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Just more emotional manipulation fomenting hate and division and our country that

is CNN's agenda?
Bernie Sanders is a SELL OUT. I lost respect for him when he told his supporters
to vote for crooked Hillary aka the worst presidential candidate of all time.?
Bernie fuck off you stupid Jew. Too bad the nazis didn't do a good job putting his
grandparents out of their misery?
They just so outraged, waaaaaaa, he a meanie racism blah blah waaaaaaaa?? CNN your
fake news is unspeakable.?
Russian narrative dying out, Democrats and the mainstream media need a new reason
to bash on Trump. What a sad and pathetic attempt to bring down the
We give bankrupt Puerto Rico $21 BILLON a year. CNN=Fake News?
Faaaaaaakkkkkkeeeee neeeeeewwwwwsssssss network?
Democrats are so hateful, bigoted, and violent. No wonder they support antifa and
root for islamists?
Puerto Rico has 3x the debt of the 10 most indebted States in the U.S. and has a
fraction of the population. Puerto Ricans are considered "citizens" and do NOT
even pay income tax to the U.S., but they want a bail out and everything to be done
for them by the US. Lazy dead weight. 47% of the Island's 3.7 million people are
on food stamps. We are paying $2,000,000,000 per year from our SNAP program to
feed them, and they get a portion of the "food stamps" in CASH....I am sure that
cash the get from us is going to buy milk...Riiiight. 300,000 of them are employed
by the Puerto Rican government. 900,000 people who even bother to work on the
island. They have $49,000,000,000 in unfunded pension obligations. Puerto Rico is a
third world country that has been living large on the backs of the American
taxpayers for decades.?
CNN fake news & Bernie Clinton out here trying to make it look like Trump is not
helping. Like he didnt send our military & FEMA to help smh. They're acting like
America isnt still dealing with the hurricanes that hit here at home. we can only
help so many places at the same time.?
Puert Ricans must unite to help each other. They are PRIMARILY responsible for
their well-being. The mainland and FEMA is SECONDARY; a backup to provide
Does CNN keep this ancient fucking commie bastard locked up in a back room so he
can spew his hate and idiocy on air at a moment's notice? Fuck off Bernie!?
Always remember the moment where Mr Sanders first made a cuckold of himself by
endorsing Mrs Clinton, despite railing against the establishment, money corrupting
politics, etc. Mr Sanders is a weak man and a hypocrite, implicitly admitted by his
own words and actions.?
Is that Communist freakozoid still around! HA HA at this point only the dumbest of
fucks listen to that lying commie nutjob. You leftists can't be that brainwashed.
there is just no way. Tell me you're stupid but don't tell me you think socialism
can work. Look around! it's collapsing EVERYWHERE?
STFU you democratic shill!! San Juan Mayor is a Alt-Left political shill using a
tragedy to try to undermine Trump but she can't hide truth-once again the Left goes
low! FEMA called her out over the response and she lied about everything! Even
neighboring mayor praised Trump for his response and the governor too! She spends
her time on TV with the MSM. Stupid San Juan Mayor bitch and Fuck Bernie!!?
Sanders and CNN you're full of fucking shit. That damn fucking crap of trump not
helping out with Puerto Rico are fucking lies that you guys and the deep state are
spreading around.
CNN supports a communists ?????????????????? Lol what low life scumbags. WTF is
wrong with democracy?
Berni the Jew is the 1 percent?
Lmfao... Lying CNN & crazy Bernie are triggered again?
Socialism sucks so does Crazy Bernie?
CUCK Bernie is Hillarys puppet bitch?
CNN is hiding the very real news that another muslim terrorist attack just hit, in
Canada this time. CNN hides brown terrorism. CNN is Fake News.?
Most useless politician in the history of American politics. Whine some more, you
useless old bag?
Bernie sanders communist ideology is unspeakable?
HELLO GOY people ...... I am very honest and trustworthy?
Bernie won't need Medicare. He needs your medicare tax dollars though. It empowers
Well Bernie when you could have done something about all of this when you found out
Hillary and the DNC ripped you off and Jill Stein offered you the mantel of the
green party and you could have stood up to the Establishment that fucked you what
did you do?? you endorsed The most corrupt piece of shit the very person who

The truth is CNN is making it worse all they're doing is emotionally manipulating
people into thinking hes a racist. These fucking people are assholes and they are
lying to the American people.
The mayor of San Juan was criticizing trump saying people are dying and they have
no resources while she was standing in front of dozens and dozens of pallets with
supplies and aid that trumps Adiministration sent !!!!!!!!!!!!?
Cnn is racist against whites.
Keep talking about race CNN because more and more Americans are getting sick of
hearing it and in 2018 and 2020 you will get the message when the democratic party
gets their asses kicked in again along with the NFL and Hollywood?
CNN is the one who divides this country. Free media in this case means "free to
CNN is loving this race baiting crap. 75% of Puerto Ricans say they are white.?
CNN.. Always baiting a race war or escalating NOTHING into SOMETHING! FUCK OFF!
How is this about race? It's not! FAKE NEWS!?
No. It's the media. Trump never even mentioned race once in his statements about
the PR. He was obviously talking about the government and finances. The only people
are making race problems worse is the same people who keeps talking about race! The
same people who shoves identity politics into EVERYTHING.?
CNN, stop, just stop. The race baiting has got to stop.?
Race baiting for ratings. We give bankrupt Puerto Rico $21 BILLION in aid per
year. The PR government did not prepare properly for this hurricane. CNN=Fake
lol Democrats always use the race card to get more votes!! ;- (?
VERY FAKE NEWS..... B O Y C O T T .... CNN/MSNBC............ BOYCOTT
Hate and division hate and discontent, Hate and division hate and discontent,
propaganda propaganda propaganda, hate hate hate . Uggghh gets old man?
typical CNN interview, won't let anyone other than themselves speak.. F*ck CNN?
STFU!! You Very Fake News are making the race problem worse!! You spread bullshit
everytime!!! Fuck You!!?
Fuck cnn!!! Fuck all progressives!!!?
#FakeNewsNetwork is only obsessed with disasters that involve President Trump so
they can manipulate the facts and try to make him look bad. They don't care about
the Congo civil war that has seen 6 million people murdered and many more raped.
Race Problems Were Already Super Bad Cunts?
Cnn is race baiting ...again. And the regressive left which feeds off identity
politics are being emotional manipulated to hate... Again.?
CNN is creating a race war
CNN=RBNN Race baiting News Network! by the way 2 more Muslim terror attacks, Muslim
car attack in Canada, Yes Canada, time for a Northern Wall? France another
knife attack kills 2 more women...when will CNN learn??

She found time to make a �we are dying shirt�? (the Puerto Rico Mayor)
Trump gets supplies sent to Puerto Rico. Governor says it's a good amount of
supplies and thanks trump for responding Mayor of San Juan is mad that supplies
aren't being distributed correctly so she blames trump for it and says trump wants
a Puerto Rican genocide. Trump calls mayor nasty. Mayor has an emotional panic
attack and then gets custom printed t-shirts?.
Fuck that corrupt bitch of a mayor
All that food and she is still asking for help talk about a lazy as bitch?
I see a lot of food not distributed behind this woman. She is a phony.?
quit bitching, figure out how your going to get all that stuff behind you
delivered. stupid liberal drama queen?
San Juan Mayor to Liberal Media: We Are Getting No Help From Trump � As She Stands
In Front of Pallets of Aid?
What is that on the background? It's food and supplies that she kept to herself.
Stupid hypocrite.?
Trump is the best president you ever had, stop watching cnn
Puerto Ricans: "fuck white people"... Also Puerto Ricans: "white people help us
What's all that stuff behind her. Get that shit out to the people. There shouldn't
be ANYTHING piled up like that. It should be being used?
Her Twitter account shows she's extremely anti-Trump. This is such an act, maybe
auditioning for a telenovela? The governor says they are up to their neck in
supplies but not enough trucks/drivers to deliver. Also roads are destroyed. ( did
she forget she's surrounded ny supplies, lol)There are also reports some truck
drivers are demanding large amts of $$ to deliver supplies. Find it funny how all
the PRESSTITUTES have her on of course! As usual, not reporting the truth.?
Get your shit together Puerto Rico, joining Team Libtard will only lead to further
ruin. Ask the NFL.?
This lady should be fired immediately. She is apparently trying to shift blame on
her to Trump. Logistically, helping Puerto Rico is far more difficult than helping
Florida or Huston. Does she have any idea about how much time and efforts it would
take to bring all sorts of rescue personnels and supplies needed to Puerto Rico
over the sea? Does she understand the logistic impossibility to bring the kind of
needs she required in the time frame she would like? Begging and tears are cheap,
and blaming game at this crucial moment is destructive and totally irresponsible.
Wasn't it is obvious her responsibility to at least tell federal government
beforehand that there would be truck driver and diesel shortage issues and road
issues and work with federal agents to come up a feasible rescue plan before the
supplies were arrived and stalled at the receiving dock??
Extremely poor, she needs to resign immediately! All the aid is stuck in her San
Juan port, she needs to get that shit moving asap!
Oh go cry to someone that gives a shit. Obama, failed after several natural
disasters. Yet the news media glorified his delayed aid as a complete success.
Hypocrites. Immediate help from the government? The Federal government? Hmm. The
worse phrase anyone can say to any government is, "We need help." Help yourselves.
You're not immobile. The worse phrase anyone can hear from any government is,
"We're from the government. We're here to help." After Texas & Florida are settled
with disaster aid...we'll arrive to your damn island.?
How can we help people that will not help themselves?
Are you fucking blind bitch turn the fuck around and start passing that shit out
you lazy cunt?
Bitch stop complaining and start distributing those fucking pellets behind you.
She's standing in front of tons of food and water... And instead rushing to spread
it around to people in need she makes a political speech... Disgusting!!!?
This disaster is 20 years of democrats in power. That ended in 2017 when Puerto
Ricans stood up to the corruption and voted them out of government. The Governor is
now republican and his party now controls both Houses of government. This corrupt
San Juan Mayor is playing politics, she's purposefully sabotaging relief efforts in
hopes that it can then be blamed on the new NPP controlled government.?
Why don't you beg Hillary Clinton and see if she'll donate from the Clinton
Foundation of all the millions of dollars she stole to get rich! Oh by the way,
Haiti still wants their money back Hillary Clinton, remember the millions that you
stole from their last hurricane disaster!??
He�s right, That�s why their bankrupt also. She has done nothing but promote
herself on TV. Other places like Antiqua & Dominica have also been demolished.
Unlike PRs leaders like this lady, their leaders are actually doing something
instead of being on TV 24/7?
distributed supplies when they arrived in Mexico. Lol dumb leader of Puerto Rico.
What an idior, she is "begging for help" in front of a shipment of federal
supplies? Im in puerto rico, every body hates this lady shes a crazy bitch. Puerto
rico is not nearly as bad as what these liberals who are trying to use this to
further their agenda say it is. All the grocery stores are open even the sex shops
are open as well as all gas stations. FAKE NEWS! Lets put this in perspective, if
as she saids people are dying "nobody has died" how the fuck did she find the time,
effort, and power to make these shirts? Probably planned in advanced by liberals.
Did anybody know shes friends with Venezuelan communists? Puerto rico is fine,
trump has helped tremendously. CNN IS FAKE NEWS!!!?
Look behind you.. i see 2 pallets of goya. Stop bitching. Yall dont want to be part
of the US but nowwwwww you need out help? Not how it works princess?? suck it up?
How long did it take you to get her to say that CNN? Fake fuckin news! Start
handing out that cans of food behind you. Hell if CNN got to you they should be
able to get to the rest right??
Here's one thing about San Juan mayor in Puerto Rico the thing about that is that
she's charging cheap labor for the drive in the drivers don't want to do it for the
cheap labor for hours on the row by being paid cheap as well and I see those water
and canned goods at the back of her and the thing is questioning my mind is why the
fuck are you talking on TV when I see those kangaroos in those water behind you
stop talking get those jobs done you know you're not doing good good job as a mayor
of pleasure you're in side pocketing but the Pharma companies in Puerto Rico that
has property from the United States has bought property to San Juan need big Pharma
companies in Puerto Rico paying you millions of dollars so let's not say you're
starving or dying you are not doing a good job as a mayor?
Next time you do a "we have nothing" speech,do it in front if an empty warehouse.
It'll be more believable. This bitch has a whole roast beef and is bitching because
she doesn't have bread to make a sandwich.?
CNN = FAKE NEWS.... what happened to your BS Russian narrative LIBTARDS????
Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. Stop pointing blame and start taking
time to own up and make a positive change instead of crying about it on social
media. You are a disgrace to the human race. They are all the same. Blaming
everyone and everything for their own faults. You know who you are. All the groups
that say white privilege owes you. Take responsibility and ownership and
accountability. You will never get ahead unless you do. Sacrifice baby. Its all ive
ever done. Peace
CNN not even news anymore
This is what it would look like if Hillary would have won. Dumb broad. Another lazy
stupid Puerto Rican.?
Fuck Puerto Rico. They expect to be hand fed it seems.?
The mayor of san juan should stop begging and telling people she is pissed... shes
a horrible mayor and shes an even bigger pussy. She needs to stop bleeding and get
back to building?.
Why is she doing this? She should be trying to help not make this a huge
controversy. And now it comes out that she attended NO fema meeting? San Juan�s
power grid has barely been working for decades unfortunately. Trump can�t rebuild
it for you overnight....I think he�s doing the best that can be done. The mayor
should shut her mouth!!?
What a joke only a woman major would have so little respect for herself to beg for
help. Just another example of why woman aren't good leaders and crumble under
stress and pressure. She knows deep down this is her fault her people are dying she
did not prepare properly now she projecting on trump what she really feels about
herself. Typical woman.?
Is this stupid bitch going to keep all the food behind her for herself??
I see a LOT of food already! Get to work on sending that aid to your people
instead of trying to make stupid assed libtard political statements! Also, the
fact that you told the police to NOT give out enough food and water to people is
out there. Sick Democrat shit! Your hatred of Trump justifies the death of
people! Liberals are sick!?
This is literally like something out of a parody. There's a whole mountain of food
behind her not being distributed, but let's just play the blame game.?
Puerto Rico has always been a cesspool of useless bottom-feeding maggots! Go beg
somebody else to help them perhaps North Korea!?
Why wasn't she up to the task to begin with? PR isn't even a US State. We have
Houston and Florida to deal with here lady. Sorry your country is broke but you
are part of the problem.?
White people always have to save you fucking cock-suckers
CNN wants to help only Hispanics and blacks?

