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Harlyn D.

Obrador International Political Economy

FS301 Sir Jumel Estrañero

Hotel Rwanda
In 1994 in Rwanda, a million members of the Tutsi tribe were killed by members of the Hutu tribe
in a massacre that took place while the world looked away. "Hotel Rwanda" is not the story of that
massacre.Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle), a Hutu, manages the Hôtel des Mille Collines and
lives a happy life with his Tutsi wife (Sophie Okonedo) and their three children. But when Hutu
military forces initiate a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Tutsi minority, Paul is compelled
to allow refugees to take shelter in his hotel. As the U.N. pulls out, Paul must struggle alone to
protect the Tutsi refugees in the face of the escalating violence later known as the Rwandan
genocide. Principal filming was shot on location in Kigali, Rwanda and Johannesburg, South
Africa. Paul Rusesabagina was consulted during the writing of the film. Although the character of
Colonel Oliver played by Nolte is fictional in nature, the role was inspired by the UN force
commander for UNAMIR, Roméo Dallaire.
About the traumatic experience of the characters, I can say that their experience they are stress too
much because of the massacre. They are all thinking everyday that what if they die and also their
family, what are they going to do to be safe. Where did they go and also Paul who manages the
hotel he was so afraid, stressed but he did his task to protect his family and others inside the hotel.
I can say that if ever the massacre happen again or not too much like that, they panic so much
because of the previous happenings in their life. They are all afraid when they saw or hear guns,
bombs or somethimg that reminds them about the massacre.
I can relate the security to state development by, example I can say that the state is developed when
it comes to security it is very good and they serve a strict security. I mean the state shoul provide
a highest security for the people and its state. They always doing the best to state and if they did
that the people are not thinking too much because they know that they are safe and trusted the
security and its people.
Conventional warfare is a form of warfare conducted by using conventional weapons and
battlefield tactics between two or more states in open confrontation. The forces on each side are
well-defined, and fight using weapons that primarily target the opponent's military. Peace reserach
includes the study of causes of armed violence and war, processes of conflict, and preconditions
for peaceful resolution and peace-building. Development research is concerned with poverty,
structural inequalities, reasons for underdevelopment, and preconditions for positive development.
I think now more feasible is peace development because we don’t see war now like in the movie.
But, we didn’t know what happens someday. What if some countries are getting ready now for the
future in case war happens so we have to be ready and improve our weapons and have a plan.
Base on what happen in the film, I think that was a big affection in economy. Many people lost,
many things, infrastructure and public use was lost. Many businesses lost and because of that the
people didn’t know how to start again their life. Didn’t make the surrounding fastly develop. I
think the allies/countries helps it but not as soon as possible the economy grows like it’s previous

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