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Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bdelloid Ro fers

Model – Bdelloid Ro fers

Long Term Objec ve – Understand Mechanism for varia ons in bdelloid ro fers
Short Term Objec ve – Incorporate GFP into ro fer genome by feed with bacteria having gfp
Immediate Objec ve – Study Dormancy Pa ern

Abstract – Bdelloid class of Ro fers is reproducing asexually since 80 million years.They are
known to undergo a dormant stage in absence of water called anhydrobiosis.It is believed that
bdelloids get varia ons by Horizontal Gene Transfer.From previous studies,we have found out
that anhydrobiosis plays a major role in HGT.We will try to understand what exactly happens
during anhydrobiosis.
We will feed bdelloids with bacteria having a gfp plasmid and expect that some part of ro fer
must start to glow.This can provide an evidence for HGT.

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