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Jakarta, KOMPAS.

com – the vice chairman of Gerindra Party, Fery Juliantono said that the
chairman of the Party, Prabowo will declare himself as one of the candidate of the 2019
Presidential Election, in early April.

“In early April, he [Prabowo] will officially answer the demand of the region. Our Party
wants Prabowo to propose himself as the candidate for the election.” Said Ferry in the Sari
Pacific Hotel on Sunday (18/3)

When asked about the reason why Prabowo seems to buy some time to publicly announce his
intention to join the election, Ferry explained that there are a lot of things that he [Prabowo]
needs to take care of.

According to Ferry, Prabowo is now still focuses on the consolidation ahead the 2018
regional election.

In several areas, Prabowo will be the campaigner of the Gerinda party’s candidate pair.

In addition, Gerindra is still communicating with other parties to explore the coalition.

So far, PKS is the only ally of Gerindra.

Ferry denies that the coalition is the reason why Prabowo is not yet declaring his
participation. In his argument, PKS and Gerindra are enough to carry Prabowo. Nevertheless,
the communication is still open between Gerindra and other parties.

Ferry said that exploring the assessment was conducted with the parties which in the regional
election carry Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and has yet to make a choice in the presidential
election. “PKB, Demokrat, or the other parties which was supporting Agus and there are
signs of his candidates are not being elected as nominees for vice president of Jokowi will
likely to falter.”

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