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 Elements:
(1) Unlawful
(2) Intentional act
(3) Physical Touching (can be offensive battery)
 Elements
o (1) Apprehension of an imminent unlawful contact
 P needs to experience apprehension of harmful physical contact or offensive
conduct (have to say if P fear is reasonable or unreasonable)
 Apprehension needs to be imminent
o (2) Defendant intends to do the act

False Imprisonment
 Elements
o (1) Defendant intends to confine plaintiff
o (2) Plaintiff is actually confined
o (3) Confinement is unlawful
 Elements
o (1) Intentional
o (2) Unlawful
o (3) Entry on to another’s land

Intentional infliction of emotional distress

 Elements:
(1) Conduct is extreme and outrageous (conduct that transcends all bounds of
decency, and happens infrequently)
(2) D intentionally or recklessly caused P to suffer severe emotional distress
o Reckless→ deliberately disregarding a high probability of a certain
outcome (subjective standard)
 “High probability” is between probably and virtually certain
o intent is about OUTCOME
(3) Plaintiff actually suffered extreme emotional distress

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