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21 March 2018

Fazaia Inter College,
Kallar Kahar.
Subject: Application for the post of Psychologist
Dear Sirs,
As an adroit & skilled professional, I am writing to express my interest for the
captioned post under your kind control.
My experience aligns me well with the qualifications you are seeking at your
Institution, in particular my role as professional with Mobility Quest, a leading name in
Clinical Psychology Field, I am certain that I would make valuable addition to your
Institution. Moreover, I am also very addicted to help patients with emotional and
psychological problems overcome their difficulties in order to captive their lifestyle
improvements such as stopping smoking, increasing exercise, healthy eating, and stress
With 4 years’ experience as professional, I am adept in settings help patients who
have been admitted for mental and emotional problems, as well as medical and surgical
patients who need help coping with illness or injury, such as patients with chronic pain,
spinal cord injuries, neurological conditions or stroke. Moreover, while my on-the-job
experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate research and
writing abilities, I excel at:
In addition to my experience and personal qualities, I have a solid educational
foundation and a passion for the concerned position. I am extremely enthusiastic about
your Institution and would welcome the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing success.
Please review my attached resume for additional details regarding my expertise and
career achievements. I will follow up to request an appointment to discuss how my
experience and background meets your needs.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely
Sami Ullah Khan

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