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Tutorial 4 Questions

1. Formulas
 =AVERAGE(B4:B10)
 =E4 + (E4*B$13)
2. Improved readability
 Distinct Borders
 Complimentary Colours
 Increased/ Text Size for more important headings
 Prominent Title (Colour, Font, Size)
3. Graph information
 Location
 Total Sales
 Sales($)
 South Congress
4. Why is it not suitable pivot data?
 Data should be organized in columns and not rows
i. All locations in one (column)
ii. All months in one (column)
iii. All sales in one (column)
5. Difference between COUNTIF and SUMIF functions:
 COUNTIF returns a count(or total) of the number of times a data value matched with
a given criteria
i. We want to know how many times a store earned over 10,000 we can use a
COUNTIF function to return the count of all these occurrences in the table
 SUMIF will return the total sum of the values themselves that match the given
i. We could use the SUMIF column to add the total of a given month that
matches our criteria. For example we could do a SUMIF function for the first
column if the month equaled to January.

Remember in test:
- Put $ when wanting to hold the column
- Remember function names
- Always put = at the beginning of a formula

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