Just Fuck off Ana and in fact get your ass to Puerto Rico and help out bitch!
Ana is so full of hate?
Ana needs a mental health check, like most liberals?
Stop barking, you senseless woman. Stop enjoying your upscale lifestyle in Miami,
stop barking already and go out and help people. Will be much more useful than your
pathetic barking.?
Navarro typical unappreciative liberal. She's nasty and rude.?
Any opportunity to attack Trump. This bullshit is going to cost us $30B at minimum.
And Trump should send a team from NSA to take care of that cunt Navarro.?
I see that bitch, I already know what she gonna be saying.?
Ana Navarro matters to no one.
Ana should be in prison?
we have been supporting this broke ass country for years ! this just shows that
their leaders have destroyed this island and have no business being in charge !?
Ana is full of emotions and no facts. The only reason why CNN has her is on,
because she is loud, ignorant, hypocritical, she's a self proclaimed Republican,
and she hates Trump. She's not smart or remotely intellectual.?
So exactly what has this big-mouthed bitch done to help? Apart from bitching,
moaning and complaining, I hear nothing positive from her. Must sit on her fat ass
all day.?
Hey did they just Lower his volume? While this Bitch was running her Bleeding ass

Really? You have no time? But you still do have plenty of time on your hands to
appear on CNN, MSNBC and read tweets. We haven't seen the Texas governor asking for
help on TV. He was totally busy making the community effort effective. He was
removing debris with his own hands while sitting in a wheelchair. And you are
walking around with your hands in your pockets constantly feeding cable channels
with your useless talking. Shame on you!!!
puerto rico had a chance to become a state and chose not to. infact puerto rico
voted to become independent from USA. This should be our chance to cut this welfare
territory loose. let them handle this themselves and save the billions of fema
money for our true states like TX and FL. DO NOT DONATE. These non-profits only
donate 10% of the money and keep the rest to pay themselves.?
Why isn't anything being said about the Puerto Rican electrical and phone lines
being already in such disrepair and above ground that the hurricane completely
decimated 1,000s of miles of line. That is why there is no communication! Hey
Georgie get your ass down there and get to work!!! While you're at it, report the
truth! ALSO 4 large vessels came into Jan Juan's ports this a.m. but no drivers to
unload. More troops coming but there is so much land and just so many resources and
people to help. Send some of the Democrats down there!?
Hey let's send Barack the magic negro down there to give speech?
This is what has been done for Puerto Rico: On September 24, the amphibious
assault ship USS Kearsarge and the USS Oak Hill, along with 2,400 marines of the
26th Marine Expeditionary Unit arrived to assist in relief efforts. Federal aid
arrived en-masse on September 25 with the reopening of major ports. Eleven cargo
vessels collectively carrying 1.3 million liters of water, 23,000 cots, and dozens
of generators. As of September 25, the U.S. Coast Guard successfully RESTORED the
ports of Guayanilla, Salinas and Tallaboa to full operation, with the ports of San
Juan, Fajardo, Culebra and Vieques were reopened but with restrictions. The Air
Force Air Mobility Command has dedicated eight C017 Globemaster aircraft to deliver
relief supplies. The Air Force is assisting the FAA with air traffic control
repairs to increase throughout capacity. The U.S. Transportation Command has moved
additional personnel and eight U.S. Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters from Fort
Campbell to Luis Munoz Marin International Airport to increase distribution
capacity. The Army Corps of Engineers has deployed 670 personnel engaged in
assessing and restoring the power grid. As of 9/25, 83 generations have been
installed and an additional 186 generators are en route. As of 9/26, FEMA announced
that the hospital ship USNS Comfort has been deployed. Also, as of 9/26, at least
16 agencies of the U.S. government have delivered 4 million meals, 6 million liters
of water, 70,000 tarps and 15,000 rolls of roof sheeting. The Air Force expects
that the international airport in San Juan will be able to process 240 relief
flights per day by September 27.?
Cant stand incompetence. How come puerto rico, being and island, still doesnt have
there shit together when it comes to this your an island!!!!! Shoulda had a few
billion put away for this. Oh wait they dont pay fed. Taxes. Just to puerto rico.
If i was living there id be pissed at my governor! And mayors!!!?
America First... Not the liberal, socialist islands that hate America but love our
I do not know why reporters are so stupid is the biggest catastrophe that has had
Puerto Rico and can not be solved in a day in a week or a month we do not have the
lamp of Aladdin nor the magic of being able to solve problems in a day I'm Puerto
Rican but we're not stupid!!!?
These things are only 'American' when they need something. Fuck you and starve to
Marc says: "help is in the way" "major announcements to come" Meantime President
Trump has already sent FEMA and large amounts of Aide , and boots on the ground,
and choppers and planes Ships etc etc etc. and the media is trying to spin it as
if nothing is being done? Meantime in Puerto Rico the local Unions are taking
advantage of the situation and refuse to distribute the Aide that President Trump
has sent them unless they get paid more money. Meantime: Carmen Yul�n Cruz the
Mayor of Puerto Rico refuses to go to the FEMA meetings to coordinate and organize
the logistics and solution to their crisis,,,,NOPE instead she is doing interviews
on CNN and CNBC attacking our President Trump, So natural;y our President Trump has
to put her in her place and point out that it is her POOR LEADERSHIP that is the
problem...and that he can't do everything for them and they also have to do their
part. And Naturaly CNN and MSN jump on these events unfolding and now try to say
that President Trump is the bad guy.........bleh bleh bleh.... mean time: Puerto
Riquen People in Puerto Rico need solutions from their local officials . . .not
politics being played by their Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz.?
So now your American when you need aid? Last year you were Puerto Rican, take a
knee at the anthem, burn the flag and get on line for your freebies?
You can find your loved ones floating in the creeks, weighed down by the crushing
debt of your shitty bog island.?
As a Puertorican American I'm insulted by this drunk ?? Marc Anthony getting
attention pretending that he cares for Puerto Rico ????. He can't even talk and
have not donated nothing to help anybody. Pendejo! Um Um Um ahh the collision um
um um collision, don't worry help is on the way um ahh ummmmm. Wtf did he say?
Dude is high as a kite!?
Puerto Rico isn't a state....of course there is a difference in response.

