its banks. The design of this chamber pro- Only one ninja at a time may act as guide, creating
vides a proper flow of yin and yang, as the water a relay guide system of passing along the traveler
represents the positive chi, and the bustling city from ninja to ninja, each of which can demand a
center represents the negative chi. new tribute if they so choose. If the travelers are
lucky enough to encounter an experienced Creeper
near the beginning of their travels, there is a lot
doorway to the Wilds less passing back and forth.
Traveling to the Untamed Wilds requires approv-
al from either the Splendid Chameleons or Grim
Creepers, but there are distinct differences. Many
are deceived by the manicured gardens and lush
Nejireta Tsuri Province
vineyards to the north and find themselves break- After the 6th Catastophe, the Izou felt they had
ing one unwritten rule or another, leading to strict finally culled the rebellious spirit of the Blossom
punishment from the Idou clan. Warawara guides people. The combined might of the Izou forces and
are astutely aware of the oaths that people take the Land of Five Blades shattered the amassed army
with the Idou regarding the protection of and re- of the Blossom ninja, killing more than half of the
spect for the wilds and are quick to warn someone soldiers that had risen up to fight the invaders.
if they are about to do something that will anger Through the teaching of the Immortal Lan Caihe,
the Idou. While they can be intimidating, the Grim the ninja that would become known as the Splendid
Creepers really only have two simple requirements Chameleons were born. Though the surviving ninja
for passage into the Untamed Wilds: Tribute and a felt grief at the loss of so many of their allies, the
Guide. venerable Lan Caihe opened their eyes to the beauty
The Warawara understand that their land is not within themselves, the world and even in failure
the best place for crops and is occasionally beset by and tragedy. The Idou Clan has taken these teach-
food shortages - the catalyst for raids against Idou ings and incorporated them into almost every facet
caravans on occasion. It is therefore no shock that of their culture allowing them to use their talents to
the most frequently requested form of tribute for augment and bring forth the true beauty in every-
the Warawara is food. That means that travelers thing around them.
have to carry enough food for themselves as well The Splendid Chameleons are universally
as enough for every ninja they encounter, usually thought of as a joyous. Even in the times of deep-
in the form of a bag of rice. Alternatively, the ninja est sadness and grief, their songs, poems, plays,
can accept money or other items of value if they see dances and jokes can always light up a town square.
no food available. Contorting their bodies to fantastical shapes in
The second requirement is that a Grim Creeper wonderful displays of strange wushu is a great way
guide goes with the group as they journey into the to amaze crowds, but the Chameleons often use the
Untamed Wilds. They have an eerie affection for the same talents and gifts as weapons against the Izou
land to the east, but not in the same manner as the invaders. It should never be forgotten that, while
Idou. The Grim Creepers view the Untamed Wilds they are wonderful and gifted entertainers, the Idou
as more of a homeland. The connection that each are - above all - ninja.
of them has with the suu permeates almost every Once one enters the territory of the Splendid
element of their body and soul, connecting them to Chameleons it is almost immediately noticeable to
the creatures on a level that no other ninja experi- a trained ninja. Grass is greener, trees are groomed

down to the deepest thicket and even streams
Chapter three: roots of the people

Kuiaratame no Kessaku -
seem to flow around artfully placed stones as they
babble along. Their territory additionally lacks the Masterpiece of Repentance
overgrowth or decay that could be expected from Often simply called Kessaku, the Kuiaratame
something tucked away in the wilderness. no Kessaku are grotesquely beautiful amalgama-
Throughout the Nejireta Tsuri (Twisted Trees) tions of wood, stone, metal and flesh that are
Province travelers are greeted with healthy, lush used to punish those that blatantly disrespect the
orchards filled with fruits of every variety. The Idou Clan. Used as warnings to others and erect-
land is fertile and allows many of these fruits to ed in highly visible areas, Kessaku are usually
grow larger and healthier than anywhere else in shaped like interwoven threads of wood, stone
the country. The villages throughout the territory or metal wrapping around the limbs and joints
sell and trade these good to the neighboring com- of someone cocooned inside. The person is usu-
munities, but a good amount of the crop is retained ally contorted into an extremely uncomfortable
and used in a number of wines, spirits and ales. position – often breaking bones or joints - before
These libations are held in great esteem in cities setting the rigid materials indefinitely in place. It
and villages throughout the country and can often can only be released by physically destroying the
command five to ten times the amount of lesser- Kessaku and potentially harming the prisoner.
quality counterparts. For the most part, however, Those that dishonor the Idou greatly or harm
the remaining terrain does not lend itself well to innocents in Idou territory are left to serve as an
farming. When combined with the various wushu example until their final breaths.
of the Splendid Chameleons, the region has some of
the best lumber in the Land of Seed and Blossom. bly kept forest floor.
Of utmost importance to the Idou clan is re- Most of the concealed Idou villages consist of one
spect of their territory and the Untamed Wilds. of these structures with more traditional housing
Unauthorized logging is not tolerated, but trusted around it at its base, but there are some villages
merchants and allies have been known to ask for that have five to ten ten-mura of various sizes con-
and be granted rights to limited lumber in select nected by delicate walkways seamlessly blended
areas. Arrangements usually include the promise of with the vines and branches of the surrounding
favorable trading agreements, arranged marriages vegetation. These larger villages can have as many
and have even been as simple as a gift of rare or as five hundred people living in them and can usu-
valuable works of art or weapons. ally support a transient population approximately
Stumbling across an hidden Idou village is usu- half of that.
ally like pulling a blindfold away from your eyes.
One moment a traveler may be walking through a Hareyakana Kurafuto
bamboo forest or dense undergrowth, then with Arguably the most beautiful city in all of the Land
the next step they would step onto soft manicured is the Hareyakana Karafutu (Radiant Craft). The
grass surrounding tall spiraling stone and metal city is located in the geographical, feng shui center
structures intertwining large living trees. Each of of the territory allowing it to be easily accessible
the seemingly impossible structures, called ten- to those aware of its concealed location. The city is
mura, or sky villages, contains living quarters for surrounded by woods, trained and crafted to be so
artisans, craftsmen, merchants, villagers and ninja thick as to be almost impassible without wushu to
of the Idou clan. On the outside of each structure is ease travel.
a circular ramp spiraling its way up the trunk and Seemingly crafted out of an entire forest itself, it
into the branches where numerous smaller shelters uses the same organizational model and architec-
can be found. Music, laughter and storytelling fill tural style of other Idou hidden villages, consisting
the air in these hidden villages with smaller trees of the artistic ten-mura hybrids of tree, stone and
and sculptures scattered throughout the impecca- metal. The main difference one may notice is the

lack of houses or structures on the ground sur- hold council, make negations, and where most of

Chapter three: roots of the people

rounding the giant living masterpieces. Instead, all the Idou train before they are assigned a master,
inhabitants live within the ten-mura themselves. usually a member of their own family. Afterword,
Hareyakana Kurafuto itself presently consists the initiate is trained in individual family training
of 54 ten-mura, with more being built each year. rooms in their own ten-mura.
These spaces are mostly reserved for the Idou clan, All ten-mura of Hareyakana Karafuto are un-
but there are families within the general population rivaled works of art in their own right, but just
that also have living space within the ten-mura. like anything the Idou does, they serve an ulterior
The structures range in size with the largest being purpose as well. The city has protection, secrecy
around 200 feet high towering over the other ten- and defense in its very design. Each of the walkways
mura around it. This central location is the that connect the mas-
seat of government for the clan sive structures can be
and is where the either retracted into the
leaders branches above or dropped
to the groomed forest floor
below. The spiraling walkways
that lead to the higher levels
and branches are designed so that
during a frontal assault crushing
stones can be rolled down upon
ascending attackers. Even
the interwoven wood, stone
and metal is arranged
in such a way that
even if the ten-mura
was set ablaze, the framework
would still stand in order to be re-
built. All of these inherent defenses are
strictly precautionary, however. Since its
creation, Hareyakana Karafuto has never
been discovered by enemy
forces nor has it ever
been attacked by an
outside force.

Rites of Passage
When attempting the
journey to the Untamed
Wilds to the east, one can
take one of two paths;
either through the
Idou Territory
or through the
territory of the
Grim Creepers.
The Idou Clan
sees itself as the

of the Chameleons can grant permission as long
Chapter three: roots of the people

Warning Statuary as the oath is performed and the traveler deemed

Throughout the territory of the Splendid
Chameleons seemingly random pieces of statuary
Travelers are escorted by one or a pair of ninja
and sculpture are found. Some are well hidden as
from the Idou Clan, during which time the Idou
though to protect their beauty from those hoping
reiterate the importance of admiration, respect and
to destroy them, but in other areas, such as those
care for the Wilds. After a day or two, the escorts
thought to be holy or blessed places, the sculp-
say their farewells and leave the side of those ex-
tures are blatantly out in the open as if daring
ploring the area, seemingly to go home. For most,
the Izou to take them down. The Izou soldiers
however, the escorts secretly tail the travelers for
have discovered that many of these sculptures
another day or two to see how they react without
serve as a warning, alerting people to the fact
Idou presence. Those that break their oath run
that they are entering a place to be lifted up and
the risk of being attacked at best, or becoming an
respected, and usually leave them be or flee the
example for others as a Kuiaratame no Kessaku at
area unless ordered to do otherwise by their su-
periors. To harm the artistic statuary or the place
it marks is cause for the Splendid Chameleons
to torment, pester or attack the culprits, usually Kiri To Ni Ho To
ending in gruesome disfigurement or death. On the very southeastern tip of Shitashii Lake,
the only part of a major waterway that touches the
benevolent protectors of the Untamed Wilds where Nejireta Tsuri Province, is one of the true mar-
Blossom ninja or other citizens often retreat for vels of Idou craftsmanship. It helps to illustrate
their rites of passage. Most travelers are taught to the honor the Splendid Chameleons show to their
respect the beauty of the Untamed Wilds and about animal namesake, even in their craftwork. Kiri To
the statues of warning - especially what can hap- Ni Ho To, the Tower of Mist and Fire, sits upon a
pen to those who do not heed them. Almost every small, jagged rocky island about three hundred
village in the Idou territory has some poor soul feet off shore. The tower appears to be an ancient
who thought the warnings were wives tales or idle lighthouse of aged and weathered stone stacked
threats. Those people now bear the marks of their haphazardly to the point that it looks as if it could
transgression in the form of vicious scars or occa- collapse at the faintest breeze, let alone by a storm
sionally an eye that has been put out, not deserving off the lake or the frequent crashing waves against
of witnessing the full beauty around him. the stony island. The lighthouse has been standing
The Idou generally have peaceful relations with vigil over the southeast corner of the lake for the
other clans seeking safe passage through their last two years, seemingly appearing out of the mists
territory as long as their land is respected and the one autumn night and lighting its fire.
Untamed Wilds maintain their savage beauty. It is Though many Izou and commoners suspect the
the raw nature of the Wilds that the Idou love and supernatural, or the handiwork of Immortals, the
speak about with unrestricted awe and reverence. tower was crafted by Idou artisans from newly
The Idou understand the dangers that lie beyond quarried stone manipulated through the careful use
their eastern border and tolerate some level of of wushu to appear weathered, pitted and roughly
collateral damage they can easily repair with their hewn. Since its appearance, the Izou have funded
wushu if need be, but blatant desecration or de- two engineering efforts to tear down the structure,
struction is never allowed. All travelers must swear and one to investigate it on a metaphysical level. All
an oath of mutual respect for the land and gratitude three expeditions met with tragedy as their ships
for the Idou Clan for safe passage. This usually tran- were dashed on the rocky shore of the lake or their
spires at one of the many small outposts or villages team members mysteriously disappeared in the
scattered throughout Idou lands, but any member night when nearby the tower.
Inside the tower is a secret passage connecting

the torch room to the concealed cave system be- and record them all. Scholars and researchers have

Chapter three: roots of the people

neath so Splendid Chameleons can occasionally visit stated - without exaggeration - that they can stay
to snuff the fires when Izou ships are on the lake, to in the same area for days recording their findings
protect it from those seeking to study or destroy it and not see the same type of animal twice. While
and keep up the illusion of mysterious supernatural there are a few species of carnivorous plants in
activity. Truly, Kiri To Ni Ho To is a constant re- other areas of the world, the Untamed Wilds seems
minder of the mastery of trickery and manipulation to have more than its fair share. The species in the
the Splendid Chameleons wield. region are also much larger and deadly, able to at-
tack, disable and consume large predators and even
humans. For inexperienced travelers, it is usually
Untamed Wilds wise to have a guide to point out these unexpected
In all of its savage perfection, the Untamed Wilds Immediately to the east of the territories be-
remains one of the most pristine places among all longing to the Grim Creepers and the Splendid
of the kingdoms of men. The people of the Land of Chameleons is an area known as the Borderlands.
Seed and Blossom have always held the region in This area is by far the most explored area in all
high regard. Their people even refrained from mov- of the Untamed Wilds. Most can enter this region
ing into the land when under threat of Izou attack with little fear for their safety, but still do so with
and occupation. They have always been in the best caution since the reputation of the Untamed Wilds
position out of all the kingdoms to lay claim to the is one of danger and death. The Borderlands are
region, but have deliberately chosen not to do so home to many small predators, colorful birds and
out of reverence for the very land itself. To defile multiple species of mundane plants with poisonous
the Untamed Wilds is akin to forfeiture of one’s life, fruit. This is where most spend their time when in
which has led to many bloody encounters with the the Wilds. Ninja just reaching adulthood will also
Izou, and more recently, the occupants of the Hon- spend a large part of their time in the borderlands
shiken Settlement to the north. with only the bravest or most foolhardy choosing to
Blossom clans see passage into the Untamed go deeper without assistance.
Wilds to the east as a sign of adulthood. Explora- As one travels deeper into the Untamed Wilds,
tion and battle are usually at the forefront of their the reasons for its grim reputation become evident.
minds when journeying there, with young, eager The closer one gets to the heart of the jungle, the
ninja wanting to test their mettle against the stron- more hazardous it becomes. Clear paths, which
gest and most cunning adversaries they can find. are few and far between to begin with, are nonex-
Even experienced ninja make jaunts into the region istent, the jungle is almost impassibly dense and
to test their skill, especially if they feel they are the sweltering heat and humidity begins choking
disgraced or have something to prove. those unaccustomed to it. The variety of dangerous
Reasons for wanting to explore the Untamed plants is much greater, and animals that stalk the
Wilds vary greatly depending on whether or not an jungle are deadlier than almost anything outside
explorer is ninja and, if so, to what clan they be- of the Untamed Wilds. Travelers feel as if they are
long. Some believe that though the Wilds contain constantly hunted, and some simply vanish in the
many dangerous creatures and plants, there may night. Accounts vary, with some stating that people
be other undiscovered medicinal plants or mystical are snatched up by predators, swallowed by the
creatures with potential to be tamed or domesticat- ground as they slept or they simply walked away
ed. Others hope that the land may hold the secrets from camp during an attack never to return.
to their ancestors, but so far speculations of ruins Travel to the Untamed Wilds is extremely limit-
seem to be wholly unfounded. ed. Most travel comes through the occupied Land of
The region contains a wide variety of flora and Seed and Blossom where travelers are expected to
flauna, which has astounded those trying to study secure Rites of Passage from either the Grim Creep-

