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"care for children nt only for mother, father should also responsibility to care their children, like korea

president now is also women ,, should she stay at home to care her children?""care for children nt only for
mother, father should also responsibility to care their children, like korea president now is also women ,,
should she stay at home to care her children?"

mother's job is not only care children n stay at home

No I don't think mothers should have to stay at home to look after their kids
We live in a society now where both mom's and dad's both have an active role in the raising of the child. If
a dad can stay home and do it while the mom goes out, I don't see any problems with that. It should be
dependent on the family situation as to how the child is raised and who stays with it. So no, I don't think
mothers should have to stay at home with their kids necessarily, it just depends.

However in many families, especially where the mother earns the majority 多数 of the family’s income
and may be the only earner , it is financially impossible for the mother to stop work without considerable
state support, which in most cases doesn’t exist. Many studies point to the years before a child starts school
as the most important in its educational and emotional development. [可以讲爸爸没有能力工作] For this
reason, should the mother be at home, at least until her children start school?

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