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Ja Planned Task Notes (done, not done,

n issues etc). Reflections and

reasons for changes

1 Make sure the song is Not done due to

completely finished. complications over the
Practise it in order to be break. I did not have a
able to record it in a few guitar and only managed to
days. get one at the end of the

2 Compose the first Verse The task was done on time.

I finally had my Verse’s
music ready

6 First time recording the This was an important date

song for my project but I failed
to realize it. I haven't been
Compose the music for aloud to bring my guitar on
the chorus the break which didn’t
aloud me to work and being
able to finish my song
during the break. I was able
to compose the complete
music for the choruses and
for the verses.

7 Compose the music for The verses’s music has

the Verses been completed on time.

8 Meeting with supervisor Meeting was successful


11 Write ideal lyrics for the The ideal lyrics for the
chorus chorus have been
12 Meeting with expert. I I successfully met with my
need to show her the song expert. We practised the
and make her give me parts I already had and
feedback and what to made sure I was on the
change or improve. right track. We made a few
Meeting with supervisor changes and wrote the
lyrics nicely on the



15 Meeting with supervisor Meeting with supervisors

have changed to fridays, as
I have Jazz Senior band on
Mondays. I met with my
supervisor and explained to
him what I already have
and what I was planning on
working on.


17 Meeting with expert My Expert couldn’t come



20 First performance. Still First performance didn’t

have to figure out where. happen due to the fact that I
didn’t finish to compose the

21 Rewrite the investigation Done successfully

22 Meeting with supervisor Done successfully

23 Final draft of the song Done on time!!

24 Meeting with Expert My expert couldn’t come,

therefore I decided to look
for a new expert.





29 Meeting with supervisor Done on time


F Planned Task Notes (done, not done, Evidence

eb issues etc). Reflections and
reasons for changes

1 Meeting with NEW Both tasks were done on

Expert (lara) time. I met with my expert
Make modifications if and modified a few parts of
needed on the song the song. We changed the
strumming pattern of the
guitar in the Chorus.

3 Record the song in a The studios in Istanbul
studio. were too expensive for me
to be able to record in a
100% professional way.
Therefore, I decided to
record it at my house with a
teacher that has the high
quality material needed to
record the song.

5 Meeting with supervisor This meeting has been

canceled due to the fact that
I didn’t need any help by
my supervisor but instead
needed to attend a music
meeting with an expert at
lunch time in order to
discuss an issue regarding
the recordings of the guitar.

8 Send the song or show the The song has been

song to two expert to get successfully sent to my
feedbacks. experts and I am currently
waiting for their feedbacks.

9 Make sure to modify your I received feedback from Refer to process journal entry 10
song and use the three experts. My expert
feedback. that helped me, Lara, gave
me oral feedback and a
grade of 18/18. Murat, the
other experts gave me a
grade of 17/18. Ms.
Hopping did not answer my
email or took the time to
write down feedback until
the 14th february,
therefore, I wasn’t able to
make the changes she
proposed me to have. I was
only able to use a few of
her feedbacks, the one that
I had time to change.

10 Meeting with expert I met with my expert and

Record video or create realized the quality of the
your own video with song was not that good.
imovie. Finalise the video Therefore, we decided to
with the music. plan an additional day in
order to re record the guitar
and add a few harmonies.
There was a technical issue
the day we recorded the
song therefore the song
didn’t sounded unfinished
and has a lot of crushing
sounds. Regarding the
Video making, I decided to
do it with the help of a
professional; therefore, I
did not record it that day
but planned to record it
later on.

12 Meeting with supervisor I was able to put the
Prepare a plan of what I timings and exactly what i
want on my musical video wanted in my music video.
for my song I want to have my sister
dancing in a black room as
well as me walking along
the bosphorus. The clip
ends with my sister, which
is wearing a white mask all
the time, taking it off when
the last lyrics: “we walk
this halls and we fake, we
pretend everything's okay,
but deep inside we are
breaking”. Once she takes
the mask, she will have
makeup that is all over her
eyes which will look like
she cried and therefore this
scene could be meaningful
to the audience showing the
challenges when being
bullied and how it can
impact people.


14 Meeting with professional This was done on time.

video maker, Ayhan However, a few days later,
Ozdemir, to film the Ayhan Ozdemir texted me
music video I directed and saying he needed to retake
planned. the main shot (the one of
my sister taking her mask
off) and therefore we add to
plan an additional date.

Meeting with Expert to re This task was done one

15 record the guitar and a time. We now have the full
few vocals. song perfectly recorded.



18 Additional date to re film This task failed to happen

the scene with Ayhan due to the fact that there
Ozdemir was a lot of traffic and that
I was stuck in the bus.
Additionally, the weather
was extremely bad and it
would have been
complicated to film.
Therefore we discussed on
a date right after the


20 Brainstorming what I I came to conclusion that I

want to have on exhibition needed two posters. The
day and how I would like first ones discusses my way
to present it. of creating a song while the
second one gives the main
information about bullying
and the way music
impacted the World. I will
then be able to link
bullying with the way I can
make a change using the
research made and explain
the way I composed my
song. Additionally, I will
have a box, note cards and
pen for people to write
comments. I will write on
the box two main questions
that people might answer in
order to help me out: 1.
How did my song impacted
you? 2. How can you make
a change?
Lastly, I will be distributing
my blue bracelets with the
title: “Break the Silence” to
the people who answer my
questions or leave a short
comment in the box. I will
additionally have to main
title to add to my table:
“Break the Silence” in big
letter, 1m50cm long and
“Music composition”
which I will add on my
table so people will be able
to refer to the title and then
decide if they are interested
or not. See evidence for a
clearer idea of the overall
look of my table.

21 Meeting with expert Was on holidays in

Switzerland therefore
couldn’t meet with m
expert or work on the song
during this week.

22 Creating the information I created two google docs

that is going to be written where I first wrote down
on the posters. my steps of how to
compose a song. I wrote
exactly what i wanted to
include on my posters. I
additionally put in the
document the pictures I
wanted to put on thaz
I structured the second
poster in order to already
know exactly what i have
to write and stick on the
second poster.


24 Final meeting with Ayhan This meeting worked out.

Ozdemir We were able to re record
the scene that did not
workout and to film
additional scenes in order
for him to have a bigger
variety of shots. He sent me
different final videos later
on that day and by Monday
I told him exactly what I
needed him to change. The
final product was ready on
Tuesday night.
25 Creating three different Done on time.
posters. One for “How to
compose a song” one for
“Does music make a
change in the World” and
one about “Bullying facts”

26 Meeting with supervisor Final meeting with mr.

Esmail to make sure I am
ready for exhibition day.


28 MYP Personal Project Successful presentation

Exhibition 2018 Life performance was

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