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Definition of Terms

I. Introduction
a. Objectives/Purpose

II. Geotechnical …
a. Soil investigation
b. Site conditions
c. Soil profile

III. Background
a. Sheet Piling

IV. Sheet Pile Driving

a. Preliminary
i. Cost Proposal and CM Evaluation
ii. Bill of Quantities/Bill of Materials
iii. Proposed Sheet Piling Design/Lay-out
iv. Purchase Order – Sheet Pile Driving
v. Methodology
b. Site activities
c. Monitoring
d. Observations/Comments

V. Sheet Pile Extraction

a. Preliminary
i. Cost Proposal and CM Evaluation
ii. Bill of Quantities/Bill of Materials
iii. Purchase Order – Sheet Pile Extraction
iv. Methodology
b. Site activities
c. Monitoring
d. Observations/Comments

VI. Observations and Recommendations

Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:

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