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Intricate minds build designs,

Take their time, evoke genius, see, without even trying.

Look at him, awe at her, whatever passerby action you prefer,
Acknowledgement and praise for an eclectic mess.
While you’re applauding superficial achievements bound on a corporeal plane
Their brain only sees the faults that still remain.
Retrospective thoughts, invasive thoughts flood their system, dopamine’s antagonist,
Shouting, screaming minute details even a perfectionist couldn’t catch.
Agonizing mortars breach the walls of mental fortitude,
A breakdown of the mind only the perceptive and knowing could observe.
The kind, the caring, the daring soldiers, navigating the rubble
And lifting the spirits, making an attempt
To lift someone holding themselves in contempt
For mistakes beyond their control.
Dark thoughts rush past the front line,
Thoughts with no association to the situation at hand
But they’re there because, hey,
They’re true, right?
Failure, deject, wreck,
Anyone taking a peek at the bleak situation
Would rally to no avail.
But it’s okay, right?
Because now they get to run home and get more passerby praise.

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