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Name: _______________________


In this task, you will listen to a short conversation between two friends baking a pie. As you listen, fill in
the missing information to complete the note taking task below. Some blanks require answers of one or
two words; other questions require long answers.

1. According to Sarah’s mother her 2. What does Sarah need from her
cooking is really ___________. mother before they can bake the pie?


3. What kind of pie are they making? Put an X through

incorrect choices.
4. How many tablespoons of flour do they need? Shade in
the number of tablespoons used.

6. What degrees is the oven set on?


5. True or False:

Sarah’s mother’s pie crust is made

from scratch

7. Which of these items is not
8. Match the cooking skill with the item. Draw a line
something Carrie listed for the pie?
to connect the two
Circle the correct item.
Slice Dry Ingredients
Bowl Roll Butter
Melt Apples
Bowl Pour Pie Crust

Rolling pin


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