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In the aftermath of unmorally wanted events

When a single second of lonely sleep becomes a dream that i just went
i was awake, and it was so deep that i nearly forget:
every Plank’s instant i don’t give up increases the bet

Maybe you love and maybe i do

Only our decisions over the rest of the world will turn
The switch which allows our shared madness to blue
The visible blue which people can see through

Tell me the time, how much time do we have?

If got something to aim, forget the saints
Let’s do this sin my, baby baby of mine
If got something to change, let me all arrange
If i don’t do this sin, i will ever regret

Let me hear you sing until i fall asleep

Let me kiss you like an eskimo under a summer tree
I will play with your hair and say nice things
And i’ll sing you this when no one else hears

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