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Aberrations found before this release are listed below.

To determine if a work around is suggested for an item you

found refer to these items. Contact us at to determine if there is a work-around to any
aberrations you find that are not listed, to report a bug or to get additional information after this release.

Issues, Workarounds and Corrections Platform:

# Description Work
XP 2000 98 Around?
1 Installation: Install on clean Win 2000 system requires MDAC,
VBAJet, and PrintFix 1 DLLs. Work around: Follow the Printer X X Y
readme.txt file and install the appropriate Microsoft dlls.
2 Installation: Win2000 by default drops the Archive folder in the
RPM applications folder because it could not find the
document/settings folder from the system info. Work around: This
is correct default behavior. The user can change the archive path
manually by using the File: Archive¡ menu item to another folder
on their system but that folder must already exist.
3 My Driving Force My Values: Refresh to add more values.
After input of away values the user could tab back to the towards
value but could not use the left or right click functions to get to the
next row or to any other areas of the program. Locked in that X Y
function or the away function. Closed the program by holding
down Control Alt and Delete keys and restarted. Workaround
Refresh issue that did not recur upon restarting.
4 Category Import: When you import a Category you can hit OK
on the import dialog and not choose an Area of Management
(“AOM”) for the Category, the dialog closes and the category was
not imported anywhere. There should be some error message or X X X N
otherwise not allow the user to choose an empty AOM for the
imported Category. Work around: none, there is no data loss, but
this could be confusing.
5 My Life: Per/Pro and My Enterprise: Company Cat: If you
have a project associated with a Must Result in a category, then
delete that Must Result, the project still exists. But if you attempt
to modify the project, it will insist that it be associated with some
Area of Management in the Project¡ dialog. In other words, it
cannot be made an independent (non-associated) project. Since
projects or RPM blocks are flowing from the Must Result, there
really wouldn’t be a reason for there to be orphaned projects.
Work around: none, but the user could just associate it with a
dummy Area of Management/Must Result that they create in My
Life or My Enterprise.

6 Export/Import result blocks: Should you export a result block

that is scheduled and import it back into the same RPL file the
user will end up with the block in two places, but on the schedule
once. Work around: none.
7 Find Feature: If you conduct a find search which results in an X X X Y
item found in the Persona or Professional - Area Of Management
then switch to My Enterprise the user will see the word
“Personal”: as the name of a company. You cannot add categories
to it, but you can enter some data on some screens. The
“Personal” company is not a real company. Work around: Don’t
work with the Personal or Professional AOM in My Enterprise if
item found in the Persona or Professional - Area Of Management
then switch to My Enterprise the user will see the word
“Personal”: as the name of a company. You cannot add categories
to it, but you can enter some data on some screens. The
“Personal” company is not a real company. Work around: Don’t
work with the Personal or Professional AOM in My Enterprise if
you see it there.
Find Details show a December 31, 1969 in the Create Screen
8 and Daily screen. There is no data on that screen when selected.
Workaround: None - When this date reference it could change the
reference date so before you work in the file that uses this date
make sure to update any dated items or that you are working on
the date you want to for scheduling
Find Details for Contacts screen are not listed.
9 Workaround: None - When you click on the contact name on the
details screen you will be directed to the screen to review each
find entry.
Celebrate Screen: if you click out and delete the last achievement
10 (Weekly or Daily) then the user won’t have a blank row to enter a
new achievement. Work around: Refresh the screen manually by
clicking on the Celebrate button to show the blank row again.
11 Celebrate Screen: If you are entering new text on the Celebrate
screen in Weekly or Daily, and change the date while the edit box
is still open, the text you were editing becomes an entry on the
new date (the one you just changed to), not the original date. X X X Y
Work around: make sure you close the new, current edit box
before changing the date (by clicking off it).
12 Celebrate Screen: Right Click function to move items to
Journal Achievements do not provide any indicator that the
function has been done. In the 98 versions there is a green
indication that will stay on the screen until you move off of it.
There is no color indicator for the XP version. Workaround: None
Marking all items that are to be moved to Journal Achievements
or Magic Moments one at a time will help from double entries on
the Journal Achievements page.
13 Entering too many characters in the following columns will cause
a Command Failed Error or when printing on XP you will get a
Field Too Small error.
1) My Enterprise: Company Categories Screen. - Who
2) Daily Create/Weekly Create/Project Create: Leverage
3) Project Commit: the Resources column
Each should have 40 or fewer characters. Work around: Must
have less than 40 characters in these columns.
14 My Enterprise Capture Right Click option to Move the Capture
to the must results area adds an extra line between the first must X X X Y
result and this moved item. Workaround: delete the extra block.
15 My Enterprise: Weekly Step 2: If you are entering a new Capture,
Top 5, or result/purpose for the week and keep the edit cell open
when you change the date for the screen, the capture/Top
5/result/purpose you were editing becomes a capture/Top X X X Y
5/result/purpose on the new date, not the old date. Work around:
Close the edit cell first by clicking off it, and then change the date.
Project Create Screen Reprioritization Print Error:
16 After reprioritizing and deleting some actions, the print out
numbers are in order but are not numbered correctly.
Workaround: When you print or print preview after reopening the
numbering will be corrected. Note when working with Must
Result priorities prioritize them before moving them to projects or
other moves since it cannot be re-prioritized after the move occurs.

