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 Advise patient to continue medications as prescribed by the Physician:

 Clindamycin 300mg 1cap PO TID for 7days

 Multivitamins + Iron 600 mg PO OD


 Advise to clean living area as much as possible to prevent further infection and prevent
further complications
 Encourage to promote well ventilated and quiet room
 Instruct to avoid crowded and untidy environment contained with sewage water


 Adequate Intake of Fluid, as tolerated

 Avoid food and beverages containing spice, alcohol, and high fat, high salt foods
 Instruct to perform pain management by positioning and relaxation techniques
 Advise to conduct diversional activities
 Advise to comply drug regimen religiously prescribed by their physician
 Follow up check up as scheduled


 Instruct to keep self clean and free from infections

 Encourage to perform hygiene measures daily to maintain comfort levels
 Advise to keep clothing light and clean
 Aseptic technique always: Hand washing


 Report any unusualities like severe bleeding, pain, numbness, purulent discharges
 Report any intolerable pain unrelieved by any interventions
 See physician if condition worsen


 Advise to increase oral fluid intake as tolerated

 Encourage to eat healthy and nutritious foods rich in nutrients and vitamins especially
iron, like green leafy vegetables and acid-free fruits
 Instructed diet on hypoallergenic diet
 Advise to avoid drinking excessive alcoholic beverages and citrus fruit juices
 Instruct to eat with adequate amount of food and proper timing


 Encourage to put God first in everything, Prayer is powerful and so does God.
 Encourage to join community activities and services to make self active and enhance
social relationships.

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