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Player Characters: Reagan and Patience

Plot: With the arrival of new kindred to the domain, the characters must learn to share their
playground. Unfortunately, the youthful Inquisition are present to muck things up. Can the players
satisfy the needs of their constituency while overcoming this new threat to Galtre?

Conflict: The Inquisition requires sacrifice; new blood Cainites don’t always agree and require homes.
Samuel the smith is looking for revenge. DuBois’ remaining men require settlement or destruction.

Setting: Galtre, England 1231. Including Redford, Milestone Castle, The distant monastery, and Jill’s barn

Mood: Fear / Revenge – Focused on the Covenant of Secrecy and potential discovery.

Motif: The Cross, Black waves of grain, pain

The Hook: The characters return to Galtre to find that the Monastery in the northern quarter is being
burned to the ground. Cainite Heretics attempt to flee the Monastery yet are burned alive. A newly
arrived squad of Inquisitors have arrived.

Setting the Stage: It is during the burning of the Monastery that Samuel the Smith exclaims Patience as
a draugr and assaults her. Further, he kidnaps Jill and attempts to flee into the night. This leaves

Building the Action:

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