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measures are typically specific to the processes being measured.

In each of these
cases,technology has a role to play in providing the data needed by the relationship marketer
inreal time, or in near real time, to enable additional investigation or action. If there
iscustomer retention problem or a share of customer problem, for example, technology
can b e o pe r at i n g i n t he b a ck gr ou nd, u ns e en t o t h e r el at i on shi p m a rk et e r, ga t h
e ri n g an d evaluating data and providing the relationship marketer with exceptional reports.
6. Collaboration and Integration
When the customer is invited into the process that creates value for her, she is more likelyto
increase the level at which she is bonded to the company. The process which
createsthe value she seeks could be in any or in all process. Thus, the customer could work
witha vendor to collaborate in areas such as product and service.
Conceptualization, design,development , production to order, value bundling, distribution
and service/support.Technology can help customers collaborate with their suppliers to
create mutual value.Electronic Data Interchange, in particular, has had significant
impact on order –taking,shipping and invoicing processes, causing improved turnaround of
orders, cash flow andstructural bonding.
7. Customization
Customization should not be confused with personalization. Customization allows
thecompany or the customer or both to develop a product, service or communication
thatr e fl e ct s t h e v al u e t h e cu st om e r w ant s. P e rso n al i z at i on i s t h e pr o ce ss t h at
en ab l e s communication, product and service to bear the name of the custom

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