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Boarding School VS Public School

I think both of this school is good but there is the better. I come from the
public school, I never feel study in boarding school. So, I know about public
school so well. In public school, we learn so many lessons that support us to catch
our dream. But, doesn’t mean in this school we don’t look for hereafter. We learn
about Islam religion too, but the time is limit, and for make it good we should
study in MDA.
Boarding school, from the name we know that this school has many time
for study about Islam religion. Not only that, student here should memorize Al-
Qur’an. But doesn’t mean this school don’t look for world. Yes they do, but Islam
religion the first. As I know, all the people who study here not a good people, but
they want be a better people. Of course, study here will make comfort and Insyaa
Allah will get world and hereafter but depend on our self.
In this time, many parents compete to enter the children to get in boarding
school. As we know, the period more bad. So, the parents should protect the
children from it that can broke they future. Based on my explanation up there,
boarding school is better then public school. Many benefit that student get from
here, and the most important is student will try to balance their life in world and
hereafter. This country doesn’t need the smart people, but the honest people. And
the honest people ofcourse have good religion and on the way is get by study in
boarding school.

Siti Rahmadhani Rizki

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