A comedian doing politics your shows not even funny

HOLLYWOOD SUCKS..just like the NFL NBA, least Steven Sagal didn't turn his
back on his country, and a lot of people are duel citizenship. .screw yu commies?
I think Steven's thing about "defending the flag" thingy is kinda real, since he is
a law enforcer officer. Just saying...?
These ppl try so hard to make trump look bad, loser af?
Everyone is so sensitive and childish now, it's so annoying. Trump will say
anything he wants without thinking and then all these liberals and talk show hosts
bust his balls and then the conservative and liberals bitch at each other in the
Never ending Trump bashing = edgy comedy,....says no comedian ever?
This show has really fucked itself. After politics what is there for this show? The
gimmick will be up when he has a liberal pony in office next term. Then he will
have to make fun of randomly selected (by CNN) republicans in the house. Colbert
really isn't funny either...he doesn't get laughs outside of his politic routine.
This won't last, but maybe that's how they intended it - attention spans are
getting infinitely shorter as time progresses.?
You can make fun of celebrities that don't toe the Hollywood line, but you didn't
even acknowledge the issue at hand so it comes off lame. And then Trump stuff is so
stale now... We get it, you think he's a lying Nazi. Anything else??
Steven seagal did serve as a border police sheirf and train police there too?
What an unfunny cunt.?
Steven Colbert is straight wack dumb ass always hating on trump shit getting old
already.....and the NFL is already breaking that shit down so much for staying on a
Came here because I thought maybe Colbert went one night without making the same
trump joke he has been making since he took over this shit hole?
This show makes me proud of being a full blown communist that hates his country.?
Please don't make this political. Please don't make this political. Please don't
make this political...damnit.?
Woah! He didn't talk about Trump for one whole minute!?
Colbert is a leftist cuck..?
cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
I wish Stephen could talk about other things than politics. It's really boring and
dumb to have Trump, Obama, Hillary, or Putin as your main story every single time.
Like change it up and do some actual funny stuff or put on some interesting
He used to be funny a few years ago. Now I would rather go to the dentist than
watch Colbert.?
Wow the first skit this year that didn't have to deal with Trump. It's hard to come
up with your own shit?
uuuhhh so trendy to attack anyone who disagrees with us
Colbert is a cocksucking faggot,,way past time to replace his boring one sided ass?
Colbert is a faggot?
So funny... lame faggot?
Why is this funny? I don�t care what any of you faggots have to say. �Colbert� why
is this funny??
Quick Ahole become someone else and hey you talk about Russia all the time. Move
over there. To bad your comedy license won't be any good over there. Oh yeah what
comedy. Ha now that's funny. Hey cbs can't you find a illegal to work this job
cheaper too. Like the boob after him. Save money!?
Trump is funnier then this guy?
Stephen Colbert = not very funny at all.?
So is this a trump summary show or a comedy show??
okay the steven segal joke was funny but the constant trump bashing shit is getting
annoying. been a fan of stephens colberts since he was on Comedy Central. But the
everyday trump bashing is getting annoying af the guy aint that bad.?
I can't be a devil's advocate here or else apparently i support trump and am a
nazi... Or redneck,sister fucker, honkey, cracker ass, white cis male, snowflake,
cucklord, 12 year old, cuckservative, repugnican. Stephen Colbert comment sections
are safe spaces for sjws and unsafe spaces for differing opinions.?
Colbert sucks dick?
The "Late Shows" all suck, but this ass clown is the worst! The endless anti-Trump
monologues are worn out and unbearable. This show is straight up leftist
propaganda, Fuck Stephen Colbert?
This guy is not funny at all.?
This guy is not funny...
what a hack. this white guy's message didn't mean shit up till Trump became
president. I've never watch your show. I welcome you to play the southern card like
your sister and family does. They don't welcome what you have become but the money
goes beyond one's lookout. I wish you weren't what you represent now playing the
'Stephen Colbert'!?
Anyone else remember when Stephen Colbert wasn't an unfunny sellout for the Clinton
crime family? Oh yeah he always has been. Carry on cucks.
Colbert�s groin smells like a fish market.?
Yes, copy routines and laugh. Wow, what a shithole liberal media has become.?
Colbert is obviously an obamanite. Another shilling has been added to his account.
Why do people watch this guy? Norm mcdonald is here on youtube and is better than
any of this network propoganda.?
colbert is a queer.
What a fucking joke this asshole is. He isn't funny AT ALL. FUCK COLBERT?
Y'all lost and he won, get over it!?
The king troll Colbert and his liberal troll followers. Sad and pathetic at best.?
Hate this loser..hope he gets the worst kind of cancer and dies a slow painful
This idiot is so not funny?
I just don't understand the comedy. It's just not funny, liberals are so easily
This faggot is obsessed with trump. How sad?
Damn this guy will not stop talking about trump. He has a fat man crush and doesn't
want to admit it lol. I've never seen a man obsess over another man like this.?

coming from a. professional 'race baiter' scum like you, who supports Crooked,
Grifter, pay to play backed by Nazi Soros,Hitlery (who's HERO is KKK Robert Byrd,
no less!) countless lies.....I'll take Trump ANY day ....he could be a cartoon
figure and I'd still support, so long as ...the biggest LOSER in history who can't
even win a RIGGED election in her the other option you stump for....?
It's almost as if people like Colbert want to create more racial tension. At least
it'll be funny when it all backfires. Maybe Colbert can change race before they
come for him too.?
Does this Stephen dude base any part of his show not centred around shitty trash
talking towards trump??
and stupid white guy calling whites racist ,nobody supports the players just watch
Colbert your a douche, no question about it!?
Trump bashing is the only joy the left have in life , So sad.?
Funny how Trump was never a racist before he ran for presidency... and now
everything or anything he does or doesn't say is connected with race/nazism/phobia
in some way.?
Another monologue about Trump being a racist.... Come up with some good programming
please lol Also, would you really prefer to have a president who does NOT want
Americans to respect our flag, national anthem and correlatively our nation? Lol A
president that doesn't want citizens to respect their nation and be patriotic...
Sounds like a great idea!!?
I think the elite rich ppl in Hollywood and sports gets it. that we don't give a
dam about there options but they won't accept it. The reason he won the presidency
is because we are sick of the media and Hollywood forcing things upon us. Anyone
can see right through how bias it is. I supported Obama, I was neutral during this
election but the more I see how the media and Hollywood was for Clinton, the more I
support Trump. They may have a big platform to speak but they don't speak for
America. The hard working middle class is sick of it. That's why he won and that's
why he's president. Now i see the media and Hollywood crying like babies. Throwing
a tantrum like a kid that didn't get their way.?
If only these progressives were as passionate about freedom of speech with college
campuses, safe spaces, speech codes, banning conservative speakers and trigger
warnings, as they are with disrespecting the American flag or anthem & flag
burning. Really says something about their priorities and their end goal (to
completely and utterly erase every symbol of patriotism about this great country).?
Stephen, you autistic bigot, fuck off somewhere else and people should stop
sponsoring your gay ass show.?
And your show has everything to do with bias...?
Liberal tears. Liberal marxist tears. Liberal marxist jew fuck face tears. I love
Keep attacking the president. So most of americans would hate your guts and
support him even more. Stephen Colbert is one of the many reasons that got Trump
elected, along with CNN, amongst others.?
Race baiting is racist. This dude is the king of race baiting so you know he is a
racist. I have friends of different races and none of us see color as an issue
amongst ourselves or others. It is what is in a person's heart and it has nothing
to do with looks in any regard. People watch this guy and get fired up mad at
Trump, maybe they should get fired up over the poop stirring, weird eared,
loudmouth fellow they are watching.?
Yes, because standing for the flag automatically turns you into a racist. The left
have a whole new kind of autism to come up with this shit.?
I remember when Stephen was funny, seriously you people gave Bush jr more respect
and that asshole has caused the lives of millions. Obama fucked over millions in
this country, but, hay, he has a different color, don't you dare make jokes at him.
This guy is sicker than Trump. I think I'll go ahead and turn this video off and
let you listeners keep laughing at problems that aren't funny?
Race baiting for ratings. Stay classy.?
And your helping with this divisive time in our country. Race baiting elitist
Not standing with respect for the flag is disgraceful period. All those vets, all
who gave their lives, all who gave their service to our America. It's about respect
period. How the F do the left kooks and their fake news bs come up with this racism
stuff.. Next they'll be saying Russia told trump to say this. .?
Disgusting and pathetic. You pandering narcissistic dipshits really don't give a
fuck about this country or anyone but yourself. Do the world a favor and go fuck
yourself with a rolled up New York Times, Sunday edition. Goddamned ignorant pieces
of shit. You don't know a damned thing about what's going on.?
It has nothing to do with race. Sorry. Stephen Colbert divides this country.?
Racism in america is dead, the only ones who are keeping it alive are all those
idiots who call someone who isnt always apologizing for being white a racist.?
Stephan Colbert is a fag
Democrats have got to be the damned most prominent imbeciles in existence. Your
liberal cities have become pure human filth. What a bunch of disgusting sexually
diseased rodents! You brain dead bastards ARE THE PROBLEM! You commit most crime in
the United States, and that's a damn fact. . . Also, what is it with you people?
Don't you know what trash cans are used for? Driving through your cities is like a
trip through the landfill. Trash blowing through the streets. Graffiti on every
apartment building! Your ghetto's are like a vision of HELL. Definitely not
uncommon to see street side cars parked with slashed tires and busted windshields.
What a bunch of anti-American Hillary Clinton LOSERS! American flag burning liberal
Guy is so fucking dumb just reads bad jokes off a teleprompter. What a fucking
The failing left at its best while you losers melt on the floor about RACE.
Champion Trump repairs the economy that you freaks fucked up. Thanks for nothing
dems. complete waste of space. :) Scuba Steve your relevance is nonexistent these
days time to re-think a few things, you sore loser. :P?
Grow up stop pointing your finger Trump didn't start this they didn't stand for the
flag that's their fault?
this is a more decisive and racist time due to people subscribing to commentaries,
shows and news constantly putting negative spins on ANYTHING Trump says or does.
Perhaps you'd rather side with KNOWN criminals such as the Banksters, the Clintons,
the Bush's and the others before them that have made this country in NEED of
becoming great again, which, by the way, will not happen no matter who is in the
oval office. You and shows like yours, are simply adding to the animosity and
divisiveness with YOUR comments. And yes, you have come a long way even with your
obvious Brain damage. Makes one realize what is possible for not only Americans,
but for anyone, when given the chance. All your dissing Trump WON'T make things
better. Maybe you all are just pissed off that he has called out the liars and
players that have Brainwashed us citizens over the years with politicians that ONLY
have the best intentions for theirs and their loved ones in mind. But, as long as
you put out the content that gets you good ratings, WTF do you care! Right??
Using your job to protest isn't right. If you go to any other job that doesn't
include huge publicity, they WILL fire you no matter your color! There's a time to
protest, there's a time to show reverence, and there is a time to do your job and
get paid for it.?
Wow! Proper flag and Anthem protocol is taught(at least I am paying the teachers)
in grade school. The NFL players and coaches clearly disrespect the flag and the
country. Has noting to do with social issues or race or politics, etc I understand
the desire of wanting to hang with friends, team, etc. but if you are a loyal
American and your team member elects to disrespect your country, rob stores or deal
in drugs perhaps it is time for you to stand up for your country and yourself.
cuckbert eats cum :)?
If anyone remembers Johnny Carson, well I would say he was the best late night
host. To this day I don't know how he felt politically, he just wanted to make
Colbert suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome and misses the point completely. If
those athletes who decided to kneel were doing so as a protest against black on
black crime, or, God forbid, as a protest against black on white crime, they would
have been immediately fired, fined, or reprimanded by the NFL. Instead, because
those players have decided to vilify America and take an anti-American and anti-
white stance, then all of a sudden such behavior is condoned by the NFL. That is
the problem Trump and conservative Americans have with these protests. So, the
issue has nothing to do with the free speech of the players, but with the hypocrisy
of the NFL.?
It sounds like Colbert is the only one who is bringing race into this controversy!
This is how the democrats divide?
Does your audience get paid to laugh at your jokes.?
and the democratic brainwashing begins. Seriously before you protest by
disrespecting a flag that not only gave you your freedoms as a black man to play in
the nfl and make MILLIONS consider that you would not even be on this earth if it
wasnt for the brave men that made the ultimate sacrifice. Protest trump all day, i
encourgage it but cmon colbert, your jokes are all statesments that could also be
made about the left. Does anyone else notice how uninformed and stupid this guy
really is? how is he in charge when you can tell hes mad that his best friend and
business partner hillary lost? this guy needs to get a life.?
Colbert sucks. If trump said the sky was blue, colbert would make a joke and the
applause signs would light up. He's a good phony who is in a paid political oratory
position, not an entertainer. You wish you could be Carlin, Colbert, but you're
just a fax machine with a broken humor button?
this must be that conversation we're supposed to have about race. colbert is a
should have known that fag /queer Colbert would shit talk about this,,,,boycott
this Asshole too.
It's incredibly sad to see that garbage like this, along with the rest of the
media, seemingly divide all of us. Such bickering and name calling in this comment
section. If you think kneeling is appropriate, then your entitled to have your
opinion. If you don't, then again, your entitled to your opinion. PSA, Name calling
and yelling in the comments to strangers does nothing!?
How about we have north korea bomb us and have the military take a knee and let the
nfl fight them. they wouldnt get too far but maybe it would show all these people
that the military is giving there lifes for you so you should fucking respect the
Colbert, how do you know this has to do with race? Can you read Trump's mind?? So
disappointing to see somebody in the public eye bear false witness like that.?
Is this clown still crying about the election??
Colbert is a real piece of shit. If anyone believes that the NFL protests are
racial that's because they are making it racial. They are so bent because all they
want to do is resist our President. All the libtards better grow the hell up, and
if not happy with our country then LEAVE and don't let the door hit you in the ass.
When cops kill more white people each year than black people despite blacks
commiting more crimes and killing thousands of their own kind but lol racism
I'm depressed at how many dumb liberals I've witnessed. For real I can't do this
anymore. Liberals please just stop and Learn about politics and history. Find why
conservatives think the way they do. Much more details and less insults I
Can't wait to see Stephen Colbert wholeheartedly apologize to President Trump in
person in the near future soon! Make America Great Again! #MAGA?
i fuckig hate this guy?
I love Trump! Glad he's standing up for the brave men and women that have died to
keep us safe. You want to talk about the suppression of freedom of speech? Look at
the far left and Antifa. This country strays further from God every day. And people
living in the dark tend to hate when a bright light is pointed on them.?
This is getting�s obvious what the agenda is here. Do you have any
talent besides this? It�s not even funny anymore, just repetitive dribble. And I
am not a trump supporter, but if you went away, no lose either. Try being funny
Your actually not very funny.
PEOPLE".. every night for 5 days.?
MAGA... I stand with Trump. These politically correct liberal doushebags make me
wanna vomit.'re fired in my home. What an audience full of liberal
Look at this filthy communist. The jokes suck, steven colbert sucks the whole show
sucks. wawa stupid fucking liberals?
I'd love to puke in Colbert's face.?
This guy is 55 years old.. no wife.. no children.. never hard a girl.... and this
passes for cool among white liberals today... i feel bad for white liberals.. they
are the biggest joke in the world... no one likes them.. heck white liberals don't
even like themselves... or anyone thats why most are either single or gay.. no
children... dead end being white liberal...?
Does he know that there are people watching his show who support trump? He's
disrespecting his audience really! I get it if it was just a few jokes here n there
but it's every single show! How are Americans ok with this? This is dumb n it's
only dividing your nation further?
This is entertainment? This is funny? It's scary that people take this guy
seriously or get their news from him.?
*Stephen Colbert's Show Has Everything To Do With Race
Trump's NFL comments have ZERO to do with race. Is that all the Left have????
Is blame all Rightie's as racists???? This gameplan is getting old. Come on
Leftie's,.... you have to start getting a little more creative on your lying
Sad to hear all of those retarded sheep in the background booing on command.?
So without knocking Trump, you would be UNEMPLOYED.?
Ha ha, love all the comments here. Everyone sees through Colbert's anti trump
rhetoric. If Trump found a cure for cancer Colbert would twist it into a negative
story. As would MSM. The people have had enough of this BS.?
Ok, but where's the part where it proves it has everything due to race??
You guys are pathetic. You can say and do whatever you want but the leader of the
free world can't? Stephen Colbert, not like you want to make anything better.
You're what's wrong with society.?
Yeah, it's racist. That's why he said all that kneeled are sons of bitches. Even
the white guys that kneeled. Because that's how racism works.?
You know, it's pretty racist that you are implying kneeling is a race issue. Saying
only black people get shot. I don't know about anyone else, but I think that's
pretty fucking racist.?
Believe it or not, there is such as not having anything to do with race. The left
can't seem to comprehend that. And that's why Trump's in office and Hollywood's
award shows have record low viewership as well was the worst summer gross in recent
memory. Fuck off Colbert.?
If you're gonna claim black people are treated unfairly by the police, go ahead and
prove it with statistics and fact otherwise shut your mouth.
wow another trump video to get views?
All you can do is call people racist. It's getting old.?
Strange how a few cases of police brutality get all the news. Why not report on an
actual murder case? You know that black people kill more white people a year than
white people kill black people right??

