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the first skateboard was created by a california surfer back in the in 1950 .

he attached roller skate

wheels to a piece of wood that resembled a small surfbord so that he could surf on land as well as
on the ocean. since then , skateboarding has become a compete in skateboarding competitions,,
where they show off their skills and special tricks. some cities, however, post ''No skateboard'' sings
certain areas where there is high pedestrian traffic so that no one gets injured. the fastes stand up
speed recorded on a scateboard was clocked 55 miles per hour. in many flaces, that's the freeway
speed limit for cars in same flaces , skateboarders are issued citation for skating too fast on public
sidewalks and streets.

skateboard pertama diciptakan oleh surfer california kembali di tahun 1950. ia

menempelkan roda sepatu roda ke sepotong kayu yang menyerupai surfbord kecil sehingga
ia bisa berselancar di darat maupun di laut. sejak saat itu, skateboarding telah menjadi
bersaing di kompetisi skateboard,, di mana mereka memamerkan keterampilan mereka dan
trik khusus. beberapa kota, namun, pasca'' Tidak ada skateboard'' bernyanyi daerah-daerah
tertentu di mana ada lalu lintas pejalan kaki tinggi sehingga tidak ada yang terluka. tercepat
yang berdiri kecepatan direkam pada scateboard sebuah clock 55 mil per jam. dalam banyak
flaces, itulah batas kecepatan jalan bebas hambatan untuk mobil di flaces yang sama,
pemain skateboard dikeluarkan kutipan untuk skating terlalu cepat di trotoar dan jalan-jalan

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