ers or the Splendid Chameleons. Each has their own Honshiken
Chapter three: roots of the people

requirements for granting access, allowing them to The settlement of Honshiken in the northern-
be fairly selective as to who can venture into the re- most area of the Untamed Wilds was established by
gion. The Blossom ninja know that access is limited the Land of Exalted Flame in an effort to explore
but they try not to lord this over others. They sim- more of the world. As far as any of the Blossom
ply want to ensure that the untouched wilderness clans knows, a true permanent settlement has nev-
is protected, and many would give up their lives to er existed in the Untamed Wilds and many actually
guarantee this. consider the establishment of Honshiken and the
Numerous expeditions have been sent from desecration it brought to be a declaration of war.
the Land of Crashing Waves west to make landfall Entire sections of jungle were destroyed or razed
but safe harbor is extremely hard to come by. The for lumber, supplies and farmland. Only the com-
shores are rock and the forest is so dense that this plete destruction wrought by the powerful Exalted
feat is nearly impossible. On the few occasions that Flame forces allowed them to build a settlement
expeditions managed to land, they were beset by with limited harassment from animal predators.
predators, poisonous plants and some say even the Blossom ninja who first confronted the settlers
earth itself - at least half the landing parties killed were met with violence and extreme prejudice,
before they managed to even make it back to their leading to many of the ninja being killed before a
boats. The Izou have only attempted a naval expe- true assessment of the settlement could truly been
dition a few times but the constant storms in the made.
Arashi Sea maintained by the Land of Exalted Flame The clans of the Land of Seed and Blossom have
brought them to an end before they even reached all agreed that the Exalted Flame settlement is a
sight of the coast. Going westward brings its own blight upon the otherwise untouched savagery of
problems, either from the Land of Crashing Waves the Untamed Wilds. There have been a few night-
or from pirates from Horde Island. Only the Land time raids against the settlement in an effort to test
of Exalted Flame has managed to make landfall and its defenses and see just how established the settle-
gain a foothold to establish a permanent settlement. ment truly is, but no one has returned from these
expeditions. Even more experienced Blossom ninja
know that a future full scale assault on the settle-
ment is all but guaranteed, but are fearful of going
into any long-term battle blind.

Chapter three: roots of the people
Land of seed and blossom map

Chapter Four:
Seeds to be

Birthstones to use the standard Element system from the Wu

Xing Corebook if they prefer, but Birthstones add
to the flavor of the Blossom ninja and how different
The people of the Land of Seed and Blossom use
they are from the Izou.
a system of specific Birthstones to determine their
personalities and fates. It is considered a gift from
the Immortals and puts them closer to the spirit Dazzling and Dulled
world simply by being one of the Blossom people. Much like the Elemental natures’ Imbalance and
The exact cut of the Birthstone isn’t important, so Depletion, the amount of chi that a Blossom ninja
one character with a 5-pointed Ruby and another carries affects their mood and personality. It also
with a rectangle Ruby would work the same me- affects how the character’s Birthstone appears
chanically. to others. If it is Dulled (they no longer have any
During character creation, instead of choosing an temporary chi), the Birthstone loses it shine and
Elemental Nature, players of Blossom ninja select a becomes muddy, but a Dazzling Birthstone (when
Birthstone that colors the personality and chi bal- they are carrying more than safe amount) is bright
ance of their character. Of course, GMs can continue enough to light up a room. The more chi they hold,

the brighter their Birthstone burns. their lives revolves around performance, and they

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

This visible effect is one that must be considered often have a skip in their step wherever they go and
when choosing combat strategies. A ninja attempt- a smile in the face of danger. Emerald characters are
ing a stealth operation should be careful not to hold born artists and actors.
too much chi for fear of their targets feeling the Starting Chi: Yin 1, Yang 2
light from their jewel well before the ambush. Natural Combat: If the character falls below ½
Health, they receive +2 bonus to Strike and Throw
Natural Combat checks.
Each character receives a bonus effect to combat Dazzling Emerald – Deviousness: The character
based on their choice of Birthstone. Each Birthstone becomes a schemer, creating outlandish and evil
is a source of power that keeps the character alive plots. They usually pick a target and spend hours
for a lengthy lifespan, but also pumps additional planning their next moves, forsaking anything else
magic into the body if they are in danger. This is that they may need to do. They can make a Moder-
reflected by a reactionary effect caused by the loss ate (20) check or lose the ability to think past their
of Health, as the Birthstone actively works to keep next malevolent act.
the character in the fight. Dulled Emerald – Loyal to a Fault: The char-
acter loses their sense of self, instead caring more
about their group than their own well-being. Often,
Diamond (Earth) with their chi drained, they begin to feel worthless
Characters with the white Diamond Birthstone compared to others. They will risk death to save an-
are as bright as the jewel they possess. They are other unless they make a Moderate (20) Fear check.
known for their intelligence and commitment to
balancing their lives. Looking at everyday situations Onyx (Metal)
from every possible angle comes in handy when
faced with an existence that is more dangerous. Dia- Characters with a black Onyx Birthstone are quiet
mond characters are often regarded as born leaders. and mysterious, quite the opposite of an Emerald
Starting Chi: Yin 1, Yang 1, 1 of Choice character. They are known for their silent nature
Natural Combat: If the character falls below ½ and observance of the world around them, pos-
Health, they instantly regain 2 Stamina points. sessing an almost constant solemn mood. They are
Dazzling Diamond – Sharpened Temper: The thought to be born thieves and spies.
character becomes quick to anger. A diamond is Starting Chi: Yin 2, Yang 1
beautiful, but its edges can cut almost anything. Natural Combat: If the character falls below ½
When faced with someone that may be instigating a Health, they receive +2 bonus to Parry and Dodge
fight, acting out of sync with the character’s plans checks.
or is just in the wrong place at the wrong time, they Dazzling Onyx - Reclusive: The character
will lash out unless they succeed at a Moderate (20) struggles to be in a crowd and craves sweet solitude
Insanity check. instead. Working together becomes a hassle, as they
Dulled Diamond - Overthinker: The character will demand solo missions or will remove them-
becomes analytical in the worst way. They can take selves from their squad temporarily. The character
a simple situation and turn it into the most com- needs to make a Moderate (20) Insanity check to
plicated enigma imaginable. They overthink every agree to work in a team atmosphere or to be coaxed
move they make, suffering a -4 penalty to Initiative from their lonesomeness.
and adding +1 Speed to every Action. Dulled Onyx - Loquacious: The character loses
their quiet nature, becoming very talkative, over-
excited and restless, regardless of whether they are
Emerald (Wood) threatening or sweet-talking someone. The bad part
Characters with the shiny green Emerald Birth- is that they often say whatever is on their mind,
stone are creators and innovators. Everything about even if it’s a secret. They can make a Moderate (20)

Insanity check to stop their words from turning into Temporary Yang Chi.
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

a lecture and possibly leaking secrets. Dazzling Ruby - Overcharged: The character
embraces the fire within their Birthstone, charged
Opal (Water) with the beauty of battle. New challenges are over-
taken with aggression and force. A Dazzling Ruby
Characters with the blue-green, amorphous Opal all but loses their ability to handle sensitive social
Birthstone are just as ever-changing as the ocean situations and must make a Moderate (20) Insanity
waves. They love travel and are quick to change check to avoid using physical force where it may not
their mind if introduced with new information. Opal be warranted, ruining a well-planned attack due to
characters are also known for their pleasant person- impatience or even roughing up a friend that just
alities and are born diplomats. said the wrong thing.
Starting Chi: Yin 3, Yang 0 Dulled Ruby - Drained: The character’s fire
Natural Combat: If the character receives 8+ for combat is snuffed out, leaving them drained of
damage from a single attack, they instantly gain 1 energy and scared of failure. They lose their urge
point of Temporary Yin Chi. toward glory and switch to self-preservation. The
Dazzling Opal - Elitist: The character begins to Dulled Ruby must make a Moderate (20) Fear check
think of themselves before anyone else. They stand or retreat immediately. If in combat, this Fear check
at the front of their group and will make self-serv- is made every Round.
ing decisions, often masked as the “best strategy for
the squad”. A character with Dazzling Opal is also a
showboat and is likely to do dangerous things just
to prove they are better. The character can make
a Moderate (20) Insanity check to resist this often
self-destructive traits for the Scene.
Dulled Opal - Unnoticed: The character loses
their ability to be outgoing and personable. On top
of this, their advice and words seem to fall on deaf
ear, no matter how loud they attempt to be. They
suffer a -4 penalty to all social checks, as
others simply gloss over most of what they

Ruby (Fire)
Characters with the burning Ruby Birth-
stone bring a passion unlike any other.
They are not known for bringing any-
thing less than their best effort to
any task and are quick to excite
or anger. The Ruby character is
thought to be a born warrior,
as only they can bring the art
of battle to the next level.
Starting Chi: Yin 0, Yang 3
Natural Combat: If the
character receives 8+ damage
from a single attack, they
instantly gain 1 point of

New Passions characters are given respect from their worldly expe-

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

rience. They are known for having different homes,
friends, families and lives in the various lands, surviv-
Martyr ing by their excitement for new experiences. Charac-
A character with the Martyr Passion believes in ters receive a free Travel Specialty of their favorite
helping others before anything else, even their own way to take a voyage and begin with 1 additional
well-being. Some may be bleeding hearts, squander- known language family.
ing their resources on those that could never dream (4) Advisors: Wise and helpful, Advisors aid their
villages with helpful counsel and a penchant for
of paying them back, while others take on the worst
tradition. These characters are second only to a Chief
missions, even if the chance of success is slim. In
in what they can get their hands on. They are known
fact, they don’t feel like they have really helped
for living in larger estates they often open up to the
unless they give up something in the process. These
downtrodden or village visitors. Characters receive a
characters are known for hoarding lots of useless
free Knowledge or Empathy Specialty to reflect their
things, just in case someone needs them, because
overall wisdom and their ability to root out some-
they feel the need to give as much as possible.
one’s intentions.
Bonus XP: When accomplishing a goal with some (5) Chiefs: The leaders of the individual villages
personal loss. and towns that answer directly to the Blossom Elders.
Characters of this Caste have the power to do or say
any and everything they want, including the ability to
New Gifts declare war on other villages or request an audience
with the Blossom Elders. They are not unlike Izou
Caste (1-5): The character’s Caste replaces the Nobles, but are more inclined to physical altercations.
Class system from the Wu Xing Corebook, but works The character receives a free Deception or Persuasion
very similar. Each level dictates the social status of Specialty, as a Chief must be able to see through lies
the character, including items they may have access and lead their people in the a prosperous direction.
to (Wealth), and also provides a small extra ability at
certain levels. Unlike ninja from the Izou, however, a
Blossom ninja can rise and fall in their Caste through
their societal acts. So be careful.
New Drawbacks
(0) Gatherer: Characters begin as simple Gather-
Fa Carrier (3): The character has the dreaded
ers, helping their parents and staying out of too much
Fa Blood Disease, suffering a -4 penalty to all checks
trouble. They are still considered children at this
against Disease. It breaks down their ability to build
Caste, no matter what their age. Few wish to stay in
new cells, making VIG levels cost double the BP to
this Caste for too long.
acquire (even during character creation). This sick-
(1) Family Bearer: Finally becoming an adult and
ness can only be cured while in the womb, meaning
survived their rites of passage, the character can now
this Drawback cannot be removed by wushu, potions
take a partner, own land and have children if they
or spending XP. Pregnancy involving a Fa carrier as
so choose. Though they seldom have huge tracks of
a parent usually ends in birth complications and the
land, they can own a small shop and aid their village
death of the mother, child or both.
in other ways.
(2) Hunter: The character is seen as a provider
Unjeweled (2): The character is a Blossom native
to their community, allowed not only to hunt in the
that has never undergone the Jewel ceremony or has
wilderness but also to defend the people if necessary.
had their jewel removed. It’s now too late, and the
In exchange, they are given larger portions of land, a
character is constantly looked down upon because of
lion’s share of their catch and are weapons and sup-
it. They receive a -4 penalty to all Social interactions
plies by the people. Characters get 1 free Athletics
with other Blossom people.
Specialty or 1 free Weapon Training of choice.
(3) Adventurers: Travelers and explorers, these

New Fighting Styles
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Frog Style
Level 1 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
Many of the Empirical Fighting Styles are prac- +1 Initiative
ticed in the Land of Seed and Blossom as well. Level 2 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple, +1
However, the country does have a few tricks of its Initiative
own. Below are new Fighting Styles that originate Level 3 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge,
in the Land of Seed and Blossom. They can be taken +1 Initiative
by those in other lands, but only after seeking out a Level 4 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
sensei with knowledge of these arts. +1 Stamina
Level 5 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple, +1
Initiative, +1 Action
Frog Style Level 6 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge,
Strong: Dodge, Weak: Damage
+1 Initiative
Weapon: Kunai
Level 7 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
The Frog fighter is one of constant movement.
+1 Initiative
They like to leap around to keep their opponent off
Level 8 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
balance and throw knives to incapacitate from afar,
+1 Grapple, +1 Stamina
before rushing in for the finish. Training to emulate
a frog puts them in contact with poisonous types, Level 9 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge,
+1 Initiative, +1 Action
leading to many receiving poison training. With this
style, they deal little damage, hoping to whittle their Level 10 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Initiative, +2
opponent down little by little.
Level 11 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
+1 Grapple, +1 Initiative
Frog Techniques Level 12 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Stamina, +2
Adaptive Dodger Level 13 +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll, +1 Initiative, +1
Rank 1: The fighter is accustomed to using their
environment to their advantage. They receive a +2 Level 14 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple, +1
Initiative, +1 Stamina
bonus to all Dodge rolls starting on the 2nd Round,
as it takes a Round to acclimate to their surround- Level 15 +1 Strike, +2 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
+1 Initiative
ings. Opponents also receive an additional -2 penalty
to hit the fighter when they have Cover.
Rank 2: Raise to +4 Dodge and -4 cover penalty Multi-Throw
Rank 3: Raise to +6 Dodge and -6 cover penalty
Rank 1: The ninja has learned to throw two kunai
or shuriken simultaneously with one hand or fire
Leaping Dodge two arrows at a time, but suffer a -4 Throw penalty.
(Speed 6, -4 Dodge) Rank 2: They can fire or throw four at once and
Rank 1: The ninja dodges an incoming attack can target two separate targets.
while also leaping a distance equal to their Move- Rank 3: They can target up to four different tar-
ment away from their opponent. This puts space gets without additional penalty.
between them and usually forces a Move Action to
enter close combat again. Poison Resistance
Rank 1: The ninja develops a resistance to poi-
sons and drugs, gaining a +4 bonus vs. Poison and a
+2 bonus to Holistics (Poison).