Lo est�pido no es creer o no creer, lo est�pido es estar en alguna de las dos

orillas y creerse superior, como su caso, que por no creer cree que puede llamar
ignorantes a los que creen, osea que ud dentro de la l�gica Sartreana y
Nietzschista es un imb�cil.?
No creo en los enviados divinos ni sociedades que venden salvacion, pero prefiero
no burlarme de las personas que por fe o lo que sea crean, especificamente xq desde
ninguna orilla se puede probar q tienen la verdad, tanto no pueden demostrar la
existencia de Dios tanto como los q no creen no pueden demostrar la inexistencia de
Dios, por eso respeto ambas orillas y estoy dispuesto a debatirles con argumentos
tanto teologicos como nihilistas pero los idiotas como ud me enferman, q sin
miramiento alguno llaman idiotas a los de la otra corriente, eso demuestra
es molesto ver q de entrada sin argumento alguno la gente llame a otra ignorante
por sus ideas?
Este tipo de gente que creen ser due�os de la verdad enferman. Son la muestra mas
clara de la ignorancia que critican.?
Concuerdo en que quien crea tener la verdad absoluta es un idiota. Ciertamente no
se puede afirmar que exista o que no exista, as� como no se puede afirmar que las
hadas existan o no existan, pero creo que hay un lado l�gico m�s probable respecto
a la existencia de las hadas, o de cualquier otra cosa que carezca de evidencia.
Con esto lo que quiero decir es que ambos lados deben respetarse, por m�s rid�cula
que parezca la creencia del otro.?
Si se�or, ese es precisamente el punto, independientemente de lo iverosimil que
pueda parecer una posici�n sus razones tendr� para defenderla, un buen debate
argumentado es posible s�lo cuando hay respeto por las partes, ya lo dem�s es
simplemente la preponderancia de la ignorancia?
Uy uy que inteligente es Santiago Moure uy que agudo uy que valiente, s�lo
cuestiona ( enreda) a la gente desprevenida, buena, inocente uy si que teso?
Creo que el resentido social es quien se desquita con los incautos e inocentes,
haciendo prevalecer su mucha o poca inteligencia y no es capaz de enfrentarse
verdaderamente a la ra�z del problema.?
Yo , por ejemplo, pienso que los borregos son todos aquellos que se quedan en lo de
"irreverente" sin ir al fondo del asunto. Uno puede ser irreverente con cosas que
valgan la pena, con cosas que aporten, con cosas que pesen, pero s�lo con los
inofensivos?? mmmm muy cobarde. A ver, las denuncias a la gente que roba?? a ver
las denuncias a la gente que mata??? a ver las pruebas?? a ver porque no se meten
con los musulmanes que tantas libertades a la mujer y a los homosexuales coartan???
les da miedo... entonces me dedico a tomarle el pelo a los sencillos, a la gente
del com�n, a la gente no muy ilustrada uyyyyy que tesos uyyy?
Mira mi amigo. no soy ni de derecha ni de izquierda, soy amigo de la verdad. Eso de
que los de una orilla son los buenos y los otros son los malos es lo m�s mediocre
del mundo. Noticias de verdad? en serio? La red independiente? no me parece ninguna
diferencia con respecto a RCN o Caracol. mejor dicho, si ves noticias UNO eres un
desinformado m�s, al nivel de los que ven RCN o Caracol, solo que unos son derecha
ylos otros izquierda, iguales!. Con respecto a la s�tira, claro que lo entiendo!!!
ay, pero hacer s�tira barata, con personas desprevenidas, eso lo hace un
comediante, no un humorista.?
la tele aporta a que alguno que otro se r�a de personas humildes y sencillas, ese
es su aporte, o dime si han tocado alguna fibra real. como por ejemplo Jaime Garz�n
20 a�os y los de la Tele siguen siendo la copia de Videomatch... Y ya no pega.
Quiz�s en los 90s estas notas eran �picas. Ahora ya ni chistosas son... Son solo
propaganda Mamerprogre. Como dir�an los dobladores Mexicanos de los Simpsons: -�Que
pas� La Tele? Antes eras Chevere...?
Que pereza ese man toda la vida sufriendo por que le toco ser colombiano ,santiago
No mi viejo,24 a�os atras el man sigue con la misma cosa,bastante jarta por cierto
y todo para ense�ar a actores alos cuales critica y es uno de ellos bahh,greetings
fron london mate take care.?
Santiago Moure que man tan pat�tico, pensador mongolico es lo que es
Por que inventa falacias Colombia no es el 4 pa�s m�s feliz del mundo mediocre
En lo que quedaron estos dos personajes...hasam es mejor que estos dos toda la vida
Calvo hpta
Santiago Moure y su aire de superioridad moral; sin eufemismos, esta entrevista se
hizo con fines burlescos y nada m�s.?
Estos manes ya perdieron la gracia, que payasos
Esto solo es una burla de la realidad del pa�s, no aporta nada realmente. pat�tico
este tipo de contenido. Ojal� este critico tratara de entender a las personas y
ayudarlas en vez de ridiculizarlas en redes sociales.?
por mas que Santiago Moure trate de ser simpatico o chistoso o entretenido o
carismatico, el tipo seguira siendo el mismo gordo bobo sin gracia amigo del otro
Tonto simplon de De Francisco. Por favor que alguien le diga a este calvo que no es
nada chistoso, que es simplemente aburridor!?
Me gustar�a ver a Santiago entrevistando a alguien un poco m�s intelectual y no a
gente desprevenida o drogada, . Cierto que lo que le interesa es darle algo de
humos a su programa y d�rselas de intelectual, cada vez est� peor �l, lastima,
antes era chevere.?
No se por que se las da de pensador e intelectual, siendo otro payaso mas de la
El �nico pecado que no tiene perd�n, es el que se comete en contra del esp�ritu
santo. La risa no lo justifica todo Santiago.?

Colbert is an idiot liberal lunatic moron. Last time he was funny was... never.?

All you gun hater wussies are pathethic.?

