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Session 1 Follow-Up Questions

Leaders, look over the questions and choose the ones that you feel are most
appropriate for you students. You will probably not have time to get through
all the questions, so use wisdom and ask the most appropriate ones.

1. Solomon, who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, starts his book by telling how
he felt about life. He wrote:

These are the words of the Teacher, King David’s son, who ruled in Jerusalem.
“Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!” (Ecl.

 Have you ever felt, or known someone that felt, that “Life was
Meaningless?” Was in deep despair? If so, can you tell us some of that

2. Solomon made 3-observations about life that led him to feel, temporarily,
that life was meaningless. He saw that: Life is short (Ecl. 1:3-4); There is
Nothing New to Do (Ecl. 1:8-10) and; No One Remembers You After You Die
(Ecl. 1:11).

 Which of these did you connect with?

 Do you feel they are true of you?
 The average life-expectancy in Brazil is 72-years. Which means, if you are
18-years old, you are already ¼ done with your life. You may feel like you
are just starting, but you’ve already burned through 25% of your life.
How does that make you feel?
 Do you think people will remember you 25–years after you die? If so,
why are you different?

3. Paul, encouraging other believer to follow Jesus whole-heartedly, encourages

them with this illustration:

Do you not know in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run
in such a way as to get the prize! - 1 Corinthians 9:24

 Do you think people get a prize after they die? If so, what is it?
 If there is a prize, how does someone earn it while they live?

4. (This question sets up our next talk.) If you could ask God for one thing, and
knew that he would give it to you, what would it be? [Note to leaders: Let the
students answer without judgment on their answers. Just get them thinking
about this subject for the next session. What do they perceive will bring them

5. Read Psalm 49, or have a student read it and ask the following questions:

 What is this Psalm saying about the destiny of human being?

 What happens with those who trust in their riches and fame die?
 What is the Psalmist trusting in to save him from the same fate?

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