Chapter four: seeds to be planted
Strike Throw Parry Dodge Roll Grapple Initiative Damage Stamina Health Actions
Frog Level 1 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0
Level 2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0
Level 3 +2 +3 +2 +3 +1 +1 +3 +0 +0 +0 +0
Level 4 +3 +4 +2 +4 +2 +1 +3 +0 +1 +0 +0
Level 5 +3 +5 +3 +5 +2 +2 +4 +0 +1 +0 +1
Level 6 +4 +6 +4 +6 +2 +2 +5 +0 +1 +0 +1
Level 7 +5 +7 +4 +7 +3 +2 +6 +0 +1 +0 +1
Level 8 +6 +8 +4 +8 +4 +3 +6 +0 +2 +0 +1
Level 9 +6 +9 +5 +9 +4 +3 +7 +0 +2 +0 +2
Level 10 +7 +9 +6 +10 +4 +3 +8 +0 +2 +2 +2
Level 11 +8 +10 +6 +11 +5 +4 +9 +0 +2 +2 +2
Level 12 +9 +10 +7 +12 +5 +4 +9 +0 +3 +4 +2
Level 13 +9 +11 +7 +13 +6 +4 +10 +0 +3 +4 +3
Level 14 +10 +11 +8 +14 +6 +5 +11 +0 +4 +4 +3
Level 15 +11 +13 +8 +15 +7 +5 +12 +0 +4 +4 +3
Strike Throw Parry Dodge Roll Grapple Initiative Damage Stamina Health Actions
Rhino Level 1 +1 +0 +1 +0 +1 +0 +1 +0 +0 +2 +0
Level 2 +2 +1 +2 +0 +2 +0 +2 +0 +0 +2 +0
Level 3 +2 +2 +2 +0 +3 +1 +3 +0 +0 +4 +0
Level 4 +3 +3 +3 +1 +3 +1 +3 +0 +1 +4 +0
Level 5 +3 +3 +3 +1 +4 +2 +4 +0 +1 +6 +1
Level 6 +4 +4 +4 +1 +5 +3 +4 +0 +1 +6 +1
Level 7 +4 +4 +5 +1 +6 +3 +5 +0 +2 +8 +1
Level 8 +5 +5 +6 +2 +6 +4 +5 +0 +2 +8 +1
Level 9 +5 +5 +6 +2 +7 +4 +6 +1 +2 +11 +1
Level 10 +6 +6 +7 +2 +8 +4 +7 +1 +3 +11 +1
Level 11 +6 +6 +8 +2 +9 +5 +8 +1 +3 +14 +1
Level 12 +7 +7 +9 +3 +9 +5 +8 +1 +4 +14 +2
Level 13 +7 +8 +9 +3 +10 +6 +9 +1 +4 +17 +2
Level 14 +8 +8 +10 +3 +11 +7 +9 +1 +5 +17 +2
Level 15 +8 +9 +11 +3 +13 +7 +10 +1 +5 +22 +2
Strike Throw Parry Dodge Roll Grapple Initiative Damage Stamina Health Actions
Sloth Level 1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +0 +1 +1 +0 +0 +2 +0
Level 2 +2 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +0 +2 +0
Level 3 +3 +0 +2 +1 +2 +3 +1 +1 +1 +2 +0
Level 4 +4 +0 +2 +1 +3 +3 +1 +2 +1 +4 +0
Level 5 +5 +0 +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 +2 +2 +4 +0
Level 6 +5 +0 +3 +2 +4 +5 +2 +3 +2 +6 +0
Level 7 +6 +0 +4 +2 +5 +5 +3 +4 +2 +6 +0
Level 8 +7 +0 +4 +3 +6 +6 +3 +5 +2 +6 +0
Level 9 +8 +0 +5 +3 +6 +7 +4 +5 +3 +6 +0
Level 10 +8 +0 +5 +3 +7 +7 +5 +6 +3 +8 +0
Level 11 +9 +0 +5 +4 +7 +8 +5 +7 +3 +8 +0
Level 12 +9 +0 +5 +4 +8 +8 +6 +8 +3 +10 +0
Level 13 +10 +0 +5 +5 +8 +9 +6 +8 +4 +12 +0
Level 14 +11 +0 +5 +6 +9 +10 +6 +9 +4 +12 +0
Level 15 +12 +0 +5 +6 +10 +10 +6 +10 +5 +14 +0
Strike Throw Parry Dodge Roll Grapple Initiative Damage Stamina Health Actions
Spider Level 1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Level 2 +2 +0 +2 +1 +0 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 +0
Level 3 +2 +2 +3 +1 +0 +3 +1 +1 +0 +2 +1
Level 4 +2 +3 +4 +2 +1 +3 +1 +1 +1 +2 +1
Level 5 +2 +4 +4 +3 +1 +4 +1 +1 +1 +4 +2
Level 6 +3 +4 +5 +3 +1 +5 +2 +2 +1 +4 +2
Level 7 +4 +5 +6 +3 +1 +6 +2 +2 +1 +4 +3
Level 8 +4 +6 +7 +4 +2 +6 +2 +3 +1 +4 +3
Level 9 +5 +7 +8 +4 +2 +7 +3 +3 +1 +4 +4
Level 10 +6 +7 +9 +4 +2 +8 +3 +4 +1 +6 +4
Level 11 +6 +8 +9 +5 +2 +9 +3 +4 +2 +6 +5
Level 12 +7 +9 +10 +5 +3 +9 +4 +5 +2 +6 +5
Level 13 +8 +10 +11 +5 +3 +10 +4 +5 +2 +6 +6
Level 14 +9 +10 +12 +5 +3 +11 +5 +5 +2 +8 +6
Level 15 +9 +11 +13 +6 +3 +12 +5 +6 +2 +8 +7

Rank 2: Receive a +8 bonus vs. Poison and a +4
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

bonus to Holistics (Poison) instead.

Rhino Style
Rank 3: The ninja is immune to poison/drugs and Level 1 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Roll, +1 Initiative,
+2 Health
receives a +6 bonus to Holistics (Poison) (instead of
+4). Level 2 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Roll,
+1 Initiative
Level 3 +1 Throw, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple, +1 Initiative, +2
Wall Launch Health
(Speed 10, -4 Strike, +6 Damage) Level 4 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge,
Rank 1: The fighter learns how to leap from +1 Stamina
walls, trees and other structures to maximize their Level 5 +1 Roll, +1 Grapple, +1 Initiative, +2 Health, +1
attack. With this technique, they take a Move Action Action
as well as deliver a powerful attack. Level 6 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Roll,
+1 Grapple
Level 7 +1 Parry, +1 Roll, +1 Initiative, +1 Stamina, +2
Rhino Style Health
Strong: Health, Weak: Dodge
Level 8 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge,
Weapon: Mace +1 Grapple
Rhino fighters strategically fight close up, us-
Level 9 +1 Roll, +1 Initiative, +1 Damage, +3 Health, +1
ing punches and body rushes with exact preci- Action
sion. Knocking their opponent off balance is key to
Level 10 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Roll,
this fighting style, allowing them to gain the High +1 Initiative, +1 Stamina
Ground quickly and dispatch with the battle. Unfor-
Level 11 +1 Parry, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple, +1 Initiative, +3
tunately, if attacked from afar, Rhino fighters can be Health
taken down a notch.
Level 12 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge,
+1 Stamina
Rhino Techniques Level 13 +1 Throw, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple, +1 Initiative, +3
Destabilizing Strikes Level 14 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple,
+1 Stamina
(Speed +3, -2 Strike)
Level 15 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +2 Roll, +1 Initiative,
Rank 1: The fighter focuses their attacks to create
+5 Health
a knockback effect with their hit. If their attack lands
(no matter how much damage it does), their oppo-
nent must make a contested Balance check against Push Hands
the attack check or be thrown a number of feet equal
(Speed 4, +0 (NL), -4 Strike)
to the fighter’s POW+5. The fighter can sacrifice Ac-
tions (up to 3) to add +4 to the Balance check Difficul-
Rank 1: This technique lets the ninja throw their
ty. Targets must make a Stand Action to get back up. opponent off balance with a strategic and power-
Rank 2: +10 ft. to distance thrown. ful shove. Similar to a normal Push Action, but it
throws the opponent to the ground a number of
yards equal to the ninja’s POW, also inflicting Base
Improved Rush damage. Targets must make a Stand Action to get
Rank 1: When performing a Sprint/Rush Action, back up.
the fighter can perform Reactions per normal and Rank 2: Raised to +2 (NL), -2 Strike
make their next attack with +3 to Strike and +3 Dam- Rank 3: Raised to +4 (NL), -0 Strike
Rank 2: Bonuses are +5 Strike and +5 Damage.

Chapter four: seeds to be planted
Sloth Style Spider Style
Level 1 +1 Strike, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple, Level 1 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1
+1 Initiative, +2 Health Grapple
Level 2 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple, Level 2 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple,
+1 Damage +1 Initiative, +2 Health
Level 3 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple, +1 Level 3 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple,
Stamina +1 Damage, +1 Action
Level 4 +1 Strike, +1 Roll, +1 Damage, +2 Health Level 4 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
+1 Stamina
Level 5 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple,
+1 Stamina Level 5 +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple,
+2 Health, +1 Action
Level 6 +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple, +1 Initiative,
+1 Damage, +2 Health Level 6 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple,
+1 Initiative, +1 Damage
Level 7 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Roll, +1 Initiative, +1
Damage Level 7 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple, +1
Level 8 +1 Strike, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple,
+1 Damage Level 8 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll,
+1 Damage
Level 9 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple,
+1 Initiative, +1 Stamina Level 9 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple, +1
Initiative, +1 Action
Level 10 +1 Roll, +1 Initiative, +1 Damage, +2 Health
Level 10 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple,
Level 11 +1 Strike, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple,
+1 Damage, +2 Health
+1 Damage
Level 11 +1 Throw, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple,
Level 12 +1 Roll, +1 Initiative, +1 Damage, +2 Health
+1 Stamina, +1 Action
Level 13 +1 Strike, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple,
Level 12 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Roll,
+1 Stamina, +2 Health
+1 Initiative, +1 Damage
Level 14 +1 Strike, +1 Dodge, +1 Roll, +1 Grapple,
Level 13 +1 Strike, +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple, +1
+1 Damage
Level 15 +1 Strike, +1 Roll, +1 Damage, +1 Stamina, +2
Level 14 +1 Strike, +1 Parry, +1 Grapple,
+1 Initiative, +2 Health

Stomp Level 15 +1 Throw, +1 Parry, +1 Dodge, +1 Grapple, +1

Damage, +1 Action
Rank 1: If the ninja has the High Ground, they
gain +8 Strike (instead of +4) and deals +3 Damage them amazing strategists in combat. They almost
when they land their hit from above. always utilize their staff, but are also quite capable
with punches or grappling if necessary. A Sloth
Thick Skin fighter always looks as though there is an opening in
their stance, but there never truly is.
Rank 1: Intense training gives the ninja AR 2/0.
Rank 2: Raises to AR 3/1.
Rank 3: Raises to AR 4/2. Calculated Movements
Rank 1: The ninja is skilled at acting later than
others, due to their purposefully slow movements.
Sloth Style Any Action or Reaction made on or after Count 10 in
Strong: Damage, Weak: Extra Actions
a combat Round receive a +2 bonus.
Weapon: Staff
Rank 2: Bonus raised to +3 and they gain AP 1
Sloth fighters learn from the slow and very calcu-
Rank 3: Bonus raised to +4 and they gain AP 2
lated movements of their animal namesake, making

Focused Strikes Spider Style
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Rank 1: The fighter has honed their skills Strong: Extra Actions, Weak: Roll
through intense training to strike specific parts of Weapon: Knife
their oppo¬nent’s body with ease. Penalties for Tar- Spider fighters emulate the idea of the arachnid,
geted strikes are reduced by 4. learning how to act as if they had multiple limbs.
Rank 2: Penalties reduced by 8 (instead of 4) They are trained to attack and defend with every
Rank 3: Penalties reduced by 12 (instead of 8) part of their body, be it an elbow, fist, shoulder,
mouth, knee or foot. It is not unusual to face a Spi-
der fighter with a knife in each hand, one in their
Ground Fighter mouth and blades on their feet. However, they are
Rank 1: The fighter can battle as easily on their not accustomed to absorbing damage, making them
knees or back as they can on their feet. Their oppo- relative lightweights.
nent loses any High Ground bonus they would have
received as well.

Precise Strike
Rank 1: The ninja watches their op-
ponent in ac¬tion for one full Round
to perceive their style and possible
weaknesses. During that Round they
suffer a -4 penalty to all Actions and
Reactions. However, starting with
the second round, they receive a
+2 Damage bonus to all at-
tacks as they strike at
only the right spots to
inflict the most dam-

Slow and Strong

(+1 Speed, -1 Stam-
Rank 1: The fighter
has turned slow
movements into their
source of power. They
can add +1 Speed to
their attack to add +1
Damage up to 3 times
per Attack. However,
doing this costs 1
Stamina point.
Rank 2: Can be
done up to 5 times.

