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The Spider’s Thread

translated from the Japanese by Edwan McClellan

ONE DAY T H E LORD BUDDHA was taking a ness to the spider; and he thought that he
walk by the edge of the lotus pond in should save Kandata if he could, in re-
Paradise. The lotus flowers blossoming in turn for his one good deed. Fortunately,
the pond were white as pearls, and an in- beside him, on a lotus leaf the color of dark
describably delicate fragrance, rising from jade, a spider of Paradise was weaving a
their golden stamens, filled the air, never silvery web. The lord Buddha picked up the
ending. The hour in Paradise was perhaps spider gently, and then began to let it
early morn. down between the pearl-white flowers,
Then the lord Buddha paused, and straight towards Hell far beneath.
through a clear patch of water between Meanwhile, Kandata, with other sinners,
those lotus flowers that covered the sur- was struggling to keep afloat in the Lake of
face of the pond, he looked at the scene Blood, which was in the lowest depths of
below. At the bottom of the lotus pond in Hell. All was darkness, except for an oc-
Paradise was Hell, and through the crystal- casional, ghostly glimmer of half-light
clear water could be seen, as though in a coming from the fearful Mountain of
peep-show, such sights as the River of Needles. The quiet was like that of a grave-
Death and the Mountain of Needles. yard, and the only sound that could be
And almost immediately the lord Buddha heard was the faint sighing of the sinners.
noticed a man named Kandata, writhing Perhaps those that had come SO far down
in the midst of other sinners. This man in Hell had gone through too many tor-
Kandata had been a great thief, and had ments to have any strength left for loud
done many wicked deeds on earth, killing cries of self-pity. And in the Lake of Blood,
men and burning houses. Yet even he had even the great thief Kandata could only
once acted with kindness. One day, when writhe and choke like a dying frog.
walking through a thick forest, he saw a But it so happened that Kandata, in the
little spider crawling across his path. IIe midst of his suffering, raised his head and
lifted his foot, and was about to crush it 10 looked towards the sky above the lake. And
death, when he suddenly changed his mind. he saw, descending gradually towards him
“Eo,” he said tn himself, “I must ‘not. in a straight, shimmering line, as thou!h
Even a little creature such as this has life, fearful of being seen by man’s eyes, the
and to kill it without cause would be a silvery thread of the spider. It seemed 10
great pity.” And so he spared the life of come from far, far above, through the
the spider. silent darkness. Kandata clapped his hands
The lord Buddha, as he looked at the for joy. Surely, he thought, if he could once
scene in Hell, remembered Kandata’s kind- get hold of the thread, and climb far

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enough, he would eventually get out of Hell. mine! Who said you could come up after
With luck, he might even reach Paradise. me? Get off! Get off!”
And then, he would no more be chased up It was at this moment that the spider’s
the Mountain of Needles, or be pushed thread, which until then had shown no
down into the Lake of Blood. signs of breaking, snapped just above Kan-
With this hope in his heart, he reached data’s clinging hands. Spinning round and
for the thread, and grasping it firmly with round through the air like a top, Kandata’s
both hands, he began to climb up, up, and body plunged into the darkness.
up, with all his might. Having once been a All that now remained in the moonless
burglar, he was a skilful climber. and starless sky was the thin thread of the
spider of Paradise, shimmering softly in
But the ascent was by no means an easy
the dark.
one, for thousands of miles separated Par-
adise from Hell. After a time, Kandata grew The lord Buddha, standing by the lotus
pond of Paradise, saw all that passed be-
. very tired, and could climb no more. Re-
low. And when at last the body of Kandata
luctantly, he paused to rest, and still cling-
had sunk like a stone to the bottom of the
ing firmly to the thread, he looked down
Lake of Blood, he resumed his walk, sadly.
into the depths below.
There was probably much pity in the
He must have come a long way up in- lord Buddha’s heart for Kandata, who was
deed, for already, the Lake of Blood was sent back to Hell for his heartlessness.
no longer visible, and even the top of the But the pearl-white flowers in the lotus
dully gleaming Mountain of Needles WES pond of Paradise, innocent of wickedness
beneath him. At this rate, he thought, get- or sorrow, swayed gently about the feet of
ting out of Hell might not be so difficult the lord Buddha, and from the golden
after all. In a tone of voice he had not stamens, there came the same delicate frag-
used for many a year, he cried, “Good, rance, filling the air as always. The hour
good!” and began to laugh. Then sud- in Paradise was perhaps near noon.
denly he espied far below a procession of
sinners, numberless as a column of anis,
coming after him up the spider’s thread.
For a while, Kandata, struck dumb with Ward Two: Promenade
amazement and fear, could only stare open-
mouthed at the scene. How could such a At sundown a slow procession lurches
thin spider’s thread, which seemed to:, Up to bed: some grin, some
fragile to bear the weight of one man, bear Frown framing contortions childlike,
the added burden of so many others! And The faces of most are blank; none talk.
if the thread did break, he would drop Some slump and shuffle and others mince
straight back into Hell. And as such fright- Arthritic with age, inching painfully.
ening thoughts passed through his mind, One runs pell-mell. *

hundreds, nay thousands, more sinners There are stragglers loathe to leave
were crawling out of the darkness of the One vacant place for another; or wishing
Lake of Blood, and were climbing up the To breathe and bask in the twilight air:
thread. Unless Kandata stopped them, the One night I saw a gnome move
thread would surely break in the middle, Unhurried through the gray half-light.
and they would all fall. He carried upon his back I thought
A lute, as the troubador goes
And so Kandata with a loud voice began
to scream at his fellow-sinners. “Listen to Sadly from beside his love.
me, you sinners! This spider’s thread is J O H N LOGAN

Modern Age I65


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