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Study Level:College

Page Count:4

Number of sources:2


Deadline:20 hrs

Topic:effects of the american war



Order Number:4790

Details:Paper Assignment History 2020 Fall 2016

In a well-organized essay

of 4-6 pages, respond to the statements and

questions listed below. Be sure

to provide references and examples from the

assigned readings (see below).

You are responsible for the entirety of For Whom

the Bell Tolls and Bloods.

Since this is a take-home assignment, grammar,

spelling, and the like will

carry more weight in the computation of the final

grade than is the case

for an exam. Examine the place of Americans in

war as described in the two

above texts. You are not limited to one idea;

rather, consider the way

Americans are portrayed as it relates to warfare.

For instance, you might

explore the reasons why American soldiers chose

to serve, and what happened

to these reasons as the soldiers experienced

actual combat. Another

possible area of analysis might be how warfare

changed the soldiers. Keep

in mind that you are not limited to these two

choices—you may discuss ANY

aspect of the texts as long as your essay

addresses the connection between

war and American participation as represented in

these two texts. In making

your arguments, you must provide examples from

the texts for support.

Rather than using formal footnotes/endnotes,

follow these instructions. At

the end of a citation--either a complete quotation

or a paraphrase (putting

the author’s ideas into your own words)--place

the author’s name and the

page numbers in parentheses. For example, a

quotation: “I really like to

teach history.” (Beirich, 21); a paraphrase: Some

people like to teach

history. (Beirich, 21) These methods are used to

teach you about the issue

of plagiarism, and to show you that historians

always try to attribute

properly their sources. This is the idea: You

cannot claim another’s ideas

as your own. In addition, avoid quoting from the

Introductions of the three

works. Theinformation contained in them is provided as

background material

only. Make your arguments from the texts

themselves--there is more than

enough information present for you to make

realistic conclusions about the

works. Your essay should use a standard format:

12 font, double spaced, one

inch margin. Be sure to proofread your paper

carefully; spelling, grammar,

and other issues related to proper presentation

and usage are a significant

part of this assignment. In addition, your paper

must be presented to me as

a hard copy, in class, on the day it is due, and

you must submit it

electronically to a turnitin assignment drop box on

Moodle. Failure to

follow both of these instructions will result in the

paper grade not being

recorded until they are completed. If you have any

questions regarding

topic, thesis argument, paper format, and/or

presentation, please do not

hesitate to ask. In most cases I can alleviate a

concern before it becomes

a problem, but you have to ask for help or make

me aware of the situation

ahead of time. Informing me of any and all issues

near to or on the day the

paper is due makes it extremely difficult for me to

help you.

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