Spider Techniques New Clan Wushu

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Adaptive Blocker
Rank 1: The fighter is accustomed to using their
Way of Denied Repose
environment to their advantage. They receive a +2
bonus to all Parry rolls starting on the 2nd Round, as Death Immunity (Level 1, Yin)
it takes a Round to acclimate to their surroundings. Speed: 5 (Reaction)
Opponents also receive an additional -2 penalty to Check: Discipline
hit the fighter when they have Cover. Prerequisite: None
Rank 2: Raise to +4 Parry and -4 cover penalty Normal: The ninja learns to stave off the effects
Rank 3: Raise to +6 Parry and -6 cover penalty of death itself for a short time. When used, the ninja
receives a +5 to any Death check for the Scene.
Deceptive Movements Sacrifice (1): +10 bonus (instead of +5).
Rank 1: The fighter knows how to keep his op-
ponent guessing, so they quickly learn how to Feint Death State (Level 1, Yin)
whenever possible. This Technique gives a +4 bonus Speed: 10 (Reaction)
to Deception for the purposes of performing a Feint Check: Discipline
Action. If successful, the fighter’s next attack gets a Prerequisite: None
+6 bonus to Strike and +2 Damage. Normal: The ninja goes into a trance to appear
Rank 2: Bonus is raised to +8 and the Feint is only dead. Their body remains still, their blood stops
Speed 2 (instead of Speed 3). flowing and their heart no longer beats. The ninja’s
skin even becomes paler, giving the appearance of
Iron and Silk being dead for up to 3 three days. During the trance,
they are fully aware of everything that occurs
Rank 1: The ninja has learned the art of parrying around them, but cannot move or react. Lasts the
melee weapons unarmed without limit. They may Scene, but can be ended at any time.
parry armed opponents barehanded, no matter what Sacrifice (1): Appear to be dead for up to 3 weeks.
weapon they are currently using, at a -4 penalty Sacrifice (X): Trance lasts for X days.
(instead of -8).
Rank 2: They suffer no penalties.
Rank 3: Masters at this technique actually receive Reanimate Beast (Level 2, Yang)
a +4 bonus to parry an armed opponent. Speed: 1 Round
Check: Empathy
Spider’s Striking Prerequisite: None
Normal: The ninja can touch a dead animal and
Rank 1: This Technique reduces Simultaneous animate their corpse to their liking. There is no
Action penalties by 2 (for attacks only) and provides limit to how long it can have been dead. The animal
a +3 bonus to Initiative. has all the same statistics as they did when they
Rank 2: Penalties reduced by 4 (instead of 2) were alive, but must also have the parts to use them
Rank 3: Penalties reduced by 6 (instead of 4) (i.e. a bird corpse with no feathers cannot fly and a
pawless cat skeleton cannot scratch). They can com-
Whirlwind Assault mand the animal for 1 minute and any corpse can
Rank 1: The fighter is well versed in multi-op- only ever be affected once.
ponent combat and suffers no penalty for striking Sacrifice (1): Lasts the Scene.
separate targets in the same Round (instead of -2). Sacrifice (2): Animal appear as if they are living,
with any missing pieces being immediately restored.

Shallow Grave (Level 2, Yang - Earth) infuses a dead body with it, making the body vola-
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

tile. Anytime within the next ten minutes, the ninja

Speed: 1 minute
can make it explode with a simple Action (Speed 3),
Check: Discipline
inflicting 8 (L) with AR 4 to a 5 ft. radius. If the body
Prerequisite: None
is not ignited within the allotted time, the body au-
Normal: Similar to Open Earth, but it simply
tomatically disintegrates and leaves no trace.
creates an opening about the size of a person. Once
Sacrifice (1): Can stay infused for up to 1 hour.
a body (or other items) is thrown in, it covers itself
Sacrifice (2): Inflicts 12 (L) with AR 5 to a 10 ft.
back up with dirt… making the perfect instant
gravesite. Some ninja use this wushu to hide gear or
as a trap for unwitting trespassers.
Sacrifice (1): Ground opens faster (Speed 10). Reanimate Person (Level 4, Yang)
Speed: 1 Round
Death Gaze (Level 2, Yin) Check: Empathy
Prerequisite: Reanimate Beast, Death Gaze
Speed: 1 Round
Normal: Like Reanimate Beast, the ninja can
Check: Empathy
temporarily bring a person back from the grave. The
Prerequisite: None
corpse is under the ninja’s complete control and,
Normal: The ninja can look into the eyes of a
if reanimated within 6 hours of death, retains the
dead body or even just a skull and instantly sense
same knowledge and personality as they did when
their last moments before death. Some may see a
living. This allows the ninja to ask questions or
gruesome murder through the eyes of the victim,
interrogate the dead person. If dead for longer than
while another may only see a peaceful slip into
6 hours, they are only mindless zombies. If utilized
death’s embrace. If the images are particularly grue-
as weapons of war, use the target’s previous stats
some, the ninja may need to make a Moderate (20)
with a -5 penalty to all checks or rules for Everyday
Insanity check to keep from reacting adversely.
People (pg. 185 of the Wu Xing Corebook). Lasts for
Sacrifice (1): No need for a check, no matter how
up to ten minutes.
traumatic the experience.
Sacrifice (1): Body is revived to appear as if they
are living.
Corpse Disposal (Level 3, Yin - Earth) Sacrifice (2): Corpse is filled with Yang energy,
Speed: 10 removing any penalties from rigor mortus.
Check: Discipline
Prerequisite: Death State Reanimate Self (Level 5, Yang)
Normal: The ninja places their hands on a dead
Speed: 1 minute
body and turns it instantly into dust. It is great for
Check: Discipline
quickly and discretely disposing of a kill or cremat-
Prerequisite: Reanimate Person, Death Immunity,
ing a body for the spreading of their ashes. This only
Death State
works on a body that is already dead, not on some-
Normal: The ninja places a piece of their soul and
one in a Death State, and has no effect on the living.
mind into their Birthstone. This wushu must be used
Sacrifice (1): Can perfectly recreate the corpse
before the ninja dies or is killed. If this occurs, they
from the kept ashes at any time.
are continue to be completely aware of their sur-
roundings (but cannot move) and can instantly re-
Infuse Corpse (Level 3, Yang) vive themselves at any time up to 6 hours afterward.
Speed: 8 Any lost major organs are restored, but this wushu
Check: Perception does not regenerate lost limbs.
Prerequisite: Death Immunity Defying death has its drawbacks, of course. When
Normal: The ninja collects their Yang chi and brought back from the dead, the ninja suffers a loss:

-2 Attribute Levels (GM’s choice), -3 vs. Insanity, -1 silent messages to anyone viewing them in the sky.

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Stamina and -1 permanent Yin or Yang chi (player’s Sacrifice (1): No concentration needed.
choice). This lasts for the Scene and cannot be used
on another person, ever. Gifted Wings (Level 2, Yang)
Sacrifice (2): Penalty only -1 Attribute Level lost.
Sacrifice (2): Restores lost limbs as well. Speed: 5 (Reaction)
Check: Beast Handling
Prerequisite: None
Way of the Hive-Body Normal: The ninja commands the suu to their
hands and feet, giving them limited hovering ability
Words in the Sky (Level 1, Yin) that allows them to go as high as CHM + 10 ft, move
at +5 Movement and gives them a +3 bonus to Dodge
Speed: 10 (Concentration) while in flight. Due to their bugs’ locations, they
Check: Beast Handling cannot hold weapons in combat. Last for the Scene
Prerequisite: None or Battle.
Normal: One of the fundamental abilities that Sacrifice (1): The suu can lift from any part of the
allow the ninja to use the suu to deliver messages. A body, allowing the ninja to wield weapons.
stream of bugs can be sent to a location to then be Sacrifice (1): +10 Movement and +5 to Dodge.
formed into kanji for their message. The stream can
be small and up close or even large enough to give

Insect Cloud (Level 2, Yang)
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Speed: 7 Barrier Devourer (Level 3, Yin)

Check: Beast Handling Speed: 10 (Concentration)
Prerequisite: Words In the Sky Check: Beast Handling
Normal: The ninja summons up several thousand Prerequisite: Insect Cloud
suu, released from orifices all over their body, and Normal: The ninja sends their suu to devour ob-
expels them in a cloud that surrounds them up to 20 jects that may be in their way (i.e. doors, walls, etc.),
ft. in all directions. The barrage of insects obscures regardless of what it is crafted from. They inflict 10
vision and crawls in the ears, nose and mouth of (L) to any non-living target, ignoring all AR the item
anyone within range. This effect gives a -4 pen- may have. The suu will continue to deliver damage
alty to checks (not including Initiative, Grapple or every 10 Counts as the ninja concentrates. When
Wushu Activation checks), but does not affect the the item is reduced to 0 Durability, it is completely
ninja. Lasts for 2 Rounds. devoured.
Sacrifice (1): The suu start to bite and inject In combat, this wushu is effective at disarming an
venom into their victims, forcing a Moderate (20) opponent or devouring their armor, but requires a
Poison check. A failure means the targets also take successful Throw check at a -4 penalty. Does not af-
3 (L). fect enchanted, magic or masterwork weapons.
Sacrifice (1): 15 (L) and no penalty to Throw if
Bug Bomb (Level 3, Yang) used in combat.
Sacrifice (X): Can devour +X number of items at
Speed: 12
Check: Discipline
Prerequisite: None
Normal: The ninja infuses one of their suu with 10,000 Eyes (Level 4, Yin)
enough yang to make the bug grow to the size of Speed: 1 Round (Concentration)
a baseball. They can then send it to a location and Check: Beast Handling
detonate it with a thought (Speed 5) to inflict 5 (L) Prerequisite: Words in the Sky
with AR 3 to a 10 ft. radius. This wushu makes the Normal: The ninja sends thousands of suu in ev-
suu larger and slower, so the ninja may need to ery direction up to 1 mile. They can then sync their
make Stealth checks in order to position it for traps. vision and hearing to the bugs, being able to scout
Others simply throw them at a pack of enemies. their surroundings or view inside places unreach-
Sacrifice (1): 10 (L) to a 20 ft. radius, ignores AR. able by humans. Some consider this the ultimate
Sacrifice (2): The suu stays at its small size, mak- sensory ability.
ing Stealth checks unnecessary. Sacrifice (1): Extends range to 3 miles.

Insect Spiral (Level 3, Yang) Chi Gobblers (Level 4, Yin)

Speed: 6 (Attack) Speed: 10 (Attack)
Check: Beast Handling Check: Beast Handling
Prerequisite: Insect Cloud Prerequisite: Barrier Devourer
Normal: The ninja launches a spiraling torrent of Normal: The ninja sends a cloud of suu to attack
suu that sharpens to a point as it descends upon an their opponent, swirling around and biting with a +4
enemy up to 30 ft away. This inflicts 4 (L) and forces to Throw. Their ravenous appetites for flesh inflicts
a Moderate (20) Poison check that inflicts another 2 +6 (L) with AR 4, but also eats at the target’s chi
(L) if they fail. making them lose 1 Temporary Yin or Yang chi as
Sacrifice (X): Can target +X additional opponents. well (ninja’s choice). The target must make a Mod-
Sacrifice (1): 8 (L) and AR 2, Difficulty (25) Poison erate (20) Death check or the lost chi is transferred

directly to the ninja. Stretch Attack (Level 1, Yang)

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Sacrifice (2): The suu devour 1 Permanent Yin
Speed: 5 (Attack)
or Yang. If they fail the Death check, the ninja can
Check: Fortitude
recover 1 Permanent Chi or 5 Temporary Chi.
Prerequisite: None
Normal: The ninja can stretch their bones and
Swarm Form (Level 5, Yang) skin to deliver blows from up to 10 ft. away, tak-
Speed: 12 (Reaction) ing advantage of extended limbs. This provides a +2
Check: Fortitude bonus to Strike and +1 Damage to their attacks. Lasts
Prerequisite: Gifted Wings the Scene or Battle.
Normal: The ninja transforms into a swarm of Sacrifice (1): +2 (L) and +4 to Strike.
a thousand suu, taking off into the air. This allows
them to enter areas unknown to humans and evade Bone Capture (Level 1, Yin)
attacks. They can still speak in this form, but their
Speed: 5 (Reaction)
voice sounds like the hum of a thousand insect
Check: Fortitude
wings. They can travel at three times their Move-
Prerequisite: None
ment and can fly as high as any other insect. If even
Normal: When an opponent attacks the ninja,
a single of their suu exist, they cannot be killed.
they spontaneously sprout bones that break through
However, if large portions of their swarm are slain,
their skin to Entangle their opponent’s weapon or
they may reform with missing limbs or horrible
limb. This allows them to Entangle without a Parry
scars (GM’s choice). This also gives them a +5 bonus
penalty or Disarm an opponent with a +4 Strike bo-
to all Intimidation checks.
nus. The bones retract when the Entangle is done or
Sacrifice (1): +8 to Intimidation and x5 Move-
the ninja wants to let go.
Sacrifice (1): Also inflicts +3 (L) to attacker.
Sacrifice (2): They do not lose limbs or gain scars
if slain.
Bone Weapons (Level 2, Yang)
Speed: 5
Way of Molded Bodies Check: Fortitude
Prerequisite: Bone Capture
Bending Body (Level 1, Yang) Normal: The ninja produces a weapon from their
own bones that split their skin and eject itself into
Speed: 4 (Reaction)
their hand. They can create any type of weapon
Check: Acrobatics
instantly that can pierce any armor (ignores AR).
Prerequisite: None
Otherwise, the weapon uses the statistics of its mun-
Normal: The ninja is able to contort their body,
dane counterpart.
bending their joints in all directions, allowing them
Sacrifice (1): Infused with yang, it also gets +2
to fit into small spaces and move in impossible ways.
This provides +5 bonus to any Acrobatics check and
lets them instantly release themselves from any
chains or other binding. Lasts for the Scene. Defense of Holes (Level 2, Yin)
If used in combat, they also receive a +2 bonus to Speed: 5 (Reaction)
any Parry or Dodge checks for 1 Round. Check: Fortitude
Sacrifice (1): +10 to Acrobatics and +4 to Parry or Prerequisite: Bending Body
Dodge. Normal: When targeted by any weapon, the ninja
can shift their bodies to avoid the attack. They cre-
ate holes in their body for arrows, kunai and even
swords to fly through by shifting their flesh, bone

and organs. The ninja receives a +4 bonus to all Mend Wounds (Level 3, Yin)
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Reactions against Ranged weapons and a +2 bonus

Speed: 10
against close combat attacks. Lasts for 1 Round.
Check: Fortitude
Sacrifice (1): Body shifts quicker, performing
Prerequisite: Bending Body
each Reaction at a -1 Speed (to a minimum of 1).
Normal: The ninja with complete control of their
Sacrifice (1): Lasts the Battle.
flesh can instantly mend torn flesh, removing all
bruises, cuts or scars. They regain 10 Health and
Sweet Fragrances (Level 3, Yin - Wood) receive a +3 non-cumulative bonus against Poison,
Speed: 9 Disease and Pain for the Battle.
Check: Fortitude Sacrifice (1): Regain 15 Health and receive +5
Prerequisite: Bending Body non-cumulative bonus.
Normal: The ninja infuses their pours with chi, Sacrifice (3): Can be used to regain any lost
releasing a sweet smelling pheromone into the air. limbs.
Anyone within 20 ft. of the ninja that inhales the
fumes must make a Poison check (Difficulty equal Flesh Servant (Level 4, Yang)
to the ninja’s activation check) or their senses are
Speed: 5 minutes (Reaction)
dulled, giving them a -3 penalty to all checks for
Check: Arts
the next 10 minutes. The pheromones also act as a
Prerequisite: Stretch Attack
hyper-sexualizing agent, making victims lose their
Normal: The ninja can create a servant from
inhibitions (-5 penalty to resist Seduction).
Sacrifice (1): -6 penalty to checks (-10 vs. Seduc-
Sacrifice (2): Victim is lulled into a hypnotic
state, allowing the ninja to insert 1 idea into their
minds that they can activate with a command
within the next 3 days. This idea cannot directly go
against the target’s core beliefs.

