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Student’s name: _________________________________ Date: ________________Grade______

Plug in – plug out – insert – upload – download – USB cable – copy – paste – USB port
dial – save – type – lock – unlock – select- press – log in – log out – open – close

1. Use the vocabulary above and write three paragraphs on how to use the following technological tools.
 Send an e-mail message
 Copy documents or files in a USB storage
 Download music in your cellphone and save in your computer.

2. Use the future form will or won’t to complete the following sentences, you decide your predictions.

 High technology ___________________________ (have) the greatest effect on people’s lives in the
next fifty years.
 What do you think are the most important changes that _________________________ (take place)
in thirty years’ time?
 Computers __________________________ (understand) our oral commands so we
_____________________________ (not need) to use a keyboard.
 As technology has been developing very rapidly, I think computers __________________________
(take over) our lives.
 When scientists find a way of transmitting our thoughts to other people, we
___________________________(communicate) without talking to each other, we
___________________________(not speak)

3. Write a short WhatsApp conversation between Mia and Michael. Michael asks questions to Mia about
her plans the next week. Look at the next chart to see Mia’s plans.

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