You people that think gun control would have stopped this shooting are stupid.
Chicago, toughest gun control laws in the nation, 525 murders this year. STOP WITH
How odd I find it that right after this the dems jumped on gun control.. Fact is I
think the democrats were behind this!!! HILLARY and obama really want to get rid of
our guns. Soros wants our guns!! THEY DON'T want Us protected.. So they have a Man
pull a Lee Harvy OSWALT!!! To shoot up 100s of people so they the democrats can use
it for gun POLITICS!!! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!!!?
So true, people are dying! We should ban wine! Alcohol kills far more people than
guns. stupid piece of left-wing lunatic shit whore........
That's not the guns fault.?
AsGood Gets Ban hearts, 600,000+ Americans die of heart disease every year
Chuck Todd - guns don't kill people.?
People die in car accidents everyday! Ban cars!?
Hateful comments from the left along with an actual shooting of a senator, is what
is killing innocents?
Chuck Todd Yeah, you just want the first step of the path of total gun prohibition.
damn you are a hardcore tough liberal, dont mess with this guy he will take your
rights away cause hes done.?
Chuckold - Not sure how old you think we are?... I'm fairly young myself and raise
my children to have common sense and to hold tight to all their rights afforded by
the Constitution. Aren't all you liberal, anti-religious snowflakes, familiar with
'Darwinism'? The strong survive and the weak perish.?
Gun control is a non-issue.?
I don't hear you screaming for a ban on double cheeseburgers or wine which both
cause more deaths every year than a half decade of guns. How about cell phones...
willing to give up your mobile to make the world a better place? C'mon snowflake,
lead by example here!?
Anthony Pagio If I plow a truck into a crowd of people, was I the one who
killed/harmed them or the truck??
We should ban parents like yours from having stupid children like yourself. You
are far more likely to be killed by a car, bottle of wine, or a cigarette than a
It's not a gun control issue. Don't you idiots think if the man wanted to do this
he would've found a way regardless.?
Ban Antifa not guns !?
hammers kill more people then guns. # banassaulthammers?
"Never let a good Crisis go to waste". -Leftist Credo?
It's lunatics that kill people. They will find a way, whether it be flying planes
into buildings, stabbings, running people over with vehicles, beheadings, drug
overdose, smoking, poor diet, and I can keep going on. We need more extreme vetting
with people. Everyday people do not do commit carnage.?
There is NEVER a time to talk about gun issues. A big shooting happened, committed
by some loon, so what? Not a big deal, it's the price we pay to have the liberty to
own firearms. Don't like it? move to North Korea, Russia, or about anywhere else.?
gun control not needed in usa, just more expansion of gun free zones , so you can
choose to live in a selected zone, with or without a gun?

First off they are not comedians in any sense of the word. To be a comedian you
need to be funny which they are not.They are just talking bobbleheads.?
These comedians are enemies of the people...?
They're promoting further division in this country as per the leftest LIBERAL
agenda. Of course they're enemies. Genius.?
communists are NOT americans

Hey Juan. How many people die in America each year from the following? Medical
malpractice. Alcohol. Tobacco. Vehicle accidents. Suicide. Drug overdoses, and many
other causes of death. More ridiculous gun control laws, restrictions, and
legislation will not work. They haven't worked in the past, they don't work now,
and more gun laws, restrictions, and legislation will not work in the future.
Criminals and terrorists will never comply with the laws that are in place today,
so why do you think they will comply in the future? The government must realize
that it can't fix everything, especially when it's so good at screwing everything
There are no late night comics... only late night Globalist talking cunts hell-bent
on brainwashing the idiotic TV watching public into accepting their own demise.?
I love the mentally ill bullshit. Who defines mentally ill? Depression is a mental
illness ...that means a total gun ban. Liberalism on the other hand is a serious
mental disorder.?
Late night talk shows should be banned from talking about anything that Bills can
be passed on.
So wait, Mr. Williams thinks the "gun" was the criminal. Also, having the ability
to modify a gun, somehow infers criminal intent? People commit crimes, people
commit murder. Guns are not the issue, the loss of morality in our country is the
matter. Life has no meaning anymore. Respect is a lost virtue. Australia has more
rape and knife attacks, so will we now require BGCs on owning kitchen knives? Leave
the 2nd Amendment alone, it is not the cause of these horrid, evil, intentional
attacks by "HUMANS".?
I don't even watch those late night GARBAGE BAGS!!!
I don't really care what anybody thinks might help stop shootings. Until you stop
"journalists" from lying at the NYT or any other liberal rag you can't take away
from our 2dn Amendment.?
They all sound the goddamn same, the late night comics.?
Despite this tragedy, more people are still saved by having guns, every year.
Thousands of stopped home invasions. Thousands of stopped rapes. And despite
people owning guns, tens of thousands of mexicans cross the border every year to
rob and rape and kill Americans, and quickly run back over the border once they've
got what they wanted. So not owning guns would just make it worse. There's a
reason why the border on the US side is almost an empty desert.....because the
mexicans robbed and killed the people who used to live there over the centuries.?
The majority of gun deaths in America are from illegally owned guns.?
I live out in the country. in fact about 100 miles outside of Las Vegas. If
something happens we might get help inside of 2 hours. By that time, they just
clean up the mess. So yeah, we need to be able to protect ourselves?
Did the united states state department do a background check on the moderate rebels
Armed in foreign countries. How they give them fully automatic weapons grenades
shoulder mounted rocket launchers and anti- Aircraft artillery. Just think if just
300 people in that motel were armed this would've been a short gun fight. Psychos
always have a shoot out in the places with the least amount of weapons! Godspeed?
Nothing can be done Juan.. you ban guns they make them with 3-D printers, buy them
from other countries, make their own from wood,... so many ways around it. The
answer is to stop fake news media and their stupid propaganda. Plain and simple!!?
What we need is gun education not regulations. Regulations stop law abiding
citizens from owning guns not criminals. What liberals don't get is criminals don't
follow the law. I fail to understand how they cannot figure this out after all
these years. You can pass all the laws you want and criminals will still break
them. Name 1 law that has stopped a criminal from committing the crime. Name 1
crime that is no longer committed because it is illegal. The only thing a law does
is provide a punishment for the criminal who commits the offense. It never stops
them from committing it in the first place. How is it that these so called educated
people do not know this? Restricting access to law abiding citizens is just stupid.
Sadly there are people that will kill other people. Don't take away our chance to
defend ourselves from them. It just makes no sense.?
You can't control illegal purchases or people who lie about their mental health!!?
Sure glad making drugs illegal reduced drug use... wait, it didn't.?
Too many fraudulent foreigners with phony ID's. Back ground checks are laughable.
Australia hides almost all of their gun deaths every year
Maybe we could stop allowing the left to allow and support and cheer riots. How
about that??
This is nothing more than the lefts aggressive narrative toward anyone who does not
agree with them. All stemming from a lost election and a president that got in
their way. It is sad.?
More gun control until they get your guns. Plain and simple. Its funny how the left
thinks if you ban guns, then we'll have peace. Nooo, criminals and gang members
will still have their guns, take a look at Chicago, they have some of the toughest
gun laws and that place is a war zone?
Official story, total bullshit, pick and choose your evidence to suit the narrative
you want. The media needs to be locked up for their ongoing deception and collusion
against the US population. THE MEDIA ARE SCUM!!! fuck you all! 911, USS Liberty,
name your false flag!?
The shooter was a sick human being, liberals are pretty close to that as well.
They can't even just remember the victims alone but can't help but to push their
political agenda. It's sickening.?

Why don't black people "protest" in front of police stations, their state's capital
building or other government buildings during BUSINESS hours..? NIGGERS listen..
"racist white America" will put a 100% END to police brutality on blacks AS SOON as
"black America" puts a 100% end to BLACK ON BLACK crime. See how we come to a stand
still? Lol can't even fix a problem within their own community so it's time to
blame caucasians. I'm 20 and black from Fort Worth, Texas. I grew up upper middle
class in a good community. My parents grew up poor. I plan on being rich as fuck
thanks to their hard WORK. No "SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION" ever in my life you atrocious
victim minded baboons?
Absolutely love seeing the sheeple flock to the comedians for their daily dose of
brain food. You poor, misled fools. You're being race-baited and manipulated like
lambs led to slaughter. You're just a political pawn and Trevor is being paid well
to keep you blind.?
In many a kingdom it was the jester who spoke truth to power...?
Oh the ballz on this "Souf" African guy bashing the US every night... Git cho half
white ass back to Johannesburg and straighten that shit out before you come here
with your alt-left fuckery.?
Liberals condone any form of protest by anyone, anywhere at any time so long is the
message is to their benefit and liking...what's next...sacraficing babies to make a
political point? oh wait a minute, they already's called abortion.?
Trevor Noah is so much less funny than John Stewart, if you don't think so, than
your a RACIST that eats up all this race bait, and the reason America's weaknesses
are held aloft for the whole world to see. And the weakness is caused by Black
equality/Black Nazi Superiority institutionalized just for a form of reparations
nobody owes you, and is further perpetuated by the Jewish propaganda that is being
cashed in and exploited on most entertainment sources, all for a fat check and a
few million likes, your so dumb if Obama admitted to being a terrorist youd dismiss
it as a joke.?
Did for really compare rosa parks to an NFL player who get paid millions of dollars
to play a game for 2 hours? Every little step that had happened to make blacks and
whites more equal is because of that flag, please protest something worth
protesting. But not the flag that made it so they can go home too their
multimillion dollar houses. I dont think they should be grateful to any one person
cause thats stupid. Unless any one person is attributed to it.?
Idc what freaking race you r! People have died for r country so that you could
throw a pig skin around and make millions of dollars! Yet you can't respect them?
That's not right!?
Myself I agree with standing for the anthem.....then lock arms, then go on the
streets and protest, then go to the news and protest. But stand for the National
anthem. We stand because we're proud to be an American, not because we are proud of
racism. Imho?

