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December t8, 2017 Se LOBISUILLE WATER Dear Mr. Hughes: ‘Thank you very much for miceting with us on December 1, 2017 regarding the property you own RB W. Kentucky Street. As we explained in the mecti ice reviews customer appeals when they {all outside of our existing policies and procedures. Upon an extensive review of your account, it appears that we have followed all of our procedures in working through the eoncems you liad with the ussge at the property. i ‘The committee has done an extessive review ofthe sitvation, and has approved an additional adjustment as 2 courtesy based on the time this issue has spenned, gaps in communication (on both our parts), and a desire to bring this to closure. With that said, there are some important fact that the committee would like (o bring to light. (Our review confirms the following: ‘+The debt on the property goes back to 2014 +The water was turned off on 24/1 by Louisville Water for non-payment, You reached out fous on 3/3/11, paid the balance and asked that we waive a non pay fee (which we did). ‘The water remained off per your request + On 12/12/12 MSD, due tothe property being vacant, created a drain only account in your name as ‘the property owner. There was no active water service tothe property. + On 3/17/14 (thvee yeass after the water had been tumed off) we received 2 call from 2 neighbor informing us that water was running at your property. ‘The water was found on (which it should not have been) and our emergency personnel tumed the water off. +A significant amount of water (unauthorized usage) passed through the meter from the time the meter was tumed off by Louisville Water in 2011 and the time ofthe emergency turn of in 2014 ‘The read on the meter indicated that over 2 million gallons had passed through the meter over this period, Our notes from our conversations with you indicate thatthe property was vacant during this period. Comments noted in our customer system indicated that substantial phambing work had been performed at the property over the last several years, an that you and your plumber hod seen a pipe leaking and replaced a water hesterat some point. Since the property was vacant during this period, we believe that this could be the cause of the high usage. Please keep in mind that small leaks over time, unchecked, can add up to big usage. For instance, a small stream of water "in iometer running continoously will use slinost 2.4 million gallons of water over a 6 son period + Perur Service Rules and Regulations unauthorized usage through a meter is the responsibilty of the property owner/tandord (unless the landlord produces a lease identifying the party that should be held responsible). + On 8/14/14, the meter was read for a new tenant and an aégitional 6,000 gallons had passed through the meter. Our field service personnel found the meter on and it should have been off froin the 3/17/14 field visit +The usage after this with the new tenant looks like normal residential usage. louisvillewatercom | $02.569.3600 | 550South Third Street | Louisville Kentucky 40202 Scanned by CamScanner You filed a police report and provided it to Louisville Water to receive the vandalism adjustment ‘on the propery. + Louisville Water provid the adjustment of 75% based onthe police pon and provided you with the remaining balance onthe account + Upon discussions you indicated that you stil fel that was a large balance and we advised you that \we could schedule an administrative heating. We suspended the colletions efforts at that time. + We misplaced the paperwork you provided forthe hearing and after several months reached back out to you on 1/28/16 for resubmit. + After not hearing from you in over a year we restarted the collections activity which ultimately led {our meeting on December 1, 2017. [realize that this issue is three years old and recalling every conversation over that period of time ean be difficult, Based on the notes logged into our customer system there were some inconsistencies between our records and what we discussed. ‘At the beginning of our meeting we shared with you that a neighbor had called in and reported water leaking at your property which led us to respond and tum the water off. You noted in the meeting thal you hhad never heard that information before. Our records indieate that we informed you of this on 8/25/14 ‘when you spoke to one of our customer service reps and again on 8/29/14 wiven you spoke with @ supervisor, During the 8/29 conversation, our contact records also indicate that you mentioned that your plumber saw a pipe leaking outside. “The process in resolving this matter has spanned several years and I know it has been frustrating for everyone involved. Ultimately we may never know the exact conditions that caused the water usage, but the committee has decided to attempt to bring this to closure. Dased on factors noted previously in this Jeter, the committee has approved an additional adjustment 28 noted below: Service Current Balance Adjustment New Balance ‘Storm Water $179.21 79.21 ‘Water $2,133.21 (81,000) $1,133.21 Sewer $ 2004.76 1,000) _$ 1,004.76 Total: $4317.18 $2317.18 Please feel free to call me with questions on 569-3680. IF you are interested in spreading this balance, we ‘would be happy to provide a payment plan for up to 24 months with no interest Sincerely, 7 Dovid A. Vogel Executive Viee President louisvillewatercom | 502.569.3600 | 550 South Third Street | Louisville Kentucky 40202 Scanned by CamScanner

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