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Assignment 3 blog

Week one- starting script- today (5/3/18) I nearly finished my script, I

don’t know if it is 5 minutes long but I will try finish tomorrow (6/3/18) and find out.

(6/3/18) I finished my script (around 1200 words) and I have had my teacher read
through it and I did what he told me to add or improve, for example I was told to
explain the reverse shot and 180 degree rule. I was also told to explain and add
more to my visual effects part.
I finished my script and I have started to do the audio part of the film (March 6)

Week two- I finished the audio and have added it to my video, all I have to do
now is finish editing my audio and add more to the visible part of the video. (12

14 march, I have finished my video a day before the deadline. All I have to do now is
do my evaluation

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