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Observation 3/7/18 @ 10:50am

Essential Question and Learning Target not visible.

Discussing building a house

Students and teachers were discussing notes displayed on the board (Instructional
Framework-Direct Instruction)

Asked alot of open-ended questions , 2 closed questions

Flexible seating

Looked out the window and looked at examples of Joists on different buildings on our campus
Students were responding to her questions and asking questions for clarification she addressed
all students.

Gave real world scenarios….”How many of you could pick up a certain amount of steel, you
would not need help, why or why not

Students challenged some of the scenarios as a questioning, she welcomed it by discussing it

openly with the class.

Said “very good”

Used active board and regular white board

Comfortable classroom- teacher and students laughed at a joke related to topic. When a student
was off topic, all she had to do was look him to stop. She called a student name to redirect him,
he said sorry she said thank you, did not disrupt class or throw her off track.

Work on assignments in the textbook the remainder of the class time she addressed students
about lining up at 11:23

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