Change of Face (Level 3, Yang)

Speed: 1 Round
Check: Arts
Prerequisite: Bending Body
Normal: The ninja learns to instantly mold
their face to appear as another person. By
touching a target’s face, they can even take
on exact facial features, skin color, speech
patterns and even their accent.
Cannot be used to change their
Sacrifice (2): Can be used on
anyone within line of sight, without
the need of touch.

their own flesh. By pulling off a hand, an arm or a they are split up and the clone is destroyed, the

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

leg, they can transform it into a small creature that ninja retains any information learned, making it
they control. A hand may become form into a spider great for spy mission with great danger. In combat,
or mouse, while a leg may turn into the equivalent the clone receives its own Initiative, but suffers -2
to a dog. Pulling off multiple limbs adds mass and to all combat checks. The clone holds its own chi
can create larger animal types, like large cats. These and can meditate to gain more or even use wushu,
servants can be used to attack, to deliver messages though at a +1 chi cost.
or even just to separate the ninja from a cuffed hand Sacrifice (X+1): Creates X additional copies, each
if necessary. If the creature is defeated, it falls limp, with a cumulative -2 penalty to combat checks per
and the ninja must rejoin the flesh to themselves. clone (2nd clone would be at -4, 3rd at -6 and so on).
If it is destroyed, the ninja loses that limb perma-
Sacrifice (1): Happens instantly (Speed 6). Way of Shards
Sacrifice (2): Limbs engorge with blood, allowing
them to make an animal twice the normal size. Birthstone Knowledge (Level 1, Yin)
Speed: 1 minute
Gender Switch (Level 4, Yin or Yang) Check: Perception
Speed: 1 minute (Ritual) Prerequisite: None
Check: Arts Normal: The fundamental ability of the Crystal
Prerequisite: Change of Face Bearers, this wushu allows the ninja to peer into
Normal: A favorite technique of the Splendid another’s Birthstone to see their soul. They instantly
Chameleons, the ninja forces an instant transforma- learn the target’s name and their most immediate
tion of their body to the opposite gender. It is quick intentions, wants, needs and desires. This wushu is
and permanent, requiring another use of the wushu key to having a strong negotiating position.
to change back. Yang is spent to turn into a man and Sacrifice (1): With the target’s permission, the
Yin is spent to turn into a woman. This change is ninja can see everything they have seen, said or
not superficial, as the ninja actually “becomes” the done within the last day.
opposite gender – even for the purposes of repro- Sacrifice (2): Removes the need for target’s per-
duction. mission.
Sacrifice (2): Happens instantly (Speed 10).
Swirling Shards (Level 1, Yang)
Clone Technique (Level 5, Yang) Speed: 5
Speed: 14 Check: Crafts
Check: Arts Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: Flesh Servant Normal: The ninja can create crystal from thin
Normal: The most powerful showing of a Cha- air, making it swirl around them to great effect.
meleon’s art is to accurately replicate themselves. They can receive a +2 bonus to Parry for 3 Rounds.
The clone requires a strip of skin ripped from the They can conversely choose to attack (Speed 4) with
ninja’s body that then pulsates and instantly grows the floating edges, launching them with a +2 bonus
into their copy. Some use it to put on shows without to Throw and +1 (L). Throwing the shards as darts
needing additional actors to fill all the roles, while uses up 1 Round of defensive bonuses.
more aggressive ninja use the Clone Technique to Sacrifice (1): Bonuses are doubled.
gain an edge against their enemy in just about any
Use of this wushu creates an exact clone of the
ninja with the same Skill bonuses as the ninja. If

Crystal Weapon (Level 2, Yang) ing and the chance to get out of the way. The ninja
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

makes a Throw check with a +3 bonus against the

Speed: 6
target’s Dodge. If the attack lands, it deals +3 (L) and
Check: Crafts
the spikes, now lodged in the target’s skin, also gives
Prerequisite: None
them a -2 penalty to Reactions for 3 Rounds.
Normal: The ninja creates an instant weapon
Sacrifice (1): +5 to Throw and -4 to Reactions
within their hands to be used in battle. It can come
(instead of +3 and -2).
in the form of any weapon the ninja is proficient
in using, from sword to chain to bow. The crystal
is harder than steel and is practically unbreakable, Reflection Stance (Level 3, Yin)
though it vanishes the moment the ninja has no use Speed: 12
for it. Crystal Weapon creates a weapon that uses Check: Perception
the stats for the mundane version, but gives the Prerequisite: Shimming Barrier
ninja a +2 bonus to Strike, Parry and Throw when Normal: The ninja surrounds themselves and
wielding it, as well as +2 Damage. Last the Battle. their target with a series of crystal mirrors that
Sacrifice (1): Weapon can be wielded by another show the ninja’s image. Suddenly, the target cannot
(instead of only by the Crystal Bearer). differentiate the ninja from the reflections around
Sacrifice (1): +4 bonuses to combat checks and +3 them, giving the ninja a +5 bonus to combat bonuses
Damage. (including Initiative). If their opponent attacks the
mirrors, they can break them by doing 5 damage,
Shimmering Barrier (Level 2, Yang) each broken mirror reducing the ninja’s bonus by 1.
However, attacks on any of the mirrors are con-
Speed: 8 (Reaction)
sidered attacks on the ninja and can be reacted to
Check: Crafts
Prerequisite: Swirling Shards
Sacrifice (2): Begins with 10 mirrors (instead of
Normal: The ninja summons forth a reflective
5) and loses bonuses for every 2 mirrors destroyed.
barrier made of crystal up to 100 sq. feet in size (di-
mensions chosen by the ninja). Many use this wushu
to seal off entryways or stop advancing attacks. Imbue Birthstone (Level 4, Yang)
Not only is the wall incredibly strong, Durability 25 Speed: 1 Day (Ritual)
(AR 5/5), but is capable of reflecting ranged attacks Check: Perception
(energy based or even just kunai or arrows) to the Prerequisite: Birthstone Knowledge
attacker. If struck with a ranged weapon, the ninja Normal: The ninja at this level is able to bless
makes a check with no bonuses and the attacker another with a Birthstone of their very own. Usu-
must Dodge their own attack if the die result is 18- ally performed on infants, the ninja chooses the best
20. This does not affect close combat attacks. cut and shape based on the child’s personality and
Sacrifice (1): Durability 40. magically lodges it into their forehead. The proce-
Sacrifice (1): 200 sq. ft. in size. dures create a sharp pain while the jewel is placed,
Sacrifice (1): Reflected attack range 16-20. but is painless afterword.
If the subject is willing, this wushu can be per-
Spikes From Below (Level 3, Yang) formed even on an adult, thus removing their
Elemental nature and replacing it with a Birthstone
Speed: 6 (Attack)
(pg. 72). This ritual is an important piece of the Land
Check: Crafts
of Seed and Blossom culture and isn’t performed
Prerequisite: Swirling Shards
Normal: The ninja transforms the very earth be-
Sacrifice (1): The process can be sped up to half a
neath their target into crystal shards that rise with
day, with no additional pain.
deadly sharpness. When this occurs, the ground
shifts ever so slightly, giving their opponent warn-

Encase (Level 4, Yin) unrestricted power takes a toll on their body.

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Sacrifice (2): +2 bonus to all wushu activation
Speed: 12 (Attack, Reaction)
checks and regenerates 10 Health per Round.
Check: Crafts
Prerequisite: Shimming Barrier
Normal: A devastating ability of the Crystal Bear- Way of Unending Blight
ers, this wushu allows the ninja to encase almost
anything within a crystal cocoon. The ninja need Sense Disease (Level 1, Yin)
only choose a single target, be it another ninja,
a rampaging beast or incoming fireball, and it is Speed: 1 Minute
instantly covered in a crystal carapace (up to 200 sq. Check: Holistics
ft.). There are legends of groups of ninja that froze Prerequisite: None
an entire town with their crystals. Whatever is in- Normal: The ninja hones their mastery of disease
side is kept preserved in a state of agelessness for up to sense if there is any sickness in the surrounding
to 1 hr. In some cases, members of the clan reinforce area – up to a 1/2 mile radius. For instance, they
the cocoon each day to ensure what is inside never could sense a child with a cough, someone dying of a
escapes. wasting sickness or even a bug that is a carrier for a
The cocoon is unbreakable from the inside, as the vile disease. This wushu doesn’t pinpoint the source
item/being inside remains alive but unmoving. The or type of sickness, but the ninja receives a +4 bonus
cocoon has Durability 40 (AR 5/5), making it very to Survival (Tracking) checks to follow their instincts
hard to break it even from the outside. One must be to find it.
very careful not to damage the contents with too Sacrifice (1): Can pinpoint the exact source with-
much force, as well. out a check.
Sacrifice (1): Encased for 12 hours Sacrifice (1): With a touch, the ninja can tell the
Sacrifice (2): Encased for 1 day exact kind of sickness the target is suffering from.

Release True Power (Level 5, Yang) Spoil Technique (Level 1, Yang)

Speed: 10 Speed: 6
Check: Perception Check: Holistics
Prerequisite: Imbue Birthstone Prerequisite: None
Normal: There is true power within a Blossom Normal: With a look, this wushu allows the ninja
ninja’s Birthstone that goes beyond the simple to spoil food or other perishable items. It is the first
ability to manipulate chi. The Crystal Bearers have step in harnessing the power of disease for a Pox.
learned to release a seal on their power placed on all Spoiling a plate of fruit could make it instantly rot-
ninja to keep them from becoming as strong as the ten, while spoiling fresh meat could produce mag-
Immortals. A ninja that uses this wushu becomes a gots chewing through it. If food affected by this
wondrous sight to behold. wushu is eaten, the target must make a contested
Once activated, the ninja’s skin glows and their Disease check against the ninja’s activation check.
eyes become the same kind of jewel they have upon If used on something that’s not normally perish-
their forehead. They immediately regenerate 10 able, such as metal, the item is degraded slightly.
Health and receive a +5 bonus to all combat checks Metal might be rusted, while the earth that sustains
and +2 to non-combat checks for the rest of the a stone wall may loosen. This change renders a -1
Scene. They can freely use any wushu they please penalty on the items next use: -1 to strike with a
without the need to spend temporary Chi, as long as rusty blade or -1/-1 AR to a wall.
they can make their Activation checks, and auto- Sacrifice (1): Can spoil a room, silo or otherwise
matically succeed at any checks against Fear, Insan- large amount of food at one time.
ity or Death for the duration. When the effect ends, Sacrifice (2): Non-perishable item degraded by -3
they suffer a -2 penalty to all checks for 1 day, as the penalty.

