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ee nee eae ee Seen ee Coe eee ge ge nC ee Cee Ra Rec a oc SU “As long-silenced histories of resistance come to life on paper, Drawn to Changes proof that there is still revolutionary magic left in pens and pencils.” Be eet oe eee ad "The Graphic History Collective makes the political personal, and beautiful, and inspirational.” See ee eM ace ee ea ee a) Dede ua cu en Re eee and tragedies, uprisings and setbacks, as they fought to make our working lives better. Pee oe CS ge Sabrina Jones, author of Our Lady of Birth Control: A Cartoonist’s Encounter with Ds ad “Historical consciousness is vital. As working-class people, itis our responsibility to pass on our histories of struggle and resistance to new generations. Drawn to Change makes an important en acne cs Ten RR ocd ee ace Ce aD Dec edad Lea a “These graphic artists are engaged in the humble and tireless work of documenting untold Tee eee eee Pee Cee Sen) Pen Cec ce ME gen a ed a “Through a wide variety of styles and approaches the artists and writers of Drawn to Change have come together with a common purpose: to inform, illuminate, and express the struggles and achievements of various workers through the medium of comics. Say that again? Yes, comics— tackling serious personal and political subjects. Powerfully executed, this book brings history to readers in an accessible and engaging form.” ee tee ad Cee Rem ae ec) il II coe

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