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Nama : Amelia Saraswat

NIM : 1710121120001

Prodi : Pendidikan Fisika

Kelas : A


1. Kayla look so beautful tonight.

2. Mark play football well during the game.
3. When singing I feel so happy.
4. The sun is shining so bright today.
5. We learned to use electric measuring devices in the laboratory..


1. Lambung Mangkurat University is where I contnue my educaton.

2. Bangtan Boys is a famous group idol from South Korea.
3. The cat was lovely for me.
4. The Gramedia Bookstore has many interestng books.
5. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most excitng holiday places to visit.


1. We went to school using blue bikes.

2. I live with my big family.
3. You don’t need to have cool stuffs to be happy.
4. My uncle is a handsome and busy man.
5. My young brother is cute but also annoying.

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