Disease Dissolution (Level 2, Yin) disease or a large group of subjects suffer from a
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

lesser sickness, they can gain as much as +5 bonus

Speed: 1 Minute
and +4 damage. The GM is the final arbiter of the
Check: Holistics
sickness of a single subject. Last 1 minute.
Prerequisite: None
Sacrifice (2): Double bonuses.
Normal: With a touch, the ninja can instantly
Sacrifice (1): Last 10 minutes.
dissolve any trace of sickness or infection from their
target. In addition, the target receives a +5 bonus
to any new resistance checks against Disease for 1 Corrupted Land (Level 3, Yin)
day. If used on a sickness made by Pox Creation, it Speed: 12
can halve the effects, but not entirely destroy the Check: Holistics
disease. Prerequisite: Sick Strength
Note: This wushu cannot destroy the Fa Disease. Normal: The ninja kneels and pounds the earth,
Sacrifice (1): Happens instantly (Speed 4) sending a wave of diseased chi through the sur-
Sacrifice (3): Completely destroy diseases made rounding area. Everything within a 300 ft. radius is
by Pox Creation. corrupted; trees wither and die, the ground dries
and cracks, the air become stale and water instantly
Sick Lung Blast (Level 2, Yang) evaporates. This cuts off any ninja’s connection
to their element, removing any bonuses to wushu
Speed: 7 (Attack)
activation checks they might have received and add-
Check: Fortitude
ing +4 to the Difficulties for any wushu that directly
Prerequisite: Spoil Technique
affects the environment.
Normal: The ninja takes a deep breath, inhaling
Sacrifice (1): Ninja regains the ability to effect
all of the bacteria and sickness in the surrounding
the environment without penalty, though no one
area, then expels it in a torrent of disease-laced
else can.
wind. The attack hits anyone up to 20 ft. cone in
Sacrifice (2): Effected area cannot be manipu-
front of the ninja. Those affected must succeed in a
lated by wushu at all.
contested Disease check against the ninja’s Wushu
Activation or instantly take 4 (L) and suffer a -2 pen-
alty to checks for the next minute. Plague Transference Gem (Level 4, Yin)
Sacrifice (1): 6 (L) and -4 penalty to checks Speed: 1 hr (Ritual)
Sacrifice (2): Penalty extended to 1 day Check: Holistics
Prerequisite: Disease Dissolution
Sick Strength (Level 3, Yang) Normal: A deceptive simple wushu, Plague Trans-
ference Gem allows the ninja to remove the sickness
Speed: 10
from their target without destroying it. Instead, the
Check: Fortitude
disease is extracted in the form of a swirling magical
Prerequisite: Sick Lung Blast
crystal, not unlike the Blossom Birthstones. The tar-
Normal: The ninja with this wushu can absorb
get is left healthy, and the ninja has a new weapon
their target’s sickness and us it to increase their
to add to their arsenal.
physical strength. In times of old, Sick Strength was
By touching the crystal to another’s skin, their
often used to mow down a town that suffered too
victim beings to feel the effects of the sickness at
slowly for the Pox’s liking. When near someone that
the stage their subject previously had. For instance,
is sick, the ninja simply takes a deep breath to ab-
someone touched with a crystal forged from some-
sorb the disease, but their bonuses depend on how
one in the final stages of a wasting disease would
sick the individual was. Even a moderate sickness,
instantly find themselves in the final stages as well.
such as the flu, provides a +2 bonus to all combat
It is believed that the Pox have farms of people who
and Strength checks, as well as +1 damage. However,
are sick, where they harness the most potent gems
if they encounter someone with a life threatening

possible. The GM applies negative effects to the tar- Pox Creation (Level 5, Yang)

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

get accordingly. Other ninja can resist normally.
Speed: 3 Days
Note: This effect cannot remove the Fa Disease Check: Holistics
from a target. Nor can the created gem be used for Prerequisite: Plague Transference Gem, Corrupted
the Imbue Birthstone wushu. Land
Sacrifice (2): Happens much faster (1 minute). Normal: The most powerful ability known to
Yakubyo’s Pox and rumored to be the original source
of the Fa Disease, this wushu gives the ninja the abil-
ity to create a disease. After 3 days of chanting and
dancing, the ninja imbues
a gem with a unique dis-
ease of their own design.
The player chooses up to
3 Potion effects (pg. 177
of the Wu Xing Corebook)
at double their normal
potency. The disease
takes up to another 3
days to take full effect
and usually lasts until the
victim either dies or pays
tribute to the Pox to have
it removed. For instance,
the Damage effect means
they will continue to lose
Health until they die,
while the Blind effect
means they are simply
struck blind over the
course of time. If the GM
allows, they may even
create their own unique
effects not listed. This
ritual is not undertaken
lightly, reserved for those
that truly deserve such
a fate. Due the power
behind such a wushu,
diseases made with Pox
Creation are automati-
cally contagious.
Sacrifice (X+1): Ninja
selects X additional ef-
Sacrifice (2): Full
effects of the disease hap-
pen instantaneously.

Way of Vital Currents
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Draw Out Blood (Level 3, Yang)

Perfect Cleansing (Level 1, Yang) Speed: 1 Round
Speed: 1 Round (Reaction) Check: Discipline
Check: Fortitude Prerequisite: Sense Bleeding
Prerequisite: None Normal: One of the Sisterhood’s more feared
Normal: The ninja gains the ability to clean the Wushu, this is the ability to draw blood from the liv-
blood of anyone they choose. This includes the ing or freshly dead. When used on the freshly dead,
cleansing of poison, the effects of being intoxicated the ninja may draw out as much blood as she likes,
and diseases automatically. In addition, the target often used to fuel other wushu. On the living, the
receives a +15 bonus against Blossom-born Poison victim immediately suffers the effects of Bleeding,
and Disease checks for 1 day. Any foreign Diseases taking 2 (L) instantly. However, the amount of dam-
and Aliments gain a +10 bonus instead. age from bleeding doubles each subsequent Round.
Sacrifice (1): Happens quickly (Speed 10). For instance, the victim takes 4 (L) the next Round, 8
Sacrifice (1): +20 against Blossom-born and +15 (L) the next and so on. This wushu requires a Touch
against foreign Poison and Disease checks for 1 day. action to begin the effect on the target.
Sacrifice (1): Speed 10 and Bleeding damage
starts at 3 (L).
Sense Bleeding (Level 1, Yin)
Speed: 10 (Concentration) Hideous Blood Mask (Level 3, Yin)
Check: Perception
Prerequisite: None Speed: 6
Normal: This wushu allows the ninja to sense Check: Perception
when blood is escaping its living vessel within a Prerequisite: Sense Bleeding
half-mile radius. They cannot detect how severely Normal: The ninja opens the pores in her neck
they are bleeding or the cause, however. The ninja and face and draws out a thin layer of blood that
can make a Moderate (20) IQ + Perception to follow surrounds her face to fashion the “blood mask” into
their sense to the scene of the bleeding. Lasts the a horrifying image that most mortals cannot look
Scene. at without cowering in fear. Even the act of mak-
Sacrifice (1): 1-mile range and the ninja can ing the blood mask is a maddening sight to witness.
sense how bad the bleeding is and where exactly the Anyone looking at the mask must make a Moderate
bleeding person(s) are at without a roll. (20) check against Fear/Awe. Those who fail have no
choice but to run, hide or find any other means to
leave the presence of the horrifying sight. Lasts the
Blood Darts (Level 2, Yang) Scene.
Speed: 4 Sacrifice (1): Fear/Awe Difficulty (25). If the
Check: Discipline victim sees the mask being formed, they suffer an
Prerequisite: Perfect Cleansing additional -5 modifier to the check as well.
Normal: The ninja learns to draw out a small
amount of blood from her fingers and fashion it into Blood Whip (Level 3, Yang)
sharpened kunai. This wushu creates two kunai that
inflict +2 (L) with a +6 bonus to Throw. The darts are Speed: 7
untraceable, leaving nothing but a small bloodstain Check: Fortitude
behind. The ninja does not require the kunai weap- Prerequisite: Blood Darts
on training to use proficiently. Normal: The ninja focuses her chi to form a 7ft
Sacrifice (1): Creates four blood kunai that inflict blood whip from the palm of her hand. This mysti-
+3 (L) and +10 to Throw. cal weapon gives the ninja the ability to Entangle

without suffering the normal -4 penalty and Dis- to the enemy to the ninja’s Health. They cannot go

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

arm without the -5 penalty, as well as a +6 bonus above maximum Health using this technique.
to Strike for an Initiate Grapple Action, but inflicts Sacrifice (2): Last the Battle and gives +6 Strike
Non-Lethal damage. In addition, any Targeted (instead of +4). The ninja can also use this Wushu
Strikes made with the Blood Whip are reduced by to Grapple their enemy. With a successful Grapple
half (rounded down). Otherwise, the weapon works Maneuver, they can absorb Health equal to +2 (L)
like a normal whip. each Action unless the other fighter can successfully
Sacrifice (1): Penalties to Targeted Strikes made Break Grapple.
with whip are reduced by half (rounded down).
Sacrifice (1): Damage is Lethal. Bending Blood to Will (Level 5, Yin)
Speed: 1 Round (Concentration)
Blood Mist (Level 4, Yang) Check: Discipline
Speed: 8 (Reaction) Prerequisite: Leech Touch
Check: Perception Normal: One of the most feared and respected
Prerequisite: Perfect Cleansing of the Sisterhood of Blood’s wushu, the master of
Normal: This wushu allows the ninja to collect the Way of Vital Currents can directly control the
a quantity of blood in their throat and then expel actions of a selected victim. Requiring the Sister to
it into the air as a red, fog-like mist that obscures focus on her target, she uses the victim’s blood to
vision and provides the perfect smokescreen for manipulate their chi and bend them to her will. For
retreat on an ambush. The fog spreads out in a 100 12 hours they have complete control of the victim
ft radius around the Sister, creating a Partial Blind- who has only a fuzzy recollection of their actions
ness effect (-7 to combat checks) for anyone inside. (remembering requires a Tough (30) IQ + Discipline
Victims’ bodies are covered in blood, making it diffi- check to get the general impression). If the victim
culty to keep a grip on weapons or even stay stand- is forced to harm a loved one or go against a Pas-
ing (if on a flat surface). With each Action, victims sion, they can attempt an immediate contested INS +
must make a Moderate (20) AGY + Acrobatics check Discipline check against the Sister’s Yin Chi + Disci-
or they drop their weapon or slip and fall. The ninja pline. Success means the victim has broken control
who uses this Wushu is immune to the effects of it while defeat means continued servitude. In contrast,
and may function without penalty. if the Sister makes the victim do something that
Sacrifice (1): 200 ft radius and -10 penalty. contributes to their Passion, they suffer a -10 pen-
Sacrifice (2): 200 ft radius and -15 penalty. In ad- alty to resistance checks.
dition, the mist inflicts 2 (L) per Round to everybody The Sister does not have fine motor control, so
in the Mist, as it begins to affect breathing. the bent person suffers a -3 penalty to all combat
and Skill checks. This wushu does not give them
Leech Touch (Level 4, Yin) access to memories or insight on what the victim is
thinking. It does, however, give the ninja a very lim-
Speed: 8 ited ability to see through the victim’s eyes, but the
Check: Fortitude vision is blurry and reading is almost impossible.
Prerequisite: Hideous Blood Mask Sacrifice (2): Lasts 24 hrs and applies a -5 penalty
Normal: At this level of mastery over blood, the to remember any actions during the control or to
ninja can now use another’s blood to heal their own resist harming a loved one or actions that go against
wounds! They accomplish this by channeling Chi a Passion. If the action contributes to a Passion,
into vulnerable spots on a living being. When these the victim cannot resist. Reading is still very hard
unarmed strikes hit, the ninja drains an amount of and would require a Moderate (20) IQ + Perception
blood out directly though their skin. This wushu check.
lasts 1 minute and gives the ninja a +4 bonus to
Strike while active, adding any damage inflicted

New Celestial Animals able information, a feat which has been known to
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

happen only a few times.

Passion: Collector, Health: 12, Stamina: 3
Bats Yin: 4, Yang: 2
Element: Wood, Skill: Perception Skills: Athletics +8, Arts +6, Empathy +8, Knowl-
Lesser Animals: Celestial bats are masters of edge +12, Linguistics +10, Perception +14, Stealth +9,
observation. They often perceive things that most Survival +7
would overlook as inconsequential. Eavesdropping Traits: Immune to Insanity and Unconsciousness
is second nature, but summoners often make good checks. +9 vs. Balance, +6 vs. Disease, +9 vs. Fear/
use of their talents by employing them as spies and Awe, +4 vs. Pain, +7 vs. Poison.
gatherers of information. Celestial Bats can often be Combat: Strike +7, Throw +3, Parry +0, Dodge +11,
found flying around their ninja, sleeping in a pocket Roll +7, Grapple +8, Initiative +15, Movement 10 (18
or in the skies above closely surveying the situation Flying), Damage +1, Actions 2
and gathering as much information as they can in Wushu: Can use Sonic Hearing from the Way of
order to report back. Beasts without chi, but knows wushu from the Way
of Movement as well.
Hoshiko Other Notes: Hoshiko is very bad at staying quiet.
So much so, that a summoner would be foolish to
Cost to Summon: Yin 2, Yang 2 bring him along on any kind of stealth mission.
About twice the size of his lesser counterparts, There is no cover he cannot break or hiding spot he
Hoshiko is a black bat with vaguely humanoid arms cannot make known.
and legs and an almost obsessive need to know as
much as possible about everyone’s goings on. This
information is gathered any way possible, including Boars
through purchasing information, or trading select Element: Metal, Skill: Intimidation
bits of intelligence with those that may know some Lesser Animals: In the areas of stubbornness and
juicy bit of gossip. Hoshiko has the ability to remain intimidation, the Celestial Boar has nearly no match.
virtually undetected if he so chooses, disappearing Summoners will often use them to end a battle be-
into shadow or becoming semi-invisible himself, a fore it even starts since the hulking beasts can scare
technique he frequently uses when following some- away reluctant foes and battle-worn soldiers alike.
one from the air. Their summoner can learn these techniques and
Hoshiko is extremely friendly and chatty to the can use them to great effectiveness to get their way.
point that people often find themselves engrossed Boars are more levelheaded than rams, and are not
in conversation for hours about the most mundane as prone to swings in mood, but they are extremely
topics. After a while though, he will appear to lose set in their ways. In farming communities it is easy
interest and will go off to investigate something for a mud-caked boar to be overlooked.
else. It is then that the person may realize that
throughout the conversation they learned relatively Isamu, the Bold
nothing about Hoshiko himself, but they have given
some secret or critical piece of information as easily Cost to Summon: Yin 4, Yang 2
as a cheerful hello. Isamu, a giant humanoid boar, is one of the larg-
Hoshiko is usually attracted to people who love est of his kind in all of the animal realms, a quality
the art of conversation. A potential summoner can which he will reiterate to whoever will listen as
gain his attention by either giving him a valuable often as he can. At 21 feet tall he certainly is not ex-
piece of information or juicy piece of gossip about aggerating, and it allows him to be the center of at-
an influential figure. Hoshiko also recognizes and tention, which he seems to greatly enjoy. Isamu, the
respects those who can manipulate a conversation Bold seems to be a self-granted title which seems
with him in which he lets slip any of his own valu- to fit his confident personality. Every inch of his

frame is covered in well-sculpted muscle only some ly surrender. Some have speculated (not within his

