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Identify two global societal issues from the following list that you would consider
researching further for your Week Five Final Argumentative Essay: adult illiteracy,
funding for General Education vs STEM in primary and secondary schools, minimum
wage, oceans desertification, overcoming the digital divide, refugee (escaping persecution,
war, or death) crises, species extinctions (modern), tax havens, Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP), universal statement of human rights (pick one), airport
security, or wealth disparity.

Two global issues that I am considering researching for my paper are refugee crisis and
minimum wage

Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the
two topics to further research for your final essay.

One effective method in identifying and narrowing down a topic is finding what interests me.
You can do this by brainstorming or free writing ideas and thoughts. You can also talk to other
people about them. I think that if you are interested or passionate about certain topics, your
argument can be strong and you will be more driven to create a strong and supported position.

Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly and

You can critically analyze sources 5 ways to determine if they are scholarly and credible by
using the criteria authority, currency, coverage, objectivity, and accuracy (Ashbury College,
2008). Authority means that the author’s reputation and credentials are educated in the
background of the topic. On the internet, the first thing I check for is the web page if it includes
.edu, .gov, .com, .org, etc. It is important to make sure that the research and information is
coming from an institution that is respected in that field. Currency means that the information is
relevant and up to date. A lot of information can change and you don’t want to you support your
claim with old information that has since been changed. Coverage of the information means
where the data is pulled from. Is it a primary or secondary source? Objectivity means that they
the source is based on fact and data, not opinion. Accuracy means that the evidence supports the
claims and all data is true and factual.

For one of the topics chosen, summarize information from at least two peer-reviewed
journal articles from the Ashford University Library that will support your claims.

For my paper I will be focusing on the aspect that the Syrian refugee crisis was created by
multiple countries, therefore the entire global community has an obligation to help in some form.
From Professor Shahram Askbarzadeh and Dara Conduit, the article in the journal summarizes
the Syrian refugee crisis. There are millions of Syrians that are seeking refuge outside of their
country and another 6 million that are internally displaced within the country. There are also
several outside countries that are actively involved with the crisis within the country such as the
United States, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey. Many call this a proxy war because
countries are involved by protecting their own self-interests without putting direct troops into the
country. The article describes how it has affected civilian lives, children, education, and living
conditions. They also recommend several things that can help the refugees such as supporting
organizations that are severely underfunded in providing food and assistance. They also
recommend that countries resettle more refugees like that of Germany (Askbarzadeh and
Conduit, 2016). The second article written by Seth Holmes and Heide Castañeda, detail the
structure of blame of why the European refugees are displaced and how different cultures and
countries react to them. For example, the discursive frames used in the media and in political and
popular narratives can help us learn a great deal about how the responsibility for suffering is
shifted, how fears of cultural, ethnic and religious difference are mobilized (Castañeda and
Holmes, 2016). The article also describes how there is no unified Europe when it comes to
dealing with the refugees and what the difference between a migrant and refugee is. Another
interesting fact is how each country and their media portrays the crisis, why it is happening, and
what they should be doing about it.

Explain why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic.

Scholarly sources should be used to support the topic because it gives facts and measurable data
that supports the claim. Using non-scholarly sources would make the paper based on opinion
which gives it less strength to stand on.

Part 3:

For my final argumentative paper, I would consider researching adult illiteracy and airport
security. I chose the airport security topic because as the Chesternutt Library webpage (n.d.)
states, I found a topic that interests me and that I have some background knowledge in. The
Ashford Library and search engines have provided a lot of literature on airport security. The
Ashford Library video file Evaluating Sources (n.d.) suggests using the C.R.A.A.P method
(Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, & purpose) to analyze sources to ensure that
scholarly and reliable. Searching in Databases states that to help ensure that an article is
scholarly that I should click on the scholarly/peer reviewed icon before I submit my other search
criteria. Likewise, I should use the “date Published” box to make sure that my resources are
current. The reason that I should use scholarly writing for my argumentative paper is best said in
the Evaluating Sources video file. It says that scholarly writings “are written and reviewed by
experts in a field of study, (and) they tend to be specific and narrow in scope”. I located a
scholarly article called Radiation Exposure and Privacy Concerns Surrounding Full Body
Scanners in Airports (2014). This article is from an applied science journal and focuses on the
social and health concerns that have surfaced from the use of full body scanners in airports.
Another scholarly article called Bombing Out: Using Full-Body Imaging To Conduct Airport
Searches in the United States and Europe Amidst Privacy Concerns (2010) touches on some of
the recent events that have led to the United States and other countries taking measures like full
body scanners in our airports.

Akbarzadeh, Shahram and Conduit, Dara. The Syrian refugee crisis [online]. Ethos, Vol. 24, No.
2, Jun 2016: 8-10. Availability:
<;dn=201756257009386;res=IELHSS> ISSN:
1448-1324. [cited 10 Jul 17].

Holmes, Seth and Castañeda, Heide (2016) Representing the European Refugee Crisis in
Germany and Beyond: Deservingness and Difference, Life and Death. American
Ethnologist 43(1): 12-24.

Ashbury College (2008). Source credibility

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