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My hobbies

In our life or life every human beings have hobby each other to fill free time or give a
little activity in this life. Not missing also being my own owned hobbies to make me feel
more happy and part.

I have a hobby in the field of singing or acting, because he has a special interest and
will not be equal with others. Since from small to small i have been involved directly in
this field because in the family there is blood of art flowing in the self. From kindergarten
again this talent is polished by many teachers introducing me in the field of attending or
acting like pentecostal and singing solo. But i continuing at the primary and secondary
school and at the stage of the higher institution.

I think of it as a hobby in this life in order to full fill time and fear and fill the tired times.
With all this we can be or train as a leader in something we do. It can be seen with we
can be faced with many audiences from different nations and religion and somewhat
different culture.

We can recognize between meetings and understand what to make we moving higher
or changing this hobbies as a career that we can benefit in the future. It gets a better
opportunity like being a singer or actor who can find more festive opportunities in this
field. Just people only art can understand what art. Cause art is beautiful. Not everyone
has everything. Make us attractive and creative and a talent that must be applied in our
daily life. We can see if it all can be a songwriter and your own song.

I can make it life better from anything. Please my hobbies it is not him who do not die
time. It can make life a better life because it can reflect themselves and make us older
to evaluate something interesting and leaving the impact the positive in life and the

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