17 Project Commit (Weekly): Commit time for a result and some of

its actions. Go to the Weekly Capture and create result blocks
from the actions. Go back to the Project Commit screen and
commit some time to an action for the result block you just put on
the create screen. It won’t show up in the Capture screen again for
the new action since it already thinks that block is on the Create X X X N
Screen (i.e., you cannot commit time to a project result/action, put
it on the Create screen, and then go back to that result and commit
more time). Work around: none. You have to Commit all at once
the first time since once the result ends up on the Create screen; it
is filtered out of the Capture list.
18 Project Commit: When durations are added on the Commit
screen with the Results Only view the Action duration times
from the Create screen will not carry over to the Weekly
Create Screen.
While we have set up RPM to default to manage commit screens
by result there are other options that are available to you and we
want you to use RPM in the way that you need to stay focused on
the results you want to achieve. Workaround: A) At the weekly
level you will find that you need to input the duration times again.
B) To be more efficient with your planning you may wish to list the
actions on the project screen and leave the planning durations X X X Y
blank until it reaches the level of the weekly create screen. This
will avoid repetition in putting in duration time; You may find that
re-evaluating the duration for items in context with the week
allows you to keep your commitments and schedule in context with
the other activities of your week.
C) The power of focus will give you the ability to complete the
results that matter to you most. If you view all action items on the
Project Commit screen and use this tool to define the duration
times then RPM will automatically put these duration times into
your weekly plan Create Screen so that the result and action(s)
are less flexible. Thus, your focus and commitments are not
competing with the other to do's that tend to take over.
are less flexible. Thus, your focus and commitments are not
competing with the other to do's that tend to take over.

