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1. INT. PINKY’S HOUSE – Afternoon

PINKY is dancing, her hand gestures are shown while she is dancing, and her clothing
will include anklets and red “lehenga”. She dances to a classical Indian song which plays
in the background. She wears “jhoomkay” and “ghungroo” which make chiming noises, which
mostly come from the anklets.

NAYL is drinking tea with men in their late twenties, some of them are drinking
alcohol and rolling tobacco. There are big cushions on the floor on which the men are
sitting. There is a hukkah pipe which is also being shared, and smoke is shown as well.
Some men are on the carpet, laughing and throwing money on PINKY.

2. INT. THE KITCHEN – Afternoon

CHOTU is making more mixed tea in the kitchen. The water is boiling on the stove
top as he washes more cups to pour the tea into. He pours the tea into the cups,
using the sieve. He carries the tray to the guests and serves them.

CHOTU looks at NAYL who takes PINKY into a bedroom. He walks over to a drawer in
the kitchen and takes out a kitchen knife which he slips into the sleeve of his

3. INT. THE BEDROOM – Afternoon

NAYL calls PINKY over to him but she continues dancing. He gets up and accidently
spills his tea as he approaches her and grabs her by the arm. Her jhumki falls
from one ear. She follows him into the bedroom and they close the door behind

As soon as the door closes behind them, NAYL shoves PINKY onto the bed and climbs
on top of her. While this is happening, CHOTU slips into the bedroom and stabs
NAYL in the neck. NAYL gasps as he falls onto PINKY’s body and bleeds out.

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