Chapter four: seeds to be planted

of which is concealed by his long braided beard, and earshot) that Isamu himself may even be the source
with which he easily hefts a giant iron club that he of these legends.
is rarely seen without. His eyes glow as though his To gain the loyalty of the giant warrior, the
sockets were filled with embers and smoke rushes potential summoner must be willing to stand up to
from his nostrils. His long, curved tusks appear to be overwhelming odds with an unflinching resolve.
wickedly sharp and capped with gold. Isamu has been known to side with a summoner
Isamu often boasts that he has never lost a battle, who has stood up for what was right even when the
which wouldn’t be too far from the truth since no summoner’s life, reputation or credibility was put
one has ever really recalled him ever fighting in on the line.
one. He appears as though he would be a fearsome Passion: Warrior, Health: 55 (4/4), Stamina: 8
warrior, but those wanting to challenge him are Yin: 6, Yang: 7
almost always frightened away by his mere pres- Skills: Athletics +10 (Running), Acrobatics +11,
ence. When he actively tries to be intimidating, Discipline +9, Fortitude +14 (Drinking), Intimidation
legend says that he has made entire armies faint, +15, Survival +12, Travel +10
fall to their knees begging for mercy, or immediate- Traits: Immune to Fear/Awe, Insanity and Dis-
ease checks. +8 vs. Balance, +12 vs. Pain, +14 vs.
Poison, +9 vs. Unconsciousness.
Combat: Strike +14, Throw +9, Parry +13,
Dodge +11, Roll +15, Grapple +14, Initia-
tive +30, Movement 16,
Damage +7 (+10 NL with
iron club), Actions 4
Wushu: Knows all
wushu from the Way
of the Warrior
and Way of
Metal, as well
as Danger
Sense and
from the Way of
Notes: As a
famous (at
least in his
own mind)
warrior, he
has learned
some power-
ful combat
Fierce Strikes
and Twisting

Frogs but a giant talking frog is not something that regu-
Chapter four: seeds to be planted

Element: Water, Skill: Holistics lar people take lightly. She has become quite good at
Lesser Animals: Celestial Frogs come in all sneaking around as an alternative.
shapes and sizes, from bolbous croaking toad to A ninja must have love in their heart to attract
lithe tree frogs. It’s natural for an animal whose bile Ran. She has been known to have crushes on a
and blood are ingrediants to thousands of differ- few of her summoners, but is often too shy to say
ent potion to be educated in poisons and antidotes. anything. Instead, she likes to help her summoners
Though Celestial Frogs seem to have a bad attitude find a human lover, often through poor advice and
to their summoner, this can always be culled with a stunts. A simple kiss on Ran’s cheek or some grand
juicy meal of worms and flies. They are quite fond gesture of affection to another human can get this
of eating the suu, much to the dismay of the Grim riding frog on the ninja’s side. She’ll never team up
Creepers. with a member of Yakubyo’s Pox.
Passion: Love, Health: 26, Stamina: 4
Yin: 3, Yang: 5
Ran Skills: Athletics +15 (Jumping), Acrobatics +9, Dis-
Cost to Summon: Yin 3, Yang 2 cipline +6, Holistics +10, Persuasion +9, Stealth +10,
Ran is a large, fat frog about the size of a lion, Survival +8, Travel +14
appearing with stripes of blue and green on her Traits: Immune to Fear/Awe, Poison and Disease
skin. Her long legs can bring her great distances checks. +11 vs. Balance, +9 vs. Insanity, +8 vs. Pain,
with every jump and she’s known for being the best +12 vs. Unconsciousness.
leaper in the Land of Seed and Blossom. Ran’s large Combat: Strike +8, Throw +5, Parry +6, Dodge +12,
eyes make it easy to see what’s going on all around Roll +10, Grapple +10, Initiative +22, Movement 25,
her and she is quite the busybody. Despite her size, Damage +2, Actions 3
she tries hard to hide and is quite good at blending Wushu: Knows all wushu from the Way of Water
into her environment. The seat on her back makes and Way of Survival.
her perfect for a rider who has a good grip. Other Notes: Her riding seat can fit only a single
This Celestial Frog is a snoop. Ran takes great joy rider at any time, but one Ran jump covers up to 1
in following the soap opera that is humanity, watch- mile distance. With each jump, however, the rider
ing relationships bloom and wither everyday. She must make a Difficulty (15) Balance or AGY + Travel
is also a compulsive gambler, always trying to get check or they might fall off. Ran knows how to take
others to bet with her on whether couples will break smaller jumps if the rider is a novice, but loves to fly
up or stay together. She’s never above nudging the through the air much more.
lovers in the right direction to keep her in the black,

Adventure: Another Way
Not all the Blossom clans are completely behind and the Seifuku River. The road to the city is busy with
the Uprising. The Council of the Three (pg. 51) has merchants, farmers and other travelers, looking for the
agreed on an alternative solution to freeing their services of the great healers of Kiheki. Since the Ninja
land - instituting good relations with the Izou Ninja. Crusade, however, the absence of the Bamboo Herbalist
This adventure is geared toward 3 to 5 players. has begun to erode the quality of the care one can receive.
Characters can be either Izou or Blossom ninja, as You are on a mission to meet Ika Kaijin, a member of
the future of the two ninja depends on the coopera- the Bamboo Herbalist and a noble in the city. He works as
tion between them. an advisor to the governor and is a double agent for the
Lotus Coalition. The Council of Three hopes to settle the
Uprising with help from the Izou ninja and that is why
Scene One: Kiheki, they sent the characters to deliver their message. The
Council has offered mutual respect and help to the Izou
The Wooden Wall ninja for months, in the mutual cause of defeating the
Izou Empire.
The adventure begins in two different ways. The front gate to the city is now very close. A small line
Characters start in Kiheki, one of the stolen cit- has developed as Izou soldiers check people in. It is a good
ies within Izou territory. Sitting at the base of the thing that Kaijin has provided official papers to enter the
Seifuku River and surrounded by a beautiful forest, city or other means would have had to been taken to enter
the city now serves as the medical capital of the Izou the city. You wait your turn and soon the guards get to
Empire. With the guidance of the lost children of the you. You show your papers and the guards motion for the
Land, the Bamboo Herbalist, this city is known as gate to be opened, eyeing your Birthstones and strange
the as the best hope to cure loved ones and family. garb the whole time. The beautiful city of Kiheki opens up
That is if they can afford the trip to the out of the before you!
way city.
The GM should read the following to the players: Lotus Coalition Ninja
You have been in Kiheki for two days, as the Lotus
Blossom Ninja Coalition was very clear that they wanted to be properly
The dirt road you traveled suddenly turns to stone, prepared for the guests that are arriving today. You have
signaling that you are entering the border of the city of been staying at the home of Ika Sino, a popular artist
Kiheki. Once a part of your homeland, the Wooden Wall in the city and also a member of the Bamboo Herbalist.
was the last city to fall to the Izou Empire during their She is a comely young woman of 24 years of age, usually
invasion. A beautiful variety of trees flank the sides of the dressed in a simple kimono with her hair tied up. Her
road and stretch around the city itself like a battalion of house is very spacious and many of her paintings line the
giant guards ever vigilant against the enemies of the city. walls of the estate. The best thing about the house is the
They only failed once…. strategic view of the gates of Kiheki, which led the Coali-
It is a breezy summer day and you can smell the forest tion to choose this house as the meeting place. Sino, being

the daughter of Ika Kaijin, also had a lot to do with it as the meeting and then send a messenger to inform
Adventure: Another Way

well, opting to have the meeting here for the view and the the Izou ninja that they have arrived and will meet
fact that Sino has many visitors to see her work. No one them in the evening as planned. Of course, the Izou
would question visitors to Sino’s house, not even foreign ninja already know that the Blossom ninja have
visitors. arrived. The hours waiting for the meeting will be
As soon as the delegation from the Blossom Ninja mostly uneventful and gives an opportunity for the
enters the gates you will know. Almost as if Heaven had characters to investigate their environment a little
fated it to be, the gates of the Wooden Wall slide open bit or get to know each other (if they don’t already).
to let a new influx of travelers in as this thought runs The GM should feel free to come up with any ob-
through the group. The man looking through the spyglass stacles if they desire. Perhaps a pick-pocket tries to
beside the group nods his head. The Blossom ambassadors cut their purse or one of the town soldiers decides
are hard to spot in the crowd of travelers but they do not to rough them up, being foreigners and all. The pos-
blend in perfectly. It seems it is time to prepare for your sibilities are endless.
guest and see what this requested audience is all about. When it is finally time to meet with the Blossom
ninja, it plays out mostly without incident. Ika Sino’s
Kiheki is a medium-sized city mostly under the house is in the Noble district (Kaijin would not let
control of the Bamboo Herbalist, though they have his daughter roam far), surrounded by a 10 ft wall.
stayed out of the public eye since the Ninja Crusade The front gate is guarded by two guards, one on
began. Their mark remains, however, as the city is either side of the wall. Beyond the gate is a beautiful
the home to some of the greatest medical minds in garden courtyard and a pair of small stairs that lead
the Izou Empire. A large wooden wall is built in a up to the house built on a small hill. A Moderate (20)
semi-circle shape around the only official entrance IQ + Perception check will let Blossom characters
into the city besides the docks and much of the city figure out that the balcony is built with the main
is protected by Herbalist traps and illusions. One purpose of viewing the front gate easily. Of course,
of the reasons the Wooden Wall was the last city to this causes the realization that the Izou have known
fall was the fact that it is so easy to defend. Farms the Blossom ninja have been in the city since they
and small residences litter the land right outside arrived.
and inside the wall. The merchant district is located Inside Ika Sino’s house are various paintings and
outside the docks and is a cluttered district full of sculptures she has created. The meeting takes place
markets and small shops. The Southernmost district in the common room. The gist of the meeting con-
of the city is the Kiheki School of medicine. The cerns the plan of the Sisterhood of Blood clan which
nobles are not far from the school and makes up the is laid out by a letter the Blossom ninja present. The
land beside the docks and by the base of the river. plan is quite simple: the Izou and Blossom ninja stop
The Izou Empire keeps a small amount of military antagonizing each other and start working together
presence here, but that has increased since the Ninja to bring in Izou ninja to help kick the armies out of
Crusade began. A small, makeshift military bar- the Land of Seed and Blossom. In return, the Blos-
racks sits by the gates and represents the police and som ninja promise to help the Izou ninja end the
military power of the Empire. It really isn’t enough Ninja Crusade and preserve their way of life. There
to completely deter criminal or ninja activity at the are certain things that the Blossom ninja want, such
moment, so Kiheki continues to be a decently popu- as regaining control of the Oak Leaf province, that
lated with ninja. probably won’t sit well with the Izou ninja, but the
deal seems sincere and honest. It may be worth
checking out, since working against the Blossom
Scene Two: ninja has already proven to be counter-productive
to everyone’s causes. The Sisterhood have a specific
A Meeting of Two Lands matter that requires immediate Izou ninja assis-
tance, so everyone should get ready to leave right
The Blossom ninja should prepare themselves for away.

Adventure: Another Way
Attack and Aftermath Scene Three:
When the meeting is coming to an end, a distur-
bance is heard from the courtyard. A group of six
attackers descends upon the Sino home, having
Leaving Treeside
already subdued the guards at the gate. Their exact The characters will be leaving Kiheki the follow-
motives are unknown, but it is safe to assume that ing morning, after preparing for the trip. Their two
they have come to rob or kill those in the meeting. day travel travel will eventually take them to the
Five of the bandits use the stats for Bandits/Crimi- border town of Mori Hogosha (pg. 51). The journey
nals (pg. 186 of the Wu Xing Corebook), while the should be fraught with danger, so the GM should
sixth uses stats for a Novice Ninja (pg. 188 of the Wu plug in encounters as they see fit. The following are
Xing Corebook). The battle mostly takes place in the a couple of examples the GM can use if they choose.
courtyard, giving a decently sized space for a brawl
away from prying eyes.
Successfully interrogated bandits (using a Mod- The Aristocrats
erate (20) CHM + Intimidation check) will divulge Upon leaving Kiheki, they cross paths with a no-
they were told that a group of rich nobles were ble family traveling to the city in a carriage accom-
meeting unguarded. They were taking advantage of panied by Izou soldiers. The characters are dressed
what they saw as easy money. In no way were they like average people of their class or caste, but this
expecting ninja and the lack of guards present at the also presents an obvious problem if not approached
house added further weight to this belief. Time- in the correct manner. By tradition, the lower class
tables don’t leave long before the group must leave of the Izou is supposed to show due respect to those
to the Land of Seed and Blossom, giving them the of higher class. If any of the characters do not bow
evening and next morning to do some investigation when the carriage passes (and of course, Blossom
if the players so choose. ninja do not subscribe to the same ideas about class),
Unfortunately, their investigation only raises then the noble will have the carriage stopped. His
more questions. The characters can attempt to lo- name is Ikkokou Jorobo and he is easily offended,
cate potential info or NPCs with info, checking into immediately demanding respect from those lesser
the criminal elements, medicinal libraries, talking than him, even going so far as to insult the charac-
to local guards or even discussing attacks with other ters and their squad. It is up to the players to handle
local nobles. Depending on the source of the infor- the situation as they choose and their actions may
mation the characters choose, the player can make have far-reaching consequences.
a Tough (30) IQ + Knowledge check (research), CHM If handled poorly, the Izou soldiers will attack
+ Intimidate check (knocking some criminal heads at the nobleman’s command. The ninja have the
or strong arming officials) or CHM + Persuasion choice to either swallow their pride, which none of
check (going about asking people questions nicely). them are used to doing, or wiping the carriage from
Most results end up with not much of anything existence. Half-way through the battle with the four
or conflicting information, but if they succeed in footsoldiers (pg. 186 of Wu Xing Corebook), the ninja
their check they get a small but significant piece of will likely notice that the nobleman has his son in
information. It seems that the characters were not the carriage with him. How will they deal with the
the first Blossom Ninja to arrive in the last week. It young boy? Killing him is ruthless, but effective, but
seems a member of the Phantom Voices was in the not all ninja share that viewpoint.
city only a few days earlier, raising the question:
What business would the Phantom Voices have here The Black Dragon Inn
in Kiheki? Unfortunately, there will not be enough
time to answer that question as the characters must The squad comes upon a small path of on the side
leave early. of the road with an almost unnoticable sign beside

the path that reads “Black Dragon Inn Ahead”. The ever they were doing, it seemed to be very important!”
Adventure: Another Way