19 Daily Capture/Weekly Commit/Project Commit to Day: This

issue arises when the user assigns a duration on the commit screen
for a single action and is interrupted in the planning process
following a very specific pattern as follows:
When the Result has more than one action associated to it and only
one action item is given a commit duration. If the second (or
more) actions are not committed at the same time you will find X X X Y
that when you enter a new random capture item, then go back to
the Commit screen and assign durations to finish off the process
the random capture that you entered on to the capture screen will
be deleted. Work around: Assign durations on the Commit screen
as per the default option of Results only. Assign all action items
before moving to Capture to enter random capture items.
20 Weekly Communications Capture: Right click to move the X X X Y
Action does not work - you are not able to put the action into the
result block Workaround: Go back to the Contacts log copy and
paste the action into the regular Capture area instead.
21 Weekly Capture: Role result area - copy all to create - menu item
did not refresh at the bottom portion of the Capture screen but the
result was created on that week. Work around: Manually refresh
the screen by clicking on the Capture button for the week.
22 Weekly Roles Screen: Right Click function of adding a purpose X Y
from the purpose list causes the screen to jump to the top, this
causes the user to reset for each entry being made when working
on a lower item. Workaround Switch priorities so those blocks you
are working in at the top of the screen then when finished move it
back to your intended priority position.
23 Deferring result Blocks Weekly or Daily
When you defer a result block that you did not complete either
today or this week, then defer all incomplete result blocks you will
have duplicate result blocks for the following day or week X X X Y
(depending upon the section you are in). Workaround If you do
this block-by-block then decide to defer all incomplete blocks you
will need to delete extraneous data.
24 Schedule All day events: Only one All Day event can be
posted. Work around: Add another item to a new line within this X X X Y
section when more than one item needs to be noted.
Schedule Screen; Duplicate Results appear on the Schedule
screen. When results and actions flow to the Daily schedule
screen you may find duplicate results. This occurs when you
follow the normal process of committing and creating plans. It X X X N/A
can't be deleted from this schedule screen but stays in that screen
in the area called Committed Results and Actions You will notice
these duplicate results Leave them under this heading The result
cannot be scheduled twice and turns gray when you try to schedule
it. Workaround - Add items to the schedule from the Create screen
by right clicking on the result or action. Items will still appear on
the schedule listing on the side but you will see the (s) next to the
item to know that it was scheduled and won't double schedule the
cannot be scheduled twice and turns gray when you try to schedule
it. Workaround - Add items to the schedule from the Create screen
by right clicking on the result or action. Items will still appear on
the schedule listing on the side but you will see the (s) next to the
item to know that it was scheduled and won't double schedule the
same item.
26 Celebrate Screen; Daily and Weekly Achievements
momentarily turn green when sent to Journal Entry Screen
Daily or Weekly Achievements that are sent to Journal
Achievements as a right click function remains in Magic Moments X N
and is highlighted in green with windows 98 while on this screen.
The color is removed when you click off then back on to the
27 Help file opening graphic starts on the Must Result screen.
Workaround: To start from the beginning of the file and work
your way through—in Help navigate to the Contents screen and
click on icon at the very top labeled ?RPM.
28 Help file: text error
More Time: Applying the 5 Master Steps Complete, Measure and
Celebrate: Apply Step 5 to Project and Must Results
Once a Must Result or project is completed there is cause for a
huge celebration but RPM has been designed to encourage you
measure and celebrate as results/actions flow into your daily and
weekly plans. This way you don't lose sight of any of the victories
that happen along the way.
While there isn't a celebrate screen for Must Results or Projects, X X X N/A
we recommend that you measure your progress in theses sections
of RPM as you do your weekly planning. When the Must Result
or Project is complete, you can add it to the Celebrate screen on
within any of the sections on that screen or within Journal
Achievements. Revision: This should be included with Philosophy
More Time Applying the Five Master Steps and for information on
how to use the Celebrate screen there is a link when you are in
Step by Step Introduction to the Project planner.
29 Help file: Contents notice
Using Celebrate functionality description is located under My
Life in the contents. It is linked with Project, Weekly and Daily at X X X N/A
the Introduction of each screen. This is part of Step 5 of the
Weekly Planning process and the juice in life!
30 Help file: text error
Celebrate Screen; Results and Achievements can be sent to either
the Journal Entry Screen or the Journal Achievements screen.
RPM does not automatically transfer results from the Celebration X X X Y
screen to the Journal. You are in control of directing these
celebrations where you want them. Revision: This as a right click
function on the Celebrate screen from Daily or Weekly
Achievements. You can also enter your Achievements and Magic
Moments directly on this screen.
Achievements. You can also enter your Achievements and Magic
Moments directly on this screen.

31 Shortcuts and tips

To return to the first screen in any section by pressing the Shift or
Ctrl button – you will automatically return to the first screen in the
32 Schedule Color code
Orange =Items directly entered on the schedule
Blue = Daily items scheduled from the Committed
Results/Actions X X X N/A
Dark Blue = An All Day event
Yellow =. Items selected for placement into the schedule when
working on this screen.

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