Kimmel is surrounded with guys with guns but he wants your gun. Fuck you Kimmel!
We don't want Hollyweirdos opinions. They have great protection!! So quit the
fake crying. I will keep my gun for MY Protection!!!?
Colbert and Kimmel are anti-President Trump Democratic retards with a microphone
and nothing intelligent to say. Why are democrats so Stupid. They keep talking
about making laws to "control" people who ignore laws? Democrats = Idiots.
Left wing celebrities can start by disarming their bodyguards
None of those idiotic, bought-and-paid-for TV "talk show hosts" could hold a candle
to Ben in a debate on any subject.?
Fuck Jimmy Kimmel and the rest of those Hollywood fucks. They live in a ducking
bubble and as someone already said, Jimmy Kimmels security guards carry guns to
protect his. Itch ass but he wants the average American to give up there gun
rights, when he depends on guns for his own safety. That's what Hollywood is full
of, is a whole bunch of hypocrites that live in a fucking bubble.?
The shooter was a registered democrat, so that proves he has a history of mental
i think best gun control we coud do right now is to ban democraps and libtards from
having guns?
Agree with Ben!!! Obama needs to be in prison for life.?
Guns don't kill people: PEOPLE kill people. If there were no guns, the wackos would
just use another weapon/method.?
Jimmy Kimmel the clown and his damn obsession with the Trump family. It's so
Democrats have become the weakest among us. I've never seen this many soft feminine
males. Wimps?
If hollywood cared at all about gun violence they will be talking about the
calamity that has befallen upon in Chicago, where a lot of people (mostly blacks)
are shot killed over drugs.?
Big Ben, a voice of reason amongst the snowflakes and ignoramuses.?
hypothetically? liberals pushing gun control? how about every liberal in America
bring your guns and turn them in. start there.?
Like you said you're not a gun guy, well listen to a gun guy, fully automatic is
less accurate than single fire. Also a guy will run out of ammo much faster with
automatic fire. With a single shot you can kill with one shot, one bullet per
I don't need some multi million worth Hollywood celebrity and politician to teach
me something like that. They live in whitest neighborhood with private security,
they go to everywhere with bodyguards and secret service, meanwhile most people
doesn't have those protections. They need to live like regular people to understand
why we support or against something, they are representing us and serving us the
people, and they need act and talk like it.?
Fuck them , they'll never be able to take our guns , just limit us on the extras
like mods and ammo. Besides a mass murderer can use I.E.D's just as easy and
untraceable . One thing to learn from the " middle east conflict" I.E.D's ! They
may push for your guns using fear and the false belief's that your government will
PROTECT you. After all you can't fight your oppressors with out arms. Haha?
Guns are already part of American history, culture, and laws. We only need to
disarm dangerous or would-be murderers from their guns. There is no need to disarm
innocent gun owners.?
The same group of people who want "gun control," are the ones doing most of the
shootings in the first place. We need to protect ourselves from them. They are on
offense because they are the cause of our problems.
Jimmy Kimmel cries more than a bitch on her period
We don�t need any more gun control! I have an AR-15 with a bump stock and a
Surefire 100 round mag. I would never kill people like that sick man did! Don�t
take away my right to have what I want!?
OH and using LEFTY reasoning what should be legislated is no muzzie can own a
vehicle a knife or a gun and especially no Black using libtards
reasoning they are once again being super racisist?
We're celebs. We're wiser & more empathetic than you. We are famous. Please take
our opinions more seriously. Looking forward to next awards show/lecture.?
If you want Gun Control go to Chicago or Detroit. Move there. I am sure you'll be
The purpose of Kimmel's performance was to impugn, attack, and destroy every single
American who voted for Donald Trump. I believe strongly in the First Amendment, and
I believe he has every right to spew as much nonsense as he likes, but what must be
made abundantly clear is that this man is not an entertainer any more than he is a
'compassionate', 'sensitive' liberal. He is a operative for the left paid to attack
the opposition at every opportunity. Long live Johnny Carson.?
Liberals are always hateful, violent, thugs that point the finger at everyone else
and scream you�re a hateful, violent, thug. To protest we had tea parties and BBQs
while they have thugs smashing windows, cars, and people. Libs are like a
Chihuahua, they bark a lot, have a small bite, and think they are tough. All the
big dog wants to do is live and let live that is until the big dog decides he�s put
up with enough crap from the yippee little Chihuahua. Get out and vote! That is
ONLY way we keep these libs from taking away our rights.?
Hollywood and late night television desperately need more Pro-American and talented
Studio Owners, Producers, Directors, Writers, Actors, Singers and Hosts who can
actually produce and deliver much higher quality and more creative art that is fun,
entertaining, informative and actually delivers moral messages worth listening to
and watching, instead of the immoral, redundant, immature, boring, vulgar, violent,
and evil garbage that has been coming out of Hollywood and late night television
for too many years, or they just need to be replaced or totally go away.
Standing on the sidelines and just continually throwing hateful and racist remarks
will never contribute to solving anything. Using immature vulgar language is the
first indication of a very small mind desperately trying to express large ideas.
The racist Black guy on Saturday Night Live that called the President of the United
States racist and sexually derogatory names (i.e., White �Cracker�, �Bitch�) just
to try and get some cheap laughs (due to a lack of having real talent) on a
nationally broadcasted television show, needs to be fired !!
Hollywood celebrities seem to very upset because they bet on the wrong horse, and
gave and lost 100s of million of dollars to a corrupt political loser like Hillary
Clinton. If some of these Hollywood celebrities want to keep trying to vent and
express their own hate-filled, low-IQ, and racist personal views on national
politics, then they really need to clean-up their vulgar and disrespectful
language, and really try to say something that is intelligent, coherent, and that
could actually be helpful to solving major and very complex national level
How many babies will be murdered today? How many people will be murdered by the
toxic effects of pharmaceutical drugs today? How many people will be murdered by
toxic vaccines today? How many people will be murdered by drunk drivers today? How
many people will be murdered by food poisoning today? How many children will be
know, the more the power structure has power over YOU).?
Notice when the neo nazi guy hit that girl with his car the left rightly blamed the
guy and his ideology instead of blaming the car. But then when someone uses a gun
they blame the gun and not the person. Also the left doesn't care from what I've
seen, I heard one say today, at least the victims were only Trump supporters.
Paddock was a democrat. Guns are not the problem. Democrats with guns are the
Those late night host and liberal Hollywood, CNN And other liberal media. Are
getting Conservative people killed with there hateful Constant 24 seven
propaganda !?
ban a piece of plastic??? lmao!! 3d print my own bumpfire stock. good luck banning
Kimmel and Colbert are the New CANCER on Late Night, infecting the Masses with
their Corrupt Anit-American Agenda ! Kimmel used his own infant son to attack
AMERICA PEOPLE with his false agenda, a multi-millionaire trying to guilt us with
false obama care agenda... Blames Trump and us as Americans, that's it's really our
fault his infant son's health issues should be paid by tax payers, WE should pay
his health costs, when this puke of a human, makes millions of dollars, is worth
over 30 million,,, a True Libtard Leftist, wanting to pic our pockets while he
lives a lavish lifestyle, but so low he used his infant son to attack us....Says
all we need to know about this Cancerous late night talk show host... Despicable
and Deplorable ....?
the liberals are using gun control issue as a distraction they know good and well
that paddock guy was a libtard and he goal was to wipe out as many trump supporters
as he could. FBI is closing in they better find better ways of covering this up
than what their wish obummer made into law to destroy the constitution. Hillary is
the blame for giving these retards the anti gun talking points. They can care less
about the people who died and got injured they see them as hick trump supporters
and that CBS lawyer was just honest about the way all of them feel.?
Bump fire stocks are essentially clown shoes for semiautomatic rifles, they're
range toys. This killer wasn't especially proficient, he didn't have to be, he
only needed to break some plate glass and point in the general direction of over
twenty thousand people packed into a tight space. Blaming bump fire stocks is
quite silly, BLAME THE KILLER. An arbitrary ban on the range toys won't fix
anything. You may as well enact arbitrary bans on so-called "hate speech" while
you're at it. Who gets to decide on definitions? And where does the erosion of
constitutional rights stop??

Killing people is against the law. Adding on gun charges isn�t going to be much of
deterrent. It only makes it harder for law abiding citizens to protect themselves?
It's way too late. There is absolutely nothing you can do about guns now. Criminals
don't obey gun control laws, and there is absolutely no way you can take people's
guns.....too late?
Tourists should have the right to carry arms. 4 Canadians are dead in Las Vegas,
they wouldn't even be able to carry a firearm to protect themselves.?
This is the issue with laws... they only hurt the good guys. Just like locks on
your door only keep out people that wouldn't break it.?
Norway some of the toughest gun laws in the world has the largest single handed
mass shooting in history its not the guns that are the problem its the freaks using
only problem with removen guns is mexico is next door! lets give drug cartel more

President Trump is such an alpha male bad ass. So glad we voted him in!?
President Donald Trump is a great LEADER unlike Obama?

Liberals still can't believe anything but the sounds of their own never ending
tantrums. Collbert is paid to be a liberal monkey and would say anything the
writers wrote. The rest of you pathetic leftist losers hate Trump. Because, as bad
as you think he is. He's waaay better than Killary Rotwieler Clitlips and Buttcrack
Insane Oldbumsass put together would have been. So, super glad to hear how you
continue to piss and moan as he fixes what Obummer the traitor broke. I'd usually
say laughing at your pain never gets old, but no ones likes to listen to babies
crying all day every day.
Propaganda at it's finest right here
Trump Trolled you.. First the lie about him not helping puerto rico, now you say he
is spending too much on aid??
These people have a pathological hatred for their political opponents, and there is
nothing Trump could do that would ever make them happy. There is clearly some void
in their lives to make them such miserable people. It doesn't even make me upset...
I feel more pity for them than anything.?
Hate spreading trash.?
The liberal media is ridiculous?
I love this keep watching, this is how he got elected the first time. You people
still have no clue, love it.?
Does this little sissy ever shut up about trump??
Can you just...not talk about Trump? To be honest, all the late night shows making
the same jokes everytime Trump does something has gotten me burned out on him. Find
other political topics to make fun of, because this got stale a couple months ago.
(just my opinion though)?
You are an idiot and it's time for you to go. Time for new host you suck .?
He also donated 1 million dollars of his own money. What did you donate goof
Puerto Rico is the lazy child on welfare. Americans are to stupid to know the
corruption going on in Puerto Rico.?
Late night talk = lonely awkward people..?
Please bring back David Letterman...Colbert is such an asshole!?
I love seeing Colbert making fun of trump for the past year and it�s always in the
trending section on YT. I remember when this show was actually good.?
Steve turn off the applause sign. No one like you that much. Basically your a hack.
????MAGA???? why are all u libtard leftist such stupid fucking morons....obozo and
hickary are horrible people all around...i never heard nothing bad about Trump till
he ran...all I know is he sure in the fuck isn't a murderous anti-American mussie
ass kisser....?
4 seconds in and I already know what Coberts stance is on the president. It's
getting old dude... come up with better jokes...?
Stupid Fag! It Was A Light Hearted Joke You Fucking Joker! How Stupid Can You
Fucking Be????
how much of a sore fucking loser do you have to be to hate the president for
literally nothing??
maybe we should talk about the things Obama has said that has been rendered as
disrespectful, but let's not talk about that right??
This host spreads division in the United States He is completely untalented?
I cannot believe you pitiful no life suckers are listening to this white clown. He
is coddling to your insecurities and grief that Hillary Clinton sucked and lost the
election. God is good. God bless us all. God bless America and God bless Donald
asking God to smite means you bring the smiting upon yourself. Trump is the best
president we have ever had since I have been alive. You should feel blessed with
such a great president and leader. Washington is full of BS lazy do nothing greedy
people and Trump is sticking it to them and cleaning house. You know Trump is
refusing payment and saving us tax payers much money.?
stupid Stephen Colbert and others. only president after long time works for people
of america and you fucking Marxist left fuck bankers and others including Russia
are worrying for your packet using every media. U.S.A for ever.?
Comedy is one thing, propaganda is another. It�s amazing how American media works.
Many of you never studied this in school I guess. Please Americans, read about, try
to understand and open to the counter perspective. Be open minded. These fake
liberals known as progressives are destroying its own sovereignty, and political
group by being willingly ignorant. At the tip of the spear are the late night talk
hosts. The world is watching.
Liberal antifa scum shot up Las Vegas you traitors have blood on our hands.
Especially you colbert.?
Trump is awesome, I'm glad I voted for him!!?
He has done a great job in my opinion. The relief effort has been quite successful.
God bless?
I just love how this man and the media backing him are dividing your country, among
other shit. Never thought this would be a thing so quickly. Thank you Soros.?
How do i block channels? tired of seeing a so called "comedy show" that uploads
nothing but trump bashing videos?
This is what's dividing the country, leftist liberal lies!!?
Stephen Coldbert is about time you must eliminate your show & audienced. This will
happen or be eliminated by donald Trump?
Shut the fuck up Colbert. The only people who watch your shit are leftist
snowflakes and fucking retards...

Trevor Noah is dumber then a bag of rocks and he tries act intelligent and even
dumber people believe he's intelligent because of their simple lib minds.?
Fake news reporters = fake news. Trump was right. People are being mislead by fake
news from comedians.?
why is another country's late night talk show even important or relevant in America
it just goes to show the true ignorance of you dumb ass f**** liberal basement-
dwellers Snowflake Fairy faggets pussies b**** interracial and pro lgbtq queer
If you don't care for your own people/children and mothers safety because of your
GUN oppession, you have no moral ground on world affairs. As far as I am concerned
you have lost other nations respect.?
If America is so bad then why are these accent having foreign fucks over here then.

