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Drop Pipette

Good morning guys, today I want to introduce to all of you about one of the instrument in the
laboratory. In here I have a drop pipette. Before I introduce about this instrument, I want
introduce my self first. My name is Erra Setya Hasana from regular A class Medical laboratory
medic poltekkes kemenkes Palembang.
Drop pipette is a instrument made of glass tubing and the tip in this drop pipette is tapered or
sharp that fuction is as the entrance and exit of the solution to be taken, pipette body is used as
a solution place , and at the top there is a rubber suction that fuctions to suck the solution to be
Drop pipette is the cheap instrument but this instrument have a big function. The functions of
the drop pipette is :
1. To take the solution in a small amount or quantities
2. Dripping the solution in small quantities

In the drop pipettes 1 ml equals to 20 drops. We can use the instrument for qualitative test for
example . the meaning of the qualitative test is a test that does not need a a high accuracy in
terms of size and etcetera. For example At the time of diluting / making the solution was
approaching the mark on the flask tera, the pipette is used as a tool to take a solution that does
not exceed the mark tera
Oke I think that’s all about drop pipette that I know, I am apologize if I make some mistake,
thank you for you’re attention , I end our meeting today with Wassalamualaikum wr.wb. and
see you next time.

Pipet tetes atau pipet droping merupakan alat yang terbuat dari pipa kaca dan bagian ujungnya
meruncing, dan dibagian atas terdapat karet yang fungsinya untuk menghisap larutan yang akan
diambil. Alat ini merupakan alat yang harganya murah tetapi peranannya sangat besar. Pada
saat mengencerkan / membuat larutan sudah mendekati tanda tera pada labu takar, maka
digunakan pipet ini sebagai alat bantu untuk mengambil larutan agar tidak melebihi tanda tera

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