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°° @°O "ae Mathematics TEST I Marks: 40 Time: 60 minutes 1. Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1.1 How many balls are there? 1.2 How many groups of 4 balls are there? 1.3 How many groups of § balls are there? 14 How many groups of 10 balls are there? __... & @ © rears 1200 "am? O*@°a°® 2. Fillin the missing numbers in the sequences. (2) 21 182; 5 154; 15 6;__ 158 2.2 180;____;200;____; 220;__; 240 3. Write the number symbols for the number names. (3) 3.1 one hundred and sixty-four 3.2 one hundred and sixty 3.3. ninety-four 4. Fillin =, > or < to make the statements correct. (3) 4.1 135 125 42 167 ____ 187 43 123 123 5. Break up the numbers into tens and units. (3) Example: 45 = 40 + 5 = 4 tens + 5 units Bl d= 52 735 —_ 53 12= —__ ~2@ 3 @ @ ‘maornoes 1200 6. Halve the numbers. (3) 61 48 62 16 63 21 7. Use the number block to find the answers. a 1 2 3 4 67 | 8 q 10 Wo i213 4 lo | 17 | 18 | Ia | 20 7.1 Add Hand 7___ 7.2 Thenll+7= 8. Solve the word problem. (2) Jaco had 18 marbles in his bag. Jody had 24 marbles. How many more marbles did Jody have than Jaco? Jody had ____ more marbles. q. Look at the rectangle and answer the questions. (3) 4.1 How many pieces is the rectangle divided into? 4.2 What do we call each piece? 4.3. What fraction is coloured in? Cee @°O "Oat pen 781775787125 at 2th

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