Late Night Shit for the coddled snowflakes by the parents of idiots.?
"Liberals" despise America. they despise and hate Trump, he is All-American.?
Early to bed and early to rise keeps late night idiots out of your life.?
How are these talk shows getting ratings when no one�s watching??
The commies knows we know they are hypocrites, thats why they didnt even bother
trying to have a front of trustworthyness regarding Weinstein.
Been this way for many many years... network TV including news media and daytime
and late night talk shows have swung Left and are nothing but propaganda arms of
the Democratic party. With all that media propaganda power they still lost the
election was poetic! Trump won popular vote if you discount all the
millions of illegals and dead people that voted for Hillary and all the other voter
fraud that went on!!!?
FK Jimmy Kimmel and the other Leftist Globalist night talk show host puppets of
hollywood pedofile scum.?
You discriminate against me and hurt me before I said anything bad about you now I
only have the truth to say about you?
Shouldnt they be talking about those (((Shlomo))) rapists. Fucking (((Shlomo)))
worshiping cucks. TRUMP?
We're celebs. We're wiser & more empathetic than you. We are famous. Please take
our opinions more seriously.
I don't watch network television.?
Liberals just pour money everywhere in every country and they can take
over......can't anything be done? Is it truly hopeless? Elsewhere in the world...
it's all the same..... nations are losing their identity to liberal cash......Trump
all the way!!?

Let the UnAmerican dimocrats whine....TRUMP 2020 ...MAGA......?

Finally some owners are standing up for the country and against these black racists
Just walk out and stop supporting these overpaid, ignorant, racist morons.?
How much is Mueller costing the AMERICAN PEOPLE?????
hey GOOD FOR THE COWBOYS!!! get these spoiled multi millionairs in check! Have
they forgotten that they are ONLY the entertainment? Hold them to account and dock
their pay by millions and let's see how strongly they really feel or if they are
just political HACKS!?
They will only respond to the money. Did anyone notice how fast Cam Newton back
pedaled his "female sports reporter situation" as soon as sponsors started pulling
away from him? Owners, players, sponsors take note.?
F*ck the NFL and professional sports. We don't need these dirty bums!!!?
Don't understand why they stood for the flag for years now Trump becomes president
and they take a knee. It is all political. If I want to see politics I will watch
I quit watching it. A LOT of people have quit watching. Ratings prove it. This
is just like Killary supposedly going to win the . . . then the people spoke. No
matter how much the MSM plays this the libtarded way, you can't force people to
buy tickets of NFL branded stuff. NFL is going to lose lots of money over this.
Lets see what they really care about here in a month or two. How many sponsors
have left??
Thank you Mike Pence Vice President of the United States. Godbless America and
Godbless Trump ???? .Thank you for speaking for all Patriots of America and doing
the right thing and letting these feral thugs know We the People won't allow
disrespectful people gain our support or attention.?
Pence shook the trees and he's making all the monkeys very angry and nervous LOL :)
NFL = No Fans Left?
NFL = National Felons League. Stop making these UnPatriotic criminals rich!!!?
It's SO DIFFICULT being an American sports star minority making millions of dollars
nowadays, huh??
The ONLY racists in America today are Blacks.?
So good of Pence to take a stand against the traitors in the land. A great signal
Corker is such a traitor to his country. You do not treat your President with such
disrespect if you are a patriot. What a scumbag.?
Since when does a vice president gets criticize for sticking up for American flag
for people disrespecting it?
The behaviour of these millionaire athletes whose country has given them
everything, is despicable!?
I applaud VP Pence in this case. F the NFL and their racist protests. Americans
are tired of their BS?
NFL is just men playing a kids game ,they should be careful or people will catch on
to that ??

and why the hell are you condemning people trying to get answers? answers that you
yourselves should be trying to get? but are so focused on telling the people it's
just some crazy asshole with a gun? we don't know that nor do the police, so why
are you entitled to say that as a real new station? oh that's right cause fox is
slowly shifting into false flagsville. who's paying you??
Who controls the censors? The DNC? Don't ever censor. Maybe place a small number
to indicate the number of fake news stories by the author in the last 10 years, but
don't ever limit my access to information.?
we don't need anyone to figure out what is true or false, we all know the entire
MSM is corrupt and lies to us including fox...... 9/11? Obama's proven forged birth
certificate? Sandy hook? .....i can go on and speech, no
censorship....this is America, not China you scum bags!?
You're asking for censorship? Stop. Besides, you're ignoring some of your very own
mil intel experts who've been on to say the very same thing. Seems the talking
points for THIS segment were handed to you....we call that propaganda & DISINFO.
Yes, there are DISINFO agents out there sharing fake news to confuse and discredit
the every real news. But we all know you're being fed what to say to go along with
whatever the official narrative is.?
more truth on you tube than the main stream lame stream media. what a bunch of
lies. freedom of speech means no censoring, duhh?
Yes, the only media you can trust is the Israeli owned MSM and Alt-Media. LOL!!!?
We can talk, speculate, report, or gossip online or on front porch... because this
is America.?
Media companys don't tell the truth 24/7..all media companys are obsolete..citizen
journalists have taken your jobs....hahaha...?
So what these guys are saying is we dont want people to spread real news. Because
their fake news is true?
As you can see by your "thumbs down", viewers do not want censorship under any
guise. You should be very proud that you have such intelligent views As always
the maxim is "Buyer beware". Media is pathway of transmission, not content. Those
owning the pathway should have the property-right of stamping out any view, true or
false, that they don't like, or not editing anything at all, or something in
between. But the government should not be in charge of editing anything. I am
amazed that you would even consider such an idea. What's next, trigger warnings
and stuffed animals to hug??
Mainstream media? With news media's outright backing politicians HOW CAN YOU TRUST
THEM TO TELL THE FACTS OR THE TRUTH? Hillary Clinton will win? Trump will never be
President? Like or dislike either they got it wrong and knew the real facts it was
a fear tactic to change voters minds! And talk about mediators covering up or
giving E.Holder gun running to Mexico low priority or never saying illegal gun in
the hands of a known felon? That's not news that is half the story.?
The main stream media is more guilty than Russia when it comes to manipulation of
the news and rigging elections.?
retain a neutral platform? obviously you haven't seen the videos. it's not news
it's people trying to get the bottom of it. the real news isn't saying shit. people
want answers and you guys aren't giving it to us. you ignore our questions and only
put stories out that fit your narrative. we want the goddamn information not
bullshit. we aren't fucking children.?


Outlaw cars & knives too. Take the guns and your crime will go Up! CRIMINALS DON'T
I hate how the late night shows keep calling the Congress and the Senate "leaders"
these people were elected to represent us not lead. They better start representing
us or they won't have jobs long 2018 is coming.?
What a sad set of globalist puppets, let's talk about their security detail and how
guns protect these unfunny creepy, rich, whining babies?
They arent comedians, they are political propagandists, programming people to be
good communists. All I see is hate and bullying and fake cries.
these late night JOKES are a waste of Fresh air. I'm past sick of their BS and I'm
sick of them. I HATE LIBERALS more than Muslims.?
I think its time to put controls on Late Night Comedy shows, these shows should NOT
be political, and this constant bashing of President Trump may play to ANTIFA and
other Progressive Liberals .. but it doesn't play to America, and unlike Carson and
Lenno's programs we turn this off and watch reruns of The Big Bang Theory before
falling asleep.?
liberal democrat Jews for gun confiscation.?
I have a plea also. Could we get some funny comedians again please! These jokers
Hollywood = jewish subversion of America. fact!?
Historically the left has destroyed civilizations .
They are not comics. They are propaganda agents for the Democratic Party. Just like
the mainstream media are not journalists they also are propaganda agents for the
Democratic Party. There is no such thing as a free press anymore and the laws
should reflect that and stop shielding media liars.?

No NFL at my house. Let them rot.

United States President Donald J. Trump! promised to "drain the swamp" and "Make
America Great Again", but he never said it would be easy.?
Every single aspect of the NFL makes me sick to my stomach. We need to absolutely
turn this shit off now. As someone else said they need to send the taxpayer's back
there money. If they don't, we need to quit paying any support to these whiney
jackasses in any form. If you keep supporting this joke of a sport, you are dumber
than a door knob!?
NFL ratings are going down faster than Bill Clinton's pants in an Arkansas trailer
makes me sick. the wealth of these people , yet they still bleed the low income
earners. WTF?
Don't buy NFL gear. Buy MAGA gear instead. Made in the USA, baby!?
I'll never watch the NFL again! Thank you Colin Kaepernick! You got me off the
couch on Sunday! Hey! Look! Baseball Playoffs! That was a close one! Honey! Beer!?
NFL pay back the welfare you received to make players and owners rich, NOW !!!?
Yes. Stop watching. Done with the monkeys.....go Trump?
Thank You, VP Mike Pence, for putting AmericaFirst. I didn't get to see you walk
out live because I'm supporting the NFL Boycott but I absolutely love that you did
Americans need to stop going to football games and supporting all of these
billionaires that disrespect our flag and our Anthem and our country! I barely have
enough money to get me 2/3 of the way through the month BUT I respect the
flag! ?????
The NFL like the NBA have lowered and changed their standards altogether! Once
upon a time you weren't allowed to have a record now almost 50% of players have
been convicted of a felony! They gave up on standards to hire black players and I
find it HILARIOUS that black people are in a perpetual state of victim hood that
THEY actually have the gaul to compare the NFL and the NBA as SLAVE PLANTATIONS!!!
Last I heard SLAVES DIDN'T get paid a PENNY much less MILLIONS a YEAR not including
endorsements BUUUuuuUUUT there they ARE racially unbalanced(70% black but only 8%
of the population) bitching about ??TA-FUCKIN-DA ??SLAVERY?? oh the irony! YES
I'll gleefully be a slave for a cool 20+MILLION a year??
I haven't watched NFL football for 2 weeks now and I didn't miss it. I will vote
down any taxpayer bills to support those unpatriotic players!!
Congrats, Fox news for this whistle blowing post. Its about time the public heard
about the blood suckers these NFL teams/owners are. Disgusting filth, getting rich
off the backs of taxpayers. Exposure is a good thing, and I hope everyone spreads
this all over the internet. I guess the NFL is part of the swamp after all.
Patriots, boycott the NFL. Cancel your cable TV. Use the extra money to spend time
with your kids. MAGA.?

