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CACD 2016


Thesis: Economic crises leads to right-wing governments

Idea 1: Estabilishment of protectionist policies

• increase of tarifs and phytossanitary barriers;
• Paralisation of negotiations at WTO as example;
• weakening WTO

Idea 2: Increasing nationalism

• Diminuting cooperation;
• Paris agreement as example;
• instability at the international system.

Idea 3: The choise of Public opinion for populist governments may lead to increaing turmoils.
• Populist governments and exacerbated nationalism;
• increasing of turmoils;
• Changing world governance
• Trumps election as example.

Liberal political leaders use to consider that the public opinion racionalism would lead people to
choose governments commited universal values such as democracy, fredom and equality. However,
during economic crises, voters use to choose right-wing governments for economic fragility tends to
lead to changes in peoples view about their governments and its relationship with other nations. Due
to this, increasing protectionism and a turn over to nationalist points of view may permeate an entire
society transforming cooperation in revalry among nations which may represent changes in the
interantional order.
During economic ressessions, one of the first mesures governments take is implement protectionism
in order to preserve economy, increasing tariffs and estabilishing phytossanitary barriers. After 2008
economic crise, the United State also started to discuss broad agreements such as the Transatlantic
Partinership and the Transpacific Partinership which entails issues not coverd by the World Trade
Organization (WTO). These agreements, also called WTO – plus and WTO – Extra, were initiated
partly due to paralization of the negotiations in the WTO Doha round and may represent a
decreasing capability of the instilition to address international society inherent challenges.
Yet, protectionsim is only one side of the whole process introduced by pernicious crises because
nationalism become as natural as protectionism itself. For this reason, many countries that used to
persue international cooperation and promote multilateralism started to implement nationalist
policies such as immigration control while reducing cooperation. This can be seen in the United
States intention to abrrogate the 2015 Paris Agreement. Still being the bastion of the free world in
deffense of the International law, if Washington denounces or disrespects crucial international treats
it amonts to create instalility to the international community, leaving other countries to ignore the
importance of their commitment to International Righs.
Economic fragility also tends to lead politics to turn to the righ wing as people elect populist, anti-
liberal or bellicose governments. Inciting exacerbated nationalism, xenophobic behaviour in the
population, this kind of government may increase international turmoils instead of averting it. This
is a phenomenon that took place during the 1929 recession and has been apointed as one of the
causes of the World War II. However, it seems to be happenig again. The most emblematic example
of this is the election of Mr Donald Trump in the United States, that may represent the view of a
people that perceive its own country not as respected and strong as before.
Chaotic economy may also lead to chaos in politics. Despite, turmoils inherent the to the economic
crisis, may lead to the fal of the hegemon allowing the world perifery to finally change, to some
extent, the international order into a more representative and equal one.

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