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Department of Media and Communication Studies

Savitribai Phule Pune University

CS204: Research Methodology

Assignment 1: Dissertation Review


Issue a major research dissertation from the departmental library. The dissertation could be a 3rd
semester group project or 4th semester individual project. Make sure you have not selected a content
development project. (Content development project does not have aim, objectives and methodology

Register the title of the dissertation to Prof Ajit Gagare on or before 10th March 2018 (so no two
students will be working on the same dissertation)

After reviewing the dissertation you have chosen answer the following questions/points

I. Give the details of the dissertation: title, author, year etc.

II. Relevance of the topic: Why researcher had chosen this topic for research? Is his/her
justification convincing enough? Justify your position
III. What is the aim of the dissertation? What are the objectives/hypotheses of the research?
Do you think objectives are framed properly? Critically comment on the relevance of the
IV. Has researcher conducted review of related literature? It is sufficient in your opinion. Select any
three literature sources (research papers only) mentioned in the research. Read all three
sources and write a 500 word note that describes how chosen articles are interrelated.
V. Identify the methodology and sampling scheme used in the research and write the justification
given by the researcher for the choice of the same

Mode of submission: hard/soft copy

Date of submission: will be communicated in the class

Wish you good luck!!!

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