The liberal Dixiecrats are arrogant, elitist, condescending and completely out of
touch with America.
Parasitic politicians is what feeds liberalism.?
I agree with Hillary! We should put politics aside and try Hillary under the
Espionage Act, then if she's not sentenced to death, send her to the middle east
and let them try her for Crimes Again Humanity for selling arms to radical Muslims,
toppling governments, destabilizing the middle east and causing a humanitarian
refugee crisis.?
No, you moronic Democrat. The reason rural voter, don't trust the Democrats is
because the Democrats don't have any policies that will help anyone but Wall St.
the condescension doesn't help, especially when it's on an issue like guns, which
they know nothing about, because we already have universal background checks.?
Gun control = people control. First they take your guns then they take your...?
People do not believe the official narrative (of a lone gun man) because there are
simply too much video evidence indicating multiple gun men in action. Hillary
Clinton jumping on this attack makes her look really bad ...?
Democrats/Liberals have lived in a bubble their whole lives. (Primary school ->
College -> Big Liberal Cities -> Corporate America -> Hollywood) They only
regurgitate whatever the schools, media, politicians or big corporations
propagandize them to believe.?
To say more restrictive gun laws is a common sense approach is the heighth of
ignorance. Over 90% of mass shootings in the US take place in 'gun free' zones.?
Hillary called people that voted for Trump deplorables and she expects us to like
Krystalball made a false statement as soon as she opened her mouth. The US is not,
in terms of the world, the worst nation for mass shootings. When you consider
population, five nations have had more mass shooting deaths than the US. They are:
Norway, Fatal rampage shooting incidents per 1,000,000 from 2009-2013 .19 Rampage
fatalities 2009-2013 per 1,000,000 15.3 Finland, Fatal rampage shooting incidents
per 1,00,000 from 2009-2013 .37 Rampage fatalities 2009-2013 per 1,000,000 1.85
Slovenia .19 and 1.47, each per million of population, Israel, .25 and 1.38,
Switzerland, .25 and .75. US per million of population ,12 and .72. All five
nations listed above the US have much more restrictive gun laws than our nation
That lady said we are the worst at mass shootings are you crazy ! Go to Syria or
Mexico or Brazil this is the BS from liberals people don't like !?
Every couple day in Chicago 50 or so people die,it's not news because it happens
all the time...And if they did not have guns ,they would use other things..Things
are not evil,some people are!?
It is time for action. It's time to eliminate radical liberals. They are more
dangerous to America than North Korea and Iran combined?

CNN is known for giving trash a platform to speak more trash.

Stir that pot CNN and add a little bit of racism for spice?
Why arent you CNN bastards covering the Sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia by
Clintons & the delivery made my Muller. THATS OUTRIGHT HIGH TREASON! OH! THATS
CRIMINALS, LIARS, THEIVES & TRAITORS Obastard & Killery. Still clinging to you
bullshit & denying the TRUTH about your satanic scums. WHAT was I thinking??? Clown
News Network sold their souls long ago. Been lying bastards since your inception.
More contrived bias fake news from a anti Amercian propaganda company not a news
organization Allison is a terrible terrible bias fake news promoter?
Wahaha the fuck, how is she a Congress woman?? She looks like a transgender PIMP
Wilson is a,left wing two bit thug.?
Lol, the general population figured out that this was a set-up. #CNNFakeNews.?
She's a Dirty Grandstander ...... Eavesdropping on Personal Calls?
Most CNN patrons enjoy watching because they enjoy sharing in their communal blind
hatred of the president. However, they are unaware that they could possibly win a
class action lawsuit against CNN for declaring itself as a 'News' media reporting
outlet, while they do not report the unbiased true facts. In fact, they
intentionally shield the facts from their viewers, as exampled by the current
"Black out" of serious crimes and the solid evidence uncovered linking Hillary and
Bill Clinton, Obama, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, and Robert Mueller to a massive
bombshell bigger than Watergate! TREASON!, SEDITION!, LAUNDERING!, BRIBERY! Unless
you prefer to just sit and fume, I suggest you do something. You could start
chanting 'Collusion' again since that is exactly what the aforementioned group is
about to be convicted of with the newly found "EVIDENCE!"
CNN is extremely fake news! Stop with you BS! You floundering buffoons can't face
the reality that Trump is the main man now.?
Drama queen fake news?
This dumb nigger is finished #CNNIsGoingOutOfBusiness?
What rodeo did CNN drag this pathetic windbag from? She is despicable.?
How Democrats manage to elect/vote for lying clowns like this Federica Wilson
MASSIVE COLLUSION! The biggest story to hit the airwaves in decades was announced
two days ago on Fox News and dozens and dozens of alternative media sources...but
instead of reporting this REAL NEWS you focus hours and hours on criticizing the
nuances of a condolence call President Trump made to the widow of a fallen soldier?
REALLY?!?!?!? WAKE UP PEOPLE! Your being deceived and distracted! DO YOUR OWN
Washington Post leaked the video of this call. Makes Congresswoman look terrible.
She lied, imagine that. D stands for Dishonest.?
The Clinton News Network feeding trough to fill the EMPTY mines of delusional
mentally ill liberal drones! Stay asleep, consume, obey, and remain stupid!?
She's a nosey old hag who needs to mind her own business. Shes got her nose in
LOL!!! MAGA ya LIBBIES!!! We know you're FIBBING! FIBBING!!! FIBBING libbies!!! HEE
Fake news featuring a fake bitch with a fake cowboy hat.

Cnn lives in an alternative reality?

Hillary Supporter!!!!?
ok, what does this mayor want? i don`t get it. puerto rico got everything they
asked for. just like texas, just like florida, wtf??
What a cunt?
Hahaha just a couple of liberal cunts!!!!?
This mayor is a militant Hillary supporter, she's just like all the other Trump
basher anti-white good ball. Pictures and video speaks alot louder than her liar
words. She is an ingrate that is corrupt to the bone. Billions of our tax dollars
was given to P.R to help with their infrastructure, crooked politicians pocketed
most of it-- which is why she is projecting her incompetence and corruption towards
Trump fuq you clown.?
TOO LATE! the truth is out about this corrupt mayor.?
Ungrateful bitch
CNN propaganda bad for America. Stop buying sponsors, call them. You robbed money
for so money years. Your poor management of funds left your electrical grid one of
the worst in the world. Now you expect us to rebuild it. NO. Or leave it in the
poor condition it was before. Tell the truth scum!?
Then why is she throwing away the supplies we ahve sent to them? Gasoline for
hospital generators and tons of food/water? Why??
CNN is bias to the alt-left. CNN=Fake News?
Shit hold on folks, we have an important grading of Trump's performance here by a
high integrity news network.?
CNN is extremely fake! Stop sucking off this fraud of a mayor. She doesn't give a
sh*t about the people. She lets the people suffer for her 10 seconds of fame?
Any rational human being can see that this mayor hates Trump. How is her hate
supposed to help the people of San Juan???
Who are you to grade anyone? This liberal crazy person shows how much deluded they
are , they think to be the best, entitled to jugde us low scum?
Be the victim. It's what liberals do. Their need to hate has become stronger than
their need to win. 2018/2020: so much schlonging?
Correct me if I'm wrong. But didn't P.R. vote several years ago to became the 51st
state and they voted it down? That means they don't pay income taxes to the U.S.
Sure we should help with food, water, etc. But not to rebuild P.R. I think CA needs
a lot of help after the fires. Charity begins at home.?
Nasty ........ clinton news network. Go out of business already.?
Carmen Yulin Cruz. Out of the 80+ Mayors in Puerto Rico, you seem to be the only
one complaining (lying)...because of FEMA you couldn't put your hands on cash
The goods were found in the trust she didn't pay the truck drivers she is a HEROINE
addicted drug dealer?
I would like to know how the San Juan people would rate your performance, Carmen
Yulin Cruz?
She belongs on cnn
Why don't you talk about russia? Fake news?
she is one of those type of women that are never greatful or appreciative. nice
commie hat BTW?
She wants a huge donation from the federal government so she can keep 90% of the
money herself. Thats what corrupted democrats do, they screw over the people that
voted for them to get into the spot they are in. Fuck this bitch.?
Puerto Rican people grade San Juan mayor's performance... She get an "A" in
stupidity and politicizing a tragedy, and and "F" in cooperating with FEMA and
creating false narratives. CNN = VERY FAKE NEWS
What is the President supposed to do? Things happen at the speed they can happen.
Puerto Rico was just slammed by one of the worst hurricanes in their history. The
mayor needs to handle stuff on her own, with her peoples help. We can only do so
I hope people are smart enough to see through the political B.S this jerk of a
mayor is spewing. it is a disgrace.?

You can call her out on when she's being hypocritical and not having her story
So it ok too Disrespect the President Of the United States of America?
Don't ever thank welfare apes with phrases like service and duty, because it's
hurtful to their code of laziness.?
Ill call her out. Shes another Kahn. Another opportunist who cant be trusted one
iota. I served in the Navy, did my time, and so you can fuck off
You do not become a Gold Star Wife until notification of death and THEN you pay
yearly dues! She is an unwed Mother prior to the August wedding! Before that she
was a welfare benefactor!?
Saying she doesn't know if her husband is in the casket make her a Dumb libtard!?
So she can just lie and spit this propaganda down our throats and we have to take
it? Absolutely not. I'm sorry what happened to this woman and her great husband but
she blatantly lied to the public to fill the MSM agenda. Its that simple. GO and
watch the actual video footage of the phone call if you don't believe me.?
She can say whatever she wants. It doesnt mean that Trump said ANYTHING negative or
inappropriate. Fuck you libtards.?
Has she no dignity? The media is using her for propaganda,smh.?
So the presidents must memorize every service members name? Give me a break, ashame
tis woman is valuing te spotlght over her husbands memory?
Very strange body language from this woman. Never looks to the side to access her
memory, and only looks straight or up which says she is probably remembering lines.
Doesn't mean she is lying, but looks very questionable for sure.?
Lady, the president can't remember everyone's name. That's ridiculous. The fact he
even called when he didn't have to says enough. Ungrateful you are. I guess he
shouldn't have called and just left you as is. Is that what you want? Sorry about
the pain you're feeling. You're just looking for someone to blame.?
That proves she's lying she knows Wilson who hates Trump it's just one big lie
Trump would not have said that more liberal lies May her husband so rest in peace
any president who would say something like what she said he said should not be
president but until there's proof I'm going to side with president Trump for now?
A normal person wouldn't be able to speak about it... I wonder if her relationship
was genuine. Press should leave her alone.?

No it's scumbag liberals & democrats who use tragedy for political purposes.
Conservatives morn & respect a soldiers passing its called morals & values.?
Thank you Sgt Black and the others for taking the fight to the terrorist,, keeping
them busy there is much better than having them here. thank you for your service
and I will always stand!?
The left doesn't want us in Niger because we're defending Christians from Muslims.
We need to be in Djibouti and Somalia to defend Muslims from Muslims. You can't
make this stuff up.?
It�s also our fault that Christians are killing Muslims in Burma. The left(obama)
wants the US to spill, and spend more American blood, and treasure to save more
Muslims like in Niger.?
Our men are in Africa because ISRAEL WANTS THEM THERE! don't kid yourself thinking
it's anything else O_o?
U.S. troops are in Africa because we�ve depleted our natural resources and we�re in
competition with China et al over the resources on the African continent. That�s
what war is about: geopolitical influence and profit.?

Lindsey Graham is a puppet a fake establishment bitchboy. Never forget. Vote this
traitor out no matter what last minute ass kissing he does. He is a snake.?
I dont like Lindsey Graham, most Republicans can't stand Lindsey Graham. I LOVE
PRESIDENT TRUMP And his Tweeting! Everybody I know, LOVES President Trump AND his
Tweeting! I wouldn't vote for Lindsey Graham!?
Be gone clown....we are taking our country back without you?
Still a worthless RINO faggot.?
Sorry graham we love the tweets. It's one of his only ways to get around the
misrepresentation of the media and tell us what he thinks. And I absolutely love
he's not afraid to push back on the clowns that constantly bash him. I wouldn't be
able to keep my mouth shut either?

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