characters have traveled for a long time without

stopping, and sleeping in a bed sound much better  Talking to the other guests: There are no
than on the hard ground. The inn can be seen from specific NPCs the characters need to talk to unless
the road, a quaint little building with more than the GM would like to add them. However, just by go-
enough room for the characters. As they approach ing around and chatting, they can gather a little bit
the inn, a short, chubby man waddles his way down of information. The characters can make a Simple
to meet the prospective guests. He introduces him- (10) CHM + Persuasion or Intimidation to garner
self as Taro Menchi, a very friendly and loud man some of the following information or other informa-
who loves to talk to new guest and exchange stories tion that the GM can make up on the spot.
of the world. Part of this comes from his job as a “I’ve heard the young women are disappearing from
Lotus Coalition informant and the other from his small villages across the Triumph Province. Some suspect
naturally social personality. Menchi is a great tool the ninja are behind these horrible acts!”
for a GM that wants to plant rumors and plot hooks “If the Bamboo Herbalists are destroyed, who will the
for the characters to follow. It is a great time to con- Izou Empire have to train their doctors? We all know the
nect current events to old enemies or foreshadow Herbalists are some of the most advanced medical minds
events that could take place even after this adven- in the known world!”
ture is complete. Examples of other information and “The Izou Empire may have firearms, but this Ninja
conversations are presented here: Crusade is not really sustainable for both parties.”
“Watch out, there have been many more dangerous
 Talking to Menchi: Talking to the owner of animals stalking the trails these days. It seems war affects
the Black Dragon Inn nets the characters all sorts every living creature as they must be hungry or being
of info, but most of it is useless drivel. However, the driven from their homes.”
man does have some curious information hiding “Festival season is starting in the Land of Seed and
behind all of the rumor-mongering. He’s not a ninja Blossom. They are such a nice, primitive people. I don’t
and doesn’t care if the characters reveal that they know how they stand that heat though! It is one of the
are, being friendly to everyone he meets. hottest places I have ever visited!”
“This isn’t the only Black Dragon Inn! I have a twin
brother in the Bridge to Battle Province. Mention me if The characters can spend the night at the inn
you are up that way and you will get a discount.” and start back out towards their destination in the
“There are lots of bandits on the road these days. It morning. They can mark the inn down as a place to
seems those Empire patrols are doing nothing to deter stay and gather information.
their ranks!”
“Some say that it is only a matter of time before the
new firearms created by the Empire start getting pushed Scene Four:
out in mass numbers. Who can stop the Izou Empire
then?” Going Home
If asking about the Phantom Voice from Kiheki:
With a Moderate (20) CHM + Persausion - “You Crossing the border into the Kokuso Chitai Prov-
know, there was another ninja from the Blossom lands ince is quite the experience. It has been a somewhat
here recently. You can always tell from the lack of clothes eventful journey to the Land of Seed and Blossom
they are Blossom folks. Well, and that darn stone in their and the change in temperature makes some wish
gourd. It was one of those that don’t talk too much. Don’t they had come in lighter clothing. The weather is
usually see them outside of their homeland, wonder what beautiful and the sun shines brightly upon the char-
he was up too?” acters. Such beauty is obviously an omen of much
With a Tough (30) CHM + Persuasion - “That Blos- worse things to come.
som ninja was not alone either! I saw one of those skull- Unbeknownst to the characters, there are en-
faced ones with him and a couple of bodyguards. What- emies awaiting their arrival to the border. The plan

of involving the Izou ninja is directly contrary to As you approach the border, you notice the trees are

Adventure: Another Way

the Blossom Elders’ wishes, making the charac- starting to turn from the oak trees the province you are
ters rebels within their own rebellion. Members of leaving is named for and are being replaced by giant palm
Yakubyo’s Pox have gained a spot among the Elders trees. The temperature seems to much higher, the air is
and wish to rise up against the Izou Empire while thick and the area smells of moisture. Strange sounding
they are busy with the Ninja Crusade. The Sister- animals make their calls from beyond the trail. You can
hood believes it is better to work with the Izou ninja hear a bird flying over your head towards the marker
to achieve this goal, while the Pox wants to extermi- indicating the border.
nate everybody.
Tomurai Cho, a Phantom Voice, believes he has That bird is the carrier pigeon if the characters
had a vision of major importance. The spirits of completed the requirement for that, otherwise it
Blossom ancestors have told him the balance is off is any other bird flying by as the characters march
in the afterlife and that a certain number of people into a trap. There are seven soldiers from the Militia
must die to rebalance the realms of Heaven. Cho and two formidable ninja. The characters must
is convinced that the Uprising is exactly what the make a resistance check against Surprise Attack (pg.
ancestor spirits are looking for and his message has 163 of Wu Xing Corebook). The Citizens Militia use
started to gain a following among those in support the stats for Town Guards (pg. 185 of the Wu Xing
of violence against all of the Izou. Those same vi- Corebook) with a +2 bonus to all checks. The Citizens
sions uncovered the secret rendevous with the Izou Militia and Kouhei Huao will fight to the death or at
ninja, and he set out to teach the characters a lesson least until knocked unconscious, as their resolve and
for going against what the Blossom people need. It purpose is strong enough to give their life for. Cho
is possible that Cho has become slightly unstable. It does not have any such sentiments and won’t even
is true that the Phantoms talk to the dead, but is his actively engage in the battle unless he has the ad-
vision real? This much is known for certain: he plans vantage or is attacked first. At the first opportunity,
on killing all of the envoys, including the characters. Cho is likely to leave the other warriors as cover for
If the characters happened to leave any of the his escape.
criminals from Scene 2 alive and did a little investi-
gation in the short time before they left Kiheki, they
Avoiding the Fight
are now rewarded for their diligence. A message will
There is another option to fighting. If the
be delivered by carrier hawk a short while before
characters stayed off of the main trails, they can
they arrive at the border. The message will explain
sneak past the ambush party without much prob-
that Tomurai Cho was the man who gave the infor-
lem. This requires three Stealth checks and two
mation to the bandits and warns of his emminent
Survival checks. The AGY + Stealth checks have
attack. This gives the characters the upper hand
an increasing Difficulty, starting at Simple (10),
in dealing with the attack, maybe even avoiding it
then to Moderate (20) and the last at Tough (30).
altogether (but that’s not very likely). If they gained
If they fail one of them, they will have garnered
any info at the Inn about the traveling Blossom ninja
the attention of the ambush party, but will not
then they will gain a +5 bonus to resist the Sur-
have the element of surprise. As an alternative,
prise Attack against them as they cross the border.
the characters can also try to sneak up on the
Of course, the characters are left unaware of the
ambushers (especially if they know about the at-
upcoming ambush if they spent no time collecting
tack). Make a standard Surprise Attack check, but
the characters are considered the attackers.
Whatever the situation is, there is indeed a bat-
The Survival rolls are against a Moderate (20)
talion from the Citizens Militia awaiting the charac-
difficulty. If the first one is failed, then the next
ters’ arrival, led by a Pox named Kouhei Huao and
roll is made at a -5 penalty. If they fail both, they
Tomurai Cho.
get lost and stumble right into the ambushers!
The GM can read this to the players:
Make the surprise check at a -5 penalty.

Adventure: Another Way

Jai Huao
Health: 45 (2/1), Stamina: 6, Yin: 5, Yang: 5
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9, Deception Epilogue: Finally Home
+8, Discipline +10, Intimidation +9, Knowledge +10,
Legerdemain +9, Perception +8, Performance +8, With the enemies defeated, the raises more
Stealth +9, Survival +8 questions than answers. Tomurai Cho probably got
Traits: Immune to Balance and Pain checks. +8 away, and if he did not then the secret dies on the
vs. all other checks. attackers’ lips. The characters continue on until
Combat: Strike +11, Throw +10, Parry +10, they arrive at Mori Hogosha, the small trade hub
Dodge +10, Roll +11, Grapple +16, Initiative +18, in Blossom territory. Blossom ninja finally feel at
Movement 16, Actions 4, Damage +4 home, while the Izou ninja realize that they have
Wushu: The GM can use any wushu from the stepped inside a whirlwind of chaos that rivals the
Way of Undending Blight or Way of the Warrior – Ninja Crusade itself. They will meet with the Chief of
up to level 4. the village and officially begin their stay in the Land
Other Notes: Is trained in Chain and Sword of Seed and Blossom.
weapons and knows the following Fighting Tech- So what can the characters do now? Well, the
niques; Pain Resistance, Focused Strike (Rank 2), group will want to travel to see the Council of Three
Scorpion Kick (Rank 1). in Xianguqui and present the Izou ninja. There is
also the matter of Cho and his agenda for pushing
the Elders’ war on all things Izou. Even if he died
Iki Cho during the last scene, most Blossom ninja share
Health: 35, Stamina: 6, Yin: 6, Yang: 4 his ideas. Cho’s death would be seen as the act of a
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Arts +10, Athletics +11, martyr, yet another example of how the Izou ninja
Deception +8, Discipline +15, Knowledge +10, can so easily murder the Blossom ninja simply for
Legerdemain +6, Linguistics +11, Perception +10, defending their home. This could mean trouble for
Stealth +10, Survival +10 the characters in the future.
Traits: +6 vs. all checks.
Combat: Strike +8, Throw +10, Parry +13, Dodge
+8, Roll +5, Grapple +12, Initiative +14, Movement Experience
18, Actions 5, Damage +2
+1 Conclude the Izou/Blossom Meeting
Wushu: The GM can use any wushu from the
Without Bloodshed
Way of Denied Repose or Way of Survival – up to
level 3 +1 Defeated Bandits Without Killing Them
Other Notes: Cho has strange visions that can +1 Dealt with the Aristocrats
often provide momentary bonuses when he needs
+1 Visiting the Black Dragon Inn
them – like when he needs to escape. It allows
him to avoid being attacks when he attempts to +1 Finished the Journey to the Land of
break out of a battle. Seed and Blossom

Akasuta.................................................................61 Han Xiang, Seven Immortal................................15
Hanei Province................................................52-56
Hareyakana Karafutu.....................................66-67
B He Xiangu, Fifth Immortal..................................14
Bamboo Alchemists......................12, 17, 25-27, 59
Horoki Province..............................................46-50
Birthstone Imbuing..................................28-29, 88
Blossom Castes..........................................20-22, 75
C Iron Crutch Li, Second Immortal........................12
Capital Watchmen................................................53
Izou Influence..................................................22-23
Celestial Animals.............................................94-96
Chinmoku No Dangai...........................................61
The Chosen......................................................17-18 J
Crystal Bearers..............................11, 17, 28-30, 46 Jikuyuu Monastery...............................................62
Jishin Fort.............................................................49
Kiri To Ni Ho To..............................................68-69
E Kuiaratame no Kessaku.......................................66
Elders...............................................................16, 58
Kokina Koki River.................................................59
Kokuso Chitai Province..................................50-52
Fa Disease..................................................14, 50, 75
Lan Caihe, Sixth Immortal..................................14
Fighting Styles.................................................76-81
The Longest Lived...........................................19-20
Frog Style..................................................76, 78
Lost Island.............................................................50
Rhino Style.................................................78-79
Lu Dongbin, First Immortal.................................11
Sloth Style..................................................79-80
Lu Gonbin’s Path............................................47
Spider Style................................................80-81
Funeral and Burial Rites......................................56
G Midori Province..............................................59-62
Mori Hogosha....................................51-52, 99, 102
Grim Creepers...............................15, 17, 31-33, 62

Index (Continued)
Nejireta Tsuri Province..................................65-69 Wushu...............................................................81-93
Way of Denied Repose...............................81-83
Way of the Hive Body...............................83-85
P Way of Molded Bodies..............................85-87
Passion (Martyr)...................................................75
Way of Shards............................................87-89
Phantom Voices............................13, 17, 34-36, 56
Way of Unending Blight...........................89-91
Way of Vital Currents...............................92-93
Seiseki Ruins.............................................28, 48-49
Seven Catastrophe...............................................11
Shinde Shizukana Province...........................56-59
Shojo No Me..........................................................49
Sisterhood of Blood............................14, 17, 37-39 Y
Splendid Chameleons...................15, 17, 40-42, 65 Yakubyo’s Pox...............................12, 17, 43-45, 52
Suikoku Lake...................................................58-59 Yokoso Kagushi....................................................64
Suu........................................................15, 32-33, 66 Yuuki................................................................54-55

Tengoku No Jundo..........................................57-58 Zhang Guo, Fouth Immortal................................13
Toguchi Province............................................62-65 Zhongli Quan, Third Immortal...........................12

Untamed Wilds....................................65, 67, 69-70

Kickstarter backers
Chris Mobberley Curt Meyer
Bryan “Kaelten” McLemore Karl Griepentrog
Stephan Szabo Bastien Daugas
Aaron Wong Aaron Jones
Terrence “Terentius” Micheau Alex Lopez
Chip & Katie J.
Kristine Roper Michael Ostrokol
Candice Bailey Lee “Gobbo” Langston
David Rybacki Neal Dalton
Mark Gedak Christian A. Nord
Eric Brenders Robert Arndt
Nicholas W. Peddicord Matthew Broome
Shane Williamson Wordman
Jim Sweeney Ollie Gross
Steven “Stevil” Markley Winston
Andrew Ange Juan A. Baez III
D.R. Cordell Stephen Guttridge
Chris Gunning David Jackson
Cole W Russell Michael D Blanchard
David Gracia Vazquez Stacy M. Gossett
Max Mahem Chris Michael Jahn
Aaron “WolfSamurai” Roudabush Nick Bate
Lord Jolius, Master Scribe Drew (Andrew) South
Andrew Ange Xavier Freycon
D.R. Cordell Jake Kuska
Chris Gunning Mario Dongu
Cole W Russell Michael W. Mattei
David Gracia Vazquez Kyle “Fiddy” Pinches
Max Mahem Daniel Wright
Aaron “WolfSamurai” Roudabush Mark W Roy
Lord Jolius, Master Scribe Nikolay L.
Travis Bryant Kirt Dankmyer
Scaut Rod Chanas
Tommy Brownell Søren Aske Hjorth
Liam Murray Calvin Jones
Mark Maibroda Jake Mandel
Brian Cooksey Paul Harris
Shane Driskell Tim Aldridge
Brandon K. Aten Tim Popelier
Jay Steven Uy Anyong

You’ve been gifted with the
spark of divinity.

Will you give into the

power and leave your
mortal life behind?

Or will you lead a double

life and protect those
closest to you?

Choose wisely -
You only have one soul.


Third Eye Games

Wu Xing:
Truth and lies

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